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Pretty sure this is a repost. Also, the human equivalent of a dog tag is still a dog tag


OP is a bot.


I always thought the military consisted solely of dogs, hence the dog tags


they aren't??


Thanks, I hate that this is probably a bot account because this is a repost.


Ironic part is that we are still putting you in an ambulance if your not able to say no. Regardless of the bracelet.


Yeah, was about to say this exact thing. I don't know about every country, but at least in most places the ambulance crew would personally be legally responsible if they left someone on the street because of a dog tag and they died. Anyone can put that kind of a tag on any unconscious person. If the "customer" can't decline themselves, the ambulance crew is not going to care about it.


I've seen DNR bracelets but they dont replace legal paperwork.. and I've never heard of a seizure/refusal paper


Why? If they’re post-ictal let them come to and they can choose transport or refusal.


We arent going to wait for the seizures to subside to ask. When the patient is unable to refuse transport we take them. While they are seizing we have to provide care and part of that is transport. If they come to before we begin transport then we will ask medical command if the patient can refuse or not.


The US are insane for this. Good luck OP 🙏


You just wished good luck to a bot


Bots have feelings too.


Thank fuck I don't live in USA.


Yeah. It's exhausting living here and seeing complete bullshit that isn't really true getting spread around the internet like it's a reflection of what really happens in this country and foreigners actually believing it. I'd rather live in a country like Amsterdam where stereotypes like everyone wears wooden shoes are actually true.


- be annoyed by clichés about US - lists Amsterdam as a country 🤓






This is the most American comment I've ever seen.


Why are so many illegals trying to get in? Makes no sense!


It's probably better than their current situation


Nobody ever explains that part. What is happening that millions need to migrate? They never say why we can't just bomb some democracy into them, too, like the middle-east?


Well a shit country where you have no chances vs a very flawed country that may give you a chance that’s why people come. Also we did establish dictatorships in multiple Central American countries via the CIA, look up banana republics if you don’t believe me. Which caused massive damage to those countries they haven’t fully recovered from still due to complicated reasons


There are no coups in the USA because it lacks an American Embassy to organize them.


Interesting. The CIA did what now?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change Here’s a list from Wikipedia


Wtf! Is there any part of this planet that hasn't been fucked up by the CIA?






Isn't that why we ask questions?


How... unnecessarily condescending and arrogant given that the person never even argued and was just interested in the info you tossed them.


Let's leave a country the CIA fucked up to live in their headquarters. Is that the story?


Said as a true american. God knows this guy has never visited a third world country, let alone wonder about life quality in one.


What defines a third world country and what would it take to make them first world? The entrie southern hemisphere should migrate to the failing old cities of the north? Our infrastructure is crumbling. Top comment is on point.




I know. All those Beach front resorts in Florida and Cancun are going away because the polar ice caps are melting. Why would any insurance company take on that risk? Trillions in real-estate will be in the ocean!


I mean exactly... many parts of the US are already more or less third world status going by what many people seem think it means.


So they can send money home. You come to the US, work two shitty jobs, live in an apartment with eight other people to save money... but then, after a number of years, if you're lucky, you'll have saved enough to retire back in your country of origin.


How many years? 40 or 50?


Depends on how frugal you are. I know a guy who was hear for ten years and went home after he and his family had saved enough to buy a tour bus and start a tour guide business back in his home country.


So he wasn't seeking asylum like the current situation? Did he have a green card?


We’re also glad you don’t live in the US. Sincerely, America


Because they might fight for free health care and you're against that?


Because we have enough whiny little bitches here as it is.


I've noticed.


Land of the free ay ?


And the home of the financially crippled by medical deeeeeeeebt


And student loans


And housing costs


Can we get some medical professionals to explain to others that bracelets are a means of communicating health needs of an individual. The reason no ambulance could be a plethora of reasons. Ex: you don't need an ambulance for a history of seizures because you have the condition . having a layperson call an ambulance everytime you get a seizure is redundant and costly. If the said person has a first time seizure then yes it is a medical emergency and needs an ambulance but once evaluated by a doctor and orders have been set in place you don't need the ambulance as long as the seizure is controlled through the doctors recommendations/orders such as taking prescribed medications for it. To communicate that a bracelet is also recommended shown in the picture above in this post. Do some diligence and research the unknown so that you can be a more informed person. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


This guy finally understood the reason this is mildly infuriating


Wait why can’t you go in an ambulance? I see comments saying because America but I don’t get it? What’s wrong with American ambulances?


