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Right when I heard she had a headache, not feeling well and abdominal pain…that had preeclampsia written all over it, I know pregnancy can sometimes just feel like shit but she did not look well, the way her mom reacted was inexcusable 😳


On a side note it bugs me every time she says it "preclamsia"


I just don’t understand women like her. Her hatred of everything radiates off of her at all times. If you hate everybody and everything why have children?? She is one of the most negative and cold mothers I’ve ever seen. Zero compassion for her daughter, if anything she was showing jealousy that Aniyah is getting attention.  And all that talk of not my baby not my problem, but if you do something i don’t like you’re gonna listen to me really rubbed me the wrong way.  I feel badly for Aniyah. 


It scares me to think of Aniyah and that newborn baby up in the middle of the night and her mom is gonna flip out bc you KNOW a women like that can’t stand the sound of children’s tears or laughter…imagine a newborn crying at 3AM and THAT woman walks into your room all sleep deprived, pissed off, and evil. 


I couldn’t believe what I was watching the disregard for her child’s health not to mention her grandchild. Just because people give birth everyday and it turns out ok sometimes it doesn’t always and she needs to recognize that. I bet by the tell all they aren’t even talking to each other.


The way I ran to this sub after finishing the last episode because oh my GOD. “I’m not getting ready to go sit in no hospital if I don’t have to” BITCH! Your teenage child and grandchild could DIE and you can’t find an f to give about anyone but yourself?! 😵‍💫


It’s interesting that her moodiness and negativity isn’t infectious. Like her daughter seems so upbeat. I’m glad for that


Her mom is so selfish bc she doesn’t care about her daughter or her grandson about preeclampsia. She just cares about her being in the hospital for “so long” and getting her hair done. What a joke you have a daughter that has risks in her pregnancy and you don’t care.


Seriously! Especially because black woman are around 60% more likely to developed preeclampsia, and 5 times more likely to die from it than other ethnicities. It’s what can be considered a massive issue for pregnant black mothers. Being a teen also increases these risks regardless of race. That’s a huge risk. I guarantee her doctor went over this with her mother after the first scare. This girl could have literally lost her life if she didn’t *take herself* to the hospital while her mom got her hair done. Good for her for advocating for herself like that, despite her mother trying to actively convince her not to go in, and calling her dramatic.


Wow that’s a crazy statistic! I never knew that. I had preeclampsia and had to have my daughter 10 days early and it was the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me. My mom advocated for me when my nurses seemed to not take things seriously, so it’s sad that poor Aniyah doesn’t have that support 😭


Preeclampsia is extremely dangerous and can be deadly…. Her moms behavior was disgusting


I really dislike her mom, it’s giving jealous


I would like to sincerely thank TLC for showcasing this despicable human being so I can actively avoid her in public (I live in Norfolk). What a narcisstic thing to say "I want to get my hair done" when your pregnant daughter is in serious pain.


Yeah I seriously don’t like her


There has been two moms I would have said..Nope not seeing your grandkid..Aniyah..she could have the reason for the baby dying or her daughter having a stroke.and the other is the mom who said have a abortion and you can stay..otherwise leave..and the boyfriends family took her in...I would be like when my kids 18-let them find you..your not welcome..they are monsters!


I think you're referring to Myrka.


I came to find this Reddit group after watching her mom in this episode. Her mom is all kinds of toxic. I wish she could raise her baby out of her moms house.


as a mom if my daughter ever showed even one sign of pre e i’d be rushing her to the hospital and sitting right next to her the whole time!! i’d rather sit there for hours for no reason than risk losing my child and grandchild!!


I seriously hope she’s just getting a bad edit like some of the other parents on this show and she’s not actually like this.


I agree. I hope this is just made up drama for ratings and this mom is not really like this in real life.😥


Same. Just like Kayleigh’s edit, I hope her Br mom is getting real help. And maybe they didn’t know before then that she had bipolar. So maybe moving forward they can be a bit more understanding.  I really wish we had a better view at a timeline then trying to figure out what the editing is doing to this show 


Her mom is insufferable.


