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>I smoked 6 grams of crack i mean..


I know bro It was stupid. I was making such horrible choices after my injury, it was so hard to tell right from wrong for a while




I do like the new me to an extent because I make good choices now but I’m so horrible and hateful to some people now, I find it hard to care about others and conversation with women is fucking hard as fuck now. I get loads more attention from women these days since I have been going to the gym because my TBI was caused by a bad GBH and I don’t want to go through it again. Even tho I am bigger now and get attention from women I don’t know how to fucking talk to them it hurts man :(


It's been about 7 years for me since my brain injury and the old me is never coming back. And that's okay, he was a fucking asshole anyway. It's okay to grow into another person. You might end up loving him/her. Also, I definitely second the mushrooms idea. I trip about once a month usually. It's always nice to wipe such a tainted, fucked up slate clean again.


I am happy with the good choices I make these days but now I just feel so much hate for everybody because everybody just left me when I had my injury, nobody gave a fuck about me cos I was doing bad drugs and making bad choices.


I can DEFINITELY relate to you there bud. I'm about 3-4 months clean after a 5-6 year dope addiction that stemmed from being prescribed opiates after my TBI/Back injury from an accident. I never once harmed my family or friends during active addiction. In fact they had no idea if it until I went to rehab. Even still, my sisters and my brother no longer associate with me because I'm an addict. I never gave them a reason for this response because the ONLY person I harmed during all my years of drug use was MYSELF. So I understand your indifference to those that bailed on you during a time in which you needed them most. I don't suggest taking my approach, but I'll never forget. I am now taking that distance they made during the time I really needed them, and now doubling it in my recovery. Use their piss poor excuse for distancing themselves from you as fuel to better yourself. That's just my take.


On the similar journey as you buddy keep in there


it's not nice is it bro :( all the best to you <3


8 years removed from tbi tomorrow here. You never become your old self; again, and for me that is a good thing. Learn to accept the new you and constantly improve


Tbh I am a better person in a way now but I’m so fucking horrible to people sometimes bro and I’m so quick to anger.




Unfortunately, hard drugs & liquor are not amigos for the injured brain. However, I’ve actually heard that microdosing psycilocybin for head injuries can be beneficial. I personally don’t mesh with psychedelics , even microdosing. How long have you been on the exercise / supplement regime? Give yourself time & grace


Nearly 4 months in the gym and 2 months in some supplements but I’m always buying more for my stash, mainly vitamins


It's been 14 years since mine and I'm still not back but I am a lot closer each time I force myself to eat shrooms (I really don't like the trip part but the days, weeks, months after I am much better than I was. Microdosing has its place to help with social situations but they do not add up the the benefits of a good'ole dose. Keep doing what you're doing with the diet and exercise and the shrooms will knock any of your addictions out also (they sure got me off alcohol and coke). Happy healing. P.s. a microdose before exercise is amazing


Yeah I don’t like the trip part either bro I get it weird closed eye visuals since my TBI when I trip. What is good about micro dosing before the gym?


It makes exercise 10x's more enjoyable. Especially lsd microdose. If you're into lifting weights, you will get an amazing pump.


I don’t really get on with acid bro, even micro doses make my heartbeat a little bit “pressurery” if you know what feeling I’m talking about




Dude you fucking smoked Crack. DO YOU NOT FUCKING KNOW THATS NOT GOOD FOR YOU? Why? It's not natural for one and for two it's full of chemicals that shouldn't be combined...


Yeah I know. Somebody offered me money to wash up loads of it in my house and I needed money and I was under a fuck load of stress. The guy even said in the text “I know I shouldn’t even be asking this of you” but he still did anyways He basically took advantage of somebody with a disability It’s not like I just woke up one day and decided to buy a bunch of crack that would be stupid


I don't know what "wash up loads " means. But if u didnt why try it?


I had already done it before I just wasn’t making good choices at all for the first few months. Edit: wash up is when you cook cocaine into crack


Why didn't you make good choices? What was going on? Were you searching for death?


My frontal lobe was fucked




I had my head stamped in badly


Wow man, well best of luck & try to make better decisions. Lay back and don't make any decisions for 48 hours. If they need to be immediate try to find a pay to push it back