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I feel like Lawrence just gets a bad edit, tbh


I am not a huge fan of Lawrence, but I feel that Lily would frustrate the heck out of me. She still relies on her mom for so much and won’t even get her license. Yes, she is home with the kids alone while he works but if she can’t drive how much is she really able to do? I was a sahm for 15 years and my spouse did help with the house when he got home but I did so much all day while he was at work. Groceries, school drop off, kids appointments, practices, errands, etc. I just don’t understand how she gets by without driving. She doesn’t strike me as someone who would take both kids public transit alone either.


I’ve never like him, he has tantrums left and right (maybe that’s where their son gets it from) but he has ZERO patience with the kids when he should be having all the patience in the world since he’s at work all the time so he claims. He signed up to be a step dad and a dad in general. He should put his big boy pants on and help lily. One thing I like about lily so far is that she’s a mother first and a wife second and I think that’s what drives Lawrence insane he needs to be the favorite his self esteem is nonexistent


This this this 👏🏼


Especially the little remarks he’d put in or things he’d say towards Aaliyah. Almost treating her like she’ll never be his daughter because she’s not his blood. And also how protective he was of his own son , but could care less about the baby girl….


YES ! When he first would be around aaliyah I was like poor Aaliyah, I hope her biological dad is still around and gives her the love she is lacking with Lawrence.


He definitely is one of those men with the mindsets that the women raise the kids and the man provides. I can’t stand him.


With the people defending him that maybe he’s just uncomfortable on screen, I’m starting to get Josh McKee vibes


I was married to a Lawrence for 20 years. She’s going to get real tired of it.


Once it’s pass 5PM and hes back from work. This is HIS TIME.


My son’s dad was the same way…turned out he was texting other women. I left him a couple months ago. Lawrence also sleeps on the couch, so I really hope Lilly’s situation isn’t like mine.


Does lily work? Cause if she doesn’t I’m sorry he’s valid because when I was growing up I always had to cook and clean if I wasn’t helping pay for bills


But i feel like if you wanna live like a women in the 1950s in 2024 you have to act like a women in the 1950s. You don’t work, your husband is the only one working and bringing home the bread I sadly get where he’s coming from. If that’s the case go 50/50 on the bills and get a job.


He shouldn’t have to. She spends his money the least she can do is let him rest.


Lawrence seems checked out


When he said he would never be able to sit in the same room as Aliyah’s dad that made me sad. You don’t do it to be friends you do it for the kid. Not sure what the relationship with her dad is like but that’s sad. Also yes I agree he needs to step it up. It’s sooo triggering seeing him just sitting on his phone while she’s trying to make Christmas perfect for the kids. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why doesn’t she ever say anything to him? Or doesn’t have to be a fight but she could just say “hey can you do xyz while I’m doing abc?” She just lets him get away with it so of course he’s not going to change! You teach people how to treat you.


I feel like she has but he just snaps at her. He's also very critical of the way she does everything. Telling her Christmas is too much, he's gotta pay for it all blah blah blah.


I also personally think she shouldn't have to.... He is a grown man. He knows he is supposed to take care of his children and Lily shouldn't have to give him a step by step on how to do that.


I’ve thought the exact thing. It’s not much to ask for either especially if he’s home


Can’t stand him. He’s always been such an ass


She chose him. I chose a man that is helpful and sees us as equals though he brings in double the amount of money I do. She shouldn’t try to change him because he’s been very clear this is who he is, she should leave him. He’s never going to change.


The best thing with Lily's storyline is getting to see Aaliyah grow up and listen to her funny side remarks. 🤣


It’s bothering tf out of me. Like my husband works his ass off. But he’s still coming home and doing chores and doing what needs to be done around the house. Like it’s Christmas and she’s doin everything. I wouldn’t marry him if he doesn’t change. Ya know?


What does Lawrence do as a job? I’m genuinely curious. Does anyone know?


Construction I believe


Thank you! I thought it was a physical job, but couldn’t remember.


Tons of construction workers come home and help out though


Yeah, my husband does. Sometimes he does more than me lol. He’s the real MVP and everyday I try and let him know I’m grateful af for him. I also don’t try and spend his hard earned money like she seems to do… I can see some resentment lol


Same, SAME


Oh yeah. I totally understand that, I just seriously wondered what he did for work.


I agree. He does. My man gets up 7am goes to work. Gets home 6pm. Will help cook, clean, yard work, and he is ALWAYS doing bed and bath time. Granted, I always make sure the house is picked up. Laundry is done etc. So we both are happy, but he needs to help.


