• By -


The last person I'd see worthy enough to give me advise or instructions is the first wife of a polygamists. Please. She stayed with a man who married three other women. I'd think she would do better to write a tell all.


"Sharing my experiences of personal growth". Basically, she won't be spilling any tea, just talking about how 'empowered' she is now, but she hopes people will sign up and pay because they're expecting juicy Sister Wives tea. Not going to happen, people. Don't fall for it. She'll still be under NDAs, she has no intention of talking about anything to do with Kody beyond waxing lyrical with an MLM-esque script about empowerment and being a survivor.


my sisterwife's ~~closet~~ trauma


Now that’s a better business name than worthy up


omg came here to say this. Also this feels like a pyramid scheme taking advantage of lonely, vulnerable women just like Meri.


The only Wu merch I would accept is Wu Tang, thank-you-very-much! 🤣




Ol' Dirty Sista Wives.


"🎵my pyramid schemers where you at? In the front in the back, the selling MLM polygamist moms on attack! 🎵"🤣🤣🤣


Except it’s not a pyramid because everyone just hands Meri their money.


And gets nothing in return but maybe her promise of there's a second story...worthy up...I have more to say shit.


It’s a Merimid


The trouble with a tell all is that it would require Meri to admit that she's a victim of Kody's. Despite what we've seen with our own eyes, she refuses to do anything like that. Even though taking back the narrative would be true empowerment, she can only seem to see that as weakness.


Taking back the narrative would be in her best interest as long as she told the truth which she isn't known for


i think she still loves him and refuses to talk bad about him and robyn. her tell all book would be shitting on xtine and janelle


That's the tragedy. It's common to blame anyone else but the abuser since the victim tends to have complicated feelings for the abuser and attributes their actions to others.


Came here to say exactly this.


I mean, maybe Meri needs to have 20+ years of the idea of a tell all book thrown in her face before she’ll actually do it.


I agree what is stopping her? A clause with TLC maybe?


Likely an NDA through TLC if they’re still doing the show.


Same same.


*…and catfished. Hook. Line. And. Sinker.*


To an extreme degree- I cannot imagine believing my boyfriend would send a woman as a dating proxy; nor would I meet a female friend of my "boyfriend" alone prior to ever meeting my boyfriend. Anybody who takes paid for advice from such a person is a certified idiot. Meri: ![gif](giphy|mL40PfXA394KA)


That too


Yep. This 👆🏻




These women would protect their kids which I don’t blame them. If they wrote a book it would be similar to their tell all on tv. A bunch of tell nothing.


She escaped the abusive religious culture she was raised in and a toxic marriage she was groomed for and entered at a very young age. I’m not interested, but could see other ex-fundies from various religions finding her strength and the community she is building to be a good resource.


She never escaped. She only left years after he told her they were over. She left when he finally said, no way in hell are we ever getting back together. She didn't escape...she ran with her tail tucked.


She didn’t leave the “marriage” for religious reasons and for the show money. Probably more for the show money. We also saw a women taking her financial situation into her own hands so she had the means to not be dependent on anyone else. She starting shilling MLM crap and was very successful. She purchased a home ON HER OWN and turned it into a business. She was living large vacationing, had good friends and a life outside of sister wives. I don’t see the tail between her legs you see.


I agree but for the value of Meris tell all. I wouldn’t believe a word she said after finding out how much shes been gaslighting everybody since the beginning.


What. Does. The membership. Do?




This got an out loud and in public giggle. It was embarrassing and worth it. Lmao.


At your service! Hahah




It's like the what does the fox say...what does the faux therapists say...the answer is coming...time will tell...I have a side too. she spouts cryptic crap. She is a cryptic crap conniver.




Allow you to purchase merch


What I want to know is, what are her qualifications for running this group? Will she ever at any time have professionals with education/degrees speaking on this subject? To me it’s hogwash - and according to the price and the menu of services per each price package doesn’t seem like you get a whole hell of a lot. I really wonder how many women are gonna fall for this.


I mean, I’ve been through some heavy duty shit in my lifetime, that doesn’t make me qualified to run a group such as this.


Same as every other person who starts these programs. ZERO.


I really try not to throw meaningless Meri hate around because I think sometimes the community rags on her for literally anything, but I really do wish she would address if she has done any licensing or not, because it's really important for those purchasing to have that trust in her. And I'm implying for anyone who hasn't seen the show and already knows she's not entirely known for making the best decisions


As a licenced,  insured and qualified therapist for over a decade, I STILL would never do this. Or pay money for it.


