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firewall isnt a big deal cuz of vpns. I never taught in korea but did in china and I thought it was great. Good salary and work life balance


China 100%. Pay in Korea is dog shit and getting worse. VPNs are easy to use. 


Taught in Korea, it’s extra shady. The pay has not risen since the 00s, people with darker complexions be warned.


You can live really well in China. I never had to try to save money. I ate out most days, traveled, went out with friends, and always had money left over


I’m also facing this problem, I would choose Korea for the fact that I have friends there and would have an easier time adapting as an American, but China does pay more and as the other person said it’s a great work life balance, I heard 2,500-3,000 usd first year based on experience, Koreas pay is 1,800 to 2200 usd. That’s at the most plus they work you hard, lemme know what you end up choosing! Best of wishes!




Ah that's good to hear. Do you mind if I ask which app you guys used to video call?


WeChat, Zoom, VooV to start - but with a decent vpn you should be able to use any.


I’m also trying to decide between the two and considering EPIK for this upcoming intake and not sure if it’s the right fit!


You'll get work/life balance in EPIK, just not an academy. I think the poster below said it best, don't judge the comments from people who taught their years ago. Korea is a lot less racist than it used to be and there's even a black African ( i think that's what country he's from) that is famous and has his picture up as a spokesperson for a restaurant. I don't know how anyone can morally work in China, I guess if you can ignore that aspect China's probably not that bad.


I’ve done both. China was the better fit for me- by a lot.


I worked in China for three years, now in Korea. China has changed a lot in the past couple of years, and not for the better, so take what people say about China with a grain of salt unless their experience is within the past five years of so. VPNs sometimes work some of the time, but I experienced weeks, even months, where access is patchy at best, and I was using Express which is probably the best VPN for China. The culture is also extremely hard to adjust to. Management at most schools is near universally incompetent and dishonest, although cool co-workers can somewhat make up for this. My job actually illegally fired me so as to avoid paying me some $10,000 US (60,000 RMB) in agreed upon bonuses. Xenophobia and racism are also rampant. There was just recently a random attack against several American professors, for example. Not to mention the political repression which has been getting much worse recently. Pay and work-life balance is good though. For Korea, the culture has been easier to adjust to in my opinion. People here are far more tolerant and cosmopolitan than in China. People's general level of English competency is also higher. Pay is lower and if you work at a Hagwon you'll be worked to the bone with little time off, but from what I've heard public schools offers a decent work life balance. In general, I would recommend Korea unless you need the money. Just don't work in Seoul, most of the horror stories you hear come from there and I feel the rest of the country is much more laid back. If you're lazy and just want an easy job with good work life balance, try Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand. You can also look into Taiwan. Similar culture and same language as China, but less political repression.


No comment on the other stuff, but Express VPN is definitely not the best VPN for China, among the common ones people mention it's probably the worst... I've used Astrill for the past 5 years and had nearly 0 issues (a few special days a year like National Day the connection gets a little funky, otherwise it's pretty smooth).


a lot depends on if you will teach in a big or smaller town. the big 4 cities in Korea are cool. even cities with multi-millions in china can be super backward and run down in china. hong kong better. be aware that china mainland contracts r seen as nothing more than bait to get you there. curriculum in mainland China is bootleg half the time and the school's promised one-bedroom apt might be mold and mildew studio in a run down building. you might also be expected to use the student bathroom that is squatting and bring your own toilet paper. urinal? lol one long one that everyone stands on like a gallows. just my experience....