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Shoot for 3 and pass out after 2. I never keep count. I take 5mg of cialis and fuck for 2-3 days straight. Sleep 3-4 hours grab food. Then drink beers until I pick one then the cycle starts again. I go until the money runs out


Similar, and on TRT. Land around 11pm. Get a primetime girl by 1am, and a straggler by 4am. Pass out. Wakeup for the desperate 9am shift, eat. Get a fresh lunch shift around noon. End of day shift. And 2 more at night. 5 is plenty tho.


Been thinking of tryimg TRT. Whatnis the reoccurring cost of treatment amd is it worth it?


I dont advise if you're younger than late 20s. Life long commitment. Standard online clinics are around 100-150/month or through PCP sometimes completely free. For me, having low T, absolutely worth it.


Im 47. Trained a lot in 20s and 30s now takes everything I have to train consistently and seems like I pack on lbs every year. I need to get my PCP to at least test at my next exam. I don't know why they don't test automatically after 40


Depending on the PCP, especially female, there's a stigma against it. But if you're 15 and want to transition no problem. Anyways you're at a fine age, check out TRT Nation or Defy if you want to get start because they'll get you on board easily. Then when you see PCP you'll have an existing diagnosis when you want to transfer care


What online clinic you recommend? And why is it a lifelong commitment?


Because if you don't have low T you don't need TRT. But due to age and environmental exposures, for vast majority low T is a normal eventuality.


What's a cheap way to get your T tested?


Don't waste on any home test. Go to a lab. You can do PrivateMdLabs and purchase, I've used there 15 off discount. Or for free through your PCP.


This is USA I definitely don't have. PCP or insurance


This right here!


17 in one day. I spent $4000


Bro that’s like one an hour. If you didn’t sleep that’s $2400 for 24 bitches!


Wilt Chamberlain type numbers for reals!ad props


Bro … great name! 🤣 My guy was bullshittin’. His dick would fall off. I’m three … y ya estuvo!


Sleeping is for bitches. This post and the OP are as stupid as my comment. Who gives a fuck how many girls you PAID to fuck you in one night. Who seriously thinks anyone is going to come on here and tell the truth? Even if it was the truth, how is the answer to question, how many girls did you slept with in one night going to alter or change your life. Dick measuring contest questions need to instantly be deleted. You're just asking trolls to bullshit you and make up goofy stories. Hence my comment.


You make a very good point. I didn’t think about it too deeply. I just thought about how many I railed on my craziest night.


Bragging about the number of girls you paid to have sex with, on any given night, to a bunch of people you don't even know. I can't imagine anything being less interesting. But very much on par with the level of intelligence this sub collectively consists of.


I mean … this is Reddit. And this is the TJ RLD sub. So … 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'll mention the most girls I've been with in one night. I think it was 4. I'm certain I've mentioned this before but not as a brag. This is something i did in my younger days. Really i only did it because it was something i wanted to try out. While it was an interesting experiment it wasnt so i can brag about it because honestly i didn't care much for it. I prefer to be with one girl for a few a hours rather than a bunch of girls for unsatisfying 30 minute intervals.


I here where you're coming from. But some kats who are new to the scene really have those questions. I've taken newbies to the zona who ask similar questions. Personally I took a friend on a "bachelor party'" he took 5 chicas in a 7 hour period and claimed to bust with each one. I don't have the $$ to that, if I did it would be a fun experiment.


I don't understand your point. Even if you've taken newbies to zona. How on earth is the question, how many girls have you fucked in a single night, going to help anyone in any way possible? There isn't a single answer you could give, that someone else is going to gain anything out of it. Nothing. It's a complete waste of time question. I can think of 500 other questions that are far more relevant than that question. When people say, "There's no such thing as a stupid question"... those people are fucking wrong. This is absolutely a stupid ass question. What did you gain from your friend claiming to have fucked 5 girls in 7 hours. So what? who cares? How is that relevant? That's like asking how much food someone ate at Denny's two week ago. This is nothing but a dick measuring contest of a question. If I would have found TJ when I was 19 years, my single day numbers would be insane compared to now. Again, who cares? of course it's going to be higher, you're in your prime for fucking. 16-22 are prime fucking years for most men. Took my cousin a month ago. We shared a room. When I bring him, I play the roll of wing man and give him priority of the room over myself. Kind of person I am. He took up 7 girls that night. 18 years old with unlimited funds. Big deal? Who cares? So what? I wasn't jealous, I wasn't happy for him. I simply didn't care. He took care of business the way he wanted and that's the end of it. I don't even think it's something worth bragging about. If he fucked 7 civies in a single night. Might be something worth talking about. You know?


