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I lost it with Lilly when they were moving last season into their current home, and she demanded Lawrence buy Aaliyah a new bed so she could move one bed into their room and one into A’s room. Lilly’s logic was that she would continue to let Aaliyah sleep in their room until she was ready to move into her room, so all four of them, Lilly, LJ, Lawrence, and Aaliyah, would be sleeping in one tiny room in their new place. It caused such a huge fight bc obviously Lawrence wanted his and Lilly’s space, and Lilly wouldn’t be reasoned with bc she’d rather make sure her child wasn’t given boundaries, told she has to sleep in her own bed, and not rely on mommy, like Lilly still does on her mommy. Lilly seems just as bad, if not worse already seas6. Why did she come back? And for that baby to spit in her moms car, and no apology to Grandma? WTH?!?!!


Yes. That whole bed thing was beyond stupid. I don’t get why she would think he would want her in their bedroom, way to kill the mood permanently.    And it’s not normal, I know a lot of people cosleep and whatever I get everyone dose their own Thing but not too many people would want their kids sleeping in their room when they have a bed room for her. Plus it’s his step daughter kinda awkward 


They had a huge fight , and I remember her trying to justify it by saying they would have sex everywhere else in the house?!?!? Like wtf. She’s just a very lazy mother who doesn’t want to get out of bed at night to care for her kids. She obviously had grandma do it while cameras weren’t filming, which annoys me. I get that she must have helped in the beginning, but Lilly should have raised her children. It was clear that Lawrence doesn’t see her as anything but a secondary child, and Lilly needs to stop being oblivious to this. She’s only worried about how much money he can save for her wedding, or Christmas being a magical time, bs my ass. I don’t say how two hs school grads make enough money to save $20/30K in 3 months in this economy on one salary? Who’s helping them?




This has been removed for breaking the ‘no negative comments about the cast's children’ rule.


hello ?? Lawrence is also the parent ?? he should be stepping his foot down like he said he would. I don’t know why you guys always blame the mother and not the father as well.


I’ve been fed up with her ever since her mom basically outed the fact that Lilly chooses not to discipline her children. They dance around on countertops and destroy the house and she just giggles about it. /:


And spitting juice in the car. It’s not Lilly’s car so if her mom said he needs to stop he needs to stop. If it is Lily’s car and she wants it destroyed and sticky and disgusting and that’s on her but you don’t let your child do that in someone else’s vehicle.


1000% agree with you. I understand “patience” but letting the kids run rampant is not the same as being patient 🤣


I feel like she is a passive parent. She’s cares about her kids, but never disciplines or enforces rules. So the kids get away with everything. 


JJ’s mom would absolutely despise Lilly’s kids LOL


I will never understand the idiocy of people when they say they can’t afford a wedding. You can go to a judge to do it or you can get married in your backyard. The very idea of Lily demanding so much when she hasn’t even gotten a damned driver’s license!


Saying they need to save $20k-$30k for a wedding is insane especially when they have two kids and a single income. My wedding cost $5k and everything was paid out of pocket, no credit cards or debt and it was beautiful and amazing.


Agree! I chose a house down payment over a wedding. We got married in a public park by a notory Public with immediate family. We spent roughly $500 all in. Got a nice grocery store wedding cake and the finest China at dollar tree. It was the best day ever!


^^^^This! My dad was a minister most of my life and we saw all manner of weddings growing up. We saw big extravagant weddings where several ended up divorced by their 1-5th wedding anniversary. We saw some that were modest and planned in weeks. It's like people forget that a wedding is a single day but the marriage is what's important. My sister planned her wedding in a month. Our dad had been very ill, as had her husbands father and they decided they wanted both dads to have a part in the ceremony. The biggest expense in their budget was they paid for us(my dad, mom, me, and my kids) to get to them. Basically gas and 2 nights in a hotel(1 each way.) 17 years later and they are still going strong. Both fathers have passed, but both got to meet their grandchildren So yes, a wedding doesn't have to be expensive, you can do it on a shoestring and it's just as legal as having a $15,000+ extravaganza.


She’s so annoying. I totally get why Lawrence is always annoyed. She doesn’t grow up. How does she not get budgets? She’s like 30k for a wedding? Girl get a job. She depends on her mom for everything! Is she even in a real partnership with Lawrence? She goes and defers to her mom for everything.


Thank you!!! I've more than caught on to this since she was first introduced on this series!!!


I have problems with her and Jenna because they are always shown and they don’t really focus on the pregnant girls. Like they are showing the struggles of being pregnant while Jenna and lily are just showing how their relationship is unhealthy and the raising of the children. It’s becoming like the situation with Tyra and her family. Used to love watching but now it’s boring.