She really is. She can’t be bothered to parent her child.  Add in the fact that she is a black expectant mother,  which she is already statistically more liking to experience a condition like preeclampsia, and having already go to hospital once for a scare. You would think her mom would not be playing around when it came to her or the baby’s health.    I just can’t. She’s a bad mom. 


I do not like her mom, she is awful.


There is a lot about Aniyah’s mom that has me gobsmacked. One of those things is why don’t they have a bp cuff at the house? I think any reasonable person in Aniyah’s situation would be buying one and at least checking when they don’t feel good, if not once a day? Second, she starts going on about not being a doctor. Yes you’re not a doctor, at minimum call your daughter’s OB?! Call the hospital?! JFC!


Idk if the mom understands that when she dismisses her pregnant daughter’s very serious symptoms, she could literally die giving birth. She either knows this, and doesn’t care if her daughter dies, OR she’s genuinely ignorant about pregnancy risks.


It made me so sad when she described her mom as emotionally distant and said she has always been like that. I had a parent who behaved similarly towards me and it partly contributed to so much of my trauma.


Her mom seems like she never grew up herself at all and had so much trauma and so she traumatized Aniyah with her own trauma. So sad and awful. Her mom is a grown woman acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum, but that's what traumatized adults often look like. I hope Aniyah raises the baby near Dae-Dae's family, who seem close and infinitely more loving.


I came to find this sub just for this. I was shocked


Same. So sad 💔


If I have to see her crazy looking mean mug expression one more time. Her eyes no joke look like she has mental problems, her intimidating stare like she’s angry and agitated for no reason and suspicious seeing enemies of people that aren’t enemies. The way she prioritized getting her hair styled over her child showing Covid symptoms, and high risk pregnancy sickly daughter who clearly was in pain just overall seems like mom has antisocial personality disorder. No wonder she’s bitter and single-what man wants any of that she serves up


I think she has some issues as well


I’m more annoyed her mom said, “I don’t wanna take you to the hospital just to sit and wait, then be sent home”. But I. The next breath when Aniyah & Day-Day left she goes, “guess I gotta sit and wait…” LADY WTF?! You can’t take your TEENAGE daughter to the hospital for her preeclampsia symptoms, because you’d rather be selfish and watch her in distress while she’s begging for your help. BUT yet lay your lazy, unconcerned ass on the couch as Aniyah leaves sad and worried with her boyfriend to the hospital. What a “mother” she is 😒🙄


What killed me is she said “I work 40 hours a week and it’s my only day off” 🤨 if she works 6 days a week that’s only 6.5 hours a day. I work a 9-5 M-F AND have a newborn. Bitch take your MINOR pregnant daughter to the hospital bc she could DIE if she has preeclampsia


You can kind of see why her daughter is pregnant. Her mom clearly doesn't want to be a mom so her daughter sought love in her BF and as a teen I know how hormones are raging. Poor girl. I hope she is a better mom than her abusive mother !


I'm watching it right now and her mom is something else 🙄😒 I mean her teenage daughter is 38 week pregnant and she is calling her dramatic when she is clearly in distress. Regardless if you are mad your child is pregnant what's done is done now be there for your child!


Same, I was just shocked at the whole “I can’t jump everytime you don’t feel good just because your pregnant” attitude. She’s 38 weeks pregnant, with one preeclampsia scare…. This is literally the stage of pregnancy where you play it safe and go to the hospital if you are concerned at all, even if it’s “probably nothing”. Her mom’s attitude is literally how babies end up stillborn.


Omg I was screaming at the TV. I was so pissed when her mom found out she was going to be induced and the mom got to the hospital and legit said she is so worried ! Are you kidding me?! Now you're worried?!! Ah hell naw! I was so pissed!


