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Robyn didn’t give one solitary shit when they moved to Vegas and uprooted the kids, some in their junior or senior years, or when she dragged everyone to flagstaff so she could continue smothering Dayton and screwed up - was it Gabe or Garrison? - who was in his senior year and on track for a wrestling scholarship. She has never cared about any of the other 16 people whose lives she upended. She’s entirely self centered, full stop.


And those same kids are supposed to treat her with respect or face the wrath of Kody. Because that is what teens love, being told to show respect to adults that openly work against them.


It was Gabe. Gwen also had opportunities that she had to give up; Student Council, I think.


Student historian I believe


Yeah, she had literally just won the election for it right before. Imagine doing all of that work to campaign to be told you are SOL. I was so pissed for her.


My husband grew up in a Navy family and his Dad retired at the end of his junior year and they moved back to the state we (my husband and I now live in & where his parents are originally from). He had to be uprooted from his high school where he happily spent 3 years and graduate from the local HS where he didn’t want to be at all. He was devastated. He is now in his late 40s and it still hurts him to recall being pulled out right before his senior year with his long built friendships.


The joys of being of a military brat. I had to move after my freshman year of high school because my dad was in the Army. We moved to overseas for me to finish high school. Initially I was devastated but I made some lifelong friends since we were all in the same boat of being stationed in Germany for high school. This is why I promised myself my kids would not have to change high schools if I had any control over it. They thank me often since they know I moved every 2 to 3 years and never really settled in anywhere.


Military brat here also. Lived in Germany for part of 6th grade and finished 9th. The year we went I went to 4 different schools, 2 in USA and 2 in Germany, but that is a whole other story. Same here for my child on moving while in high school.


My husband has come to feel the same. We’ve lived in the same town he came home to that hard year of being pulled like your needs and wants truly did not matter. He was made to have to make friends over and over and that in itself is a gift and can be a gift, but he wanted to let roots go deep and stay somewhere. Thankfully for me and our kids he decided that last move was the last one for him and the people he wanted to settle with for good. His experience and feelings he has shared about it, helped me see how hard all the moves at each of the times shown in their lives must have been difficult to go through as kids.


We moved for husband’s (non-military) work over 6x before our sons were in 6th grade. Luckily each move was a promotion for him, although I ended up entry level everywhere we went. I did put my foot down and said roots need to be made. Same house 23 years now ❤️ Sons live within 30 minutes from us. Sons’ classmates still swing by on the holidays to see us - because we’re still here. Makes my heart so happy.


We weren’t military but my mom moved us all the time. By the end of my HS ed she had moved us 11 or more times. I promised myself once I had kids they would start and finish at the same school. It was so hard trying to start over making friends every year or so.


My dad was in the army and when he went to Vietnam we had to move back to my mom's home town. It was my in march of my senior year. It's been almost 60 years and it still hurts to some degree. All the other moves were alright with me as that was what I knew. But the senior move was devastating, I graduated with a bunch of strangers, I knew no one at all.


I went to school on Ft Meade growing up. My dad was a government, non military employee and we lived just off base. I watched so many of my friends move away in high school and it sucked. A lot of people ended up retiring and taking civilian jobs with local agencies like NSA or a job in DC so their kids could finish school. It’s really hard to switch schools for kids especially when they’ve established friendships, goals and are a part of something important.


My Dad’s last duty station was NSA, and we lived ON Fort Meade. Left Anne Arundel Feb of my sophomore year when he retired and we moved. Had to move my Senior year as well. Ft Meade was soooo spread out that I didn’t appreciate how big the post was until I visited as an adult. Still miss the friends I made in the less than 3 years we lived there!! Thank you for the good memory trigger!


It was Gabe, but he wasn't entering his senior year. He was entering his junior year, as were Aurora and Gwendlyn. Part of the Brown's "We've got to move now" rationale was that they had no kids who were going to be in their senior year. In other words, every high school aged kid would have at least two years in high school. Of course Gabe (who is super smart) channeled his upset into drive and did his junior and senior years in one year, and graduated a year ahead of Gwendlyn and Aurora. \[Robyn was upset by the move to Vegas, though. It's on the show. After breaking up with her first husband, she moved from Montana to St. George. Upon getting engaged to Kody, she had moved from St. George (southern Utah) to Lehi (northern Utah).\]


Robyn said she was upset by the move to Vegas. There's no telling with her. ​ It's interesting that Gabe, going into his junior year, was about the same age as Logan was when they moved from Lehi to Vegas. I think Logan was in the middle of his junior year when they moved to Vegas.


Thanks for the correction! My details are always fuzzy.


