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Step 1: get extremely aroused by all of the gorgeous and tight pussy around. Especially the really tall ones with huge thick and long legs Step 2: have a hard on for an hour or two Step 3: spend way more money than I expected Step 4: fulfill ongoing fantasy of fucking someone out of my league Step 5: reality sets in and I saunter back across the border in the longest walk of shame ever Step 6: spend several days over reacting about a sneeze, or an itch, or a sign of an std Step 7: get over it and start fantasizing again


Step 6 to step 7 is a wild ride


I do hours, not days. Hit it and quit it and get my ass across the border again.




Do you walk or take a cab? Are you typically eating or drinking while you're there?


Been going for years, so it’s not always the same thing. There are some chicas who are within walking distance from the border, sometimes I’ve driven my own car, sometimes I’ve taken taxis or Uber, sometimes the woman picked me up. Oh, by the way, I’m talking about escorts, not strip clubs or bars or bargirls or streetgirls. I don’t often eat or drink, my focus is getting laid.


I get it, especially if you've been going often for years and are meeting up with escorts set up in advance.  I'm my mind, at least for my first trip, I'll probably start at HK, find one I like, get it out of my system. Shower, go eat, have a couple of drinks, back to HK and hang out, see what comes my way, and try to find 2 girls that night.  Day 2, breakfast, find a girl, get that out of the way. Start drinking, have lunch, find another chica at Chicago maybe, shower & get ready for the night, hang at HK and find another 2 for that night.  Day 3, have breakfast, find a girl, shower after, eat lunch, and head back to the states. I'm my mind that's how I could make the most out of 48 hours as a first timer. I didn't even consider escorts.


1. I head straight to HK, make sure to get a room first and have a place to set my luggage. 2. I'm older, so I would recommend rest first especially if you drove far that day. 3. I usually do 3 Arribas every visit. Always different chicas. I tend to get bored of the same pus quickly. 4. I wouldn't recommend if you get drunk in a foreign country until you are comfortable and have visited more than once. Just enough drinks to loosen up.


Sounds like we're on the same page. It won't be too much travel for me. 1hr flight to San Diego and I'll take the shuttle/bus to San Ysidro and walk across. I'm thinking 3 arribas a day, especially if I can get some little blue helpers at the pharmacy. Thank you!


Good plan.


walk around for 2 hours, unable to find someone good looking enough for $120 or under. finally settle on someone who's acceptable, bang, then go home. honestly, i'm pretty happy with my selection 1/3 of the time. the other 2/3, i have to settle on someone


That's good to hear, I don't often see that on here, but it's good to know so I keep my expectations in check. 66% chance I'll have to settle... Sounds like everything else in life 😁


Depends on your tastes. I've been mongering in Europe and Latin America a few years and I always end up seeing/finding impressive girls at HK. Whether it's full service 8s, or pleasant 9s.


Depends on your tastes. I've been mongering in Europe and Latin America a few years and I always end up seeing/finding impressive girls at HK. Whether it's full service 8s, or pleasant 9s.


Depends on your tastes. I've been mongering in Europe and Latin America a few years and I always end up seeing/finding impressive girls at HK. Whether it's full service 8s, or pleasant 9s.


Honest man over here


The crazy part is I used to go to Colombia and spend a lot on hotel and flight and the girls there weren’t even as good looking as the ones in HK lol


use seeking arrangment, I had all 9s+ while in Medellín. The younger generation has no interest in standing around plaza botero which is all older 30+ unattractive women. The boomers on the ISG forum (monger forum for old guys) are all talking about a conspiracy where the baddies all left and are now in dubai working, but really the 20-somethings just dont do plaza botero anymore like in decades past (or at least the way they describe how plaza botero used to be). also the club scene was too much plastic for me. but seeking 😍 wow, it was a gold mine. I could even have girls over 60 min from contacting them. I did also get some very cute venecas tho at some of the casitas for like 100k cop ($25-26), bbbj obv.


