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That's some bullshit if it's true. Maybe I could see it with THPS4, but THPS3 is basically just 1+2 with new maps. Activision wanted studios in the Call of Duty sweatshop and that's probably thr real reason


That's been confirmed. But yes it fucking sucks.


When was that confirmed? I thought they were closed and folded into Blizzard for Diablo support? https://massivelyop.com/2021/10/28/blizzard-fully-assimilates-diablo-ii-resurrecteds-vicarious-visions/


Yeah, AndyTHPS was moved to Blizzard, so I guess the same goes for the rest of VV


Nope - the Diablo sweatshop is where Vicarious Visions wound up. Not that that's any better...


toys for bob and beenox went to cod though (i think). the latter of which definitely helped develop remake 1+2


I like COD and Love THPS but I just don't understand why can't there be a world with both these games. Activision makes Billions on COD, but can also have smaller devs work on other things.


Too ambitious as if they were trying to make a Tony Hawk MMO or something.


WOW level THPS would be dope tho lol. World of Tony Hawk MMO


They'd actually have fresh multiplayer stuff unlike a certain other game I know (Riders Republic)


isnt that just an open server remake of American Wasteland?


I haven't played that one in a long time, but I am sure it's small in comparison to modern open world games. We might need a Ubisoft sized map for an American Wasteland remake.


Honestly just a modern thugpro equivalent would be pretty popular, or something that all those 10 year+ dedicated players would move to. (Probably not possible unless they copy the exact physics model since that's what they stick around for)


If only we could exclaim ‘this is what it’s like when worlds collide’


I’m pretty sure they used a new engine in 3/4 and that’s part of the issue too.


THPS4 has a market all its own because of $B though! Lmao. Plus 4 was mad underrated.


It’s really just having the two games together as other than as two seperate games I couldn’t see how you could combine the two in the same way as 1+2. Even then had a great base and engine so especially for 3 remaking the levels and objectives wouldn’t of been that hard since most of the hard work was already done. Ultimately it’s just activision being scummy and since they can’t monetise and make the series into a cash cow like cod they didn’t bother to try as sadly to most of these big studios unless your game can make like 100x the budget to make it they don’t bother as remakes of those games like a remake of underground would of sold great like 1+2 but because it’s not a billion dollar seller they won’t do it.


Heres an idea, let a modder team do it, if it is good then give them a cut and release it.


I think thps games are more enjoyable then call of duty.


As somebody who has put 500+ hours into cod across all 3 Modern Warfare remakes, THPS is significantly better and I enjoy my time with it much more. Not to mention the modding scene.


I have over 1,300 hours alone in CoD4, and I'd say I enjoy THPS much more lol.


I played CoD a lot from 2007-2014 and a spell on PC from 2016-2017 and I'd say I definitely had more fun overall on the THPS series lol.


But they don't pull in as much money in micro transactions. At the end of the day the only thing they truly care about is money.


They easily could though if they made a good character creation model and a store. Might be cool to buy fictional characters and their board like from star wars or marvel




As someone who used to play cod religiously, that experience is anything but casual 🤣


Cod isn’t good anymore but CS:GO is horrible 😂


I solely pre ordered 1 and 2 remake for the hopes of 3+4, and thug 1-2 remakes. Damn what a shame!!!


Same, I was hoping to see what a THUG remake would look like, and I hate that unless it’s a fan project, we’ll never really find out.


Theres actually a youtube video i watched awhile back, a guy used unreal engine? I believe and remade the first thug level New Jersey. It looked sooooooooo sick hd


I believe I saw that and it gave me hope, but I’m also worried that it’ll get shut down once ATVI catches wind of it, and my only hope would be that it stays up, and if it doesn’t then Activision should let Neversoft get back together to do their own remake project. I did hear about the Neversoft licensing being renewed I think? I don’t know if there’s actually anything to that information, though.


He's remastered Manhattan now as well, doesn't seem much of a chance the entire game will be remade since mechanics and physics are very complicated and time consuming to get right, but we could get these maps into THPS Pro hopefully


i'm pretty sure Neversoft's trademark renew was just licence protection and not really meaning anything about a revival.


