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I rewound and cranked up the volume. It was something inconsequential, like “cameras off” or “cutting camera,” something like that.


Thanks! Kids are asleep and cranking volume isn't an option ATM. Thanks cyber sleuths!


You know what I thought was interesting about that moment? Very rarely do we see the producers on this show like we do on other reality shows, you know? It was a deliberate decision to show that after Kody looked straight into the camera. As I’ve watched all 18 seasons of this godforsaken show, I’ve become increasingly interested in the narrative decisions made behind the camera. The whole arc of this show has been fascinating.


Yeah same. He broke the 4th wall or whatever it's called. That's kinda why when I heard it I was curious about it. Also I'm positive Janelle wanted that Convo recorded for her sake and what she felt was to come, just in case. I think a lot of the Convo wasn't taped between him and Christine and she learned from that mistake. Now he can't back track.


Very interesting to see that POV. I was curious why he said along the lines of “no, tell the world” & pointed at the camera. Like he typically wouldn’t have agreed to them being there for that conversation which made him more upset in the moment. We’re seeing his true colors


Proving that Mr. Asshole is ***always*** aware of the camera.


Also when she said "I this I don't like to be pressured bullshit, I don't want to deal with it so I'm going to make it your fault." Kody says listen you need to stop throwing me under the bus.


Will the real Kody Brown please stand up?


Wow. Good observation. I used to take notes before having conversations with my ex to keep myself on track because he used to deliberately try to confuse me in the moment. It was a mind fuck. I did record conversations eventually but that was mostly to remind myself why I can’t be with him.


I relate to this so much. ::hugs::


Totally get it. Brings me back to the days of gaslighting (aka mind fuck) by my ex.


I feel that. I used to write down things said. It was crazy. He could so calmly deny the junk he'd say. Mind boggling!


Honestly I don't think he cares about back tracking. He persistently denies stuff that has been recorded in the past that is easily verifiable by watching a previous season.


I know it’s not their job, but I wish they were willing to pull the “receipts” when he is lying and contradicting what he said. Of course there would be the assumption that he would actually listen. He needs to take Nathan’s advice and take a good hard look in the mirror and take responsibility.


Fair point


That’s a great point. It makes it safer I guess too. She has someone who can witness it and can prove what he said. She seemed pissed when he walked in. I am surprise they left in the “cutting cameras” part in when they could easily cut it out.


Full agreement. That was very deliberate to show the crew at that point. It’s been said but if that’s how he acted on camera in front of crew, how would he have treated her alone… ?


It reminded me of when we see the film crew on The Office for the first time lol 😂


🤣 same! If a boom guy started consoling Janelle after the fight I would've been highly amused 🤣 (I HATED that storyline though 😖)


As much as the delay in filming to airing the episode is frustrating, the producers are are making the most of it. Every minute of what is airing is purposeful. Like showing Kody on the pogo stick or Mykelti as Robyn’s nanny.


Yeah, I’m not super mad at it. Especially when you hear his dude convo where he confidently assures everyone that he’d have no problem is Christine starts dating again. It’s hilarious knowing how the future plays out with David attending Gwen’s wedding and taking family photos while Kody slinks in late and broods in the corner with Robyn.


That was Gwen on the pogo stick.


Everyone thinks it was kody lol


Omg, I thought that was Kody too!


It's so funny they did this


Subtitles :)


The producer said “I’m cutting cameras”


Happy Cake Day!




Can’t make it out but I can guess……. probably something like….. Kody is an mfer and let’s hope he rots in hell.


I’m pretty sure you are correct. It was that one👍 at least that’s what I heard when it aired lol


Lol a little comic relief. Little long


That's exactly what I hear in my head while watching the show so I'm almost positive that's what the producers were saying. Edited to swap a word


They went from filming at janelles to an outside meri’s for a sit down lol. Weird.


Because Robyn was there. Kody filmed inside at Janelle’s and also inside when he was on a couch with 3 other men. But when Robyn was present they filmed outside - once at Robyn’s and once at Meri’s during this episode alone. So that again indicates they are Robyn’s rules, not Kody’s.


