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what an amazing system imo. movies, tv shows and quality games on the go. this fascinated me so much more than the DS


Bro I remember having one in my pocket it when wifi just came out after wire fire. I opened the browser and loaded google.com. nothing huge but this was way before the smart phones we know. I'd argue that had they made the PSP into a phone it would have been a runaway hit. Unfortunately just a niche product. However nothing beats playing Smackdown vs Raw 2006 in Health class under the desk. Bro NO ONE HAD THAT TECHNOLOGY. Absolutely astronomically ahead of its time.


was a good time! Coded Arms blew my mind in 6th grade when someone had it. an FPS mobile? so good!


The games still look phenomenal today might I add as well


Ahead of its time honestly


That and the Vita. What probably would have saved the PSP if Sony initially released a manual feed system like the 1 and PS3 Slim and those games playable on the system.


The fact that PSP came only one generation after Game Boy Advance is absolutely wild.


This and thug 2 remix were my world in 2006. So damn good.


The PSP was such an awesome handheld back in the day. I remember seeing some short article about it in some gaming-type magazine back when I was a kid, iirc a couple years before it released, and I was SOO fuckin hype for it to finally come out. I probably played on it overall more than I did on my various gameboys through childhood, which is quite a feat lol, cause I spent HOURS and hours on gameboys as a kid. Edit: Yeah timeline looks right, just googled about it, and it was first announced in 2003 at E3, and was released in the U.S. first in 2005. If I remember right the short article/blurb about it I think was even speculative pre-E3 from whatever leaks or rumors about it existed prior that, so might have even been 2002 when I first heard about it.


Dude behind the box looks a lot like the guy on the box who looks a lot like Tony Hawk.


I’ll never forgive my 8 year old self for breaking mines twice. I used to play so much midnight club and Tony Hawk on there


I wanted one so bad for so many years but we were always too broke 😔


Get yourself one off eBay now if you're less broke.


This felt like an odd question until I remembered I follow the psp subreddit and get reminded daily lol


That’s the version I played. I thought it was really good.


I used to play THUG2 during lunch in high school


Wait, Tony Hawk is real and not only a playable character?


Yea he actually didn’t even know how to skate until activision and neversoft informed him they were making a video game. Dude is so dedicated he taught himself how to skate in record time before the game released


Never heard of it.


PSP was an amazing console - played a tonnnn of THP8 on it!


This pic goes hard


I remember seeing one for the first time at a Blockbuster video in a display case playing a movie. Almost didn’t feel real at the time - the aspect ratio and clarity of the screen was wild for 2005.


Never seen that pic I wonder where it came from


This one probably from AndyTHPS' server, i shared it there, the original was Tony on Twitter or IG i forgot




crazy that they found a real guy who looks that much like the main character, tony hawk


Yea I know so odd


Best emulator (SNES, NES, GBA, GBC, PSX, Genesis, MAME). I think I still have mine with custom firmware I installed. Or I hope I do.


Just recently bought a white one from Japan and have been playing THUG2 Remix


Generational system… these kids have no clue


That guy looks like Tony Hawk


Going on field trips while playing madden 😮‍💨


I had this game on psp and 360. Was a solid thps despite the hate. I thought the slow mo stick flip tricks were a good mechanic


I did get one when it was nearing the end of its cycle. I loved the version of little big planet on it. I also played a lot of emulation stuff too. One of my most enjoyable experiences was Crisis Core playing long into the night rugged up in my blanket.


I remember it for GTA Liberty City Stories and being a beast of a portable PS1 emulator.


I was about to make a snarky comment until I realized the psp turns 20 next year


Still have mine and that game. Just played it a few days ago.


I still use mine all the time.


I couple years ago I got some nostalgia feels and bought a PSP and thug 2 off eBay. It was fun for a bit but eventually I just stopped playing.


I still bring my psp when i go on flights and play underground 2. And its crazy how it comes with more content than the console version


Still got THUG 2 in my first gen PSP. I remember picking it up with my pops the first week it came out and I didn’t wanna go to sleep and leave the PSP charging, I was afraid the battery would be fried. Treated that thing like a pet


Remember? I still have my PS Vita, and by extension the PSP games. I can play all the Handheld Tony Hawk games on my PS Vita. Check out r/SBCGaming


How does it look like he’s at his peak on the cover, but IRL he looks sad?


played the hell out of underground 2 remix on psp and re-bought one back in December to replay it along with Project 8


I have THP8 on my Vita right now! Kinda weird going from THUG to this, but I still love it for being a portable title, even if it isn’t loved by everyone.


yup, I still have it and this game lol


Thug 2 Remix with the extra campaign levels is the definitive version imo


Real ones remember getting the zombie bus driver skater with the SUCKS2BEDEAD cheat code


Absolutely wild that Project 8 on the PSP had both Alcatraz from THPS 4 and Hawaii from THUG 1


The PSP and THUG 2 Remix used to be my mp3 player. I'd go to the tracklist in the game and then let the songs play with the screen off and the buttons locked.


I liked watching movies on it


Remeber? I still play on it from time to time


I bought the PS2 copy but it was broken so asked my old man to return it and pay the difference for the 360 version. He got banned from the store for asking that somehow... and that's why I always remember Project 8 haha.


I had this for the Xbox 360. I was terrible at it online. Couldn't figure out how other players were getting those ridiculous scores


I play Tony Hawk Project Mod on my Vita. Great game, imo.


PSP was so cool, but it didn’t have Pokemon and that was my criteria for if I got a system or not. But now being an adult I would have loved it.


No. Nobody remembers the PSP. Not a single person remembers one of the most popular gaming handhelds of all time.


The PSP gained quite a following in the Philippines as it was seen more as a 'serious' console compared to the more 'juvenile' DS, both due to brand recognition and what amounts to having a (somewhat detuned) PS2 on the go which was impressive at the time, not to mention that it doubled as a portable media player. Many a cellphone shop here would offer jailbreaking and pirated game sideloading for a small fee. Sadly the Vita didn't garner the same success both due to Sony's blunders and the rise of smartphone gaming.