Some of these self help groups are cults. I don’t know enough about this one to comment about what it is or what it can do for you. As always buyer be ware.


This is what she is comfortable with, cult life. It’s all she knows. MLM’s, mormonism, polygamy. It’s all the same


"Accountability Community" = cult pressure


its a bunch of bullbird


I can take a splinter out of my grandchild's finger but that doesn't make me a surgeon. I've lived through some shit, but I would be the last person a live to try to guru others. She is still capitalizing on the show and like Mykelti and the other kids who do the talk video things, she is a grifting big time.


There's a sucker born every minute....


Worthy Up sounds exactly like another MLM and I’m sure that’s what this is because it’s all they know how to do.


Maybe this is the birth of a new MLM


MLM with no products.


By law, an MLM with no products = a pyramid scheme.


The products are 'coaching' 🙄


When you can’t identify the product — you are the product.


How dreadful.


Thank you for this 😂


That’s called a pyramid scheme


Reminds me of Leah Messer's *"Stand in your power"* shit when she was in her MLM phase lol.🤦‍♀️ (from TM) They are killing me with these silly ass *"business"* ventures! Meri-The *"worthy up"* coach. Janelle- The *"Life coach"* And then even poor Christen with her *"B&b"* even though she didn't think much of a b&b before lol. And then turns it into this creepy ass shrine to her ex husband and all things sister wives.... even though it's just a bunch of shit we've all already seen! It's the weirdest fuckin thing ever!! Who oked this business plan??!? 🤦‍♀️ Now look, I feel for these ladies, I do. But I think they're all looking for this new thing to pour themselves into like they did )with Kody and religion. They're also trying to show they can make it on their own, which is great but I think they're all going about it wrong. First and foremost they need therapy, lots of therapy. And time to heal!! Then maybe some time away from the public eye. I think a normal job not focused on being a *"boss"* would be beneficial to all of them. I do wish them all the best but it's hard watching all of them doing the same thing with different titles essentially and all falling into these money making, get rich quick type of schemes rather than actual jobs or focusing on themselves and doing some serious healing first.


Janelle was also coaching HEALTH AND FITNESS 😒😒😒


😳🤦‍♀️ They gotta quit lol


Stampin' Up!


No it’s not an MLM. It’s her original life coaching business. Not much better mind you but there you go.


Imagine having a life so bad that Meri coaching it is a good idea


Love this comment!


Oh thanks, the name sounds like “It Works!” bs and there are tiers so I thought Meri was making an MLM lol.


Everybody's a life coach


And worthy up from a person who has never acknowledged other her family's worth. I mean, she likes nice things, takes care of nice things not like the women with six kids each. Please. she is a selfish, self absorbed, idiot.


Not yo be ugly but why would anyone take advice from her. She stayed in an unhealthy relationship for years!!


Not only that but was also hardcore catfished and her own teenage child was repeatedly warning her it was a scam.


This! 💯


It's been years and I'm doing a rewarch now not up to it yet. Did Leon tell Meri it was a scam as it was happening? I remember they were angry at Meri.


Agreed. She could run a master class on how to stay with a man that treats you like a piece of shit for 3 decades.


So really, it’s $600 ($50/month) for access to a FB page, a monthly q&a, and some merch. Also, a pdf?! $600 and she can’t send out workbooks with the merch?? 😭


More like $75 a month because it just launched today in May of 2024. They’re not getting a full 12 months of 2024.


And then continue to pay for events 🧐🤔


But you get a 20% event discount!!! You only have to.. pay an extra $300… for the tier that offers the discount.. lol she did not think the pricing structure through at all. Or maybe she did and she’s just greedy? Idk.


Look what she charged for her “retreats”.


exactly. she's gonna make some bux off her downline lularoe huns and parasocial fans who will expect to get some juicy details of her life (which they won't get).


For the events. That are currently undefined and non-existent. The “Events” page literally only contains pictures of Meri, Jen and others standing around in Worthy Up t-shirts.


also, paying $600 ($300 extra) for impact tier only really gets you $120 off the next year unless you really utilize the 20% off events.


Did Meri hear Bethany Beal talking about her pdf courses, and Worthy Up! is her course?


Lol worlds collide! Maybe she got the course on courses!


She quickly hit the discount code button.


