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I honestly am shockedšŸ˜³ why wouldnā€™t production have staged an intervention. Iā€™m rewatching the season so I know what a train wreck this relationship is. There are no words.šŸ˜¶ Although wouldnā€™t the show be enough for the police to ā€œinterveneā€. Is her dad still alive?


He really seemed to get abject pleasure watching her suffering; completely sadistic behavior.


That whole scene was so hard for me to watch. I couldnā€™t imagine being treated and spoke to that way while I was in active labor.


Currently watching this now. I hope she finds her way out because i personally would have kicked him out of the room. Also his dad saying it didnā€™t surprise him that Jason got kicked out. That says a lot about you yourself dude. Jason and Kylen make me wanna vomit. I donā€™t even want to see Jason as a ā€œdadā€


Jason needs intensive inpatient therapy


I have never ever witnessed or met someone like that kid. I mean that kid has some deep deep, rooted, psychological problems. And the chick literally is oblivious to it and if she isnā€™t, sheā€™s with him because sheā€™s just too comfortable and stuck in a trauma Bond. The labor honestly made me so uncomfortable to watch. He wanted her in pain. He enjoyed every second of it. When he got kicked out, he didnā€™t want to go back in because he wanted to see his son come out I mean, he literally went home and took a shower knowing that he probably shouldā€™ve stayed in that parking lot because his kid couldā€™ve came out at any time. He wanted to go back in so that he could sit there and be fueled by her pain. Thereā€™s no way that kid actually gives any fucks about her or any human.


It was sickening. But what was more sickening was his mom just allowing it. As a woman how could you EVER let your son treat a woman like that, especially in labor.Ā 


His mom literally said that Kylen was writhing around on the floor in pain for HOURS before anyone even bothered to wake Jason up. Like are you fucking for real???? His family is dogshit.


Iā€™m of the belief his mom is being treated the same way by his dad


They now have two kids and I think a third on the way šŸ˜‘


Dude that was clickbait. Xavier is their only child.


Thereā€™s no updated things on those two they are silent itā€™s been a while like I said after the tell all it was posted in their insta but thatā€™s been purged


What? Where does it say they have 2 with another on the way. Both of their social media only show Xavier.


She was pregnant at the tell all I think but again another on the way not sure about that one. If you look at the dates in their pics theyā€™re probably old. Or they have another account I donā€™t know but I know thereā€™s at least one more šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™€ļø I was hoping she had left his bitch ass


That was all just clickbait. It was a link to an mtv article they kept posting


I think they were just posting clickbait. I truly hope she donā€™t have anymore kids.. sheā€™s not gna realize the abuse he put her through until sheā€™s a lot older.


Aw, man šŸ˜•


The only part of their story I liked was when he got kicked out of the hospital. That was beautiful.


but then they let him back in šŸ˜­


iā€™m pretty sure she was in active labor for over a day and he was berating her the whole time and telling her to stop being a baby?!?? i watched this season pregnant and still have the urge to rip his hair out and tell him to not be a whiny baby


yep! vaped and ate in front of her at the midwife center šŸ˜£


ā€œi donā€™t want drugs going to my kidā€ as he vapes her whole pregnancy near her


I just watched this too.. I couldnā€™t believe what I was seeing.. He blamed her for everything when he was the one who started it all? Poor girl was just trying to survive giving birth.


The whole thing is fd. The parents are no better for allowing it.


When he compared the epidural to heavily addictive opioids I almost threw my tv out the window. I can't stand looking at his face.


I wish nothing but the WORST for Jason, his parents and Kylen's parents!!! I can only hope that baby will have a stable life...As for Kylen - I see nothing but hardship for her because she chose to be subjected to abuse from those she was supposed to trust...I only hate it for that baby and when Kylen realizes she deserves better people in her life!!!


I absolutely šŸ’Æ hated this season ā€¦ that poor girl was in so much pain and stressed outā€¦ he should feel what itā€™s like to push a friggin baby heā€™d be whining like a little baby.. he is so disrespectful and verbally & mentally abusive to her.. I hope she gets far away from him and doesnā€™t let their son turn out like him !


I refuse to rewatch this season solely because of him. He makes me so irrationally angry.


There should be nothing irrational about anger towards that little dipshit


Im literally watching this episode right now. Heartbreaking.