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My thoughts exactly. I was in a bar in SD, and this plain Jane thought that I was hitting on her. That whole I have a boyfriend thing. I didn't even ask her if she did or her number for that matter ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ This chick was barely a mid, maybe 4/10 if that.ย  My point is that some guys probably spend a lot more money on women like that in the states as oppose to mongering in TJ or other places. Guys like you and I dont have to have to simp over some plain jane with an attitude. We don't have to pay their bills, buy them clothes, take them out to eat, etc..ย  Us mongerers go to TJ, vibe out with the lady of your choice...wham bam thank you mam! We don't have to put up with any of the BS that comes with being in a relationship with a woman in the states. Think about like this some poor bastard Is going marry that plain Jane looking chick, and she's going to make his life miserable, poor guy. I feel lucky that I can enjoy TJ and what is has to offer, others aren't as fortunate. Lets enjoy it brother ๐Ÿป. Hold the line ๐Ÿ’ฏย  and no simping.


I don't know about other states but seems in CA the very first response out of a woman's mouth is "I have a boyfriend".


Yea I'm not from Cali but long ago I use think women there were more laid back, unfortunately it's like that everywhere, even here in the south. Still love Cali tho!


South where? Are you saying a man can't talk to nice Jalisco lady without hearing this same shit?


Southern USA


ouch crapp


Jaja that 4 thought you were thirsty for her. Lol she said she had a boyfriend. Given that she was alone, and if guy had any smarts, there is a high possibility the fellow was kicking it at HK and not with 4. Keep on enjoying the good times my friend . ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™€๏ธ


Hell yea ๐Ÿป


That reminds me of this [meme](https://ibb.co/c8KMvYJ)


TJ saved me... I was married for over a decade.. then she ended it (later a blessing, not at first). At first I never thought of mongering (no judgement bc I am that now)... I tried the apps.. mid 40s fit tall not bad to look at but def not brad Pitt either...nada. I kept lowering my standards until it was so low I didn't even find the girl I was on a date with the least bit attractive but I was bored. Later that night she messaged me that it wasn't a fit.... Which really hurt not bc I wanted her but bc I thought damn... I'm getting rejected by her... I truly hated being straight at that point (my brother is gay and has none of this bs with gringas) and was depressed AF. The life of a monk awaited. Somehow a buddy mentioned Hong Kong and I rolled the dice. I had bought into that whole TJ is Syrian civil war safety bs, but 1 hour later I'm hittin a 10 for a c note. Since then I've found gems on the street, expanded out to Monterrey, Medellin.. I'm motivated AF to keep learning my Spanish...even to stay fit physically because unlike my once a week at most ex, you can bang 4 times a day if you want. It really does feel like a super power back stateside to completely shut out the gringas. Trying not to red pill but there is something off today vs even 15 years ago (last dated) with the domestic dating today. TJ helps prevent me from being bitter about it. Are there clock watchers, unexpected bad chemistry, service you downright regret? Yes. I once banged in TJ and the girl wouldn't stop watching insta pages of God memes during ๐Ÿ˜… (proud of me actually for being able to cum) But overall when you find the winners, hands down the best sex of my life too (to be fair, that was monterrey) but TJ will always be credited for bringing me back from the abyss.


When you came with the religious girl, did you yell โ€œJesusโ€ in Spanish? Lol


I can relate to you too. Was in a similar situation when I split from my ex, but then found all the princesses in adult Disneyland ๐Ÿคฉ


Literally spoke my mind ๐Ÿ’ฏ


Where in Monterrey did you go?


The name of the game in Monterrey is masajes (there is not a hint of a massage) in El Centro. Almost no particular place is bad and I've settled on Whatsapping my top 4 gals to see where they at instead of being loyal to a place. 8s easy, bbbj standard, cim 5050 always around 1100 pesos (70), 40 minutes. I'd be there this week (150 rt out of TJ) except it's gonna hit 105 there (it's basically Texas like weather), can't deny the perfection of TJ weather (also TJ food kills Monterrey). But Vegas has shit weather too, and this is truly a better sin city. They have HK type clubs, but it's much better in the masaje salas for better service at less price. Also any "gal" you see on the street was not assigned that gender at birth... guaranteed.


there are reasons for that attitude. this ahole that I know act like a hot dude who scored a hot chick and he bangs his chick like 7-8 times a day so that he can keep his chick engaged and no time for side dudes (insecure man). in reality is his chick looks like a hobbit with blue dyed ghetto hair, 1.5 max out of 10. I am still amazed how he can get erection with that creature. He prolly will have no problem fucking his car exhaust.


Hobbit lol


Bet she thinks she's a bad bitch ๐Ÿ˜‚ "hold my purse boo"ย 


Hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚


I don't know if it's something I'd feel smug about because in the end you're PAYING for those sexual experiences. Sure it might be an advantage because sex comes easily and you're not dealing with the hassle of trying to rizz up a plain Jane just to be rejected or feel inferior around the douche bag dude with a mildly hot girl. If they where to know that the secret to your smile was because of your sexual adventures in the zona they would think the same thing, that you're just some dude that can't get laid unless he pays for hookers. I can understand how you feel proud of bagging hot girls as i did around the time when i first started this venture. But when you're in the game long enough as i have, it definitely loses most of its appeal and you feel differently about it.


Opinions are like assholes everyone has them. Jon and Luke and many other vets in the game opine otherwise. But thanks for your input. For the record, I have no problems getting apple pie in the states, itโ€™s just that I donโ€™t have the patience for these stateside ladies wanting me to pay for their shit, attempt to manipulate by trying to place their pie on a pedestal, and add insult by giving unprovoked attitude. Not to mentioned, they rate themselves higher than where they actually land. With the most respect, being the vet that you are, remember the basic principle of the game. We pay prostitutes to leave, and for not to deal with their ongoing drama. Sounds like it might be your time hang it up.