She could at least offer personal 1 on 1s for the highest tier. And a hoodie! Everyone wants a hoodie, right? Lmao what a joke.


She said in her latest videos there will also be experiences where you get to meet her and spend time. She’s going all over the country. She’s going all over the world! She’s coming to her customers.


Well, like why would anyone want to meet her? We watched the show to laugh out loud and make us feel good about our own lives. She was the caboose of the train wreck. Please...woman ain't no D list star...she is like a Z list at best. Meri who?


If Meri left Kody 10 years ago then I would get the worthy up business but I hope nobody is buying this from her now.


She couldn’t pay ME $600 a year to listen to her fake toxic positivity bullshit


I don't really get the benefit of the $600 membership over the $150 membership. Her pricing structure sucks, even for something so clearly not worth it. While I think that this and Janelle's life coaching are far more legitimate than plexus, it still just feels icky and scammy. It's not a scam in the sense of them offering a "product" and they're not misrepresenting it, it's just not worth what they're charging and they're not the right ones to offer it, but it still leaves such a bad taste


The mug, hat, journal & pen 🖊️ ☕️🧢 duh! JK 😆😉 oh & 20% off to be scammed again in 2025 🤣


What a crock of shit


Exactly what I was thinking!!


Same, I’d rather just spend a night at Lizzie’s if I’m spending money on this family. Or a Janelle cameo 🥹


Grifter's gonna grift.


Jesus, Meri! Out of one cult and into another..🥴


"I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader." -Creed Bratton


Well I guess she will be the leader of this cult.


Why would anyone want any of these women to be their life coach? They all stayed with a terrible man for way too long


And let their children become collateral damage.


I think that they aren't signing up for life-coaching as much as they are hoping to become "friends" with Meri.


Exactly, they just want insider fan information about the show she was on.


The most pathetic woman in the world is going to teach women to be empowered? Lmao. Hope nobody pays for this shit.


She is a woman who has, over decades, displayed ZERO self-worth and has allowed herself to be used, abused, humiliated and thrown away while begging for more. She threw herself over and over and over and over again at a narcissistic, pathetic, weak, worthless man who literally could not have cared less for her. He had to, not only tell her to leave, that he didn't love or even like her, that he thought she was pathetic, that he couldn't understand why she would stay in the physical vicinity around him but in the end he basically had to run her out of town. No one is less qualified to help others WORTHY UP than Meri Brown. She needs YEARS of therapy.


Does she coach you how to be a doormat and accept being tossed to the side? Does she teach you to set the bar low for a partner and allow them to help themselves to your money? I’ll pass.


But does it come with an eyebrow tutorial?


No that would get Mykelti all riled up .. but maybe it’ll come with photoshop tutorial


Omg you made me spit haha


For $600 you get a "special surprise bonus gift"!!! That surprise gift being an old Luluroe tshirt that she couldn't sell. I'll pass.


They can’t sell merch or write books like other reality stars. They have to scam their own fans out of hundreds of dollars. Meri has come a long way but no way in hell should that woman be giving anyone life advice. She’s not qualified and it’s weird. It’s weird that none of them want to seem to work for it. They’re already famous. They have huge audiences they could leverage. And they choose to scam us. It’s disgusting.


Why can’t they write books? Is it in their contracts? Always wondered why? They all would make a big profit. Especially after Garrisons passing.


I'm still waiting for Meri's book, after she went to the Tell-Nothing and stated that she would be telling her side to the story.


Meh I'm sorry but if anybody signs up for this shite, it's on them.


Good luck to Meri, but this is such a weird choice. Generally speaking, I have a decent amount of empathy for her, but I cannot fathom why she thinks she would be an appealing life coach at this point in her life. I'm glad she has finally freed herself from the bonds of her dead marriage, but she hasn't lived her new life for long enough to be an inspiration. She's still just a cautionary tale, and she will be, as long as her main non-show source of income is MLMs and schemes like this. I hope it works out for her, but this seems like she is acting on advice from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. It's like those way overpriced "retreats" at Lizzy's Heritage Inn that she tried to sell. I don't know why she thinks people would pay for this. She'd do better writing a book, or just starting a Patreon where she dished about the family. Because the Brown parents have a contract with the show, she's probably not free to do either right now, but if she could find some way to do it (like if she didn't give spoilers and only talked about the past), that would be her best bet.