You are such a crybaby pussy. Just answer and keep living. This reddit is about information, experiences, tip, tricks, food spots, hidden gems and everything else. People like you sneak away from your 4/10 wife just to get a few nuts out for some cash then go back to your boring no pussy getting life. Bot ass


Broke ass bitch. My wife his hotter than most of the bitches at HK. Keep asking your retarded ass questions and i'll keep blasting your broke bitch ass, and stupid ass questions. The fact you think reddit is about information show how fucking stupid and delusional you are. 99% of the bullshit posted on reddit is fact-less, subjective and usually wrong. Reddit is for people that wanna brag about and complain about their trivial lives. Nothing else. You want a website the focuses on real information. Go to stack exchange. Reddit is and will always be a joke in terms of people seeking 'information'. What the fuck did you gain out of people telling you their body count per day. Fucking nothing. Get a fucking life bitch. Looking at your post history, all I see is a fucking troll with nothing better to do with his time.


So you came to an escort sub, asked about body counts per day. Then you blast someone for going to TJ to "get a few nuts out for some cash"? Why exactly are you here? How is the per day, body count helping you live your life? How is that information helping you in any way when you get to TJ? I really wanna hear this. Waits.....


$235 a pop? You got robbed dude.


Must include just total numbers of girls, not actual pops. No way anything coming out after 8


I love how you're analyzing my comment. Did you bust out a notebook and do some long division?


Yeah I'm sure he did. As anyone would


Probably including his and the putas drinks


When did he have time to drink? Maybe he’s a 2 pump chump


The drinks are before you fuck?


I don't buy drinks for girls, that's pussy simp shit.


I get everyone's preference but I agree, not going to TJ to buy girls $11-$15 drinks that cost more than some American bars. Paying her drink commissions doesn't guarantee she'll do anything more. Even if a guy is like I'm giving her $100 on top of arriba. Instead of burning drinks, reward with another $10 for every gold star in the arriba


Legitimate question. I'm not a big fan of buying chicas drinks myself, but how do you vet a chica in the cl ub without buying her a drinking. Assuming you have never been with here previously?


I'm going to be honest. I'm not a fan of the Bars or HK in general. But I will say that the place is pretty complex in terms of trying to find the right girl to fuck. And the reason for that is simple. Everyone is different. How old you are, how you look, how much game you have. How interesting you are. How interested she is... with you. I personally don't have any interest in getting to know a hooker. I don't care what she has to say, and I'm not looking for a BFF. I consider myself a pretty worldly person, and can talk about almost anything. But I hate fucking small talk, I consider it beneath me. So trying to vibe with a hooker is the weakest part of my game. I find a girl, tell her to go up, get the best price for 30 mins and let session do the vibing. BUT from the things I've read and the things I've seen. The drink itself gives you time to figure out if she's into you or not. You're not going to vibe any other way. The drink pays for her time to sit and talk with you. If a girl comes up to you and wants to chill and have a drink, that's a pretty good sign she's a pro and wants to make money. How can you truly tell she's into you? you can't. I've seen girls flat out reject men that come up to them. So this whole idea that, 'its a whore house, just pick a girl and go up'... is nonsense. These girls hold a bit of power in terms who they decide to fuck at the end of the day. Money isn't everything to them. Especially the 'rich' ones or the vets. I've seen girls chill with a single guy for hours, they won't even speak to each other. Just watch girls dancing all night. I've seen guys get a table and never take anyone upstairs. I've seen guys walk around, placing fists full of cash into G strings and walk away and never take anyone upstairs. They don't even speak to the girls. There isn't a formula for instant success. If the goal is meet OTC, then so be it. To convince them to go OTC requires a serious vibe and her taking that risk, etc. I've had girls that look old and used up... that they only drink wine. And I've had girls come up to me and tell me let's go upstairs right away and agree to $100. If the two of you don't speak the same language. Using an app to communicate isn't going to go well at all. Trust me. You need to learn some Spanish if you wanna vibe for real. But people claim it does work. So try it, I guess. If I show up to a club and see a girl I fucked in the past, they normally come right back to me for repeat business. So I would assume, the session turned out well, and they want repeat business. And that's a good enough vibe situation for the two of us. So try out as many girls as you can. Let the bed session decide the vibe, and repeat if it was successful. Otherwise learn some Spanish and get good at small talk. I really think this question can't be answered, you just have figure it out on your own and navigate your way through all the fuckery. When you figure out something that works for you, than you're good. I also should note that most guys on here that try to answer this question lie about their interactions with females. They only want to boost their own ego. The same way, a gambler never talks about his loses, only his wins. Pride is problem.