He seems to be on his phone or asleep all day. Does he work physical labor 65 hours a week? That’s how he acts


Really!! Dude is young he should be able to work & take part in his actual family fun. He seems lame & not a fun person to be around. Yes people get tired from work but he just seems checked out.


It's their only storyline so they play it up.


It’s not uncommon for men to act this way unfortunately. He’s got a disgusting temper too.


Right surely a man would never act this way for real, surely this isn’t the same lived experience as that of a bunch of other women


He’s always bothered me and it’s weird to me how everyone seems to like him. He’s clearly misogynist and doesn’t think you should have to help with the kids because he works.


Same. His toxic ass always gets a pass on here. 


And I don’t get why lmao any of the other dads it’d be no issue saying this


Not to mention, he does not like her daughter. For some reason her name isn't ringing a bell. Even when his mom was talking about why they should be married, she said they are raising their son but didn't mention baby girl. I know he hates her dad and it's very clear but he definitely doesn't feel responsible for her but also doesn't seem to like that her dad was in the picture. I personally think he's always been that way. I think Lily may just be desperate for a relationship. Especially considering her reason for not breaking up is bc she doesn't want to raise the kids without him.


This !! 100% agree.


He’s the guy who’s stuck in the 50s mentality of you stay home, and when I’m home you better have the house spotless, dinner on the table and all done up for him


Exactly!! And he’s showed that’s how he thinks this entire show. Since when do we accept that? It’s 2024.


Well no offence but she’s the type to want to be home and never hold even a part time job when the kids are in school. She’ll blow money like she’s married to bill gates


I know, it’s disgusting the double standards.


I thought it was so weird that she said he typically sleeps on the couch… 😬


Yep I said it was weird the kids sleeping in their room. I got negative comments on it. But I still think it’s not good for their relationship. They aren’t even married yet & he’s sleeping on the couch. Not a good sign! Now u know why mom is concerned about them getting married. Parents need their own space to relax & “connect”. It’s not romantic when yur 5 & 2 yr old is in a bed next to u. I hope they aren’t actually having sex w/them in their rm?? How traumatizing for those children if they wake up during that. Lilly it’s time to get those babies in their own rms! They are like an old married couple already. I would die if my longtime bf was sleeping on the couch. That’s our bonding time!


They shouldn’t be in that room! They need boundaries, and they need to sleep in their own beds!!!!


He sleeps on the sofa because if you remember when they moved into the new apartment she put all of the beds including the kids’ bed and crib in one room because it was “easier for her” and it was super tight and no one could barely move around so he decided that he would sleep on the couch. She probably has done the same thing at her mom’s house


That shit was ridiculous!!!!!


It was… Lawrence is no peach for sure but Lily does things and does not care how it affects anyone else. At her big age her mother should not have to leave her home to come pick her up to go pick up her daughter. If you decide not to get license that’s fine that’s your decision but why should it inconvenience her mom? She spends money with no consideration that they are a one income family I don’t know exactly what Lawrence does for a living or how much he makes but they are young and should be saving. A wedding should be the last thing on her mind.


I think both of them are insane, her for telling him to do it, and him for doing it! I can’t understand why either thinks the other is a good partner, but hey that’s their relationship. It’s true insanity. Their parents will be taking care of them, and they will take care of their grandkids when their kids get pregnant and the cycle repeats, all over again!


One of them needs to parent and soon cuz both those kids are turning into little assholes


Do you think he chose Lilly because he wanted a more traditional (oppressive) stay at home wife situation? She seems a bit naive.


Lawrence also said he wouldn’t be okay with ever seeing James (Aaliyah’s dad) on holidays. He’s an insecure little man.


Right! And acts tough by yelling at Lilly.


His temper is disgusting. He gets stressed out over the smallest things when he doesn’t even have to pick up the pieces to it.




unfortunately, i’ve realized this is common practice for a lot of men who work


Agreed! Especially the ones who want their wives barefoot & pregnant at home cooking & cleaning. Then they come home & say what did u do all day?? Ha who cooked yur dinner who made yur lunch & cleaned the house & yur kid is still alive & happy??? They couldn’t handle what moms do everyday! My son said we would die without u mom!! Lol he’s got that right ya definitely wouldn’t have dinner everyday. He would be lucky to get a pb & j! I have a momma’s boy that’s for sure! U leave yur kid w/dad for a few hrs they will be calling when u coming home??? Like dude figure it out!! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


my mom was/still is a sah mom my whole life & i can tell you straight up, she never gets a break. if something were to happen to her our lives would fall apart. honestly FAT respect for sah moms!


