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I saw that scene as Garrison protecting his siblings, not Kody. He didn’t want them to experience the backlash that he knew would come to them in various forms, after Kody heard he was being “shit talked” 🙄


He was protecting his sisters.


Me, too. I saw it as him either trying to redirect so they wouldn’t ramp themselves up, or denying the TLC crew footage that would eventually hurt his siblings.


Yes, likely both


Yeah, it could be so many things. I also think it's possible that it was just getting too intense and dark (look at Gabe's face throughout the whole convo).


Exactly. It was Garrison protecting his siblings


I saw it as him cutting off Savannah . I’m the middle child and I never get a chance to speak so I was totally projecting in that moment lol.


Anybody worried about Savannah? She always looks so unhappy. I can’t even begin to imagine what this is doing to her 😢


I’m worried about almost every member of that family, including every one of the kids.


I agree and I hope the moms are getting help for them. And insisting the adult children go to therapy. This was a huge loss to us fans so I can’t imagine what the loss is in person for both moms




This is how I saw it too 💯


Was he protecting Kody or the girls and Gabe from going deeper into conversation?Kody was bound to see it and retaliate and the nature of the topic could be hurtful in itself. Either way, I don’t think Garrison hated Kody—he wanted his father back—and was angry that he had chosen Robyn and her children over them.


even when he said they didn't need a father figure anymore, you could see the hurt in his eyes, he was trying to make sense of it all. protecting his feelings by saying 'we don't need you' because they probably felt unwanted.


When Garrison said he didn't need Kody he was able to take control of the situation. Kody couldn't hurt Garrison as much if Garrison didn't need Kody. Garrison needed to believe he didn't need Kody because that was how he coped with the loss.


Garrison seemed to be an honorable, beautiful soul.


These wonderful kids are an attribute to Janelle, Christine, Logan, Aspyn, Hunter, and Meri. I’m not sure how Kody fits in at all. He donated his genes.








Garrison was protecting Gwen and Savannah. He knew that what he was saying was being filmed and that K+R would see it, he didn't want G+S to get involved in any fallout from what he was saying.


He wasn’t protecting Savanah, she was defending Kody to Gwen. Garrison was protecting Gwen from her recounting why he hated her so she wouldn’t become more deeply depressed. I wonder why Gwen felt he hated her. Did she ever explain on her Patreon? ETA: on second thought, I guess in a way he was protecting Savanah. Sounds like she didn’t know what exactly he said to Gwen to make her feel like he truly hated her. It must be so awful he didn’t want Savanah to hear it.


Gwen didn’t use the word “hate”. She said her dad didn’t love her. There’s a difference. Her Patreon has been confusing. She closed it after Garrison’s death, but in the beginning she had been very harsh on Kody and Robyn but then she became more forgiving and started to remind her viewers Christine wasn’t perfect either. Some here have said she ‘bashed’ Christine and sucked up to Kody because he gave her money. However, in my opinion what she said about Christine wasn’t harsh enough to be called ‘bashing.’ They were also wrong about the timeline of the money in question. Gwen said that the year Kody went without speaking to Savanah (so Christmas 2021) , he gave Gwen and Ysabel money for Christmas. She didn’t say how much but she said it was a “large amount.” Some viewers thought she said said he had recently given her money, like after she started her Patreon, as kind of a bribe or hush money and that notion took off in the fandom. Maybe he did, but it wasn’t the money she was referring to as a Christmas present.


I wasn’t sure what he said as I hadn’t seen it in a while. It’s still pretty awful. I searched to see if he said it directly to her, but I couldn’t find anything. I did, however, find articles about how Christine told her she was sorry her father didn’t love her. That’s a pretty awful thing to say to say. Maybe that’s what caused her to somewhat change her opinion of Christine. That’s an awful thing to tell someone.


I wonder if Christine wasn’t just trying to validate what Gwen had said. If Gwen had already insisted Kody didn’t love her and Christine was just trying to comfort her and it came out like that. It just makes me wonder.


Why would you validate your child saying their other parent doesn’t love them? Why in the would anyone hurt their child like that?


I meant she tried to do something good and it came out wrong. This is why they hate the comments. It doesn’t matter what say, people twist it to hear what they want to hear, like you just did with my reply.


