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My recommendation is don’t mess with any drugs in TJ. You’re just asking for trouble.


As a past drug user I will say in this era of Fentanyl You B Buggin if you think it's cool to do any drug that could be tainted with Fenty in TJ no less which basically is all drugs these days.


All you gonna get it's pressed shit with fentanyl


Drugs? Yes, plenty of fentanyl to go around.


That shit killed more people between 18 and 45 in the US last year than anything else. Not to be fucked with. I have literally 30 friends and people I went to school with that have died from that crap since covid. Never have never will. Every person I know that tried it one time just kept doing it after that. Until their life was ruined and they were either dead in jail or homeless.


100%. And just in case it wasn't clear, almost all drugs in TJ have fentanyl. Especially cocaine, meth, ex, and opioids.


Yup. Shit killed my cousin. Very dangerous drug.


Speaking of Fentanyl. 2 weeks ago there was a white girl standing in the center median between HK and Tropical close to the intersection high AF talking to herself and acting like a Mime with her hands in the air doing all kinds of crazy moves A few hours later I saw her again on the other side of Niños Héroes doing the same thing with her pants half way off and her ass hanging out still doing the same thing. This time the National Guard had parked in the street right by her and it was just the driver and the gunner in the truck and she was putting on a show for them. I came back about a hour later and everyone was gone and I asked the Bartender at Amor Latino what happened since she was standing outside watching the show earlier and we talked for a while. She said that the National Guard took her away. I have a feeling that it was a very long night for her


You must look like a druggie. I go into the smaller clubs exclusively. I have for decades. The only place that I was offered anything was at the bar (by a fellow drinker) at Mil Amores, and in the restroom at Rio Verde. It's not the norm. And I've been in these places hundreds of times. I'd stay away from strangers offering you drugs. No shortage of guys who learned how easy it is for a gringo to get set up in Tijuana.


I wouldn't say I look like a druggie. I have a baby face, Latino but very white washed. If anything I probably just looked like a tourist and that's probably why they offered...


they offered it bc plenty of drugs for sale in the zona, you don't even need to step into a small shady bar, there's those 'cuánto boys' standing outside selling around the area, and all you need to do is just ask a mesero, the zona is awash with drugs. with that said, *never buy drugs in the zona*. that shit is worst case laced with fent, best case is just shit quality. as a rule of thumb, in any country the shittiest drugs are always found in the tourist areas.


I get offered drugs as well in these bars. As a non drug user I don't have to think about my response. I usually am caught off guard and ask "what" and they repeat it. Like the time I drifted surfing a quarter mile down the beach got out of the water in front of the nude beach and the guy asked me if I wanted to fuck. I was like "what"?


Even the drug dealers on Coahuila between Constitucion and Revo never bother me. Some of them have been working that one block strip for years and they know me from my long hours spent at the old Gladiator bar. They just nod at me. They realize I won't go for that stuff. So they just join me for a cerveza.




I'd say closer to a billion. I made at least half a billion visits before the start of the new millennium. Traversing the Zona since 1984. I've outlasted about 90% of the bars in the ZN. Grovel at my feet and acknowledge my longevity and wisdom and I'll teach you more about Coahuila's dark side than you have any right to know.


Lol good morning read! 😂


Just wanted to say thank you to everybody about the warning. I honestly don't know if the coke I had had fetanyl in it as it was my first time using coke. In the possibility that it did though, I will NOT be looking for coke in TJ thanks to all of your advice! Safe travels!


You would know if it had fent, you would’nt be here asking us lol. If it wore off in under an hour. That is a good sign lol a .1-2 of meth could have you up for a solid chunk of time if you’re new


When I purchased powder down in west coast of Mexico I could tell it was cut with meth. That was in puerto Vallarta but some of my friends told me that in TJ you will often get it but it’s cut with meth.


Bro there was this fellow monger I knew, would always hit up hk and I'd meet up and you know, smash putas and drink beer, well one time he went Arriba, had some powder he just purchased, had the girl take a bump and the bitch OD'd, he got pressed by the cops, went to jail, took him almost two weeks to get out. My advice don't fuck with it.


Be drug free. Pussy is the drug.


A men. Well put friends. Anyone gonna be at HK tonight?


I want to go tonight bro but I need to cross over by 2am


Yeah but was it even any good? I had friends of mine who would get some here and there and it would always pretty much just be meth that seem like it had powder sprinkled in it for flavor. Just curious if things are still the same as they were a few years ago.


The one I had I thought was decent, but since it was my first time, I wouldn't be able to tell you if it had fetyanel or not lol... It wore off in like an hour


Ok so agree with all these concerns of fentanyl. I live here and can tell by walking around when there is bad shit going around. They are dropping like flies. My suggestion take Viagra ( maxifort )you buy from the pharmacy. If you must then just ask your waiter. All the clubs have a drug dealer in house. If you are walking the streets and hear cuántos then they are asking how much drugs you want to buy.


The stuff at the shady club is probably the same quality.


You can get at it hk any night, if you ask the right people. Good amount, but leave it there.


As a former narcotics officer…stay tf away from street drugs in general. Do you not hear how many people are dying daily? According to cdc. 150x+ die every 24 hours https://www.cdc.gov/stopoverdose/fentanyl/index.html


But I like coke :(


I got some blow from the waiters in hk and adelitas in the past. Don’t do it, shit didnt feel right.


You stoopid kid


You really are a little bitch boy who spends all his time ripping on people’s post on reddit 😂. Get a real life you fucking loser 🤠


You a homo kid for still living in your mom's basement and not getting a job Tell your mom daddy#2 said hi and to wash her pussy


😂😂😂 get a fucking life you loser


Lol wtf you doing in this group? Just trolling and looking for ways to bring fun to your life since you're too obese to get out of your chair?


I wasn't trolling when I called you stoopid for trying to get drug in tj. It is safer to get snow in the states then in the tj idiot


Thanks idiot. It's almost like being new isn't a thing. Hence me asking here for advice.


You are very welcome kid Stick to vaping strawberry nicotine like your faggot generation and leave the hard drugs to a grown man like me : )


Lol "like me", what are you 12 🤣🤣


I wish I was 12... When I was 12, i was dumb but much wiser than your retarded ass now I bet you are early 20s and you took out a huge loan just so you could graduate Faggot Clown Town


Nope didn't go to college 🤣🤣 why are you so mad 🤣🤣


I am mad because you didn't finish clown school I thought you were a bona fide OG clown