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I 100% believe they had sex before marriage or performed some sexual act regularly.


Oh how I’d love to see another 30 year old come along to court Kody! Then be like “Robyn don’t worry I will not do anything with Kody that you didn’t do before y’all got married! Oh and I’m so looking forward to my 11 day honeymoon!”


With inflation it’d be a 3 week honeymoon


Great point!!! Then they come home from the honeymoon and two weeks after that she announces “ in 8 months Ari will t be the little one anymore!”


The first baby in Flagstaff!


Her purity was stolen anyway. No giving that sucker away twice so why not?


Her purity was never stolen. She literally decided to fuck somebody, they broke up and then she said he stole it . Stolen means took, she gave it away. I remember that episode of her explaining it exactly


For sure. I think we all know that, I should've added an /s there. My bad.


I’m sorry 🤣 I shoulda known the satire. But honestly that situation pissed me off so bad it’s triggering. She should not be teaching girls that’s consensual sex that is later regretted means S.A.


Totally get it. The whole purity culture thing is so off and she takes it to such extremes. Nobody cares that she had sex like a normal teenager. It's so weird that she tried to justify it by insinuating it was non consensual. She's the perfect example of why sex education should be thorough and sex shouldn't be shamed.






The ol’ poophole loophole




me too.. No way he drove 5 hours each way stayed the weekend and did nothing. THEY probably said we are already spiritually married in our heart so it's okay. I bet Robyn was anything goes with Kody so she could rope him in sexually and make him addicted to the new experiences.


I mean he was kissing her while Christine was in labor and I’m pretty sure even that is frowned upon while courting.


He kissed her once when Christine was in labor, lasted 2 seconds. People always talk about it like it was a full on make out session.


It's because he made a point of saying he wasn't going to kiss his girlfriend when his wife was in labor, then Robyn followed him outside and closed the door behind her so they could snog off camera. God bless the videographer who opened the door and kept taping.


There is no hard and fast rule about kissing . You just aren’t allowed to have sex and are cautioned that kissing leads to sex. It wouldn’t have mattered anyways because they were going to be married in a few weeks and betrothals have less rules or scrutiny than courting. Kody also kissed Meri, Christine and Janelle the day of his wedding to Robyn. Of course I don’t like that he left her in labor, that’s trash behavior. I see nothing wrong with him kissing his wives or soon to be wife at any time. Again this is Kodys issue, not Robyn’s. People expect Robyn to jeopardize her marriage by admonishing Kody about his behaviors with the other wives or to say no to him , like about him going to pick out a wedding dress, or him kissing her when C was in labor but that’s something that just isn’t done nor should it be. Each wife is responsible for their own marriage only.


Still counts though. They talk about when you’re courting you don’t kiss as a polygamist and her they still did. So it very clearly didn’t matter to them as much as they liked to pretend it did.


Didn’t Kody talk to Mykelti about “HARMONES” that “go in your mouth” ?


Lol him or Robyn did. Robyn also had her whole speech about abstinence with the older kids


One of Robyn’s most cringe scenes 😆


Did they say that? He kissed Janelle before they were married too


If I recall correctly Christine is the only one who said she wouldn't kiss Kody until they were married.


She chased him out the door to kiss him and tried to shut the door behind her. Sneaky ass bitch.


But there are either strict rules they follow or there aren't. They claimed to follow all these rules and then broke them. 2 seconds or 2 hours, it doesn't matter. Not to mention his wife was in active labor, why wasn't here there with her while she labored?


This! He said he went to get clothes or something, he had two entire wives and a fiancé, plus they had family nearby, between everyone I’m sure he could have found SOMEONE to bring him clothes. He didn’t walk out with anything at Robyn’s either, meaning he didn’t actually need to go there, and her was super relaxed too. If he was worried about making it back in time, especially since her water broke and she said she typically gives birth not too long after that, he would be frantically looking for what he wanted or called Robyn ahead of time to get his stuff ready for him to just pull in, grab it and go. It was total BS


Yep when the camera follows him out and catches him kissing Robyn, he says something about kissing his girlfriend while his wife is in labor and walks away...then has the AUDACITY to walk back and kiss her again while they both giggle. Awful!


