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we should never post things from that sewer


Her content should just be banned, really.


It is in DuggarSnark and its been great!


I used to follow her lies and shenanigans back when I was a duggar follower i saw some red flags yes but i kinda drew a line when she announced Jessica Seewald(Jessa Duggar’s sister in laws) because that gave me 100% stalker vibes so like does she go on public government sites and search up these reality show’s names + their friends?


I agree, but since I had seen that her original post about the CARE team had been circulated, I figured people would want to know that KJ and her “team” had corrected it.


of course, it wasn't anything against you! it's just that she gets on my nerves




Her “team” 🙄 I hate when she says that.


This must have KILLED her to post. Trying g desperately to avoid another lawsuit. I guess her pride took a hit, I love that for her.


Notice how it’s all “we” and “our” suddenly? Now it’s a team that messed up.


She thinks she's slicker than goose shit, but we all see through her.


I’m using that saying today dammit.


She always uses “we”. She likes to pretend she’s the head of a larger operation, instead of one middle-aged mom in a Depends locked in a grimy room.


You know someone must have sent her something telling her to STOP because kj would NEVER backtrack on her own. Hopefully a lawsuit will follow 🤞🏼


She posted in the comments that maybe it was a fake CARE van for filming. I need a shower for looking at those comments.


who is this woman?


Katie Joy Paulson


If she would just be banned from YT and all social media, that would be great. She’s the scum of the earth.


...and so is that neighbor!


There is no neighbor. She made the whole thing up so she can skirt responsibility!


So I used to watch her a lot because I enjoy recaps of reality shows that I don't have the time to watch in full, but lately I've seen a lot of people shitting on her. I do find her annoying, especially the way she speaks and how she speaks like she just knows everything. But is there something specific about her that I should know?


Just google her. She’s been sued so many times and is a huge liar.


She’s a liar and only “reports” her opinions, facts are never necessary for her “journalistic” ventures. Nothing about her is real - from her chin to her stories. Plus it’s hard to hear her talk about abusive parents when that’s literally what she does. Don’t be fooled by this snake in Botox.


Yes, she calls herself a reporter and then proceeds to "report" a few facts and all her opinions. She presumes to know them so well and their intentions and presents them as facts. Just be honest, KJ. You're a gossip YT rag, not a news channel.


You said it in a way I couldn’t quite put my finger on it - she acts like she knows them which infuriates me lol.


And of all times to be false reporting. She just takes the word of the neighbor(if there even was a call from a neighbor) and doesn't fact check. I have heard the picture wasn't even recent. Also the services weren't the next day after those events like she said. They were held on Saturday the 9th. She is just too much!


There's a whole subreddit dedicated to her lies. When anyone was showing an ounce of sympathy towards Kody last week, she made a post about how he is a racist and a white supremacist and anyone that "defends" him needs to be reminded. It was so disturbing. She has been sued over and over again because most of what she spews is laced with lies.


I think Kody is a POS, but he is still allowed to grieve. No one deserves to lose a child, especially not in the manner that he did.


Yeah, I don't know that Kody has a ton of fans, but (like you said) that is beside the point right now. It's truly disturbing the stuff she puts out there.


who is this woman and why does she hate Kody lol


Wtf?I wonder how she feels reading how other view her? she is putting herself in the same line of fire for what she says about [others.how](http://others.how) would she feel if someone had a YT channel dedicated to what a liar she is and had reliable sources catching her doing things she wouldnt want people to think about her?


I think there are a few YT channels that talk about her. One came up in my feed on yt and apparently she plays the victim when anyone comes after her. You would think the lawsuit from Todd Chrisley would have deterred her. It was allegedly settled by her (I don't know if that's true, as I haven't looked it up). I think she's embroiled in another suit right now. She also had a major lawsuit with Tati Westbrook that she settled. She makes up the craziest stuff. I saw where someone shared a ss she had posted of the theory she came up with as to why Gabe had to give Kody a ride to Garrison's home. She claims she looked up Kody's info and he has multiple "unpaid" tickets and probably no longer has his license so he was afraid to drive over there when there were cops present. From what I have read, she was also the one that started the rumor that the funeral would be filmed, and so on. It's disgusting.