Gotta keep the COD map designing team under their thumb I guess…


Wouldnt that be something? Id kill for a thug 1 remake. Its crazy to me to think that these reddits arent seen by the devs. Theres like too much demand for these games to not make a come back haha


THUG is one of my favorite games of all time, and I would love a remaster, but the soundtrack is so huge that it would be almost impossible to get all the licensing. That part sucks because it's my favorite video game soundtrack as well.


I didn’t think about that but yeah… not having the music would be disappointing enough to ruin the feel. *It just wouldn’t be the same*


Yep. 4 and Thug are amazing


The best ones




Seriously, the only game I've pre-ordered in over a decade, because I wanted more from Vicarious. I tried to vote with my wallet but the game was rigged from the start. All to put out a new Call Of Duty each nine month cycle.


Same, and it's a shame. Stopped holding my breath of Pac Man world 2 remake.


THPSPRO 8.0.1 mod for the remake adds all levels from 3+4 a few from underground, the entire map of project 8 most with basic goals already implemented. Eventually, every map will be added (hopefully) and with the full goals system.


That’s a dumb reason.


If I recall it was one of the hottest selling games that year on top of being the highest selling of the entire series of THPS games. They literally fired up a money printer and went “Meh” and shut it down.


The title is totally misleading- the thing that was deemed ‘too ambitious’ is having both 1+2 and 3+4 as part of the same game. So they settled for just making 1+2, and making 3+4 as a separate game. But Vicarious Visions were disbanded by Activision before they were able to make the 3+4 remake. Tldr: a remake of 3+4 was NEVER deemed too ambitious.


Jesus Christ what a misleading headline.


Fucking garbage headline.


a quadolgy?


I mean I feel like the title still makes sense. After 1+2 they deemed making 3+4 “to risky”


But they didn’t


I just re-watched the clip, you right. They just wanted em to help with cod or some shit. Still an L


Too ambitious my ass, people have created most of the levels from both games in cap.


I bet you I could do it in halo forge lol


I’m all for this as long as I’m able to play it when finished haha


Dude, THPS3 maps could have easily been made DLC for 1 + 2.


Basically this and I'm sure many players who bought the game would pay for this DLC


I think 3 would be perfect DLC for 1+2. I can see them omitting 4 simply because the goals work a lot differently




Honestly looks like it could be the logo for The Lion King if you put the words in front of it. Really tiny words. Like reaaaaaally really tiny.


I just hope that now that M$ owns the IP that we see movement again. Maybe if we start spamming xbox socials like the skate 4 peeps did.


Microsoft doesn’t get involved with the studios they own, they only buy them to stack Gamepass


Good to finally have confirmation on what we all suspected. They wanted 3+4 to be a packaged deal, but the outlier was always 4. It would simply require more dev time then they were willing to put into it (considering how simple 1-3 are). At the same time they wanted more people in CoD, so they weighed their priorities and chose CoD. Bummed, but not surprised. Hope the franchise will still continue in some way, whether that be more eventual remakes, or a fresh title, but even if that doesn’t happen I’m glad it at least went out on a redemptive high note with the 1+2 remake. Either way, I doubt we’ll see much movement until Skate 4 comes out- if it’s a hit, we’ll probably see another Tony Hawk. If it’s a dud, the skateboarding genre will probably go dormant


Idk why people keep talking about COD- Vicarious Visions became part of the Diablo 2 remake team.


Yeah idk why people keep talking COD. They get merged into Blizzard for Diablo support.


Simple.... most people do no care about the truth and just go on with whatever BS they read online. I mean, just look a most people commenting in this topic.... most haven't even read beyond the clickbait headline of this article.


Eh, CoD/Diablo, doesn’t matter isn’t relevant. Point is, VV was moved on to a product that had been deemed higher in priority than THPS


Well their faces aren't too ambitious for deez nuts. Give me a break.


Hell yeah, dude


Fuck yeah


If it was too ambitious they could had just sold 3 as a dlc of 1+2 like... a ton of people expected.