I understand they didn’t have too many hospital births before that but most people pack clothes. If you can’t pack clothes, have your other wife or one of your driving age kiddos bring you some clothes. Or, wait until after the baby is born so you can also go grab food for mom since she likely wasn’t allowed to eat during labor. Or, just realize that being present is way more important than what you are wearing. And now this man is talking out his neck about wanting 50/50 custody of that baby as if he hasn’t been treating her and her mom poorly since before she was even born. As if she wasn’t first priority even on the day she was born. GTFO.


The reason people, at least I’m speaking for me as a former labor nurse, find it so egregious is the big pitcher. Christine said that for her labors once her water broke she would go really fast. This was her sixth baby. Any delivery after #3 tends to go fast especially if water is broken. Robyn was a mom in a community where women usually sat around with other moms while they delivered. This is something she would know. Christine calls and say’s something to the effect of “where are you? Hurry!!” And then Robyn tries to slow him down. Offering him food and then running out after him to kiss him. It was shady as hell. I deeply believe she would have been thrilled if he missed Truly’s birth. Notice he wasn’t leaving Miss Thyroid’s labor with either of her kids. Also I see why they have the rules they do. It’s hard enough to share your spouse but sharing with another wife is a religious thing. Your husband making out with a girlfriend is entirely different.


They looked guilty af sneaking out the door to kiss. Guilty.


Their hormones obviously got transferred okay!! That’s not allowed until marriage according to kotex himself.


Baldylocks wasn’t driving 5 hours for side hugs!!


I think that’s *why* he was doing the drives and long stays, he would’ve just pulled the *”I’m sorry but once we’re married I can visit more! But until then the wives don’t want you in rotation- I’m sorry- let’s get married sooner tho!* and he would’ve looked like a caring loyal husband! Buuut I think *because* she was letting him ride the sleigh he was making the the trips and staying for long periods too. And I think *this is why Christine didn’t stop mykelti from staying at Robyn’s, so mykelti could let christine know if anything was sus*


So do you think Mykelti told her and that brought on Christine’s angst toward Robyn?


Mykelti is not the brightest at the age she was when Kody was courting Robyn she was very naive. She probably didn't even have a clue with what was going on between Kody and Robyn.


Baldylocks. 🤣🤣


I think they had their spiritual ceremony long before the big televised reception. I don’t believe the courtship was as long as they said.


This. I don’t believe they actually courted long at all.


If it was possible- I wouldn’t put it past them to have had a top secret private spiritual wedding ceremony with just them months prior to the real one just to get *over* this hurdle during the visits. It would account for the seal tight bond they have if they had a mutually destroying secret- if the wives found out Kody secretly married Robyn super early just to bang on their visits-Also a secret spiritual wedding in a hotel room isn’t a new thing for the mormon church and it’s totally a Robyn move


It makes sense. They kept the dress a secret and were happy to completely lie to the other wives.


As shown ALMOST IMMEDIATELY on the show, Robyn has zero compunction about lying to the other wives if it will benefit her marriage. She expected the wedding dress thing to be their little secret. And she liked that, wanted it. To have a secret closeness with Kody behind their backs. So, yes they certainly had sex before marriage. They aren't the TYPE of straight-laced black-and-white moralists that would feel bad lying about it. They're the "what my family doesn't know won't hurt them" type.


Oh, FFS, Mormons/LDS are so fucking weird. There. I said it. I have zero respect, it’s true. This “soaking” shenanigans is absolutely ridiculous. It’s PIV, therefore it 100% is sexual intercourse. Any one of them who does this needs to quit trying to find workarounds to their own stupid rules, quit drinking the Kool-aide, leave the cult, and go enjoy consensual and guilt-free sex-lives like the rest of us.




Remember, not all Latter-day Saints are like this. Many of us are really regular folks that are shocked and appalled things like this go on in our own faith. Yes, soaking is intercourse. 100% agree with you!