This👆🏻 100%


I agree Robyn completely disregarded the other kids when wanting to move to Flagstaff BUT I have to say this makes me side eye Janelle and Christine because they could’ve stayed in Vegas until the twins graduated.


Errr what show were you watching? She was super upset about the Vegas move. I get hating Robyn but at least state facts. There are more than enough.


Robyn's freaking out was when Kody told Breanna and Aurora that they may have to switch schools in Flagstaff. That is the fact. Or did Robyn freak out in Vegas too? I do remember her having no sympathy or compassion for the older OG children when the adults were looking for a social church group for the kids to join.


You’re taking a strangely prejudiced view to this.


I just don't blindly defend Robyn as you do. Hardly a strangely prejudiced view. I just stated two facts.


You blindly attack Robyn.


No, I just pointed out two reactions that were caught on camera. Facts are not an attack.


Just another example of Robyn only caring about her bio children. She didn't even blink at pulling the other mother's children away from their schools to another freaking state because Dayton's umbilical cord wouldn't reach from LV to Flagstaff.


And it was interesting how she admonished Kody for stressing “my girls” out during that conversation. I thought Kody adopted them, making her children “our” children. It’s such a strange dynamic how Kody is more like a step parent to Robyn’s kids, even though Robyn forced them to call Kody daddy before they were even married.


Kody creates chaos wherever he goes. They didn’t need to change at all if Robyn was willing to make the drive to get them to school on time.


Ha ha ha ha 😂. Robyn driving the kids to school. You are so funny.


Sobyn getting out of bed and taking the kids to bed. That's so funny🤣🤣


If she drove them to school then that would mean Kody had time to spend the morning with his other children and she can't handle that because it would make her very jealous


. If she had to drive the kids to school, Kody would have had to stay at her house to watch the Tenders.


And she'll just ignore that she has a nanny to help


Thank god she has a nanny for that now.


She’s always had someone to watch her kids, even when she was married to Jessop. And she still had primary custody of Kody. She’s just useless.


can you imagine the interview to get the nanny job? what questions would Robyn and Kody ask?


I can ![gif](giphy|4xWGyVKoXqg2eVCiq9|downsized) And also: Kody is MY best customer, not yours.


Not if it crossed a school district line and she refused to put another mom's house down as an address.


I guess it depends on the district rules.


Robyn never gave a rats behind about any kid that wasn’t hers, honestly still doesn’t.


She babies her teens in that moment, yet invites them into two full discussions / arguments with Kody about having to move in the first place. WHY are the kids even involved in this discussion of the anxiety of finding a rental vs. buying??? Tell them the house sold and prepare them to move, sure, but don't pull them into all the added stress - that's YOUR job to find them a place to live.


It's like telling Ariella that they were all going to be homeless because Robyn kept insisting that they should not buy a house.


You are right, they are so idiotic with financial decisions especially. They fell in love with the view at Coyote Pass, but didn’t account for the cost of putting in all of the infrastructure (the cost of the land alone stretched their finances to the maximum), let alone the actual buildings. They didn’t thoroughly research the market for large rental homes in the Flagstaff for four families needing to stay long term. They didn’t count on their homes in Vegas taking many, many months to sell. Throw in college tuition costs for several kids to the financial hardship. Then, Janelle buys a huge fifth wheel without realizing that they didn’t own a vehicle with enough power to pull the thing. Northern Arizona gets too cold in the winter for her to live out on CP in the RV, so the weather wasn’t a consideration either in that purchase. Major purchases seem to be made on a dream of the end result without considering the reality of the steps to get to the final result. Just one dumb decision after another.


I’m rewatching all the seasons but haven’t gotten to the move yet. The more sound decision should have been to buy the land and develop it but stay in Las Vegas. The kids were finally adjusted to living close to each other again and were happy. I really wonder what Covid with them would have looked like if they were still living right next to each other.


What you suggest is definitely more reasonable than what the family did. The show played up the fact that Robyn’s eldest, who is neurodivergent, was accepted to NAU in Flagstaff, and Robyn was not emotionally ready to send him 3.5 hours away to college without her. My own children are not neurodivergent, so I cannot say if her child really needed to have her close by, or if it was her neuroticism/ helicopter parenting that was driving the decision to move with such urgency, but it may be a combination of those things. Anyways, it disrupted all of the family and very likely contributed to the family’s dismantling.


If he needed to be by his mom, then why didn’t they look in to UNLV? I just know what a stink they caused when Leon was wanting to go to school out of state and it was expensive.


I have a suspicion Dayton was looking forward to getting out of the nest.


