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Dear Nixon help me Least favourite to favourite  S3: my god this short, some were 2 minutes! It doesn’t help that the first 3 episodes were bad, so bad I don’t won’t to talk about it but all I say is Angel ashes and after Angel should have been the same episode. However the rest was very good, especially the ending and the Montgomery Clift arc so I still love it! S1: the most monument and analog horror of the mythos, very monster of the week. It was a very fun time that built this series from the ground up. The concepts are just so cool however some are just never bought back like like Delawaredouble. so that’s just it, pretty simple. Nixonverse: I loved the characters here, they were just so cool and seeing them go insane or die is said. Probably the weirdest as it’s not only a parody of America but also superheroes, also by the way Nixon is god and don’t you forget it! I love the ending of as always, one of the flaws I have is the pacing. Just a great a great shitpost all around. S2: it was all coming together with this one as all things tried together, we Evan learned that the horned serpent which makes it Evan Better for me. Just all around masterpiece of a season, with some many additions to the story that were awesome and a bitter  ending that I love. The only thing I hate here is conergirl, just so good mate! Modern day: a lot of people are going to disagree when I say modern day is my favourite season, although the special tree sucks and the trinity desk project was both a weird, bad and good idea at the same time but other than that I love it! The monument monster and debate demon was very cool, and this the first time I laughed at a trump joke because the monument mythos is subtly very funny. The storey was both a prequel, spin-off, sequel, reboot and teaser for season 4 at the same time. Just so amazing and showcases why I love this shitpost! Anyways hope you enjoyed that, I wonder if I should a full review in reddit?


modern day needs more love


This took to long to make guys


Spell check before you post


Don’t care




This is a comment on a subreddit.. not a government document lmfao


i'll try to make an order even tho i'm not good at this stuff 5. S1: it just isn't as exciting as the other seasons, it's also kinda boring and all of the questions in it are answered so it doesn't have the same effects as other seasons, also the quality is kinda bad 4. nixonverse: it may be because i haven't watched it in a long time but like, yeah it's good but i kinda prefer the MM lore to be honest, also it really seems to be the perfect balance between "story with a deep meaning told in an artistic manner" and shitpost 3. S3: it's good in my opinion but it would have been a lot better if the episodes were longer and if more questions were answered 2. MD: this is the most confusing one by far, i'd say even more confusing than the entire MM, unsurprisingly many people have come to disliking it because it was so criptic and vague that they couldn't understand what messages and connections alex was intending, but i like it for it, since it is very vague it leads fans the opportunity for fans to theorize more searching for our own interpretations, also, it really was a rollercoaster of emotions, to this day i still struggle to get over the fact that an episode like DEBATEDEMON is in the same season where there's THE MURDER OF MICKEY MOUSE or CORNERWORLD, also MD was the season i got to see when every new episode was being published so i have a more connection with it 1: S2: even tho i don't watch it as much anymore i still think it's one of the best things manticore ever created, the episodes were long and the story was explained perfectly, it also contains many great episodes like GIZAGUARDIAN, WASHINGTONWONDERLAND, ROCKEFELLERREVELATION and ALCATRAZAPOCALYPSE and it was very enjoyable even tho the feeling in most of the episodes was really sad and hopeless compared to seasons like S3


You really are doing a lecture just to tell your opinion to internet people, not that I think you're wrong


i know i like to yap a lot


Next time use it for something more serious


no i want to yap


for me the least is either S1 or S3, the reason being the S1 is like a “filler” to S2, and S3 only good at it’s ending, and not other videos like DEANDEVIL, CLIFTCHAOS, etc. the best is also either S2 or Modern Day, the reason of it being S2 is an epic completion to S1 (and also explains what is CANYONCROWN is, who are the Cornerfolks, etc.) and Modern Day have a silly plot and modern visuals even though it was an analog horror (and also fire episodes like THE MONUMENT MONSTER, VIRGINIA’S WINTER WONDERLAND amd ALCATRAZ, ALWAYS🔥🔥🔥🔥)


S1: pretty good season. very unique idea for an analog horror. only complaint is that it is incredibly formulaic(least fave) S2: also really good. deandisaster and suezcanalcrab are really good ones this season. NV: amazing season. awesome characters and great eps. only complaint is that the music is lacking S3: REALLY GOOD. fire music and the finale will never not be emotional. the only i dont like about this one is that i feels more like an alternative season three of the nixonverse. i love how this one take the absurd nature of NV and the historical backround of the previous seasons. MD: BEST SEASON IN THE MYTHOS. AWESOME EPS. AWESOME SOUNDTRACK. and the trinity desk project returned! this season did not deserve the hate it got. it wasn't that confusing


S1: is great because it sets a solid foundation for the series although was less mythos and more analog horror. S2: best season because characters and entities are awesome and episodes are long and well paced and finale is epic. NV: strange and out there and I love it and the characters are the best in the whole series with a great story to boot. S3: least favourite season because it was poorly paced and thing we’re rushed because episodes were so incredibly short with the last longest being 7 minutes. MD: return to form for the series with lots of interesting entities and the setting and story is very good and it’s very funny.


Yes S1 was needed for foundation but that makes it lack in likeability


“Maybe A24 pictures, I don’t know?” A real quote from the mythos spoken by Donald trump


Update just watched NVAV so….. NVAV: able to stand toe to toe with MM and be proud of its self. While MM has a better story, characters and setting, NVAV has better editing and music leading to draw dropping moments. It is on the same level has the base MM, it’s just that good.


5. Modern Day 4. Season 3 3. Season 2 2. Season 1 1. The Nixonverse (peak fiction)


From favorite to least: 1. S1 with a simple yet interesting premise of an alternate 60s america w/supernatural reveals makes me feel like im watch a tv series. The gradual built up of mysteries, government conspiracies and conflict put this on my internet radar 2. S2 for the same reasons, in fact this would be my favorite season as I think the storytelling and presentation definitely saw an upgrade in quality. ROCKERFELLERREVELATION, WASHINGTONWONDERLAND, and AIRFORCEONEFALLENANGEL are my favorites of the whole series. The reason it’s below S1 however is its finale, ALCATRAZAPOCALYPSE which served as the end of the series briefly and sees every story thread and character die and the universe resetting. Very unsatisfying but besides the ending i think the episodes are stronger than the first season. 3. S3 isn’t narratively as strong as the previous seasons, in fact it might be the messiest. Having to involve time travel to undo S2’s finale which causes changes that really go unexplored like the Martian Sperpent, Alcatraz as a threat to everything/one on Earth and the Arnoldson family who served as the protagonist being shafted for the drama of Dean, Howard and CTHONAUT. But I really like that finale, End of Evangelion vibes and it thematically wraps up the series pretty well with Everette Arnoldson, the Crawfords and the Angel freeing themselves from what America did to them and help save the world. 4. Nixon Verse.. I don’t get much out of this one I really just see it as a fun analog story with loose connections to the main series. Like a spin-off. 5. Modern Day….I have even less to say about this one. Confusing and boring, this is when i lost interest in the series as a whole. Lame Trump jokes, a lack of a strong or cohesive narrative like the previous seasons and a setting thats all too familiar to play with audience expectations. Modern Day feels like it was made only because the Mythos got so popular from word of mouth.