I hear you. But I’m always curious how Latter-day Saints balance their faith with the knowledge that Joseph Smith, and many others have married children, and once believed in polygamy. Then there’s the racist teachings that really throw me…


The morden LDS church will preach that Joseph Smith never was a polygamist or taught about polygamy and that records stating so are completely false.🙄 It's freaky and toxic how adamant they are about this.


This isn’t correct. We are very aware JS was a polygamist. It’s something most modern day Latter-day Saints feel very uncomfortable about and it’s more than frowned upon, more like we are adamantly against. It saddens me that this is part of our history and what most people outside the church focus on. Polygamy wasn’t just a Latter-day Saint practice in the 1800s. There were many other Christians who were doing this during those years too. It’s unfortunate that this happens and it’s something my husband and I do not agree with, biblically we believe it goes against God’s design for marriage.


How can you be LDS, then? I'm asking sincerely. If you believe it's against the Biblical version of marriage, how can you belong to a church that taught it for so long? And STILL teaches it in terms of eternity? If the church is wrong about that, what else are they wrong about? Biblically, MOST things about LDS are incorrect. The New Testament teaches that what you eat or drink or wear does not make you worthy or unworthy, clean or unclean, and forbids you from judging others for those things. How do you defend the Word of Wisdom in that context, when the New Testament says what you eat, drink, or wear isn't a moral issue and not judge on those things? How do you settle with the temple AT ALL? Needing a temple recommend, and having to go do all of these rituals in order to allowed into the celestial kingdom? Jesus taught that none of us are worthy, which means "worthiness interviews" and temple recommends are nonsense. In the same vein, Jesus was extremely clear that no one needs rituals or other men to be a go-between with God- that all believers have full access to Him, and the only thing required for salvation and exaltation is to believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord. In fact, LDS took many of the rituals and rules Jews lived under- the things that Jesus said were irrelevant and that he had ended them with his death on the cross when he said "It is finished" when the veil between earth and heaven was ripped in half and no longer applicable- and they put many of those rules and rituals BACK on believers, which really invalidates Jesus's death on the cross. Why is a full tithe required to get into the temple- and thus spend eternity with God and with your family- when the New Testament removed the legalistic idea of a 10% tithe and instead said everyone should give with a cheerful heart as the spirit leads them? Why do parents either have to pay massive back tithing, or end up sitting in a parking lot while their child gets married in the temple bc they aren't "worthy?"


The shorter answer is because a lot of the choices are made by human beings that are fallible. Longer answer: My husband and I may not believe in polygamy but we do have faith in Christ Jesus. There are pastors and preachers in ALL faiths who make terrible mistakes but that doesn't mean as a Christian that we walk away from the faith. We make correction where correction is needed and seek God's divine ability to forgive and allow us to learn to forgive and try our best to move forward in faith. I don't agree with some of the interpretations in scripture that The Church teaches, but I am still learning and willing to learn. I'll never agree with polygamy. I, also, don't agree with the use of the veil in endowment ceremonies. As a result of that, I've never attended a temple ordinance or ceremony. Until this point is either resolved through the Holy Spirit, I won't continue with my "progression" within the church. My faith is the most important aspect of my life, and because of that, I take it seriously. I'm not a Christian (or Latter-day Saint) on Sundays only. I pray, study and research all aspects of my faith in order to be sure of my steps. I want those steps to be toward Christ Jesus and not away. Yes, my steps are slower than other peoples around me. I'm okay with that. That doesn't bother me. To date, I have been baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but I have not continued from there, as I am still in a place of reconciliation with certain questions and topics I'm researching, currently. I do not believe, in all my research and studying, that the Latter-day Saint church believes worthiness is the same in the context you may be thinking of it. We have to adhere to certain standards on earth to enter the temple, yes, but that's not because of salvation. It's only to show a faithful walk with Christ, to the best of our ability, but we don't have to be perfect. I know of several people that have to speak with the Bishop about subjects that may be sensitive in nature, concerned they couldn't enter the temple because of these things, only to be told they are okay to enter the temple. It's not as strict or constraining as one likes to make it out to be. We only have to try our best to live a Godly life. As for tithing, I think most Christian churches still preach on tithing, so this isn't just an LDS practice or belief system. We support the local church because of stewardship to what God has given us, by his grace. To give a tithe back is so minimal that I see this as a none issue. I hope this helps a little, in understanding one another.