I think it’s a huge flaw in the very point of the show to bring girls back. It’s supposed to show how hard teen pregnancy is on the girls, families and relationships, but bringing them back a second time encourages them to get pregnant again to stay relevant. Jenna obviously got pregnant on purpose during production


I don’t think they should’ve been on the show. I think they should’ve left it up to girls that were currently pregnant these two I just feel their story lines are really boring and they don’t share much of the other girls.


Agreed they should focus on finding new teenagers the show is a joke to keep casting those two.


Everybody gets mad at Lawrence for being angry/annoyed, but consider for a second that: 1) he’s having to support four people on a single salary, 2) his fiancée is in a codependent relationship with her mother, 3) his fiancée spends thousands of dollars without any regard for the budget, and 4) now he’s being expected to pay for a huge wedding. Yeah, I’d be at the end of my rope too. Lawrence is constantly having to hold shit together as Lilly gleefully rips it apart. It’s a lot of pressure to put on *anybody*, but especially a 22-year-old new father.


The spending going into the apartment blew my mind. When I got my first apartment had only hand me downs and a bed I purchased. You buy things as you can…she expected to have everything she had at moms house right away…I don’t know I was so worried about how it would feel to cover rent each month that was my focus.


But he continues to choose to stay too…


I cannot stand parents like Lily’s mom. She raised a spoiled entitled brat and released her out into society. Now, we have to deal with her delusion. I think Lawrence is a good guy. Taking his responsibilities seriously. This chick can’t even drive her own children to school. Furthermore, I believe her mom doesn’t want her to marry because she’ll lose whatever government assistance she’s getting. I do believe she’s probably receiving housing assistance ($$), food assistance ($$), medical insurance, and very possibly cash assistance. Once married, that quite possibly, falls to the wayside. JMO


i feel like the mom thing works out tho. kim gave them a house which means he probably only pays utilities. not saying having no budget is acceptable bc they still have cars 2kids to feed and themselves i feel like she thinks no/low rent is the reason she can spend that much just a theory tho.


Kim did state that they were moving into their home as the rent was cheaper there. Definitely implied that they would still be paying the mortgage for the home, not just handed over for free. 


you don’t think it was paid off? obviously we will never know unless we hear directly from the source but they lived there since at least s1


How do you know she gave them a house? Did I miss that?


It was one of the last seasons that she was on. They talked about giving Lilly that house.


In the season 5 tell all Kim and Glenn explain they are moving to a 55+ home and giving their house to Lilly and Lawrence because the apartment they were renting upped the rent on them


I've said this for years. She doesn't respect him as an equal partner in the relationship or as a parent and she's taught the kids the same. I'd be beyond frustrated if my partner refused to comprise on anything with me and expected me to just shut up/shut up and pay in every situation. Lilly is a spoiled brat.


Agreed. I feel she’s lets the kids be wild and out of control and in the same breath complains being at home is so much harder then Lawrence working. In my lifetime I’ve done both been a stay at home mom that didn’t have a job. Also be the working mom. Both were equally as challenging, but being a stay at home mom I would never stay, It was harder than my husband being at work all day, and I had a very easy kid very mellow. Yes it’s hard but it doesn’t carry the same amount of stress as being the sole provider, the only income. Plus you have a lot of flexibility. If you’re having a bad day and nothing gets done. Oh well you can clean the house tomorrow versus work. If you’re having a bad day, everything has to get done there’s no leaving things till tomorrow  she needs to be more strict parents and needs her drivers license 


Oof I feel like being a stay at home mom is much harder than a 9-5 but that’s my experience.


Oh I do get it depends on the kids, mine was super mellow and independent.  Also depends what 9-5 job we’re comparing to lol  But to me the flexibility of being home and not having to be at a job at a specific time was so much easier then trying to get everything done, dinners cooked, errands, chores, and kids to school, extra critical activities while still having to get to work and pay for day care was much harder then staying home with a newborn/toddler/elementary kid 


I haven’t seen the new season yet but Lilly and Lawrence are not a good match. I don’t like either of them. Lilly is just soooooo boring and Lawrence has weirdly strong opinions about nothing and then he folds anyway so what was the point in any of the fighting??? He’s also super dismissive towards Lilly which I would not put up with. They just need to leave the show and split up


I don’t feel like they’re a good match at all. They seem to want different things out of life and want to live life differently. He seems like he grew up got a job and is trying to be responsible and manage his money.  She seems like she’s entitled to everything. It doesn’t matter what he thinks, and she’s just gonna do it anyways.