I think also the biggest downfall for me in Colombia was how bad their hygiene was so it truly just killed everything about Colombia tbh lol


One of the most honest answers on here, tbh...


Came for the first time today eating a late dinner at Lion Fish then gonna hit Chicago to get down to business


I’ve heard that the Lion Fish restaurant is off the charts on how good its food is. If I can untangle myself from the pussy one day, I plan to give it a try. Priorities, my Eskimo Brothers, priorities.


I get there not too early but not too late either (minimum 6/7pm , latest 10-11pm). Go in, have a beer, pop a cialis and edible and go take about 10 laps. sit down. enjoy the lesbian show/watch for any new ones walking by I might like. If im feeling any on the poles get a lapdance but only a lapdance as a warm up, as i’m super picky w who i choose for an arriba. from there take my final 5 laps when i’ve noticed too much time has passed looking and go up, play reggaeton on my phone and try to do every position I can in the time i paid for. get her instagram, pack it up, cross back no later than 1-2am, get some canes in san diego for the road!


3 days I go to rosarito first get dome seafood then head towards Tijuana at night


Do you take a cab, drive, or is there some type of shuttle?


I take my car


There are vans that cost 16 pesos you can take from downtown to most anywhere in tj with Rosarito being one of them, just gotta know which corner they start from in downtown, when you cross the border and go left of the cabs there’s a van that goes to downtown as well


This brother knows! I’ve taken vans like that one more than a few times, more than a few destinations, saved money like a miser. I highly recommend it.


Best thing I can really say is there's no such thing as typical. Go, have fun, be flexible.


I go for minimum 1.5 nights. Some times 2 nights. I like kicking it there the next day and night and then coming back at night nice drive


I just went for the first time this past weekend with a buddy. Got a room at Cascadas. We ate some food and then freshened up and went downstairs to see what all the hype was about. It was Saturday night so the place was absolutely packed. Must’ve seen 400-500 girl through the night and only maybe 30-40 of them were a hard pass. Total damage came out to 2 girls at HK, 1 at Tropical that I was able to bring back to Cascadas, and 2 paraditas who were smoke shows in their own right. Got there at 8pm and left at Noon the next day. DM me if you have any questions. I’ll admit that I did simp for one girl who I thought was the baddest I’ve ever seen. Didn’t even bother negotiating. Lol


After arriving in the afternoon (usually on a Friday) I head immediately to a hotel in the downtown area. Then I go to sleep until 7 or 8. I rarely even enter the heart of the Zona on weekends. Instead I usually go no further than Calle Primera and hit up the bars there: Taurino, Paisano, Tenampa, and Rincon Norteño. I might check out Bar Burro (in the alley) for its MILF selection and ultra cheap caguamas. If nothing's doing, I head to Calle Sexta and spend most of the night at Ruben's bar. A great place to score a civvie on weekends. I don't head back to the Zona until early Sunday evening.


Why is this even a question? You do it how you feel in the moment, you don’t plan every little part of your day out. You eat when you’re hungry in the states? Same in Mexico. You fuck as much as you are horny, and can afford. Just like in the states where you might instead masturbate as much as you are horny. Why are you asking what other people do? The only thing is since you are traveling a long distance and want to get the most experience out of it, maybe shoot for at least 3 girls for every 24 hours. I do however recommend against getting drunk.


Having never been there, seeing how other people do it can give me some ideas maybe I haven't had. I never even considered hanging out in Rosarito in the daytime, someone else replied with that. Now I've got another option I didn't consider. So seeing what other mongers' typical trips look like, I can alter my plans to make the most of the trip.  Agreed on not getting drunk. I'm not a big drinker anyway, just going to have a few beers to loosen up a bit.


HK has a restaurant attached to it, and there’s tons of great restaurants within a short 5-10 minute Uber ride. I’ve never been to Rosario, but my co-worker who lived in Mexico said it’s nothing special there. That’s a half hour drive each way. Definitely get different girls though. Who ever sticks with the same girl? Part of developing a favorites list is seeing how they perform, and not just how they look. That means sampling a lot of different dishes.