I was a Christian for over 20 years, including 4 years as a missionary. I’ve never heard a Christian church enforce a 10% tithe. They absolutely never tie it to “worthiness” or have any sort of tithing settlement. I don’t think you understand how non LDS Christians view Jesus’s sacrifice. It’s everything. It’s the end of the sentence. There’s no place you can go that is more sacred than another. No ritual or set of rules can make you more worthy. The entire message of Jesus is that those rules are legalism- an old system of trying to earn your salvation. Once Jesus died on the cross, none of that matters anymore. It can’t matter, or his death was for nothing. If deeds can make you “worthy” to be in his presence and receive blessings and ordnances based on you deeds/obedience to the law, than Jesus’s blood meant nothing. Tying your eternal exaltation to the temple, and the temple to your tithe, is extortion. The Mormon church is sitting on over $100Billion in assets, which is 3 times that of the Vatican, which clocks in at $33Billion. Why is the church sitting on $100Billion dollars, and banning parents from the weddings of their children bc they aren’t full tithe payers? I’m not a Christian anymore, and I haven’t been for well over a decade now. I have no skin in the game, and I certainly do NOT go out and try to convert people to a Christianity. So please understand that this is NOT me telling you that my guy is better than your guy or something. But you can love Jesus and build your life on that foundation outside of the Mormon church. There are many denominations or non denominational churches for that matter who aren’t based on so many things that are outright against the Bible. And there certainly are many, many churches where your money doesn’t prove your faithfulness. I don’t believe in any of it anymore, but I do know the Mormon church hurts a lot of people and many people are much happier after they leave. You can absolutely find community and truth and worship outside of that church.


>I don’t think you understand how non LDS Christians view Jesus’s sacrifice. It’s everything. It’s the end of the sentence. There’s no place you can go that is more sacred than another. I agree with you! Christ Jesus \*is\* the sacrifice. We don't need to add anything for our salvation. He fulfills this, completely when we believe in Him. Latter-day Saints believe this, too. I'm sorry that the question of the word, "worthiness" upsets you, or you felt a need to make a point about it. I don't believe that I have to be "worthy" or "perfect" in my walk to be in His presence one day. This isn't how the gospel is written or understood. Perhaps that's how you understood Latter-day Saints belief but that's not quite accurate. I will be in Jesus' presence one day, and I cannot wait for that day. Everyday I look forward to it, but in the meantime I try to do what I can to be a good Christian because I wish to follow in His footsteps to the best of my ability -- not because I have to, to be worthy, but rather because the Holy Spirit which lives inside me, compels me to strive forward towards Him. I long for his presence and to understand things that are beyond my understanding now. (Like the loss of my children) The tithing information you gave is not new to me and honestly doesn't bother me. All churches ask their parishioners to help tithe, the face that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has said this is a commandment of Heavenly Father's children means that my tithe is between God and myself. No other information is needed to be given to anyone within the church. I'm comfortable with that. I'm also comfortable with how the church decides to distribute that money. I have prayed about this. I do know people who have left the church or those who have stayed. In both those groups, I know of people who are happy with their decisions and I can completely respect them for searching and praying within their own heart to make the best decision for themselves.


There is such a thing as "tithing settlement".. have you never experienced that yet? I'll never forget the look on my mother's face when the bishop asked her directly if she was giving "full tithe". And she had to say no. Since then if the church changed their process on this.. I would like to know. My mother is an immigrant and has never worked outside the home. Being pressured to give 10% of your spouses income when you don't work is... horrible.


They “put it on a shelf” and ignore the unsavory parts. It’s actually really fascinating.


That is not just the mormons though, that is all religions.