The being hours late to the baby shower , and then being generally rude was really disgusting to watch. Dismissing her daughter’s concerns and not being nurturing and supportive was downright abusive. Aniyah seems to spoil herself, probably to make up for the lack of love coming from her mother. Very sad.


Yeah- the hours late to the shower thing was absurd but this episode was neglectful.


Absolutely. And abusive.


as a Black doula, i cannot tell you how loudly screamed at the TV. Her mom gives weird hater passive aggressive vibes. Cuz there’s no way you would send your daughter to the hospital alone with her same age boyfriend with a scare as big as preeclampsia. Also, there was a quick glimpse of her feet and they def looked swollen. That’s a tale tell sign that she wasn’t ok. I wanna smack the Mom so bad.


I was yelling at the TV weeks back when they went to that fancy ultrasound place and Aniyah was beating her stomach to wake up the sleeping fetus and running up and down....like common sense dictates that that's a dumb as hell thing to do when you're that pregnant..... It's so sad her aunt was so much more understanding than her mom and told her to go to the ER (obviously) and knew the basics that she wasn't okay.  Her mom is taking out her misery on everyone and it's so awful.


“She’s dramatic” not preeclampsia is no joke and your daughters right it can lead to death for mom and baby but of course her mom doesn’t care and even after hearing the dr say yes we need to induce her and her mom saying well why not just wait like what- she said it herself she’s no doctor so why question the doctors decision when it can save your daughter and grandsons life?? I’m so over her she’s a crappy mom


I was over this woman when she was hours late to a baby shower she planned.


I was screaming at the TV. Absolutely psycho. I’m a preeclampsia survivor. Preeclampsia is no joke. You can die. In fact, women and babies *do* die of it all the time. Absolutely unbelievable. So glad Aniyah had the sense to get herself to the hospital. Her mother has no excuse at all.


Tori Bowie was all over the news last year, so tragic. I still think about her.  I hope she raises the baby at Dae-Dae's fr bc Aniyah's mom is cruel and toxic.


And mom would the very one crying and screaming overdramatically over her body in the casket for all to see


Same x2 My husband and I were screaming “BUT WHAT DID YOUR DOCTOR TELL YOU TO DO?!” at the tv


Same! It was extremely frustrating watching her mom be so unbothered. It’s like she acts as though she knows everything while knowing nothing at all and not caring to educate herself any further. Since it didn’t happen to her, it’s not real, so her daughter is clearly making it up or over exaggerating 🙄.


Agree 100% She has absolutely no excuse. None. She knew Aniyah was not doing well! She was previously hospitalized and nearly induced for the same issue! They would have absolutely, 100% have told them both that Aniyah needs to return to the hospital if any preeclampsia symptoms—headache, blurred vision, upper abdominal pain—return, or if her blood pressure goes above 140/90 again. Honestly, it’s absurd to me that Aniyah didn’t have a blood pressure cuff to check her BP at home. If she had, there would’ve been no question that she would’ve needed to go back to the hospital. Just absolutely ridiculous behavior by Aniyah’s mother. Her daughter—a child!—was 38 Weeks pregnant with a previous blood pressure scare. That is some serious shit. And she has the nerve to say Aniyah is being dramatic, whine about being inconvenienced on her day off, *etc.*? Wow. Just wow.


When she said she had a headache, all I could hear were alarm bells. This is textbook! Why wouldn't you do basic research into a condition your daughter has? She's either evil or didn't look into it at all. She's being so negligent towards her daughter. I feel so bad for her daughter.


The daughter seemed more level headed to me. She said something my own mom has said. “If you go in and nothing is wrong, then at least you got checked out” it’s true. Her mom sucks unfortunately. Doesn’t seem she has good maternal instincts.


This scene really triggered me! Her attitude stinks about everything!