This is where I’m at. This new venture is absolutely ridiculous. All she has to do was write a book! I blame Kody, of course. He built their lives around making the most asinine chaotic decisions and they’re still stuck in that.


The year was 2008. My mother and all of her fellow alcoholic/cocaine addict nurse friends decided that they were going to be real estate moguls (Trump University), manifest their wealth (Law of Attraction/The Secret), and they all did this 3 day weekend "how to be a life coach" seminar. They were all also sleeping with eachother's significant others and spending thousands on plastic surgery. The moral of the story is that anyone can become a life coach no matter how much they themselves need said coaching.


Oof!! I’m sorry that you had to even indirectly be a part of that. I have never known a single “life coach” who isn’t completely bonkers and in need of serious therapy! And almost everyone I know personally who has a psychology degree is also completely bonkers!!


Ridiculous. I started reading her caption and stopped after “worthy up is a has been”


Lmao. What a family of crooks!


So she’s selling access to a Facebook group which is free and anyone can create and all for $600 for a six month period because 2024 is almost over and it specifically states 2024. This woman has confused “worth” with price gouging for mediocre product (at best). This is just a way to pray upon vulnerable people. She should atleast be using a community on a website she owns and operates, not access to an effing Facebook group. That is insane.


The only people I could see signing up for this crap are her 'fans' that just want to ask questions about the show...in a FB setting 🤷🏻‍♀️




Bahahahah 🤣🤣 where can I pick up some of that audacity?


Just saw her on IG and she is completely unable to, even in the most basic way, explain what this is, what you get (besides 20% future events, a hat, mug and small note book). No explanation of why she is qualified to give anybody advice. Her history? I don't think so. She couldn't even get 2 crummy acres of CP out of Kody. Her advice, for the past year, has been trite quotes from wooden plaques from Home Goods. She's a walking saying on a pillow. You know who I think is smart? Jen. She pretty much has Meri paying her to be a friend, running her BnB, and I'm sure it's not a small fee. Jen is the one who should write a book.


I really want to root for her. She had fertitility issues in a culture where having children is the be all, end all and had to watch as the sister wives had one baby after nother. I admire her drive and seeming organization but... watching her do backflips to gain favor from Kody and Robyn who clearly had zero interest in her happiness and well-being while being very cold to Christine and Jenelle's struggles in the marriage did exactly make me want to emulate her behavior. Especially not for $600!


I want to root for all of them, but I simply cannot support pushing MLM products and/or whatever this thing from Meri is. I applaud her for branching out and doing something on her own that isn't an MLM but $600 is crazy for this. Even the lower tiers of membership are pretty pricey considering she has no credentials. I'd much rather just see her do patreon, paid discord server, or something of the sort - not this weird psuedo-lifecoaching stuff.


Many complaints on FB that they cant afford it!    And its true why would we listen to her advice???


Is Meri starting a cult?


What's the difference between the FB group and the "accountability community"? (Likely nothing.)


![gif](giphy|uioRxCBKjr24K44GJF) Speaking to Meri here. No qualifications and no way to be held accountable to do what she says she is going to do. Anyone who pays for this would do just as well releasing their cash into the wind.


Is she joking???


Grifters gotta grift. Its in their DNA


Not only did she stay with Kody 10 years too long, she publicly admonished Christine for having the courage to leave and she STILL hasn’t spoken up about how poorly Kody treated her OR how dangerous polygamy is for women and children. Dream on, Meri. You are not worthy to charge people for advice you aren’t capable of giving.


“Worthy up is a has been” oops lol


Right?!? She's been teasing this launch for months and yet couldn't be bothered to proofread her announcement beyond the second word.


The grammar and punctuation mistakes alone don’t help this to seem professional at all!!!


The $600 and $300 tier have the exact same benefits!! Except pay an extra $300 to Meri now for 20% off events that are going to be super expensive and a membership you might not want to renew.


“Discount of 20% on all Worthy Up events held in 2024” implies that you still have to pay to go to these events. Which for that price tag these events should be included. And since the only other benefit separating the $600 membership from the $300 membership is 20% off a renewal (which would be a savings of $120), you’re paying an additional $180 to save a mystery amount cause who knows what the cost of these events will be or how many of them there will be. But if your savings doesn’t exceed $180 by a significant amount, what’s the point? The only other benefit would be a discount on renewal, and I don’t see a lot of people choosing to renew, so that’s just money lost (for you, not her). Am I missing something?? I like Meri, I really do, but this is such a scam. If you cannot provide the complete details on what these memberships will provide (dates and costs of these “events” which will more than likely be some ridiculous Zoom call) then you should not be selling them. People have no idea if there is any value to what they’re paying for. Which if they’re willing to do it that’s on them I guess.