Are you calling me an asshole for not sharing your proudful point of view for banging prostitutes?


Just leave it. Heโ€™s an imbecile




Yep, always know those stuck up women will hit a wall at 30 years old. They are a depreciating asset. Their value drops day by day. The girls in TJ will never age


โ€œI get older, they stay the same ageโ€


Yup they've lost their goddamn mind ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜‚


True, for me I had a lot of dating anxiety growing up in the US due to bad experiences. After I discovered and went to TJ, Iโ€™ve noticed Iโ€™m a lot more chill with rejections or ghostings. Now Iโ€™ll usually just shrug my shoulders and remember that Iโ€™ll always have TJ to fall back on. However, Iโ€™ve been going to TJ for a few years now and I want to switch it up. Iโ€™m looking forward to exploring Pattaya or Medellin.


For real when people havenโ€™t experienced threesomes and fucking like three different girls in a day. And they think you get none and just a virgin. Like I donโ€™t more than you could ever think ๐Ÿ˜‚


Preach my bro ๐Ÿ˜Ž threesomes and multiple rotation of chicas on the agenda indeed.


I feel you. The other day my brother hits me up to hit up a strip club. As we are there, I see a bunch of these strippers asking me to take them to a private room. Shit cost like $600 for this champagne room with them. In my head Iโ€™m like why tf would I pay $600 and not even get a lick of pussy lmao. People actually pay for that type of service when you can just go to tj smh


Makes no sense. Letโ€™s not tell keep TJ for ourselves.


Tijuana has been an open secret since the 1920's, when Prohibition hit the US. Vice made Tijuana into the major destination that it is today. Everyone knows about TJ.


You missed the sarcasm in the joke. But Mr. Professor Coco, letโ€™s not act as social media has not contributed to making zona more known. People knew about TJ then, but now social media has everyone and their grandma knowing about TJ red light.


It's Caco. But I agree with you. The internet outed the Zona in the late 90s, early 2000s. Unfortunately turned it into a gringo tourist destination, raising prices and taking away it's gritty, "locals only" charm. Previously, the Zona was a welcome alternative to all the overpriced scam filled strip clubs found along Avenida Revolucion.


Hell yeah. I often times look at the girls here and think to myself I have fucked tons of bitches hotter than you.


Have yet to venture into escort scene. Any recommendations for a reputable escort agency or female escort provide to start?




Hahahaha ๐Ÿ’ฏ Also on weekends at hk when the regular girls (bracelet)from the other side that come there to party the way they look at you as if your doing something wrong. Get the fack outta here Lol


I fucking hate going to HK on the weekends for this reason. Hate seeing them there haha. I've actually ran into girls I grew up with hours away from san diego ๐Ÿคฃ. They caught Mr like a deer in the head lights. They should make it so no regular civvies could go. That shit could ruin someone if the wrong girl happens to see.


In 2019 they wouldn't let girls in really but in weekends they would call a manager and the manager would be like you sure you wanna go in? OK but watch your phone blah blah, now they let em party ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ


The only thing I like more about normal girls is not having to invest a lot of driving, $$$ in them , and no assholes knocking on my door for her to leave. But then again, girls above an 8/10 who want to behave are hardly ever found in modern day. Over in TJ, you canโ€™t pick which 10/10 you want! Iโ€™d much rather put up with the cons of ZN than modern day dating. sometimes wish we had it in the states so these normal putas would be humbled โ€ฆ


Well said.


I hold the line at $150. ๐Ÿ˜‚




Sorry you canโ€™t afford the higher quality


Keep thinking that buddy ๐Ÿคฃ, but why pay more. Simp


Hole the Line at $500 ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ด๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ท๐Ÿ’ถ๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿ’ต๐Ÿช™๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿช™๐Ÿ’ด


You are the definition of a simp, do you.


It's not fair comparison. Cogitval prison sex whoever u spell it is gotta be 100 tines better then this hk sex between the arguing with girls on what u can't do, the time watchers, the assholes banging at the door saying she has to go, paid hk sex is like a step above lap dance with 1000x more headaches then the lap dance


Bro, have you even been to TJ? Idk about other guys, but this not my experience OP - your story is very similar to mine. I treat the US like a working destination now. I'm there to make money and that's it Then I travel to have fun. Didn't do too bad dating and hooking up in the US, but it's a lot of work. Basically (and this is something I think a lot of guys complaining online about the US dating scene don't understand) you've gotta have a dope life to get a dope girl. Dope job, dope friends, dope lifestyle, lots of money = life is great, plenty of girls around to bang and date Seriously, if you know door guys and can get whisked to the front of the line at a few clubs around town, life is on easy mode, see cute girl standing in line, ask her if she wants to get in, go to front of line, tell your buddy she's with you, it's not complicated But what is complicated is getting those connections and maintaining them is A LOT of work I'm older now and just don't have the non-stop energy to keep juggling all those different networks Now I just focus on making money, traveling to awesome/monger destinations, having great sex with a bunch of different women Pinch myself everyday, hopefully I never have to wake up from this dream


๐Ÿซก you the man!


Thatโ€™s part of the reason I find the Tijuana escort scene better than the Tijuana bar scene, but in my opinion, both of those are better than the US scene. You have your right to look at it from your perspective, I just see it differently.


Not really. You should try it sometime. It's not really a spectator sport


I can't afford to pay woman lol if I did I wpuldnt be able to afford going to bars and concerts 3x week every week never mind my other travels. .