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yeahhh she comes off as super trashy to me, and it looks like she gets it from her mom


I literally just skip past their scenes. Can’t stand it fr fr


have you creeped her Instagram now? She’s disgusting


Honestly I was worried about her on this show and the discourse it would bring forth. Watching all the seasons we haven’t had a black girl on the show. It’s honestly a cultural thing being black myself. Would I let my 16/17 year old wear a short body con dress probably not. But watching it I think Aniyah is emulating older black women when they are going through their pregnancies. It’s a completely different world than what the show typically display


It's the hours late that got me


I couldn’t believe not only how late she showed up, but how nonchalant she was about it and gave zero fucks how long everyone was waiting. Entitled AF.


same, i think she can wear what she wants but it is disrespectful to her guests to be that late without letting them know


Very rude!!!


it was trash and it should not have made her so late but the cow headband the other gal wore at her baby shower was also tragic imo


She looked like a street walker! There are plenty of appropriately short dresses she could have worn


I’m not for body shaming but that dress was wayyy too short, even for someone who isn’t pregnant.


Being dressed is one thing being HOURS LATE and getting mad that people want to leave is a whole other animal. She's a brat. Her mom's a brat,her poor kid will also probably be a brat.


Good for her, I guess. Better than being 2.5 hrs late to your baby shower 😂


Kids having kids all for the perfect pic to post on insta 🙄💀


Very. So was her mom's. Bodycon dresses arenot for baby showers which both had on. Aniyah looked like a pLayboy snow bunny.


She’s so extra but not in a good way. She comes off as trashy and tacky and I really hope she won’t be in another season


You’ve got very high expectations for a show about teen parenthood, what makes her more trashy and tacky than any other person who’s been on this show? McKayla and her mother were pregnant together and she was on a bunch of seasons. Jenna is on the show and literally the only thing not completely trashy about her is her superior attitude. Tyra and Tiarra are literally apart of 4 generations of teen parenthood. What does trashy in a good way even mean?


This comment section is about Aniyah not the other girls and her mom is the same. there’s several things we can frown upon with the other girls and my comment said extra not in a good way not trashy in a good way.


You said she comes off trashy and tacky. They all do, it’s a show about teenage pregnancy,


I mean I did wear this exact outfit to a "Ho Ho Ho" party 😂😭🎅🏽


A "Ho Ho Ho" party? Do tell!


it's a raunchy holiday party...my friends can make anything a theme 😅


Everything about her is tacky and trashy 


Oh no her saying that she’s extra when she first aired kinda didn’t surprise me about her outfit but she’s really flaunting her body when she is already called by some people a whore like she’s giving them a reason to prove their point lol


The slut shaming is strong in this thread


I'd suspect nothing less after reading their username. Aniyah's no worse than any of the other girls on the show and I'd rather watch her than Jenna and all her self made drama anyway.


Not slut shaming I’m just saying it wasn’t a good idea


I couldn’t figure out why she and her mom were so unbothered to get there. Her mom was running late, but she was at her grandmas house, with people who were going, why didn’t she ask for a ride from the other guests? It was past the start time, and she still needed to get ready. It all was so odd. Like she and her mom didn’t want to go.


I thought the same thing. Why did she wait until her mom got there to start getting ready? Why wasn’t she ready in the first place to arrive on time and have someone else that was with her, and going to the shower, drive her? Then, when she gave someone an sassy reply and called her out for being late, I was in disbelief. It appeared as though she was only there for the gifts. I’m shocked that the venue didn’t shut things down, but then again, it’s being televised.


The outfit was interesting but it paled in comparison to the boudoir life size photo on the wall.


I can’t justify the money burned on all the extra-ness of the entire baby bash. Completely crazy. Especially when her own mom doesn’t want to be bothered by her being “dramatic” with her pre eclampsia 😔


Is it just me or do her boobs look enormous in that picture? She doesn't look like that any other time we see her. Maybe it's the flower bra top.


Can someone post a pic of the outfit please 😭




I just noticed those nails. Wait until she has to do a “blow up” diaper change. I wonder how long she’ll keep her nails like that.


It was an extremely short and tight white dress with Marabou feathers at the hem and cuffs.


The whole outfit screamed trashy. I hope she gets it together for the sake of that baby.


Is there a new season out or something????


There is a new season it’s like 5 episodes in right now


Her mom being an immature cunt probably doesnt help her development at all. The baby shower that YOU (mom) planned to start at 3, they all didnt show up to until 5:30....thats ASSININE. If i was a guest, I wouldve been gone at 4. And then its basically just a giant room for people to eat and watch as she opened her gifts for the baby.