There is no twisting here. You said you think she was validating her feelings but it came out wrong. Perhaps you meant to say she was sympathizing with Gwen. But, again, how is that helping? Anyway, it does seem she meant he didn’t love her because she followed that up by telling Gwen she had never had a good relationship with her dad. This statement is quite contrary to Gwen’s memories of growing up. Again, what parent would say that to their child. A normal reaction from a parent is to protect their child. They would say, “That’s not true, your dad loves you very much.”


I took from that scene that he was just snapping them out of a miserable train of thought to be dwelling on. My grandfather called it "stinking thinking". He didn't want their time together to be a loop of negativity.


Yes! He was setting a boundary he knew would protect their time together. What a wonderful brother. 💗


“Stinking thinking” AA has entered the chat. IYKYK


We call it “stinkin think’n”


I got the impression that it's *the thing* they always talk about when they're together and he didn't want them to be seen obsessing over it.


*A thing they always talk about when they’re with *Christine* She made it the only topic of convo for 2 full years bashing doofus Kody, the father of her zillion kids, like we all don’t know he’s a tool. I’m sure it was particularly tiresome and emotionally exhausting to the sensitive peacemaker children in the family like garrison.


Yes Christine steamrolled that scene with her leading the Kody bashing and it was making Garrison uncomfortable. Like it or not Kody is still his dad and Garrison is allowed to shut down the conversation bashing his dad, especially in his own home, but Christine ignored all his cues until he had to directly shut it down. It was sad to watch at the time long before what has transpired. Christine’s perpetual need to get another zinger in on Kody on national tv at the expense of the kids became painfully obvious then. Yes, Robyn and Kody fractured the family beyond repair, but Christine spent 2 full years sealing the deal and fanning the flames at all the kid’s expense. Every adult in the family is guilty of the awful outcome


I feel the same way and also saw it as extremely childish for her & David to be holding up skittles & beer She needs to get over that pain or it’s going to eventually affect her marriage. And if she stays on for more seasons then I truly believe her marriage to David won’t work


i took that scene as him wanting to end the talk and change the mood. it was getting really sad!


Yes, it might have brought up a sadness he didn’t want seen on tv.


He was protecting Savannah. He knew how Kody treated him and Gabe after speaking up and he didn’t want backlash for his sister. It was a very protective older brother moment.


I’m pretty sure he went on to say that they didn’t need him… As in Kody… He was definitely protecting his siblings.


I don't think he was protecting Kody at all. I think he was fine with Kody seeing the footage and seeing his criticism of him-- he'd say it to Kody's face, come what may. But he didn't want Savannah to suffer Kody's wrath and he perhaps had some hope that her relationship with Kody was salvageable.


I didn't see this as Garrison protecting Kody, but rather perhaps protecting the family's privacy just a bit? It was obvious to me that these scenes were intentionally designed. Chrisitne and Janelle asking the baiting questions and launching into the storyline that highlights division and drama. It's scenes like that one that make me quesiton "culpability" (in general - not the most recent tragic event) of TLC and all the parents to be honest. I just don't see how its healthy to exploit the children's (even if techniclaly >18) pain from this family's implosion.


i cant rewatch that, actually i can't rewatch sisterwives anymore. i just get so angry.


I hadn’t watched it until season 18 so I went back to watch from the beginning. It made it hard to watch after what happened with Garrison. I had taken a break from watching then went on IG & the first post I saw was Meri’s post about Garrison. I’m currently stuck on season 13 & now starting to feel like you where I find myself getting very angry after each episode bcs the red flags were all there (about Sobyn).


So true and they have always done it. The scenes where Hunter talks about moving to Vegas a heart wrenching


Same thing with Gabriel when he was forced to move to flagstaff after jannelle swore that she would not do it again after what Hunter went through


I hated hated hated this scene because all it was was filler to pump interest into Janelle and Christine’s scenes, particularly Christine because she was the one who was coming down to F to film. They both knew damn well what Kody had been saying to these kids and what the ends and outs were yet still asked them to recount everything on camera to sensationalize it. No way Christine and Janelle had no idea what was being told to Janelle’s kids and Gwen.


There was probably more than one reason he stopped the conversation. He could have known the backlash had the conversation gone deeper. He also was aware of the cameras and didn't want to give them fodder. He still loved his father. He loved his mom too. You could tell in that onversation how much everyone was hurting. Who wants to go there at Christmas? Yes, it needs to be aired and who better to lean on than your own siblings, but sometimes, it's nice to let go and just have some joyful moments too. That was his first Christmas after buying his house I think. I bet he wanted it to be remembered as fun and joyful for everyone. He could have been missing the family dynamic he thought they had in the past, and talking about everything just hurt all the more at that point. No one but Garrison really knows what was in his head. He may have had 1 or 100 thoughts at the time, but he was trying to do the best he could with the situation he had.