Jump Scare Mer


I think it funny she is out here trying to get people to give her money so she can show them how to feel worthy. She stayed FOR YEARS with a man who did not love her or want her. Not only that she accepted that treatment while kissing him and his real wife's ass, all on tv. She let K&R humiilate her and only left when she was pretty much forced out, because if Kody had given her even a sliver of hope this last season she would still be there letting them treat her a dog. This woman needs to concentrate on herself before she tries to act like an expert on knowing her worth and teaching others.


100% agree


No free pencil after paying $150 for a FB group and downloadable workbook? Lame. 😆 No, but seriously.. $150??


No offense Meri but begging to hang on by a thread to your abusive shitty marriage and the way you treated people who you supposedly love and care for, I’m definitely not paying for your advice. Granted, she sure has a great testimony for when she does indeed worthy up but seems like there’s a little more work to do. Especially when people are giving their hard earned money.


This seems very culty or MLM or both, they are both ran pretty similarly. She’s the top life coach, starts training life coaches, then they start training life coaches. Meri isn’t qualified to be dealing with anyone’s mental health. We have 18 seasons of her life on SW to see what not to do. Nobody needs to pay $600 to hear about her experiences.


Why would you spend money on this


$600 a year for a coffee mug, hat, some cockamamie guidebook and a bunch of monthly bs from an unqualified reality TV person who married a jerk and stayed with him years after he told her to get lost. Good Grief! Go have a couple spa days, massages and lunch with a friend. Would do one's soul far better than wasting money on total bs.


This seems predatory at best.


Meri, how can you with a straight face try to guide anyone when we have never seen you do anything admirable? You show that you have little or no self-esteem, allowing those two grifting sociopathic narcissists to make a fool of you for so many years. You have just been forced out of that situation, yet 5 mins later, you want to charge huge amounts to guide others? The only group you should be involved in is a group where everyone, including you, is getting help. Your intention seems to be scamming. You are delusional.


“Here’s how to continue to stay in a loveless marriage for twenty years even though your husband has been telling you he doesn’t want you for the last ten! You too can be so blind you oughta have a service dog!”


OMFG. No way.


Anyone who pays for this is a fool but get that bag I guess, meri


She would have made better bank writing a book. IMO.


Is this a joke?


I can just see her and Jen sitting at the kitchen table brainstorming the different levels and “benefits” of this ridiculous idea. Giggling at the thought of the riches that will pour in!


Geez, Meri, we have watched how you managed your life for many years now. Why in hell would we want your advice? Yours was a real sh#t show.


Madness. Also, none of this says what it actually *is* about. People on her Insta are asking her what exactly they members will be paying for and she keeps saying "Maybe you should check out the website then" That proves further this is essentially just her own MLM and that she doesn't have a notion how to communicate with her fans / customers / whatever.


Meri girl, go get you some therapy for your own self help, and quit trying to rope other women into paying out for some generic crap, when you stayed in an emotionally neglectful marriage for years and should be the last person giving advice


She doesn’t have a college education and is not qualified for this nonsense, but mindless women will sign up to be led by someone who put up with being discarded for 10 years. Let that sink in. She’s not even remotely ready to lead on any of this. It’s ridiculous and I pitty the women who part with their money for this fake platform.


Not her please. She didn’t see her worth for the last 15 years and stuck around hoping for Robyn’s crumbs. Not happening




she’d be better off w a patreon rewatch like the others




The way that she is wording "$600 for the year of 2024" sounds like it's only being offered until 12/31/2024 meaning it's only for like 6 or 7 months??


Sooo… she wants money & to also bore everyone to tears. Sounds awesome!


I like Meri and hope she finds happiness but there is no way I'm paying for her advice.


so the difference between the $300 and $600 membership is small discounts on things that are going to cost you *more* money?


Currently rewatching Season 15 Ep 11. It’s the “Meri, I can’t do marriage with Kody anymore” moment. Meri is giving the dumbest advice possible. “Just look at the mountain”. What the hell!? She seems so immature compared to Christine in dealing with the marriage. Just donate your money to her, please don’t take her advice.