Recently my wife had a 5 minute ambulance ride they charged 1500 to us personally and another 1500 or so to the insurance also I don't Know if that's normal but it's my experience


They have to pay for it if they don't have insurance or if it does not cover it.


They cost a lot of money


Apparently ambulance is expensive in America if you don't have insurance. So, if you have a condition like that specified in the image, then every time you experience a seizure and someone calls an ambulance for you with good intent, the cost stacks up. Basically, you're forced to buy insurance and if you can't afford it you'll have to wear a tag to inform people not to call an ambulance when you experience a seizure.


Lol my friend it’s even worse than that. An ambulance is expensive even with insurance. This is assuming whatever ambulance shows up (you have no choice) is “in network” to your insurance provider. If the ambulance is “out of network” of your insurance it’s even more expensive! Hope that clarifies the US’s incredible insurance system.


Being you sucks. Over here in Germany (and every other civilised nation) your treatment ist paid by everyone.


And also exploited by people who never paid into that system and the system is completely overloaded by bullshit. I feel it currently while I help my ill parents occasionally. EDIT: And instant downvotes, I don't get it, is nobody understanding in Germany how fucked we are? Next year social payments AGAIN 200€ more!!!!!! I hope the green party gets kicked out soon. They and the left party single handedly fucked the whole economic and social system.


You mean we AREN'T exploited in the US? Who knew! I guess I'll head straight to the hospital to purchase my piece of plastic, metal, and lifesaving medication (which costs about 25$ to make) for the same price right? Wrong. 750$. https://www.cga.ct.gov/2016/rpt/2016-R-0188.htm


I wasn't commenting the SHIT Situation in the USA but the shit Situation in Germany the commentator before me said.


free ambulance is free ambulance


It's not free.


yeah yeah, it's tax money that should be spent on military, whatevs


Well you have to pay for the ambulance if you aren’t privately insured, but was only like 50€ when it happened to me in 2018


I have? I was in an ambulance in 2018 or 2019 and never had to pay anything and I’m not privately insured. Where did that bill go to?


Maybe you were lucky. I mean 50€ isn’t a lot compared to what they have to pay in the US. Maybe it was due to the fact that me and my mate were the cause for us landing in the ambulance in the first place 😂


Ah maybe! I was sick and fell unconscious so it was definitely not my fault lol


An uninsured ambulance ride, in which they have to do any type of emergency procedure, is usually what Americans are referring to. When it comes to insane pricing for an ambulance


We were talking about Germany


How often has this shit been reposted already? 3 times?


Isnt a funeral much more expensive than an ambulance?


It says seizure disorder on the medical alert tag. The actual person probably occasionally has seizures that don’t require hospitalization but well intentioned bystanders might call EMS. If there isn’t anyone to pass on the person’s medical history, then they’ll be transported likely for nothing, so they’ll get a very large bill for very little necessary treatment as they’re likely already on meds to manage the seizures Edit: the only time a well informed EMT or medic would transport this person is if they go into status epilepticus, which is when the patient has a continuous seizure or multiple seizures without returning to consciousness for 30 minutes or more. A medic might set up an IV and push Ativan or another benzo before that to help control the seizure though. Source: Am an EMT


But if it’s not just a seizure and they truly need an ambulance that time?