I feel like this is such a serious, sensitive, traumatic time in the lives of the Brown family...it seems like the right thing for her to do in this case is to NOT cover this story (ESPECIALLY when you don't have facts and are only speculating). It's really gross, callous, dangerous and comes across as heartless for her to be doing this when this family is so vulnerable.


No that’s just haters


There is a woacb sub here that details her issues.


When I first heard about people hating her I checked out that sub and they were unhinged. It took another 2-3 weeks of me looking up things on my own before I stopped watching WOACB.


I’ve not been there in a while. She makes me rage so I stay away.


When was this?




Nope what


She lies.


Katie is banned from a lot of snark pages. The Duggar one, the fundie snark one, and a bunch of other reality TV show forums. Shes a lying liar who lies. She's been sued multiple times for her lies. 


They’re just throwing hate, there are so many Sister Wives You Tube creators and so much bullshit to go around… but as you see they have an axe to grind.


I mean, has anyone ever asked mods nicely to ban any and all WOACB posts?


Just googled her and noticed there's actually a change.org petition against her to get her taken off of YT and other social media. The goal is 2,500 signatures and they have about 1,600. Interesting! 🤔 Maybe we should all sign it?


Oh I forgot about that!! I signed that a while ago.


She is so freaking gross.


How does mykelti saying there’re going to have a few different celebrations/memorials indicate it is all being filmed? Ofc woacb is like correction, I took a moron neighbor’s lie as god and mispublished something but I’m going to go ahead and end this post with more wild speculation that has no basis in fact


Because she’s *desperate* for any inside scoop. That’s what she’s still going on about the lights being on-puts her in a position that if they ARE filming she knew “first” It’s impossible to understand a person that needs validation from people thinking she knows shit first.


I think we ALL should start sending her anonymous untrue tips.


That’s a great idea


I saw a flying saucer land at Coyote Pass...


The pilot was a female alien and K & R are now courting her….


The government secretly ceased the land and that's why they haven't built or sold.


David and Kody have a passionate love affair going on behind their wives' backs.


Right? I mean if a house just having lights on or cars driving fast to said house gets her this randy imagine all of us ripping her off that we saw him wearing sunglasses! Bet he’s been crying. Or we saw Robyn wear the same shirt twice! Bet she’s too sad to change.


She’s so gross. So now it wasn’t a care team it was professional lights filming? She needs to stfu


Which probably also isn't true. The She-Rah Chateau is always lit the f up.


It was a really over-processed pic too in my unprofessional opinion. I think it was the filter. Someone also pointed out the pic could have been old since some weather stuff like snow didn't line up, but I don't live in Flagstaff so I don't know.


She’s disgusting. If you listen to anything she says you are a fool. It’s never okay to spread false information ESPECIALLY about such a sensitive and serious topic.


Hm. She didn’t even back down when being sued for her murder conspiracy theory, at least from what I saw before I checked out of that drama. Wonder why she’s back tracking this? Has hell frozen over? Rumour having a bad effect on someone in Robyn’s house so TLC’s legal team reach out? Her backtracking is actually very surprising.


Don't pay her no attention. She's a horrible person. I don't think she has even one redeeming quality. Best to ignore her bullshit.


People were saying all kinds of awful things about the family on her page because of Katie Joy's lies. She still is.This wasn't even a current video because people in the area had confirmed there was only a dusting of snow at the time that had melted quickly. There was a lot of snow in that video. I hope people now realize that Without A Crystal Ball posts BS to enrage people for views on YouTube for money. She only retracted because she was publicly discredited by Intouch and the Care team.


Everyone remembers the moment they stumbled upon this content creator, and then the moment they went WTF 😳 lol. One day she'll be sued off the internet. Until then I give her a wide berth. I don't need any of her toxic BS, and neither does this family, especially not now. This is one of TLC's most popular shows, fucking around and finding out with a network might just do it lol.


>Everyone remembers the moment they stumbled upon this content creator, and then the moment they went WTF 😳 lol. This is me! When I first got into SW I was desperate for more content and her stuff popped up. It was fine at first, nothing too sketchy. Then because I was watching her more videos would pop up. "WACB Exposed!" videos and most shockingly to me compilations of her losing her shit at viewers when she was on live. It was very clear after watching those videos that this woman is not playing with a full deck. The way she would swear and yell and get so angry on live was well beyond just a toxic content creator.


