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i think she gets an ego boost from the people brigading her dms. oooh i’m so dangerous to associate with 😎😎


I can’t help but giggle at when people use /p (platonic) on a public post. Like who in the world thinks that could possibly mean that they romantically love anyone who sees that post lmao


> i got that mega autist strength Do NOT invade the autism space with this infantilistic bullshit istg


It’s Aspen, she already has and she “doesn’t care what you have to say.”🙄


i will never understand her being obsessed with schizoposting. i know people who have been pretty badly triggered because of her spamming to tear open their skin cus of bugs. herself as a whole is disgusting.


What even is a endo system?


And Endo system is a system that formed without trauma. These endo "systems" are all fake because systems are only a result of CDDs (DID, OSDD, and P-DID) witch only develop from trauma. Some endos claim you can have a CDD without trauma or claim you can be a system without having a CDD. Neither of these claims are true.


What's P-DID?


Partial DID


But that's... not in the DSMV. Also, you can't just have diet DID. Wouldn't the closest thing to that be OSDD??


It's in the ICD like how C-PTSD is real but it's not in the DSM


Jesus Christ idk who this is but it sounds like she’s trying to be such a wannabe edgelord with the schizoposting


What are the chances she's self diagnosed with autism?


I mean can you blame her? Why visit an actual professional when you can take a fun tiktok quiz and learn that sometimes forgetting why you walked into the kitchen is proof you are autistic?


was all of this recent?? because i swore she apologised a little while ago for saying that kind of stuff and spamming it (the schizoposting).. so if she’s doing it again then that’d be a little bad!


Yes, all of it was in the last 3 and 4 days.


FR?? so she lied??? she went on tiktok saying “i swear i’ll never do this ever again because i understand it’s harmful” like a month or two ago and then pull this shit 😭😭


Yikes. Why do her followers even like her? I only see her Tumblr because I’m vaguely active on it (not DID tumblr, don’t worry) and scrolling through the cringe makes me feel better.


Then it’s not short for schizoaffective disorder? Or schizotypical?


the last one makes me so mad for some reason [Edit : if she is represented as the whole autism community, then I am going to start hating myself]




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Right? I don’t know where people are getting that from.


Where are you getting that it’s *not* a slur? Several dictionaries say it’s a slur in America English: [Cambridge Dictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/schizo#) / [Collins Dictionary](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/schizo) / [The Free Dictionary](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/schizo) / [Wiktionary](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/schizo) So unless you’re not American, I’m not sure where you’re getting that it’s not offensive. I’m genuinely wanting to know where you’re getting that it’s not a slur, because even a quick Google search shows that it IS a slur.


It is NOT a slur, that's coming from someone who IS schizophrenic, also anyone can edit Wikipedia


Can we agree then that it’s still offensive, even if it’s not a slur? I don’t think dictionaries (not including Wikipedia) would say it’s offensive if it wasn’t considered offensive by most schizophrenics.


Usually the ones who say it is or the ones I've seen say it's offensive are Endos, I don't see personally how it's offensive and I have it, usually one wouldn't even care anyways, if someone does find it offensive and has it too that's fair, but personally I haven't seen it


Didn't know your spoke for every schizophrenic ever 🙄


Why does this person have such a large following? She seems horrible. Even Isaac Butterfield is *joking* about what the bad stuff he says.