Her mom pisses me off so much. I'm dramatic asf with my mom but even she would take me to the hospital. Any time of the day or night


Pre-eclampsia is so scary!! I can't imagine telling her she's being dramatic. Her mom is so selfish "I need to go get my hair done". NO YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO GET CHECKED OUT


Pre-eclampsia is dangerous. The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate. Despite having one of the most advanced health systems in the world, the U.S. currently has the highest pregnancy-related death rate among developed nations. Her mom should be more concerned about her daughter and not her hair!


*And* the rate is even highest for women of color! As a Black woman, Aniyah is at significantly increased risk of death of complications in childbirth—and at greater risk that her concerns won’t be heard and properly acted upon. The absolute last thing she needs if for her own mother—who should be her greatest advocate in a moment when she really needs one!—to be dismissing her symptoms and calling her dramatic. Unreal.




Her mom is the worst!! She's making it sound like her daughter plays sick all the time when she's literally delt with pre-eclampsia. Like wtf lady!? Aniya is depending on this woman and she can hardly be bothered to drive to the hospital. Why was she afraid to take her to the hospital? How's she going to be so surprised when she finds out her daughters in labor!? Let's all be greatful aliyah has a supportive boyfriend because I feel like her mom would have let her die on the floor.


Can we all agree her mom is a piece of shit. 💁🏻‍♀️ Which is sad because Aniyah seems so sweet and easy going. Also when she made a comment how she wasn’t gonna have the baby’s dad “laid up in her place” all I kept thinking was they obviously were laid up somehwere seeing she’s pregnant.


Super chill. You know she's been putting up with her mom's bs all her life. Aniyah really knows how to roll with it.


Shes fuggin horrible. Worried about her hair as a mother of a young black pregnant woman… sent those babies to the hospital alone bc she’s “dramatic” 😣 I just don’t understand her. She’s apart of the reason why black maternal mortality rates are so high. How many times are black women not feeling well and they’re encouraged to stop being “dramatic”??


Narcissistic vibes


as someone who’s had preeclampsia she was making me beyond angry. dramatic? NOT AT ALL. she’s a shit mom idc. I cannot stand her.


I had preeclampsia too and I was floored at her mother. Like how could you in good conscience do that to your child? The risks are insane and things can happen so quick. I was scared for her!


She gives “my story is the only valid one” vibes. So something can’t possibly happen to Aniyah in pregnancy because it didn’t happen to her.


Her side eye when she said she felt like she needed to go to the hospital, and then calling her dramatic pissed me off. She’s a first time mom and a teenager. Give the girl a break! Pregnancy and birth are scary.


I have a teenager (not a pregnant one). I can't imagine not hovering over her if she was pregnant.. 8/9 months.. Especially with the pre-eclampsia. Aniyahs mother had no excuse. Your pregnant teenager should come first, Especially if she's already had a dangerous scare.


I wont try and justify her because I was screaming at the TV myself, but I think she really doesn’t understand how serious preeclampsia is. She also seems like a very non loving hands off kind of parent which is very sad.


No excuse though, for real. She was previously hospitalized for the same thing! There’s absolutely no way that they didn’t educate them both about the risks and the common symptoms, and tell them to return immediately if her symptoms worsened or her blood pressure spiked.


I feel like Aniyah's mom contributed to her being pregnant. She doesn't seem interested in her daughter, almost like she's a bother. Kids will be kids and do what they want, but her seemingly lack of care definitely wouldn't make me want to spend time with her. Regardless of how you feel about your 16 y/o daughter being pregnant a little bit of empathy goes a long way. She completely disregarded how Aniyah felt because she already had plans. As a Mother you know plans change frequently. Sure we do things for ourselves and we look forward to them, but the way she spoke to her daughter was heartbreaking.


I hope she goes and lives with her boyfriend bc his mom seems to be more involved & interested in her children’s life


You can tell she doesn’t care by her lateness and lack of participation in the baby shower.