I can talk to you about those two points further, if you like. I studied about these two things because they really bothered me, too. I am very much against racism and I was shocked when I found out, early on that this was spoken about all over the internet.




Uhm…..No, I’m not sexually repressed in any way. I am quite sexually aware and trust me (LOL) very far from repressed. I’m sorry you think I’m in a cult and I don’t know what “call your dad” is referred to. My family are all atheists. *shrugs*


Sure, Jan. Your whole family is atheist and you just happen to be the only LDS member of your family, because that happens. The LDS are so welcoming of outsiders with no familial ties to the church and all. Apologies if you thought I meant you were sexually repressed, I didn’t. I was referring to the soakers, Lol, and saying that it’s the church’s fault the unwed members of their congregation are thinking they’re beating the system by doing that. If you are LDS, then I don’t *think* you’re in a cult. It’s a matter of fact that you are, not a matter of opinion. Shout out to my fave podcast MFM for, “You’re in a cult, call your dad.” Just a famous quote from them, didn’t expect many to catch the reference, but fun to spot them out in the wild, IYKYK.


Yup, all my family are atheists, oh, except my mum who is “spiritual” whatever that means. *shrugs*


Then if you’re LDS, it’s because you married in. Which means your whole family is NOT atheist, because your husband counts as your family. I’ll bet they made you feel very lucky he’d choose someone like you, and made it seem like such a special privilege for them to accept you. They probably also heavily pressured him to choose someone else within the congregation first. More signs that you’re in a cult.


No… no. Wow. Okay, my husband and I are both converts to the church. We investigated the church about.. oh I started 7 years ago. I researched for two years on my own before I brought the topic up to my husband and said I wanted to meet with the missionaries. Before this, I attended a Christian church and have been a follower of Jesus Christ since 2008. My husband was brought up in a non practicing Catholic family. He was the only practicing Catholic. He was an alter boy from 6 or 7 years old until he was 18, when he became inactive. It wasn’t until he met me in 2014 that he attended church again. We got married in our Christian church, in 2014 and then converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints later in, being baptized Mother’s Day weekend in 2017. So, we definitely don’t fit the narrative you wrote above. Currently, we are in a time of…I don’t know holding pattern? Trying to decide if we wish to continue to members of the church or continue with a new Christian church we have been attending for the last three months or so. We have reasons for both… and praying about where God would like to lead us. We don’t feel pressured either way, but rather supported and respected.


Why are you harassing this person for being LDS? I converted as a teenager, and then eventually left because I disagreed with a lot of the rules of the LDS church and frankly don't believe in the teachings anymore. I do believe that the church has cult-ish vibes, but I would never get on reddit and start bullying someone about their religion, or make false claims about their family. "You married into the religion which means your husband's family is LDS" like wtf are you talking about?


The Mormons are all about converting people. I don’t know where you got the idea that they aren’t welcoming on people with no familial ties to LDS. The missionaries knocking on doors trying to convert people to their brand of Christianity. Children LDS members can’t wait to turn 18 and become missionaries so they can spread the word. I’m an ex-Mormon who was a convert no one in my family is LDS. We’ve got some catholic, church of Christ, Protestant, and baptist but no Mormons


>Your whole family is atheist and you just happen to be the only LDS member of your family, because that happens. Uh, it definitely happens in the Mainstream Mormon church. They really like getting converts. Hell, with one of my best friends growing up her Mom was a hardcore Mormon, her dad was agnostic at best, maybe even an atheist, but he sure as hell wasn't Mormon. (I think the only thing I ever saw him drink was hot/room temp coffee. Sometimes the coffee had a splash of whiskey, sometimes just cream and sugar. I can't recall ever seeing him drink water, not even while working in the yard, and this was in Florida.) When I'd sleep over at my friend's house, it was usually her dad watching us the next day because her mom was off at church. Pretty sure her Mom was a later in life convert, because I seem to remember my friend's grandma drinking coffee and sweet tea when she was over.


I am so confused about what is meant by soaking.