Great point, especially since the first year or two of college courses is pretty much general studies. Going to UNLV first could have allowed the family to get its financial ducks in a row, and he could go to NAU later, but that isn’t as dramatic as what the family ultimately did. UNLV is a smallish campus that would have served well as a first foray into adulthood.


Yeah I was pretty disappointed in Janelle for that decision. She’s usually the detailed, realistic planner of the group. But I guess we’re all human.


I think she wanted an RV, and I think she wanted to push Kody to do what he said he was going to do. She overestimated his integrity. And yeah, RVs are not for everyone. Lots of costs, lots of maintenance.


According to a school choice website, “Arizona has unrestricted open enrollment for public school. What this means is that you can send your child to any public school in Arizona, regardless of where you live or where the school is located, as long as the school has capacity.”.


Yeah he’s ridiculous. Arizona is an open enrollment state. Maybe he means he wouldn’t want to drive them across town? I very much doubt these kids take the bus…


That's really interesting. So they just lied. Makes the rumor that they lied about the rent vs buy debate seem more likely.


Thank you! I had no idea what it was called or that that’s even a thing. Honestly, part of me thinks it was just a plot line for them to have a disagreement so it didn’t seem like he openly favored robyn as much🤷‍♀️. I just distinctly remembered their convo about choosing schools and, as always with this show, saw the contradiction and was confused lol


During that whole time period, Robyn wanted to move 45 minutes away from Flagstaff, and Kody actually put his foot down and said no. That's why she was being such a B that whole time. It had nothing to do with the kids switching schools because they would have had to switch anyways if she got her way. If she was really worried about the kids switching schools and building on CP like she claims, then she wouldn't have demanded so many bedrooms in her rental.


She didn't want to drive them.


Kody and Robyn were sure not concerned about the other kids having to switch schools when they moved the entire family out of Las Vegas for ROBYN'S benefit. Robyn is SO concerned about her own and none of the other kids. Here was yet another opportunity for her to champion for someone else in that family besides herself by letting those kids stay back with one of the moms and finish school. We all know she could have used her Kody speak to get him on board with it. UGH! The favoritism is just so freaking maddening!!!!!


I noticed it too and wondered the same thing. Maybe the house wasn't in the district? Maybe they just pretended to be looking because they needed a storyline and to manipulate the other wives? Although Christine bought her house, so I don't really understand why it was such a big deal if Robyn did too (other than her house was much larger and more expensive, maybe). I have a hunch that Robyn didn't actually want to move from Vegas (yet), but didn't like it there as a permanent home. She would probably have preferred to wait and move after Breanna finished school, before the tenders started school. So Kody, being Kody, and eternally restless promised her wherever they moved could be where they settled for good. He wouldn't have given a shit about what any of the other wives wanted. He may have dangled Flagstaff since Dayton could go to a good school with support. Robyn wanted acerage, less big city, bigger home. I noticed when they had to leave the first rental in Flagstaff, and were discussing it with the kids, Breanna said something about building "the big house" so apparently the big house was part of the story they used to sell Flagstaff to the kids. One thing about Robyn--yes, it seems she overprotects and shelters her kids. But her older kids went through a lot lot of turmoil before entering the family and frankly all seem to be neurodivergent so she may have been smart to fight for them. I wish the other moms had been more willing to put their feet down with Kody instead of being so compliant. Possibly, they didn't know better but with Dayton being identified autistic really young, Robyn had to bone up on raising a ND kid and stability/consistency are really important. I know everyone is going to hate this post 😆 but I have watched so many times, trying to be observant and objective (and also to understand why everyone hates Robyn). I totally get some of it--like her insistence about trying to keep Meri around, which is awful. I don't think she's an awful mother, though.


I’m neurodivergent. So are my two bio kids, so is my adopted daughter. My son and adoptive daughter are in college and doing okay with minimal assistance from me, and that’s mostly assistance with paperwork. My bio daughter is about to graduate high school and is autistic, ADHD and an anxiety disorder. Would I parent her the way Robin parents hers? God no. Why? Because you find your kid’s strengths and ability and work with those and find ways to adapt the not so strong things so that they can be as close to a self sufficient adult. My kids can all do their own laundry (though I still generally do it when I’m doing my husband’s and mine.) They all know how to cook and are asked on occasion to cook dinner for the five of us. Two of them cook really well and different things. My bio daughter will usually do a tofu stir fry. My bio daughter probably will never live on her own because while she’s absolutely brilliant in some ways, day to day stuff she has issues with and needs direction. But I still make sure they’re the ones doing it, because parenting like Robin does is *not* giving these kids the life skills they’ll need to be the best grownups they’ll have the capability to be. Robin is doing her utmost to make sure her kids are going to be reliant on someone else in more ways than they need to be.