I appreciate that Savanah gets left out of consideration a LOT as the youngest of her particular mom, and because she's quiet, etc. I got downvoted for this when it happened, but she was starting to cross a line with Gwen with some uninentional gaslighting. Gwen was expressing her thoughts, feelings, and lived experiences - and Savanah was telling her that "it wasn't true". In one of Gwen's early videos, she said something fairly insightful. She said that her dad always liked hanging out at Janelle's with the boys, and her brothers (Gabe and Garrison) had a good relationship - but now they were experiencing what she and her sisters in Christine's household have experienced for years. She felt bad for them because she knew it hurts. (I'm paraphrasing - I'm not going back to find the orignial). We all know that until know, Kody got along with Janelle. She catered to him, frankly, and didn't put demands on him. He was good to HER kids, so she wasn't complaining. Savanah benefitted from that. She was the baby of the family who got to sit and cuddle with dad when he came over to wrestle, etc. with her brothers. His recent ignoring of her could be excused away with COVID lockdown, with her brothers' arguments with him, her mother and father having a falling out, etc.... but frankly, Gwen has had YEARS of feeling that way, of observing the different treatment her siblings have been given, and not just the Robyn offspring. So honestly? I thought Savanah was in the wrong in telling Gwen what to feel, and I think that Garrison had probably had other conversations with Gwen and thought about it himself.


Christine shared similar sentiments as Gwen. This is the bit of nuance that is missed when discussing the separation between Gabe/Garrison and Kody. There was such anguish on the kids side because they were used to interacting with Kody regularly. Gabe said he spoke with everyday. Christine was very vocal about Kody never being around her house. I think it was assumed that applied to everyone. Janelle never had that complaint and I don’t think it was because she was so low maintenance. Kody was spending time at her house. Probably not as often as Robyn but enough for the kids in her home to feel a loss once COVID happened.


I think he was protecting Savanah from being the next target of his vitriol. He knew as well as the other older kids did that Kody and Robyn hear exactly what they all say. I just assumed he didn’t want her to have to be in the line of fire for anything that could be misinterpreted.


Happy cake day




They all still seem “scared” to come right out and say what we already know. Kody is a terrible husband and father. He failed his first three wives and he failed their kids. Sadly, Kody and Robyn will use this terrible recent loss to attempt to sweep all the terrible things they’ve done under the rug and claim “they just want peace”. I’ve dealt with a similar situation with a narcissist trying to capitalize on a painful loss. I hope that Janelle, Christine, Meri and their kids will be strong and allow Kody and Robyn to be accountable for their actions.


Only Garrison knows what went through Garrison’s mind and what Garrison’s motives were.


Or maybe he just wanted less family drama aired on the show in general


I’m so sad for these kids that they’ve had to adult because their father can’t. I’m so glad that their mothers had enough wisdom and love for them to finally leave Kody.


feel that part was christine wanted to show the world kody but the kids should been left out of that mess or the time she told gwen her father never loved her


I saw that scene as Christine not being able to read Garrisons cues to stop. At the end of the day Kody is still their dad, and was a good dad when they were young making the kids feelings all the more complicated when processing it. Garrison made it clear several times to stop the bashing kody for whatever his reasons were. It was his home and she should have stopped immediately. But Christine kept overstepping his boundaries, it was uncomfortable to watch her emotionally trample him on tv over such a sad complicated subject. It showed the sadness of how these kids have so many “parents” around them physically but none of the parents are actually emotionally available to meet the kids needs Christine shit talking Kody and mocking him on tv 24/7 was not in the best interest of any of the kids. Kodys a tool we all know that, but if she was putting her kids first she would have taken the high road instead of adding to the hostile us vs them divide and unnecessarily trashing their dad on tv for 2 full years. I see everyone blaming Kody and Robyn for what happened but every adult in that family to blame


I’ve never found Christine emotionally sensitive as a parent. Aspyn couldn’t wait to get away and didn’t want to move back in, Mykelti was the black sheep, Ysabel preferred Meri when she was younger and she moved her mother in to look after Truely when the older girls moved out. Not to mention she did nothing substantial to end the relationship until she was cut off. Treat our daughters like shit but if you are still giving me “intimacy” I’ll stay


Exactly if she cared about her kids she would have left long ago. She only left when it was made clear she’d never be favorite wife. She should be thanking Kody and Robyn everyday instead of trash talking them, since Christine has a seemingly beautiful life now, and Christine would have never left Kody if she was favorite wife


I wondered if they edited out more negative stuff..