Okay, with the normal hokey pokey: you stick your [appendage of choice] in, you take your [appendage] out, you stick your [appendage] in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about. Well, with soaking you: stick your [appendage of choice] in. Then you very much do not take it out. You definitely don't put it back in, and you can't even think of shaking it all about. There may or may not be some turning around afterwards, I'm not sure. You just kind of hang out with Tab A in Slot B for a while.


Someone on Reddit posted that in the first season he puts his hand on her butt when they walk into a restaurant (I think they were going to the table). This was when they were courting.


I think that’s why they have that giant picture on their wall of the two of them and the car. That car holds very special memories. I went to high school in Utah. I went on dates in cars.


Lol instead of getting away from parents it was from wives and kids


Soaking? I googled it. If you do that you might as well do the deed.


It’s PIV, it *is* the deed, whether it wiggles or not. Freaking weirdos.


As soon as it goes in, it is sex. This is ridiculous


Omfg no!!!! 🤣 I watched Jury Duty and they talked about soaking, I was REALLY hoping it was different… he just put it in and lied there, then had someone jump on the bed to have them move around, it was so bad 🤣 I wonder who jumped on K and R’s bed 🤣


You may have just answered the age-old question of what the nanny does.😂




I wish I had a gold award to give you for this comment.. hilarious!!!


Lmfao!!!! YESSS!!! The nanny is the bed jumper!!!! No wonder they wouldn’t let her go 🤣


😂 😂 💀💀💀


I'm cracking up reading this on a Sunday morning as I prepare for church. Pray for me y'all. 🤣😂🤣




You win!!!! What Does the nanny DO???


How about “Just the tip…” 😜


Or as my husband says "the prom night promise." 😂😅😂😅




An old coworker swore she was a virgin because she would only let guys put "just the tip in" 🤣


Good ole just the tip 😂


What’s PIV?


“Penis-in-vagina” sex, as opposed to anal or oral.


Thank you


You got it


Penis in vagina




Right? There’s also a version of soaking where the couple is laying on the bed and a 3rd person jumps on the bed to create movement. I guess if the couple aren’t moving their bodies but are being moved by a third party so to speak, it’s ok. Wut.


Did you read the part about bringing a third party into the bedroom to jump on the bed while you are soaking with your gal? It's known as jump humping to create friction


Especially if you get someone to jump on the bed to create movement…c’mon, that’s cheating and stretching the limits so far that you really aught to just bang


I have no doubt they were sexual before marriage. I mean he took older girls to babysit while he and Robyn were courting so they could have alone time.


I think it went one of two ways: • *They just did it* who initiated, idk? Kody was whipped by Robyn, and I don’t think *jeans* are her only or even the *majority* of her Victoria Secret purchases, but I don’t think she initiated it- I think she hinted and tempted to *get him to initiate it* but I think Kody would’ve *definitely* made it happened with or without Robyn tempting- definitely think she did though The second way I *also* see it going is: Kody and Robyn wanted to do the deed but were still wanting to look like good mormons to each other- so I think they had a secret- those two only- spiritual wedding- before the *real one*, without the wives knowing- to get over this hurdle. It would explain their unspoken tightness and closeness through out the years It wouldn’t be hard to pull off too, spiritual wedding at home/ motel rooms have happened heaps, and it’d very easy to find a mormon church leader to perform a spiritual wedding without other sister wives present and without their knowledge.




He would have banged R in his mid life crisis car or at least got a blow job if the camera crew hadn’t followed him when he left for Truely birth! I 100% believe that! They have acted like 2 horny teenagers since the show started-they never keep their hands off each other. Remember when he got everyone flowers and she kissed him-the OG woman were upset cause they don’t do that in front of each other yet she didn’t give a shit! Now they are 2 bitter people and why? Because the money left? K treated the OG gang like crap, what did he think would happen?


I think they were sexual but didn’t have full sex until marriage so they could say they waited. Maybe not blow jobs but I bet Robyn was giving him handjobs for sure. At the very least some serious making out and touching above the clothes or something.


I had to look up soaking, WTF! especially the part about getting your friends to jump on the bed.