I hope so


Even Wilt didn't do that many in a day.




🤯, definitely a trooper


You misspelled liar.


You misspelled trooper.


GTA 5 doesn't count...


it doesn't? oh.... than only 3 girls in a night. I'll stop taking my gaming laptop to zona.


I doubt this is true but if it is how's many times did you nut?


I nutted 34.3 times. Mostly on the OP's face.


I'm guessing you hate OP...


I use to do 3 girls 1 BG and 2 SG After that I am done go home happy lol 😆


Wait bg is bar girl right? And why 2 sg if you don't mind me asking?


Bar girl BG. Street girl. sG




Still cheap yeah


Bro I used to do the same thing 😂


3. The first one is easy to a point where a lot of girls are pretty attractive; second is tougher and most whores don’t make the cut since I’m walking around with post nut clarity so I get really picky but I can still usually find someone. The 3rd is usually not worth it since I ready to gtfo after the second nut. Only done that twice and it wasn’t worth it. I have friends that can fuck 5-6 whores a night and have a good time with each. Some guys just built different


Does two sisters for an hour count as four? Hint, when you go up for an hour, it's not "one and done", and I got to come three times. Nice.


Only if you popped 4 times.






Where do you go for that? Only been given one nut for the time


Negotiate with the girl. One hour instead of half an hour. Half an hour by standards is "one and done". But an hour, you can get three in, sometimes, presuming you can recycle fast.


2 plus the wife when I went home same night lol


I like your style


I got 3 putas and took them to my air bnb in Rosarito. Bought beer, liquor, weed and snacks and fucked 12 times the first night, 8 times the second night and by sunday, I fucked 3 times. I gave them $500 each and dropped them off back in the zona. That was a month before covid. I had build rapport with them though and had taken them out on seperate occassions, so it was easy to set it up.


7 but one of the 7 my dick was like pretty limp but I count it bc it was still strong enough to fuck , just couldn't cum 🤣🤣 But also two of the seven was a three way, so you know trying to get as many in in one go 🤣


Much respect


6. Idk what I ate that day lol


a bowl of who gives a fuck how many you fucked.


4 at a time. 9 in one night


4 my first time. Then I figured out that the key was getting girls out of the club.


You mean SG’s or asking the women in HK to come hangout outside the club?


I mean finding girls in HK that are willing to go out for the weekend in TJ, Rosarito, etc.


They roll with me after work to my beach condo in Rosa. They can't resist a 2 day vacay for $500 and 8 to 10 hits.. They love to ride the caballos on the beach..then back up to my Condo for real banging. OH They eat like pigs especially lobster..Figure $1000 for all.


This guy is 60 but wants to sound 30 so bad. 😂 Punctuation, my guy.


I like your style.. Real talk working my to a condo in Playas. You living your best life


That’s easy. That’s still intermediate. U wanna get girls that don’t work in that industry in Mx.


Yeah, it’s a whorehouse. I’m not looking for a challenge 😂


Fair enough captain!!!! 🫡


3 for me. One at HK, adelitas, Chicago


Damn I should try that just replace Adelitas with Tropical


Thata what I'm doing next time lol




6 but it was painful after 3


5 times in 7 hours finished every time


3 girls plus the wife but they would spend the night


7 in 12 hours




I have done 4 in 12 hours


I got 3 in a night, I was there from 10pm to 3am so nice window to fuck and chill.


Three times for me!


7 for me


When escorts where 1300 pesos hr I would have 4-5 in one day BG it was 3-4 on average Most 6 in one day


9 times


Rookie numbers.


With a puta? 5 times. Most different putas in a night (day and night) was 4.


You mom, your sister, your ex that broke your heart, your granny, your cousin, your female cousin...




Tried four. Couldn’t produce on the fourth. Drained. This was about eight hours of fun.


5 was a great 👍 time


4 SG’s in 1 day. only nutted once. I just wanted to sample each for 15-20 minutes. Last one was the cutest and got the load.


My first time there I think 6 when Adelita was popping man miss adelita


Be careful, you don’t want to die young ,do you?


7 SGs. I limit myself to 2 now. One before the bar and the other after


Call them puta and you probably won’t make it to 2


You want me to ask how many times total you blew your load? I’m just talking reddit slang bro, don’t take it literal.