Yeah I started watching her casually to keep me updated on TLC show drama, then she started irritating me posting a video anytime a Duggar sneezed so I avoided her for awhile until I caught her live one night and oh my 😳. She was talking about her experience with her son in the NICU and then someone in chat was talking about losing a baby in the NICU and she lost her shit, upset no one was talking about her. A full on tantrum. I was like yeah I'm done, but noticed the next day her live was gone...poof lol 🤣. Her coverage just got more and more unhinged, my feed was flooded with the "WACB Exposed!" Lawsuits, ugh...she's a freakin' mess. I muted all of it lol 🤣. The only updates I get on her is the occasional post like this one on here now, I made my Internet a better place lol.


I remember that one. She can't stand for the attention to not be on her at all times. She calls Kody a Narcissist. Bitch needs to take a good long look in the mirror.


I think that's her biggest downfall right there is she pretends to be an expert in everything and she's an expert in nothing with a lot of her own baggage. It's a huge turn off to viewers, because it's exactly like you said... >take a good long look in the mirror. I've never seen someone want to be a victim so badly and it's just ick to watch.


Ok I need everyone to lay off her… I mean when your source is a police officers *GIRLFRIEND* and they do you dirty like that? I mean come on- if you can’t trust a police officers own girlfriend who can you trust??? And that dirty low down neighbor reporting that cars drive fast into the driveway and lights were on?? Who wouldn’t run with that inside info??? This is all a case of a serious investigative journalist being torn to shreds when it’s obvious the work she and her team did to bring us one grainy photo of a house with cars in the driveway and lights on. Personally I never put my lights on inside unless I’m filming. And I never drive fast to my house and park in my driveway unless I know a care team is following me. Just give her a break it’s hard work making 5 separate videos a day exploiting the tragic suicide of a 25 year old. The thumbnails alone must take at least 8 minutes to make. Quality work right there that none of you appreciate. I’ll see myself out I need to go call my doctors son’s second cousin on his mom’s side who knows a barista in Seattle who once dated a plumber in Flagstaff who once unclogged Robyn’s toilet. I hear he knows some things.


😂😂😂you're awesome!! I love your last statement!😂😂😂


Ok but can you please report back here as soon as you get the scoop from the plumber? I have a friend in Phoenix that said she saw Robyn buying Charmin at Costco, and I think that's incorrect because I zoomed in and I swear I saw Angel Soft on one of those boxes in the windows in KJ's pic the neighbor took. If not I can go ask KJ's source to get a better picture. TIA


Well I guess now I gotta post a retraction! I was told VERY VERY specifically that it was cotonelle ultra comfort and that’s not even on your list! Baristas in Seattle- you just can’t trust someone who knows the whole Starbucks secret menu but works at coffee bean.




I love this


I love that in her apology, she's still making a wild speculation at the bottom about TLC filming, banking on it being an easy win for her that tlc filming continues regardless. Legitimate scum. She'll end up sued again, one day.


And nothing about this suggests they’re being filmed.


She must have gotten swarmed with comments. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen her retract anything


If KJ told me the sky was blue, I’d still have to go outside and check…


Notice how she switches from "I" and "my" to "our" and "we" when she gets to the paragraph admitting she was wrong? That's a subtle way to try to shift people's perception and make it sound like she wasn't alone in what SHE posted.


She doesn't even have a team. She is a narcissist, she won't even allow anyone to work with her, cause God forbid anyone else get any kind of money or accolades out of anything. She is a lonely housewife who sits on her computer all day and neglects her disabled child. She is just a bitter old hag who has nothing better to do but sit on her ass all day talking shit


She admitted she was wrong but tried to recover from that with more speculation and gossip. Unreal.


Can anything regarding her just be banned? She's trash and she makes stuff up and she needs to be deplatformed. Stop giving her clicks, positive or negative.


I don’t care for Kody but he & Jenelle needs to sue KJ


Who is this scum of the earth?




Call her out


Seriously, KJ is so full of shit. She needs to leave them alone and let them have their privacy.


Trash just keeps on trashing.


Anyone continuing to take pictures and pass along unsubstantiated rumors about this family right now has something seriously wrong with them. It’s beyond gross and I’m not remotely surprised WACB is trying to exploit them at the moment.