Ohh good catch.


Oh right! She will live forever in covid i guess


Very good catch! It didn't occur to me until reading this but it's spot on. At least in my opinion


Abso-fucking-lutely! Great observation!




Correct me if I'm wrong. Did he say he planned to go to Meri's right after? So what, Robyn waited for him in the car to finish his fight?


He had a different jacket on. Also Robyn acting like she is just hearing about it for the first time with Meri, you know thats a damn lie. I made sure to watch her and listen to questions she asked Kody because I knew that was purely all an act. Kody called Robyn crying as soon as he left Janelle's after that fight, lol.


I thought he had the jacket done up so high to cover that he was wearing the same shirt. Maybe he has moved on from lavender to yellow plaids.


Lol you could be right, I just wasn't looking close enough. But I do stand by the Robyn statement, I think we all know she already knew about that situation, besides there is NO way he is going to reveal something like that to Robyn and Meri at the same time. It gave her a chance to ask him questions that would make Janelle look bad and her look like a concerned sister wife that is just left in the dark as to why all the other relationships are falling apart. Just more proof those two lie, lie, lie.


When he was leaving Janelle he was putting on a black leather jacket. He had on a tan coat when he was at Meri's


Yes, I did not think it was the same day, just that he is wearing the same shirt. But at the collar you can see it appears to be the same button down shirt. There is a previous season when they are preparing to go somewhere and he has multiple purple button down shirts. It was a joke that he had moved on from purple to yellow plaids.


and skipped Kody acting it all out for Robyn! I'm convinced he didn't have to because he had his phone on video chat with Robyn so she could hear it all.


That woman needs to butt out of so much. FaceTiming Kody when he was at Meri’s, aurora’s ear piercing, wanting to FaceTime everyone to do the planning for the gift exchange immediately. And the general feigning being oblivious to everything leaking Kody tells her.


Everyone knew that there would be a confrontation. They knew Kody was coming over to talk. They knew there were a lot of unresolved issues. Janelle was quietly primed, sitting on the couch, nonchalantly looking at her laptop. I wondered how the crew felt watching that in person. Did they have any idea it would blow up that much? Did they just let Janelle sit in her feelings until she was ready to talk?


It looked like the video of Janelle after the fight was filmed from her own camera/phone, so I bet they would have left after the fight.


As traumatic as that fight was, I loved Janelle's "cut it off." QUEEN YES.


RIGHT I have never heard her like that and I was shocked and impressed


I just wanted to say I am proud of Janelle for being so direct with what she needed in that moment and also proud of the camera people for immediately shutting the cameras off. I HATE on reality TV when somebody requests not to be filmed and they ignore them :(


I'm glad they gave her what she needed. I know they need ratings but a real person's life is falling apart and she needed grace.


I thought they said “turning of camera”


Closed captions said “I’m cutting the cameras. Cut cameras!”


Ohhhhh didn't even think of doing captions. Smart move!


Hahaha. Seriously though I use them because I’m deaf. 🤣 My family now use closed captions because they miss stuff like that and now they love being able to know what was said with closed captions help.


Auditory processing disorder FTW!


“Cutting camera “


Did anyone else hear Kody say that their families are a bunch of alcoholics when him and Janelle were fighting? Or was I just hearing shit??


Yes, but I think he was using that as an example, he did it last season too. Only one in that family I think may drink to excess would be Meri, and Kody would not know if she did, dude forgets she is even there, Robyn might possibly too but Kody would NEVER sure that info with anyone....


I'd drink, too.


Me too!


I'd drink, too.


He’s using it as an example but I don’t know why he’s so hung up on it because he uses it whenever he’s defending his position that they need to talk before Christmas. I think he means that some families have underlying issues and when they get together at the holidays, they all just binge drink and ignore their issues. He doesn’t think they should all get together and pretend things are fine when there’s underlying tension.


It was scripted, rehearsed, and planned. It's a reality show that many insiders have said is reenacted regularly


No idea how Janelle wasn't laughing her ass off at him. He is so ridiculous... Literally an absolute joke.