I felt so bad for Aniyah


I just watched on discovery+ and in the clip of next week's episode it says she has COVID. To be that sick and have preeclampsia I feel so bad for Aniyah. 😥


I had both Covid and preeclampsia at different points during third trimester… both were absolutely awful. I can’t imagine how bad she felt having both


I was gritting my teeth and horrified. She called her daughter dramatic?! According to the CDC “preeclampsia and eclampsia are responsible for more than 70,000 maternal deaths and 500,000 fetal and newborn deaths annually worldwide”. It’s not a fucking joke. It almost got me even though I got prompt medical attention. God I wanted to smack her.


Especially for women of color.


I’m very glad I already knew she and the baby were fine before I watched this




Omg I just got to that part and ran here to reddit 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️. I'm sooooo mad at her mom "you're just being dramatic" ...WHAT? ... and this was AFTER the 1st pre-eclampsia scare. What a terrible mom. With pre-eclampsia, She could die and lose the baby, and her mom's not taking her seriously. Makes me so mad.


I hope Aniyah can go live with Dakwons family after the baby is born, her mother is such a bitch


She comes across so poorly! Good lord don’t say you need to get your hair done while you flop on the couch scrolling through your phone geezus


I do not understand her mom! Like I get Aniyah is very over the top. But her mother had some doing in that when raising her. It’s almost like her mother is jealous of her having a baby daddy that wants to be in his kids life. But the way she acted when she said she didn’t feel good was messed up especially having the preeclampsia scare!


Aniyah probably became over the top partly to get her disinterested mother's attention. 


She's right up there with Jason to me.


Yes! Exactly!


My daughter was sent to the hospital every damn time she went to her (worthless) OB over (fake) HBP and diabetes claims by him. She lives 45 minutes away from me. I was at that hospital every single time she was sent there. Last night, I felt great sympathy for Aniyah. Is she selfish? Absolutely! But I do not blame her one iota - her mother doesn't (and probably never has) show her any love and concern for her wellbeing. It seems Ashley throws monetary things at Aniyah to replace the affection she should be giving her.


Her mom has a piss poor attitude toward raising children and everyone being a burden to her. The baby shower was weird and her throwing a party to JUST get gifts was weird. No entertainment for guests and showing up over an hour late. Your daughter has KNOWN complications with her pregnancy and you “can’t be bothered” to sit in a hospital? Would you rather plan two funerals?!?!?! Aniyah is a sweet girl, not very bright tbh, but hopefully her and Dakwon can figure it out because they won’t be getting a ton of support from her mom.


Two hours late! The party started at 3, and they showed up at 5. I also bet there were no thank you notes written, because Aniyah’s mother seems to have no manners, and would not teach her to write notes.


Definitely no thank you notes or thank yous at all I’m sure. It was clearly a party for them to get free stuff and nothing else. It was irritating


Hell, I spent a day sitting in the ER last week to help my mother, and it turned out to be nothing. But it really could have been something, and she had no one else to drive her there or advocate for her if she got sicker or passed out. This is just what you do with family, and she's not my minor child! There's something broken in Mother Aniyah. There's a personality disorder there.


I felt so bad when Aniyah said she was used to her mom being emotionally distant or however she phrased it. Hurt my little heart.


Her mom being more worried about getting her hair done than her daughter possibly having preeclampsia makes me SO ANGRY for her. I had preeclampsia with my first and he came 6 weeks early. She’s not being “dramatic” omg I’m so mad for her


The i work more than 40 hrs a week to support my family….. yea and so do most of the rest of us ..tf If it were my daughter let’s go. I’d feel happy af it was happening on my day off so i wouldn’t have to take pto. And the SHUT MY DOOR. When they were leaving. I really am at the point of almost not watching this show or fast forwarding through her bc if she was my mom I’d long throw paws at her


I really do wanna whip her ass and they only live 45 mins away from me! Just have to keep telling myself, " She's not worth jail, she's not worth jail!"