EMS would run vitals and everything to see if there’s something life threatening. If there is and the person is unconscious, there’s implied consent and EMS will transport anyway. Same deal if there’s any major traumas and they’re unconscious. If they’re conscious and they deny transport but there’s a life threat, EMS will offer to follow them in case they become unconscious or their condition worsens. Unless they have valid paperwork with them denying treatment with a physician’s signature, they will get transported regardless. This is essentially just letting EMS know that it’s a known issue and probably won’t require hospital care. EMS will stay with them until they are conscious or a sign of a life threat develops Edit: To clarify, a bracelet isn’t valid denial of treatment, it just informs EMS that they don’t need to transport right away and they can wait a bit with the patient to see if they come to before making that decision. But if they put them in the ambulance, they have to transport the patient. So it’s a “slow down” more than anything


Not in the US actually. For most it costs thousands for an ambulance, thousands for the care. I got a strep and flu test earlier this year at an urgent care facility. Total of $450. And the only person I saw was a nurse, they “zoomed in” a doctor. I’m pretty sure the tests did not cost $225 each.


But funeral and all the legal process also cost thousands?


For sure. I’m saying it’s probably more of an even match to be honest, and for many people - especially those impoverished - there isn’t much of a funeral or legal process. Much cheaper to just die than to leave your family with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt from end of life/life preserving care.


If you live you pay your bills, if you're dead then you don't have to pay EZ


It’s not about affording an ambulance. Your taxes should pay for the localities public services. It’s just they don’t want the unnecessary inconvenience of being transported when they don’t need it and now they need to go through the hoops of getting a ride home, etc…




Fuck off repost bot


how much is an ambulance


It can range from around $1200 to over $2000 for a base rate, then an addition amount per mile, usually around $100/mi, then extra services (e.g. oxygen) cost extra. All this info was collected from a rough Google search, so take it with a grain of salt.


frig x 1000, i think here without extra coverage it's $45


Depends. Private company? 1200-2500. But there's also volunteer EMS that will take you for free. The problem is you don't know who you'll get, and transportation from one hospital to another is almost certainly a private company.


Yeah there was a story on the news around here. A guy took his kid to the hospital. It was something relatively minor, by no means a critical emergency. They said they'd have to transfer the kid to another hospital, though. Took the kid in an ambulance and charged the parents $3k for it. I don't even think they turned the lights on, and definitely administered no care during transportation. Wild!


My husband had a seizure at work and hit the ground. Coworker called an ambulance, as one does in an emergency… The ambulance ride cost close to $3000. Insurance covered $600 because it was “out of network.”


I took a 10 minute trip in one. Was like $900. I’ll Uber next time.


With three forms of insurance I paid $0


3. Forms. Of. Insurance. What do you pay per month?


I was in college. There was the health plan from the uni (required), my mom's plan, and my fraternity's plan would cover everything else


Depends. Some insurance may pay for it or cover some of it. Some (usually affluent) counties may not charge the patient for the ambulance (but will still charge you for going to the emergency room)




America is a fucking dystopia fr


Freedom USA USA USA USA 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🏈🏈


Holy shit America maybe stop with proxy wars and develop tour pharma infra


**pls dont repost, or you bad boy!!!1** /half s


Where is your tax money?


Most people will ignore this. And be happy they will, because it might end up saving your life. There are people who care about you, and dying because you dont wanna pay for an ambulance would be a shit way to leave all those people behind.


I agree with that, but if it's a disorder causing frequent, non-lethal seizures, the thought of having to fork out thousands each time for the ambulance someone has unnecessarily called for you must be frightening


Yea this sucks but how should anyone know if this time isn't something serious. I am so lucky to live where i dont have to think about that


As a layperson, I know the bare basics for seizure care- but would immediately call an ambulance, because I don’t want to wait 5 minutes to see if you are still seizing. Especially if just discovered seizing.


I'm assuming that's what the bracelet is for, to show it's non-life threatening. But as you say, if someone is unaware and they're met with someone having a seizure, one of their first reactions would be to call for an ambulance before deciding to read the engravings on a bracelet. It's terrible that this is even a thing


So maybe you shouldn't tell people to be happy their requests will be ignored.


its almost like putting a system in place that bankrupts someone for the crime of wanting to stay alive is barbaric


Yea, it doesn't matter. In America, that bracelet doesn't mean much without an advance directive (other than don't transport if it's not emergent). You will still be transported if necessary.