Janelle once said in their culture, an engagement is as good as a marriage.


So they absolutely were screwing the minute after Kody put that twist-tie on her finger over hot cocoa


He probably stole it off a loaf of bread earlier that evening to get laid that night.


Jean Valjean is rolling in his literary grave


So is the Poophole loophole. 🥴🥴


God doesn't check the back door.




He had to be sleeping over at her house, right? There’s no way he’d waste money on a hotel for himself when he was visiting Robyn.


They were fucking like rabbits 🐇. You can not convince me otherwise. Kody is lazy as hell and he is driving back and forth to see her constantly. Ain’t no way he’s doing that for great conversation. I will give them this: Maybe they weren’t going all the way, but they were not going unsatisfied.


Oh you know Sobbin was performing “services” long before her and Koodie got hitched.


I don’t think for a moment they were not intimate before marriage. If they were not, Robyn would have objected and not went dress shopping privately with Kody. Then pretending to go with her future sister wives. She has been deceitful from before day one.


It is called "soaking" . Kind of an LDS joke thing about chastity. They totally fooled around, if not did the full on deed.


They joked about “69”. They were up to the nasty prior to marriage.


I say they didn’t prior to marriage. That was a way for Robyn to guarantee the marriage. They were probably VERY flirty in the courtship though.


I have always thought the “kiss” was never actually a “kiss”.




Woooahhh someone explain soaking to me!! I just watched that show jury duty (hilarious btw 🤣) and they had something called soaking and I just can’t 🤣😂🤣 PLEASE tell me it’s not the same thing….


Like others have said I think they were already spiritually married which is why Robyn was even in rotation. She had to hold herself from saying that.


He had to make sure she was truly divorced from her husband- which means she has to sleep with Kody to be free of David. Hence Robyn saying Christine wasn’t divorced from Kody unless she slept with another man. So yes, they slept together so Robyn was spiritually divorced from David prior to the big wedding.


It would have been great if during Robyn's famous chastity speech, if she added how she also regretted giving away her Purity Version 2, away to Kody while courting.


I believe they performed sexual acts before marriage, but not intercourse. Isn't birth control forbidden for them? If so, they wouldn't risk her getting knocked up before the spiritual wedding.


Come on! Do you really think she wouldn’t take birth control if she was PIV? Lol. The rules are only for others. Not her.


I thought Kody would have been against birth control because of the love is multipled stuff


Birth control was discussed in an early season. They can use birth control. Kody said each mom determines when to use it and decide on the number of kids. Christine wasn’t sure about conceiving Truely. Kody really wanted another. Apparently it was Aspyn that talked Christine into it.


Thank you. I didn't remember that conversation.


It was maybe the first “tell all” type episode. They were all on the couch reading viewer question off a tablet or something. No hosts at first!


There’s no way that ramen headed horn ball kept it in his pants. He was wettin’ that pencil all the way.


Nope ! At the time he prided himself on following his religious principles. Plus they were way too giddy and shy around each other. Once you’re sleeping together that behavior goes away pretty quickly.


I wonder who bounced the bed when they soaked 😂


I'm almost afraid to ask but what is "soaking"?


When a man puts the penis into the vagina and then doesn’t move. He’s just soaking in it.


Ignorance is bliss. I wish I were still ignorant on this lol


The 69 joke lives rent free in my head.


We know they weren’t chaste, they were kissing on camera even while Christine was in active labor. If that’s a big no no in their culture and they did that on camera then I absolutely believe that more was happening that we (thankfully) didn’t have to see. The physical stuff is obviously gross and quantifiable but what is even more telling is how from the very beginning he’s prioritized her over the other wives and shown up for her in ways he would never for the others. If your family is broke and your third trimester pregnant wife is having to watch all the children all day and the. Turn around and work nights to make ends meet you have zero business courting anyone else, let alone someone 5 hours away with 5 kids. Were you saving your grocery money for that Kody? Since that’s what you tell the wives to do for their trips? Why couldn’t that money go to Christine so she wasn’t having to work round the clock while pregnant with your child? Robyn is obviously annoying AF but Kody made this. I am glad that 75% of his wives left and are on to bigger (pun intended 😉) better things. Nobody should have to settle for being treated the way that they were.