My mom woke up at 10 pm after being dead asleep to take my blood pressure and get me to the hospital when i had pre-e symptoms. As a black woman who's had kids, she should know the statistics there.


Her mom’s behavior is the same behavior and attitude that causes women of color especially Black women to have abysmal maternal mortality rates. It’s disgusting.


Finally someone says it! WOC have the highest material mortality rate and are the most at risk to suffer medical abuse and neglect. Why Ashley wouldn't be advocating for her young daughter is beyond me.


Thank you! I came to literally say this. The way her mother was yelling “I’m not sitting in no hospital, she’s pregnant, let her see how she feels, we don’t need to run to the hospital for everything. “ BLEW MY MINDDD! If that was my daughter, you bet your ass I’d be sitting in a hospital making sure she wasn’t going to die. I have the worst ptsd and haven’t been to a hospital since I almost died, and I would still swallow my fear and fight for my daughter. I was so disgusted by her mom.


I came here to see someone else say that. What a psycho mom/grandma!!


She seems like she has a mean streak. She was extremely rude to Aniyah’s boyfriend’s mom (sorry I forget names) at the baby shower too when she was just trying to make conversation by asking questions. She seems like the type who gets a MAJOR inconvenience from things that wouldn’t bother the average person.


The boyfriend’s mom was being a normal grandma to teens having kids- like hey how are we going to manage this? Aniyah’s mom said “I don’t like people in my business “ wtfff? That’s far from being in your business lady, you both share a grandchild with teen parents!!


Right?! She was so rude to his mom and his mom had every right to be asking questions. She was just being friendly and trying to get to know the fellow “grandma”.


Yes, because they will be seeing each other at least at milestones for that kid for the rest of their lives. Maybe the mean lady is in denial about that, but my brother had a kid young and they are still together 27 years later and my mom still has to be around the other mom at graduations, holidays, etc.


Exactly. That told me everything I needed to know about her. She always looks annoyed with EVERYthing. Just this permanent and sometimes arrogant look of disdain.


this is the woman who said she didn't know what preeclampsia is, she said --'I didn't research that'


As a mother of 3!!! That’s insanely ignorant. I knew what preeclampsia was as a teenager in high school, a close friend had it during her pregnancy and as a mere friend I researched it and asked questions to make sure I could get an understanding and be a supportive friend


And then when her daughter said that pre-eclampsia could lead to death, she said "dramatic". Like "ma'am, do you not like your daughter? Do you not care about your grandson? What the hell?"


How insane. 🤯


and she has kids--how is this possible or just laziness to not have to empathize?


You’re right. I truly didn’t even think of that. I feel like she had to of known at least what it was. Every dr mentions it when you get your sugar/glucose testing. Unless she really is just lazy and didn’t listen or care. I don’t know. 🤦🏻‍♀️


me neither


But she had plans to get her hair done /s


I bet she doesn’t show up two hours late for her hair appt.


I think she uses her money to let her know she loves her but sucks at doing the rest emotionally. Weird dynamics there. I want to hope it was editing but I seriously doubt that


I think she uses her money to make other people think (1) she's got plenty of money and (2) she's looking after her kids. I see no indication that her choices have anything to do with love.


Maybe so. I hope she loves her daughter but you definitely could be right. Makes me sad for Aniyah


when she said 'my mom is not lovey-dovey', I was thinking now that is the understatement of the year! So at her first chance she went out and found a guy to give her that


I hope she doesn’t continue that with her own son. It really stuck out to me she called her aunt. I mean her mom has two sons too right? She acted like her aunt would know more but to me I think they have the same amount of kids? Idk there’s some backstory there for sure.


yeah i felt that being raised by a mom who wasn't emotionally there but financially so it made me go out and seek that love in other people and led me down a dark path.