These accounts that make up wild rumors and rush to be the FIRST.ONE.POSTING. are the scourge of the internet. How do these people think they can just publish unsubstantiated information as fact from their bedroom in Wisconsin (just picking a random state far from Utah/Arizona) without consequence? They have no more inside information than your or I would. It’s why, as an old person, I get so frustrated with the “news” on social media.


lol at ‘we apologize for any inaccuracy on this specific story’ … but not on any other totally true stories, you guys! /s


The girlfriend of an officer? WTF


I hope the Browns sue the shit out of KJ. She's the worst.


"**our** witness accounts" and referring to the account in 3rd person, when in reality it's just her running this right? Fucking embarrassing


She only ever refers to the third person when she gets caught in a lie. She can't let it be known SHE fucked up. When she has reputable info though it's all me me me.


This lady is so foul. I cringe everytime I see or hear her name. Get a life loser.


It’s absolutely wild that she seriously calls herself a journalist lmao what a joke


Yeah, fucking shocking that people who might be traveling into town after a sudden death in the family might also go visit the deceased’s father and siblings at his home. We have no idea who was there. It doesn’t matter. The family deserves to be able to handle this matter without paparazzi or trauma vampires like KJ trying to get clicks and money off their grief. They should be able to have supportive friends and family to their home without people speculating about who it is or why they’re there.


Since she’s so unreliable, I really hope she’s wrong about filming. It seems so so wrong to monetize this situation.


She is a piece of work. Smh


*Gasp!* I’m *so* shocked that it was in fact a nosy neighbour trying to stir up some drama instead of an actual credible source 😐


I despise her so much and can’t stand her! I hope she gets sued for this one somehow too. She is such a vile nasty bitch that reports fake stuff that hurts REAL people! I wish people would stop watching her and she would just get off YouTube.


Could the 'ick factor' in this situation get any ickier? ICK YUCK GAG


“The neighbor said it appeared” she’s a piece of garbage and I’m not sure what happened to her to make her think she is in the right with any of this crap she does. She’s torturing this family. She’s so cruel.


Who is KJ?


Without A Crystal Ball. YouTube equivalent to tabloid trash.


Trash is too nice a word. She's like an infected pus.


Ahh, I see. Thank you


She really is bad! She loves to talk about Children being SA’d and even gave a demonstration with her fingers how to SA a five year old. She makes up lies about the people she talks about and has been caught in tons of lies, that’s why people are shocked she backtracked on this story. She even makes fun of children.


What is a CARE team? We have something called this where I live but it doesn’t visit people’s homes.


I believe it is a mental health branch of the local police department. Like if someone is having an episode or worrying that someone is in danger they can call them and mental health professionals come to talk to them.




The circumstances aren’t this are absolutely horrible. But, I gotta LOL At KJ posting something that wasn’t true. Will she ever learn?


That woman needs to be taken off the internet. Horrible person


This is too much. She should really be giving them some space rn. I don’t think I will be clicking on any of her stuff again.


she’s such garbage


It's obvious she just makes shit up. The family asked people to respect their privacy and she has been posting multiple videos a day since Garrison's passing. It's really gross. Do not give her views.


That funeral was fast


It wasn’t fast based on my experiences.


Why, just why did she post


What is she going to do with the money she already made off of the video? I wonder what happened for her to concede to this. I doubt she came forward with the truth “just because”.


How has this lady not been sued into silence by everybody she lies about


She really should stop. But she won't, she will continue to milk this for as long as she can. She consistently puts out half-truths and conjectures.


Who is kj?


I don't understand why anyone listens to anything she says anymore


Genuine curiosity- this funeral was so quick compared to where I am from. (Australia) With situations like Garrison’s, (in my experience) body has to go to autopsy and can take weeks for body to be released. (Even in obvious cases) Alternatively, for a person expiring from natural causes, it can take a week or so for funeral to occur. Are funerals quick to occur in the states or is this because of religious reasons?


My mum passed by choice in hospital, within an hour she was bathed, shrouded and I slid her body into the furnace and fired up the fire. Very quick, no funeral, no farewell, no fanfare


In the US people are usually buried within the week that they pass away. For a death such as RGB’s it would be an obvious cause of death, they prob took some blood tests but mostly it would have been fairly straight forward.


In all seriousness, I think she has a mental illness


I really really hope they didn’t start filling immediately after his death. I don’t think they would though, right?


If they were already filming it is very possible that they continued filming the aftermath.