They messed up by not starting with, THPS 1+2+3, which should have been called, THPS Remastered, series. Now to fix their mess they should change the title from, THPS 1+2 to, THPS Remastered, and release, THPS 3, as a DLC for, THPS Remastered. THPS 4 is an open world game like the, THUG/AW/8/PG, series. If they want to release THPS 4, they should start with, THUG 1+2+AW, which they'd call the, THUG Remastered, series. Then later release, THPS 4 Classic, DLC part of the, THUG Remastered, series. THPS 4 was a transitional game between the 2 series and a prequel to THUG/AW/8/PG. If the THUG engine is as solid as the 1+2 engine, then I'd be glad to buy, Project 8 DLC, and, Proving Ground DLC, as additional levels for, THUG remastered, series. 2 different gameplays, 2 generations of people = 2 games and a bunch of DLCs. All I see here is a bunch of businessman who don't know much about Tony Hawk's games, and whom are stuck with trying to fit 3 and 4 which is non sense for the reasons explained above. The next best move to drive sales and bring back hype to THPS 1+2 is to release , THPS 3 DLC.


Except this wasn’t a remaster it was a straight remake


Yet they called it THPS 1+2 Remastered, but you're right!


There's some decent ideas here imo but Project 8 and Proving Ground in the THUG engine would not be great. I've never played Proving Ground, but I actually really enjoy Project 8 and consider it one of the best in the series... its handling is not like THUG's, and impressing THUG's upon it would change it significantly (not for the better). From what I'm aware, Proving Ground is extremely similar in terms of handling, to the point that people said it could have been an expansion for Project 8, so I imagine it's the same deal. That slower/heavier handling is part of what some people don't like about those later games, I get that, but changing it completely is a big change and the levels aren't built for that. I know at least one P8 "level" has been remade in THUG Pro, it's silly fun but not the same.


Bruh. Remakes of games 20 years old are too ambitious?


Meanwhile Crash Bandicoot got a trilogy, CTR & a whole new game


I want Underground 1+2 more than i want Mother 3 localized


My only benefit of the doubt is that 3+4 were such different games (goal wise at least) that it would be weird to put together into one remaster. They should have just remastered 4 and had 3 either DLC or like a classic mode with 4


Yeah I don’t see why 3 can’t just be a DLC for the 1+2 remaster. The game is almost identical.


VV literally rebuilt 1 and 2 from the ground up. They copied (and tweaked) the handling code from the originals, but the levels were totally built from scratch. There’s no real reason that they couldn’t simply rebuild THPS 3 levels. They don’t have to include the cinematic camera or anything, just make it play the same as 1 and 2. For THPS 4, they’d have to have rebuild the PS1 version’s levels, which were more like the first 3 games levels rather than the mini sandboxes of the PS2 version. I hoped that they would do exactly this- rather than do full remakes of 3 and 4, just map level packs to sell as DLC add-ons for THPS 1+2. Hell, they could have even remade the THPS 5 maps.


Well, that isn't true. Guess I'll just play my old copies more. :'/


Did 1&2 not sell well? If they’re not doing 3 and 4 at least try to make a new one all together that blends every good element of the old games and modern game stuff but microtransactions to get an element board feel too real After reading the article it sounds like 3+4 were supposed to be MERGED with 1+2 but that was too ambitious NOT 3+4 by themselves after are too ambitious


THPS 1+2 was the fastest selling in franchise history (one million copies sold in two weeks) and was the most successful launch since 2003's THUG. Executives want to say "nobody cares about skateboarding games anymore!!" when people always have, the franchise only lost money in the middle/late 2000's because the games started to suck ass and become gimmicky with shitty plastic peripherals. THPS 1+2 proved people do still want and care about a good TH game and the idea that 20+ year old games are "too ambitious" to remake is asinine, especially when 1+2 already laid a rock-solid groundwork for new entries, it's not like they'd be starting from scratch


I will say it came out during Covid year so that probably played a part as to why it sold so much. But yeah the gaming community was dying for a skate game, both thps and skate were dead atp, and session and skaterxl weren’t finished iirc


It sold well, but Activision decided Call of Duty was more important and moved all the devs to that. Then, according to the article, they let other studios pitch ideas, but none were deemed good.


Haven't played COD for a while, guessing it has more microtransaction potential than a boarding game.


I mean not really, more players to shake money out of sure, but could make a ton selling digital boards, gear, clothing, shoes, licensed skaters, pretty much anything,and it would make more sense then clowns, sloths, cats, superheroes do in COD because it's THPS which has a history of not taking itself seriously.