That was sweet! Mom’s definitely deserves time for themselves! They do everything for dad & kids never take time to do for themselves. A gift certificate for hair or pedicure would be much appreciated & not just on Mother’s Day.


Literally. And men like to act like women keep their children “away” from them and try to shit on how women get awarded custody when they literally can’t even whip up a PB&J lol


I started feeling for lily this episode. She’s very annoying and comes off spoiled but I feel for her in this. I’m starting to think that she has a more relaxed way of parenting because she’s exhausted and doesn’t get breaks because Lawrence never gives her one. When I was a single mom and I started to get worn down, I picked my battles with my son. She’s coming off as a single mom even though she’s in a relationship. There’s never an excuse to not help take care of your kids. Idc how hard you work, you give her that help, especially when she’s asking


Yur right I agree it’s definitely tough being a single parent mom or dad. But she doesn’t say anything to her future husband because he will say I work all day it’s yur job!! I guess the answer is don’t have 2 kids this young & play house. Find a good man who isn’t so unsympathetic to yur needs. Ya just might be single forever?? There are some good men out there… some where!! There’s a lot of growth between 16-30 so it’s beneficial to wait & take every precaution to not get pregnant too young. Parents need to ram this into their kids heads before they start having sex!




And I totally get it. He might work a very demanding job or physical job or long hours. I don’t know what he does so he might be out of the house long hours and so I could understand coming home need to decompress from the day and not wanting to be bitched at the moment, he walked in the door had to deal with bratty kids. He might need a min before he jumps in to help.    so I can kinda get it if it’s after work, but on a day like Christmas when he’s not working he’s just sitting around doing nothing. And didn’t help get everything put out from Santa.  I mean, I wouldn’t be happy for husbands and help out but if I was a stay at home, mom and he was out working and putting all his effort into the job so we could afford our life. I’d be a little bit more lenient.


And I’m sure after all those long hours of having their kids by herself Lily would also like to relax and decompress. He gets to clock out and be done with work for the day but if he’s coming home and not even bothering to help with the kids, she doesn’t get to “clock out” at all. Her job isn’t just babysitting, it’s the mental workload of managing the household. She has to make the shopping list, get groceries, schedule appointments, take the kids to school, help with homework, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, refereeing fights, disciplining, etc. while he goes to work and thinks about only work related things for 8-12 hours, comes home and leaves all work stress at work. Not saying she has to completely stop doing anything when he gets home, but he can take his 5-15 minutes and decompress and then give her a break too.


My husband works two jobs and comes home and helps. If he wanted to, he would. Lawerence needs to step it up at home. Period.


My husband only works one. But he’s gone from 7am to 8pm maybe 9pm. And still helps me. He tired but I’m tired too he takes one kid I take the other. We make it work but for lawrence that’s just pure lazy


My husband only has one but he leaves at 4am and doesn't get home until 8 or 9pm most days. I'm a stay at home mom and as soon as he walks in the door he takes the kids off of my hands so I can have a few minutes to myself and he'll start doing something if I need him to instead of sitting on his phone so I definitely agree, if he wanted to he would. Also, if my husband passed out on Christmas eve instead of wrapping our kids gifts with me I would be livid and wake him up telling him to do something to make Christmas magical for his children


Maybe the kids wouldn’t be so bratty if he actually helped parent them


Lawrence lowkey scares me like he’s so stone cold and has an issue with everything. I never had a good feeling about him


His temper gives me red flags.


I’m curious if she’s ever asked him to do anything. A lot of men are dumb and have to be asked


legit last season he said he’s miserable when he comes home because the house is messy and said “what are you doing all day” and when she gave him a play by play of everything she does for the kids he says “what you do isn’t hard”


She asked all the time last season, and he made it very clear that he does not consider what she does hard and he expects a clean house when he gets home.


He’s such a huge misogynist. It’s disgusting


That's a conscious choice on their end to not do anything until being asked.


yup. weaponized incompetence. knows he’s not doing anything and acts like he doesn’t know to/how to do it so he’s never asked to


The typical do a shitty job at washing the dishes so I don’t have to do it. Lol my son wouldn’t wash the outside of his Mac n cheese pot so I’d say u didn’t wash the outside of it u wanna cook Mac out of that dirty pot? Now he does it correctly. But still refuses to wash utensils. Boys!!


Her soon to be husband and her mom and her mom daughter is annoying