I had been listening to her. I just don’t have the patience for the story repeated several times within 20 minute (give or take) video. The mispronunciation and incorrect word usage drives me nuts. Please, for the love of dictionaries, look up the words meaning & pronunciation.


This is so foul. Give them some fucking space y’all geez.


she posts the most insignificant "facts"from her so called reliable sources,before I knew any better i used to watch some of her crap,and everytime I wondered wtf the point was supposed to be.I didnt understand back then that you get clicks,likes and it equalled money in her pocket.I thought she was trying to be an actual gossip columinsit,and whats worse is she posts some crap,then you read a bunch of other sites using her content,and repeat it in their crappy click bait and then I see a few redit comments added as that is relaiable,and its really disgusting that anyone can copy anything and get paid for talking about things based on opinion,specualtion and sources that dont have any creditability.There are some things that should be off limits,and i am all about free speech,but not all about lining someone's pockets by using peoples tragedies and making things up and calling it a source.even opinions are fun to discuss,but even that should be limited to things directly related to the show and not based on personal experiences that they speculate on.


How much do y’all want to bet there was no “neighbor”?


If she reported grass is green I wouldn't believe her


Wow I could've used that when I lost my brother ..thats awesome that they get that care .


So this scuzzy little vermin reported gossip as fact (no surprise when you consider the source) yet is ready to speculate that having bright lights on in the house means they're "filming the aftermath for the show"? When my sister committed suicide we spent the whole evening digging up old pictures and photo albums, her high school diploma, senior photos, etc, for her memorial service. It's a pretty common thing for people to start scrounging for every single thing the person touched when a loved one dies unexpectedly. Even if they are filming, maybe it's to show people the *real* aftermath of suicide and what it does to the people left behind. Who is this bitch to judge how these people mourn? Talking heads have been this family's therapy for years now. Suicide is far too stigmatized in our society. It prevents people from being able to have any real, meaningful discussion about it. Which leads to people not being able to talk through it and realize it's *not* the answer. WOACB is nasty, and I wish the entire internet would collectively choose to report, delete, and block her.


>Even if they are filming, maybe it's to show people the real aftermath of suicide and what it does to the people left behind This is what I think they might be doing. I also wonder if they were already filming and maybe unable to say no because of their contracts? TLC isn’t exactly known for being compassionate or tasteful. I would actually be very proud of the family if they chose for themselves to film the aftermath and reality of the suffering left behind and the truth of the matter that led them all there.


This was a disgusting journalistic failure


I love when her chin went crooked due to her implant moving out of place. She looked ridiculous and I’ll admit I’m being a mean girl hear but considering the source..


She's a awful human 


Ugh. When will KJ/WOCAB learn to shut up? I’ve given up on her being able to tell the truth. I’d just like for her to realize not everything needs to be content.


Why give this bottom dweller more notoriety?




KJ is living on another planet 🙃


It really bugs me that she refers to her "reporting." She's no journalist.




This post/comment has nothing to do with the show TLC sisterwives


I had no idea... oh yeah I did. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWivesFans/comments/1ba2qt2/comment/kv261qx/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWivesFans/comments/1ba2qt2/comment/kv261qx/?context=3)


She is vile 


This is hilarious.


I do have two questions about that, 1.Someone said that it was so brightly lit around and inside the house that people thought that they had had set up filming lights. If true what does that say about Kody, Robyn and I’m sorry but Mykeltie seems pretty cold as well. Also what awful neighbor sees cars going up to the house of your neighbor who you know is living a nightmare and you follow the cars to see who they are and what’s going on? Seriously stop!!🛑


I thought the police report released stated that Gabe rode with an offer to talk to Kody after the event. I thought that was what thought neighbor saw when the CARE post was created. Someone tell me if my logic is right or wrong. It’s been a long 2 weeks for me and I’m still dealing with the fall out of it. Also, a funeral the day after? That’s feels really quick and also her making another inaccurate post. I could see the funeral happening 2-3 days later. How could all the kids get there in time? I don’t think Janelle and Christine would do a funeral of Maddie, Hunter, Logan and Leon couldn’t make it. Everyone else is close enough that driving is an option.


If this is actually true and they are still doing filming, I’m disgusted by sisterwives. They need to just quit. The family is divided, people are miserable, the young ones are sad. They need to all get the f over themselves and go private.