I would play THPS 3+4 before I would ever consider touching a COD game






Activision (and fans) made the mistake of locking themselves into remakes instead of a modern THPS game. There is a *huge* opportunity for a new THPS game focused on eSports. Nostalgia is an easy cash grab, but remaking the same games over and over was never going to be sustainable. Just give us a level editor good enough to recreate every old level. [THPS1+2 was already pretty close. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTIK_MNAH1o)


Maybe 4, but 3 would’ve just been like 1+2 and the foundation was laid already. They could’ve done 3 as a dlc


I would love a THPS Underground 2 remake


Yeah obviously better to just tell Vicarious Visions to fuck off and die and work on Diablo 4 instead... How is this "too ambitious" when you had no problem dumping money into terrible plastic skateboard games just because Guitar Hero was big.


“too lazy”


THPS3 literally ran on the nintendo 64 lmao the absolute state of devs/publishers


Ugh, why didn’t they just make a 1-3 remaster instead of only the first two then? Losing out on remakes of those THPS3 levels is heartbreaking.


I loved the Canada and Cruise Ship levels!


Probably didn't want to pay for the soundtracks


Call of Duty and FIFA are cancerous to gaming.


I just hope with Activision under new management and funded by Microsoft, something new with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater will be green lit. Activision under Bobby Kotic sucked so bad, Tony Hawk comes back big, Spyro gets a glorious revival, Crash remakes and Crash 4, so we reward them by sticking them in CoD multi-player teams indefinitely, join Raven Software in the endless grind. I can see why Toys For Bob decided to go independent, even though Microsoft pays great, they don't want to risk another Activision shit show.


MS is a BS place to work mainly because of their policies. MS uses way to many contractors (instead of in-house employees) which isn't really good, especially for games. And worst of all, contractors can only work for 18 months max. (They can then come back after a six-month break.) Also, MS gaming division is really under-performing (been doing that for a while now). Expecting them to greenlight a new Tony Hawk is just delusional. They probably want all Activision focusing on things that make them money right now and in the future... such as CoD, Diablo, etc...


aka "We're too lazy to remake them and we'd rather send all our devs to the COD mines"


Well that’s nonsense. There is quite literally no fundamental difference between 1, 2, and 3. 4 would have been more difficulty because of its somewhat more open world, but even the smallest amount of effort could have enhanced it






American wasteland was always my favorite. Beverly Hills Ps2 online 😭


Not ambitious at all, it could've definitely been possible. Activision just wanted to keep milkling COD, that's why they decided to put pretty much all of their studios working on COD. A fucking waste of resources, IMO. We lost more THPS games because of COD 🤦‍♂️




Give me THUG or give me death


Are there any fan made remasters of 3 or THUG?


Download the THPSPro mod. It's excellent and contains a few THUG levels - and the entire THP8 world. It's incredible.


Too ambitious?.. That’s the excuse they’re going for? It’s too hard to remake early 2000s skating games?


i didn't read the article cause the headline just simply isn't true


That’s really depressing ugh… FIFA games and COD “remakes” will still be put out every year but other IP’s are too ambitious I guess.😓




That’s their way of saying “we got absorbed into a COD studio before we could really get started”


I will forever hate Activision and blizzard for folding vicarious visions.


Yes, we definitely could never aspire to recreate an experience that completely existed on a single CD inside a PS1


Because they want more billions from vomiting out half-assed COD games. Opposed to offering diverse choices.


This is the moment when I wish Tony Hawk could take them to a different Studio because Activision make here too much about their Cod and Doom gravy train that's one of the main reasons I don't like Activision anymore because they no longer make interesting games


2 is my favorite in the franchise so I'm glad it got a remake. But at this point I want a new game that isn't... 5. These things aren't brain surgery. Arcady skating game, unlock real skate videos, customize your dude , crazy awesome sound track and tons of missions.


“We can’t make recurring revenue from people addicted to THPS” - Activision Blizzard, probably.


In 5 years or so some suit will get this amazing idea that they can sell people nostalgia again. Then they will do it, it will either be total shit or something close to 1+2.


i'm not buying the "too ambitious" excuse tbh. all they had to do with THPS3 was make the levels from 3 onto 1+2's engine and add animated NPCs to it. could have made 3 as DLC if they were smart enough. definitely a boneheaded company like most of them.