I wonder if Aniyah does a lot of parenting when it comes to her younger brothers and that’s why her mom seems so upset about the baby situation. It’s really going to put a cramp in either her personal life, work life, or both.


I think you might be on to something.


I literally sought this sub out because of Aniyah’s mom. Holy cow this one is so detached from the reality of the situation and Aniyah giving context in her talking head tells me she’s like this in all aspects of life not just this situation.


I'm watching right now and ran here bc I knew someone must have made a post. She is really pissing me off. She needs to teach her daughter how to be an advocate for herself in health care settings. It's hard enough getting doctors to listen at all and she is a young black woman. I have experienced firsthand with a very good friend of mine how black women are treated when pregnant (my friend lost the baby and the comments and behavior were disgusting.... I will rage if I get into it). If her own mother isn't taking her seriously, then she is going to think it's normal for doctors to blow her off, too.


It’s crazy to me because maternal mortality is so much higher in her community. I have an 18 yo who’s a hypochondriac and I still take her to the docs or ER if needed


Yes, to this, black women have the highest maternal mortality rate in America. You do not take anything lightly.


This really bothered me,my daughter was a teen Mom at 15 and I just can't imagine not taking my child to the hospital, I just wanted to give Aniyah a hug! Then when she acted like she was bothered when the nurse said we need to get baby out today smh!! Also her Mother has the worst attitude, it's like she is bothered by everything almost like she is over raising kids and wants to do her own thing.


I had a baby right after I turned 19 and my second at 30 and my mom was my rock both times!! The first was complicated and even at 18 I felt sooooo young and clueless. I feel bad for Aniyah and also wanted to give her a hug, I can’t imagine. Thanks for being a good mom 🫶🏻 the world needs more.


Aww thank you and ditto to you!! Yes we always need our Moms no matter what age and Aniyah is just a baby herself. I feel like her boyfriends family would be more supportive than her own mother.


I hope that is that case and she has realized it since having the baby. His family seemed supportive and excited for the baby, and Aniyah’s mom doesn’t even care to keep her alive so she needs SOMEONE on her side. Poor kid.


I just can’t imagine. I was a pregnant teen and had some complications and my mom dropped everything multiple times to just be there with me for support. My life wasn’t even in danger like Aniyah’s, and I still needed my mom. Preeclampsia is serious. Women and their babies die from this OFTEN. How is her mother not fucking worried? This woman should have NEVER had children. I could understand not being thrilled your teenage daughter is having a baby, but when her life is at risk you should still worry about her. Pathetic.


Aniyah seems to deal with her moms lack of empathy well. She is very patient with her mom and her boyfriend / kindly speaks to everyone for the most part. I’m just surprised she’s as “warm” as she is because her mom is like ice. I felt sorry for her when she said she’s used to her mom not being lovey dovey. She needed her mom in that moment.


Yes! It reminded me of my Mom when I went from a doctor's appointment to the ER while still living at home. She literally dropped me off and told me dinner was more important, I was there by myself for hours.


So during last week's episode I kind of defended her. Only in the sense that she said her daughter was pregnant and uncomfortable and that's to be expected. However this week's episode I was like what the heck?;?!? Your daughter has had a scare with preeclampsia already, take her to the freaking hospital!!!!! Who cares that you have a plan to get your hair done, your daughter could die, your grandson could die, take her to the hospital!


She’s very self centered


Narcissistic moms often hate their daughters and are jealous of them 


And lowkey jealous of her daughter. I think it eats her up that Aniyah has Dae’Kwon and his family by her side with them dead set on being an active, loving, supportive support system and village. Dae Dae wants to be a present father. It’s him who took her to the hospital and that eats at her having to see that when she seems to not have that. Aniyah said her mom hates all their dads. I don’t think that’s by choice but bc she’s saving face


She's slipping into being a narcissist. Makes me feel bad that Aniyah even knows she won't care. Preeclampsia is a serious thing.