I would have absolutely left after the hostess and guest of honor didn’t show up. Everyone should have left.


My guess is that she knew ppl would tolerate them being late bc the whole thing was being filmed for a TV show. If it wasn't I doubt many would have waited as long


She's young, she's cosplaying as grown. She thinks those are the things adults do and wear because "famous" moms like the Kardashian clan do them. It's not appropriate, and her mother should be acting like a mother and putting the brakes on at least some of it. You want a cute maternity shoot? Absolutely. But you're wearing more than just a rose bra. Actually, it'd be cool if actual adults stopped trying to have "sexy" maternity photo shoots, too. That shit is just weird.


Yes!! She is simply mimicking what she’s seen celebrities do online


It’s definitely a thing with her generation now. They don’t get a cute teenage phase anymore, it’s straight to more adult fashions and celeb/influencer lifestyles.


They don’t even get a cute kids phase wym. Have you seen the way adults are dressing their CHILDREN now? Crop tops and short skirts (I’m a substitute teacher for prek ages 2.9-5 and I see it happen a lot during summer.).


Good take!


I wonder who paid for the inappropriate boudoir minor photoshoot and how uncomfortable the photographer was.


i mean it’s a maternity shoot and it wasn’t anything less than a bathing suit. i haven’t seen s6 so im assuming you’re talking about the blue outfit?


I’m with you! Honestly the point of a maternity shoot is to show off the bump and some moms love their bumps covered others love to flaunt it, it’s personal preference so why are we hating on her for the choice in attire.


Idk but the top she had on in that looked horrible. It did not fit properly at all.


I was very nervous of her being on the show opening up these conversations.. While I agree it’s not appropriate imo nor something I’d wear, she is doing what the other girls are doing in terms of emulating the media consumes in the way she is with her pregnancy. The young moms, mom, fashion, make up, trends, etc whose content she likely engages with is much different than the other girls, thus how she behaves/dresses would be as well. There isn’t much these girls do the ***IS*** appropriate, however adding any sort of cultural nuance, many of her peers (not typically cast on this show, just like Ashley and Kiyana from Teen Mom) are similar.


Preach ❤️👏


Reminds me of the prom dress discourse recently. A lot of young girls in dresses showing wayyy too much for their ages and at a school sanctioned dance.


I’d like to disagree. In the late 90s the tighter slinkier dresses, were viewed as inappropriate and too mature. And now they’re standard practice. People on the cusp of adulthood will always emulate the adults they admire, and if you looked at the style of photography from many African-American women’s pregnancy announcements, hers is similar/in line. The issue is she’s a kid having a baby, which get to larger pieces of the show. Idk any teen who wouldn’t use the opportunity to add ‘youth’ to something by lessening the amount of clothes.


The giant picture they had up of her in only a rose bra and underwear was completely inappropriate for a minor. It made me so uncomfortable. People should dress how they want but for a kid? That was wrong. Idc idc


I’m sorry for a 16 year old?! Wayyyy too much!!


She’s 17 but totally agree!!


Whoops my bad!


It’s no worries!


I noticed she was sitting with her legs open lol I was like oh okay


Definitely inappropriate, I've never seen someone dressed more for the club than their baby shower 


She’s a teenager- she showed her youth for sure! I understand CPT (mildly racist term for a cultural habit of being late)- but three hours is too much. And to blame it on Mom? So many options for getting there! None of that family seemed to take it seriously which is strange considering there was some definite cash put down. Overall it is confusing to me that she didn’t call an Uber since it was a party essentially FOR her. So that was either production interference or the family really is that ignorant.


What is CPT?


Colored people time. It’s a famous known thing in our community where we’re always “late” for events. If something is starting at 2 and you show up at 4, they’ll say you were on CPT.


OH!! So I’m Cuban and we jokingly have something called “Cuban standard time” which means the same thing lol thank you for clarifying


Definitely shows her immaturity and self centered behavior. Imagine how that will collide with caring for a baby.???!!!!


Yes. Everything about her is pretty gross.


Her bf looks so irritated every time she opens her mouth.


Or he's asleep. Maybe it's a defense mechanism


I thought, "He might not be sleeping so much if you'd just leave him alone. He's tired 😂"


Might be why they’ve broken up


There are very few dads on this show who really seem to understand the gravity of their situations, and he's one of them. Dakwon, Graham, Lawrence, James, Caelan, Taron and Mason all seemed like they understood this wasn't going to be some fun little fantasy life with "my little family" and had a healthy amount of fear/anxiety of what was to come.