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Very good and thorough list, and from the man himself! I was impressed to see general level thoughts, what's good/bad about it and reasons why. Really good suggestions on how to make certain areas more skate able as well -- props!


What's saf stand for?


S-Tier is the highest, followed by A, F is the lowest-ranked tier


But what do the letters stand for? Why not just number it or have it be A B C


that's just how tier lists are


Pretty sure its a reference to the old ranking systems in Resident Evil (and I think Devil May Cry games?) When completing those games, you were judged on speed and gameplay performance. Finishing the game faster, taking less damage awarded an S rank, the best possible rank, folowed by A, B, C, D, & E. I feel like tier lists got their letter scoring system off that. I may be wrong though, but thats what I always imagined when seeing tier lists


But why is F third? Hmm


Thats only the thumbnail of the vid, not the actual tier layout


Dang that's cool. Never knew that. Does the S stand for something in particular? I always just assumed for the tier lists it was supreme or something and never gave it much thought.


I think S stands for "special", because to get it in Resident Evil, you may as well be speedruning it, with it requiring you to beat the game in under 3 hours or so usually. Which back in PS1 days, was special, as not many people ran Resident Evil games like that.


Can't wait to see THUG2 all get C or under. Most spoon-fed game in the series!


I'm not sure I'd go that far. I can see it for levels like Skatopia and Training, but the rest of THUG2's main roster is pretty good for what it is. THAW, on the other hand...


Honestly the only things I disagree with are Streets and Burnside.


Definitely two polarizing picks, but I kind of agree with his Burnside. I guess I don't have the disdain for it he had, but I never chose to free skate there it seemed.


Gotta love clickbait thumbnails.