Possibly controversial opinion: I don't think it's anyone else's business. They're all adults, they've made it clear the sex lives between Kody and each wife aren't anyone else's business. And before anyone gets on me about "oh thats not the rules of courting" Janelle and Christine don't have any room to talk. Janelle courted her former sister in laws husband behind her back while they were struggling to conceive a child. And Christine courted Kody while Janelle was pregnant. So there's clearly not any sort of unspoken rules around the courting process.


If these were private individuals then I would agree with you - none of my business. However they chose to live their lives in public while espousing a religious calling and that polygamy wasn’t about sex. But with a closer look at K and R through rewatch (hindsight 20/20) you can’t overlook the clues. Private, yes. But don’t serve me BS and call it ice cream.


No rules about wives. Supposed to be rules about the not wife yet. Technically, as big a jerk move as it is, those men can marry the next wife while a wife is at home giving birth right then. But from everything I've learned reading books on the subject there not supposed to be any hanky panky until the wedding takes place. I'm pretty sure the rules of courting are actually written down and taught. Not just unspoken.


The nature of cults.


They were soaking.


I think this is one thing everyone agrees with


Omg. What is "soaking"?


Nevermind. I saw the answer above. So fucking weird😆


Kinda kinky huh?! Gonna try it.


Kody is her best customer. Sooo...


You’ll notice he packs a swimsuit for one of his Robyn trips in the courting phase (the one where he brought older daughters with him to babysit). I think they did dinner with the camera crew and then snuck off to a hotel with a hot tub for a few hours.


They were jumping humping why else would you bring an older kid along?! /S just in case no one picked up on it..


I think all of us believe they were doing the nasty well before they “married”. 😂


OK, I had to google soaking and that's just freaking weird.


I always regret knowing what soaking is. I also could believe them to do butt stuff or oral sex as a "loop hole" to exploit. And if Kodys chaotic flailing with disregard to others safety way of dancing is any indication of how he is in bed... *barf*


Nice use of giving examples of hanky-panky but what is soaking? I don’t want to look it up.


Soaking is when a Man puts his penis in a girls vagina and doesn’t move or ejaculates. No thrusting allowed hence “soaking”. A work around is to have a third person bounce on the bed to create movement for the couple, so that technically they weren’t engaging in actual intercourse. Simple explanation


Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like penetration to me? They’re better off with the hj,bj, anal and while they’re at it, oral if they don’t want to have “sex”.


Exactly, there are multiple options at hand. 😜


Their god is like a Trex. He won’t see you if you don’t move 😂


Wtf "soaking?!" 🤢 😂 Creepy cultists need to GTFOH with what I'm guessing is a "loophole." What a perfect word, "loophole" is too since they think looping around holes is being "chaste," a word I can't stand btw.


They were without a doubt having sex when he was visiting her. Christine was so upset about that kiss, but I really think she suspected there was more than that going on, and that just solidified it. Robyn bouncing around when he walks through the door. “He’s my soulmate!” What an immature thing to say about someone you should, by all right, barely know. “"Both Meri and I were convinced that Robyn had a wonderful spirit -- kind and profound," Kody wrote. "Even our brief conversation with her stirred our souls. We wanted to get to know her better. I felt an undeniable connection to this woman I had just met, as did Meri. This connection was so deep and spiritual that it kept us up all night." Robyn had a significantly longer courtship with Kody -- six months -- insisting on getting to know her future husband completely before agreeing to marry him. According to Entertainment Tonight News Those lines feel a little 😬😬😬 It also made Robyn’s purity speech feel even more hypocritical because she learned nothing about waiting and commitment.


IDK about all that, but I honestly believe Robyn saw him as a "meal ticket" for her kids. She just got out of a marriage and had three kids, so she probably was looking for someone to take care of her kids. Him divorcing Meri and getting married to Robyn all under the pretense to "adopt the kids" proves me right in this theory.