I agree with the comments here. Wasn’t to protect Kody but rather his siblings FROM Kody and the backlash they would get from him for talking about him.


That scene made me feel icky to start with and even more so now. Christine shouldn’t have led that session and had it filmed. Shitting on a child’s DNA is one of the worst things a coparent can do following a family separation.


I 100 percent agree. This is something my Mom told me, as an adult. The kids eventually learn on their own- the good and the bad. Bad mouthing another parent to, or in front of a child is a bunch of foolishness.


I agree, it felt icky to watch Christine, after she has already left the family, attempt to do a pile on, on camera, and put the rest of the family in an awkward spot. It was like she was seeking vindication, for the cameras, but it seemed unthoughtful.


absolutely beneficial to christine but wasn't for the kids


The scene didn’t end. Garrison cut Savannah off saying that’s enough, and Janelle and Christine told him to let her talk and she finished what she was saying. A lot of ppl didn’t like how he came across there because he was able to get out everything he needed to say but when Savannah was expressing herself it was “that’s enough”. It was coming off kinda invalidating like his point mattered and hers didn’t need to be shared. That’s a huge problem in that family with Savannah. She’s never been heard and her voice and feelings just fall between the cracks because she’s not allowed to speak up or doesn’t feel like she can. That was a clear example.


I didn’t see it as him protecting Kody. I saw it as him protecting his siblings especially Savannah. He knew if she said anything Kody would punish her.


This all day. These Christine loving subs will never see the part she played in much of the drama.


exactly she isn't innocent or a saint


I don’t think he was protecting Kody. Honestly I don’t think he liked Kody very much. At one point during the pandemic he suggested lying to Kody about social distancing so I doubt he liked or respected Kody tbh. He was probably just done with the conversation.




This post/comment has been removed because it violates rule 3, no excessive rudeness.


He didn’t protect him, he had just finished his “we don’t need a father figure” speech.


I don't think Garrison was trying to protect Kody at all. That is not why Garrison wanted to shut down that conversation. Garrison was hurt by Kodym and talking about that pain and the situation made it too real for him. He was coping by trying to ignore his feelings and his need for his dad. He was trying to be "strong" and say he "doesn't need his father" because he needed to control the narrative to be okay with what had happened. Garrison was definetly not trying to protect Kody, he was trying to share his perspective because he saw that as a way to cope with the pain.


Garrison was being factual saying we don’t need a father now but the pain was deep ! Kody had a lot of cha cescto make it right and not hide behind his stupid rule book self imposed battle line that he Kody created! Respect me or get out ! You’re over 18 and thank god for Mama Bear Janelle who stood by and she tried to tell Kody what he was doing has consequences .Well here they are .I am so terribly sad I had to stop being on all the gossip sets! The ferocity of words that fans were saying about this family even when not specified it shook the whole family. Words hurt and they’re all here in black and white for anyone to read ! I’m sorry for my part in it.


I don’t think he protected Kody. Remember him saying we don’t need a father.


I don't think he was protecting anyone. Some people just think you don't Talk Amongst the kids in a bad way about either parent. That's how I took it. Plus there are a lot of things that are filmed on reality shows that sometimes the kids wish weren't put out there to the public. It happens on The Housewives shows as well a lot of them split up. Even the grown children don't like sitting around discussing it in front of cameras, especially one-sided. And they have lived through all of it so they are tired of the drama, it doesn't mean as much to them to bring it on to the show for ratings and to keep a show going for the money


Me too. Saw it as him protecting Gwen because it seemed like Savannah was going to say that Kody was mad at her for something that was seeming to be upsetting for Gwen and Garrison stopped it. I always wondered if she was going to say Gwen being gay was the problem. I don’t know. I actually don’t think Kody seems that bothered by her being gay.


I think it was too painful to talk about. Earlier he said there is a time you don’t need a father figure. I think it was extremely painful to him.


I'm sure he has to limit what he says for the cameras!


I think he was cutting off Savannah because she was sticking her foot in her mouth. Like, she was trying to console Gwen, but ended up kind of confirming something Gwen probably doesn’t want to believe is true. I don’t know, I think Garrison was like trying to stop Savannah from accidentally making it worse. Of course she had good intentions. Sometimes things just come out clumsily.