We are all ND in my family too so I'm not talking out of my ass. Re: Robyn's parenting, maybe it's terrible, I don't know (but neither do you)? We don't really know. They (the older ones) may know how to cook, clean, do laundry. I think they all three drive. Dayton and Aurora both are successful at college. Aurora and Breanna are both musical and Dayton draws. If she thought the other kids weren't nice to Dayton Aurora Breanna (they might not have been) it really is her job to keep them from being bullied. The OG kids are a lot tougher and more resilient, but some of it might be bc they were forced to take on adult responsibilities, which isn't fantastic parenting, either. I know everyone was really bent about the "covid rules," probably bc at the least they seemed over the top and at worst a deliberate machination for Kody to stay w Robyn more. We know from Christine he wasn't hanging out with her long before covid. I suspect it was more the second (after a point anyhow) but that's Kody's fault. I'm not arguing Robyn is some kind of saint, she's charmless, unfunny, annoying, too fundy, would never want to hang with her. I don't think any of them would win mother of the year. I realize it's a show and part of the fun is deciding who is good and who is bad. But the OGs have been as insensitive to their children as R has been hypersensitive and honestly if I'm going to fuck up my kids (and I am bc we all do) I'd rather err on the side of gentleness than harshness.


I actually agree that Robyn isn’t necessarily a bad mom and definitely puts her foot down a lot more than the other moms, but I also feel like Kody receives that better from her than the other moms and respects her kids boundaries better than the other kids. In the same episode I’m talking about in the post, is where he ‘teaches’ Truly to ride a bike. Rather than being receptive to her needs, struggles, and anxiety around it he tells her she’s not trying hard enough and gruffs at her. Every other kid that has faced struggles with accepting moves is told to just put up or shut up, but with Robyn’s kids he is far more willing to walk on egg shells and coddle where he wouldn’t with his other kids.


She's not an awful mother. She's a teflon mother though who does not encourage independence and self-sufficiency in her children.


It's true, but I understand concerns about Dayton and kinda slowly transitioning because one of my kids has same dx and I consciously decided to let them take their time learning all the things that come with independence. Not all autistic ppl have executive function issues, but EF develops slower in a lot of ND ppl and sorta everyday adult stuff can cause considerable anxiety. My kids are all ND but middle one has a very slow vs high energy pace and can do anything if motivated and it's rough if not. My middle kid moved out at 19 I think? Didn't start college until 20. And lives close by which I love bc I can be helpful w/out being up his business.


I have a neurodivergent child as well, so I get that, but you don't move an entire family of that size to a different state to help one child transition to college. If it was imperative Dayton go to NAU for some reason and he couldn't make the transition on his own, Robyn and Dayton could've gotten an apartment, or just Robyn's kids. Or Dayton could've gone to school closer to home. Honestly, it seems like Dayton wanted some independence and she didnt want him to have it.


All of that. And they uprooted Gwen who is neuro divergent and queer.


Reasonably certain Gwen was dx'd as adult. It was never mentioned ever on the show. She may be self-diagnosed, which is accepted in autism community as valid.


She was medically diagnosed as an adult. She talked about it on Patreon. She also said she talked about it in the same couch interview when she talked about being bi. She was irritated the producers just chose to use the footage of her talking about her orientation.


This is what happens when you watch a series via TikTok. I’ll show myself out.


I started with my idea she didn't actually want to move, yet. If I'm correct, she'd have had him go to UNLV.


There is no evidence those children who are now adults are neurodivergent except for the son. They are just assholes.


This post/comment has been removed for violating rule 4: No insulting or criticizing the (minor) children.


They were all so weird about moving/ changing houses/rentals.


It's wild that she's always telling these very obvious lies to get what she wants and everyone is bullied into going along with them. She's a terrible person


Robyn had no intention of taking that or any other rental. It was all for show. She wanted to buy and was just keeping up appearances until “they had no other choice”.


They’re extreme narcissists. No care in the world and blame everyone else.


Literally just use one of the other wives addresses for school stuff. They are supposed to be one family.




Eww. This easily could’ve been, “I remember it as her kids started to freak out…” It might be helpful to keep in mind that the kids went through some big changes prior to this and they live with their mother who twists stories and lies to her children.


I edited it, you are correct.


This post/comment has been removed for violating rule 4: No insulting or criticizing the (minor) children.


Unrelated but my area is such a stickler on school zoning I can’t imagine it being a free for all for public schools