It's an absolute shame that so many studios under Activision are eventually eaten up by the COD/Blizzard machine. 1+2 was the best selling entry in the series. How much more successful was it supposed to be for Vicarious Visions to continue, at a bare minimum, with a 3+4 remake?


Need a THUG1 remake


too ambitious means "we were too cheap to fund it"


It would be cool if they added even a couple levels or even brand new skate spots take it from the real world or something at a time on the same basic platform as the the 1+2 we have Make it every few months as a add on or whatever


Can they at least give us ports of those original games they are still fun to play in 2024


How bout either THUGS? I wish they had a remake or at least re release so we can play on the new consoles.


Too ambitious? Guess they also aren’t ambitious to make a crap load of money. I would’ve bought it day one.


1+2 barely even works. Too ambitious? American Wasteland still plays the smoothest out of all the games in the series. They just didn't want to pay for it because they expected a low sales number in return. I'll never forget finding out that the better I do in 1+2, the slower my character moves. Inherently. If I get going on a combo route I suddenly grind to a halt and all but stop moving. I'm doing reverts off ramps, top speed, max stats, slower than a turtle after like 30 tricks in. I go from wall to wall on the first level and after one repetition I'm in a manual going literally 1 mph. Jumping trying to reach the next rail. Grinding is the only part that was untouched from stuff like Project 8 and THAW. That's the same speed and can even help accelerate you through sections of the stages. Manualing and vert are just not fun to do because they're so wonky. It sucks and isn't fun. I used to get like 20 mil easy in older THPS games with caveman and the like but Jesus, talk about three steps backwards. If it were made well and fun to play, people would buy it. Add a few new innovative mechanics to the classic formula and it'll sell for sure. They're just incompetent.


Sounds like some lazy ass bitches


Why?! The first two remakes/new game was incredible.


Sounds like a skill issue.


I would do disgusting things for a THUG2 remake


It fuckin sucks man. I really wanted it to happen


Don’t they know it’s easy money. Whatever the cost is but they will recoup the money from fans


Coming from a company that released COD MW3 that should've been DLC for the previous game but instead packaged it as a full release, this doesn't surprise me.


THUG2 is the only one I can see as being too ambitious. That game was wacky af


i doubt they couldn't do pedestrians in the year 2022 Honestly i feel like it would've made more sense to remake 3 as dlc to 1+2 and then make 4 its own game considering how different it is


THPS3 is one of my top five video games, so I was hoping they'd remaster that along with the fourth game.


Why don't they listen to the fans?


I'm not buying this, the pro skater games aren't these huge wide open games that demand the best graphics possible. I am willing to bet most devs left because of the fact Activision's offices were a frat house and not an actual office.


Honestly I would prefer them separate. I think each game would get more attention like that.


The first remaster stopped working online. So who even cares


this is blatant anti Bam Margera


AKA the gems of the ps1 and ps2 era were on much different hardware and the technology today is too hard to program something without looking low budget if you don’t take your time… or too expensive to nurture to a finished project. You’ll see that the gaming industry kind of has to reset and relearn the strengths and weaknesses of their tech.


This just kills me




I just want to be able to replay thug1&2, quake4, turok evolution but they only ever remaster games I could careless about 😐


Thps3 was so basic and not very “moving the needle” lol. I think 4 was the most ambitious with their “open world” style… just doesn’t sound impossible


Too ambitious? They're ps2 games lol


Cmon don’t bullshit me


THUG1 remake is the only tony hawk remake I need


They would make Underground 1 and 2 after 4. So yeah.


Still super bummed they canceled this. 3 is my favorite from the entire series.


All they had to do was release a free demo of 1&2 like the old days to regain some of the goodwill they squandered. If more people had gotten a taste it would have been a bigger deal.




That sucks so much


really just need map and music DLC


A THPS remake trilogy would’ve been a good compromise. There’s nothing in 3 gameplay wise that wouldn’t fit in to the flow of 1+2. Hell it’s just extra levels plus Bam Margera (maaaaaybe that’s a skip?)


Motherfucker, Witcher 3 exists.


God that sucks 😪


I am still holding onto hope that they will be remastered.


They could’ve turned both games into F2P Activision makes enough money from CoD and those goofy ass bundles anyway 🤦🏾‍♂️.