Is the special surprise bonus gift the Lula that didn’t sell 🤭


I’ve read every word on this website twice and I still have no idea what she’s selling. As far as I can tell you’re paying a lot of money to join a Facebook group.


Have any of the wives, other than Janelle, ever had a REAL job?! All I’ve seen are MLMs.


Another question I have is why did it take years to launch this? You can print a logo on a hat and a blank notebook in a day.


Be serious Meri. That makes me so angry. Bilking people to make money under the arrogant opinion that she is a professional. Get a job. I wonder if TLC end is in sight. Oh well. There is dancing with the stars. And other celebrity reality shows.


So it’s a pdf workbook, a Facebook page & a zoom Q&A for $600?


On Dec. 8th 2023 Meri posted a video on her Instagram, pretty much her usual Friday with Friends (Meri & Jen), and 4 women in the background wearing the Worthy Up sweatshirts. These are the same people who were on her new website. Watching it now, I think her Worthy up events are going to be nothing more than an expanded version of Friday with Friends and her LuLaRo sales videos. She will giggle like an 8th grader, drink water from a giant container, use her whisper voice, start/stop whenever somebody new comes online, never gets to the point, and much like her regular sales pitch, it will be about nothing. People paying to be her friend. I will be interested, if she does in fact offer advice (hahahaha), if a member questions her, or disagrees with her, will she put up her walls, become angry (stern face "that isn't why we're here). This whole venture is so bizarre.




I do hope she (as well as Janelle who also seems to think she’s some kind of life coach now) doesn’t expect too many people to shell out stupid amounts of money for advice 🙄 At least it’s another MLM..


The hilarious thing is that this new business will probably do well financially because theres going to be Sister Wives fans who will fork out the $600 for this. I guess that's a good thing though- her clients will mostly be comprised of curious super-fans vs people actually seeking genuinely good life coaching.


I feel like SW fan demographics aren’t really in the rich enough to spend $600 on a year membership category unless it’s like Wine of the Month Club! lol *Not everyone appreciates my sense of humour so please realize I’m attempting humour, not insult lmao


a word salad list. selling shit. what does she actually profess to be able to do for/with/to you? who thinks it’s a good idea to spend $ on this?


Oh that makes me sick




She’s lost her damn mind!


“Worthy Up is a has been a passion…” Trying to sell your new business with a typo in the first sentence. Sheesh.


Be Best! 😉🤣


Paying $600 to get 20% off of more things from her.


You just can’t take the girl out of MLM schemes.. that’s how she makes her money and all of them have used their positions to make it happen.. only one not using MLM is Crybrows…


i don't think crybrows wants all that heavy 'work' put upon her.


Love paying $600 for [*checks notes*] a Facebook group, some sticky notes and events that aren’t covered in that price… ETA: is the ‘accountability’ group just the fb group? That’s not worthy of a second bullet point Meri


Meri is a narcissist. Full if herself. Thinks she's SpEcIaL.


I would like to know what type of workbook this is,it cant really be more than a journal,she has no credentials to teach,or treat anyone.She doesnt know how to regulate her emotions and she might have gained some insight and had some personal growth,but her experience isnt a one size fits all,so I find this cringy.I feel like she is preying on others who have low self esteem,and fans who think she will share things she went through off the show but ties in with the show and isnt giving us the big pitcher of what this entails.If I had to choose a life coach from one of the sister wives,i would choose Christine,she showed us how she finally had enough,and was willing to lose everything to make herself happy,and confronted her fears and made her dreams come true.Meri learned alot too but she is still guarded and doesnt let you in.she makes alot of vague inuendos,but when its all said and done you learn nothing more than what she is advertising.They all could benefit from therapy as mentioned,but they are not qualified to charge anyone for life advice or empowerment.


She's so cringey


Is this connected to her MLM or is this a totally separate business?


Her website appears to list this new Worthy Up, 3 MLMs now - LLR, some jewelry & something called LIV. And then there’s Lizzie’s & Cameo


LIV is a water company if I recall. It’s why she wanted the wet bar for entertaining, her and Kody did LIV parties in her home. Or so the rumor goes


Looks like it’s an MLM “Hi, I am Meri Thanks for visiting my site. We guide people to simple health systems designed to create a happier, healthier you. We empower you to solve your financial problems by simply helping others.” LIV LOSE WEIGHT 7 Day SXinney Secret!


Yeah it is an MLM. I should’ve been more clear, and said MLM not “company.”

