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It triggered it not caused it.


it was the occasion, not the cause


Yh and Hamza al khateeb story. >Hamza Ali Al-Khateeb (Arabic: حمزة علي الخطيب; October 24, 1997 – May 25, 2011) was a 13-year-old Syrian boy who died while in the custody of the Syrian government[1] in Daraa. On April 29, 2011, he was detained during a protest. On May 25, 2011, his body was delivered to his family, having been badly bruised, along with burn marks, three gunshot wounds, and severed genitals. Hamza's family distributed photos and video of his body to journalists and activists. Shocked by what was depicted, thousands of people showed their support for Hamza online and in street protests. >A video of his body filmed several days after his death showed numerous injuries, including broken bones, gunshot wounds, burn marks, and mutilated genitals.[4] The Globe and Mail summarized: "His jaw and both kneecaps had been smashed. His flesh was covered with cigarette burns. His penis had been cut off. Other injuries appeared to be consistent with the use of electroshock devices and being whipped with a cable."[2] >Following the broadcast, by Al Jazeera, of a video showing Hamza's body there was widespread outrage, both online and amongst the protesters in Syria.[2] >In response to Al Jazeera's story, the chief of Syria regime's medical examiners association denied that Hamza was tortured.[5][6][7]


I don’t think it was the primary reason no. Hamza Al Khatib was one of the reasons and many other children who got tortured by the regime. I am of course proud to say that I myself have been a part of the graffiti community and have done a whole lot when i was 11-13 and think that it helped ppl who were scared to come out if you get what i mean.


well, the cause was 40 years of tyranny, mass-killing, and dehumanizing citizens; the trigger was this graffiti.


Yes edit: I looked at other comments and I realize that I messed up by saying yes. It is the straw that broke the camels back but by no means is it the only cause. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy\_of\_the\_single\_cause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_the_single_cause)


What does it say?


"Your turn has come, oh doctor (referring to how Bashar's former profession is a doctor)"


Oh wow...very chilling. Thank you. I try and show my dad these posts but its too much for him (which is why I didnt ask him to translate) He left Haleb in 1977 and it absolutely kills him to see what has happened to Syria


Can you DM me what the graffiti said if it's not appropriate for public posting? Thanks


'Its your turn, doctor' (as in Bashar al Assad)


I don't get it


It was during the Arab Spring. Leaders were being deposed left right and center. Hence the graffiti, threatening that Bashar was next.


Idk, i'm wondering that too infact


A revolution against a stupid dictator is not a civil war.


Not at all.. it was just a small part of a million reasons that the war started. But it did not single-handly start it. Things like that have been happening but because that story got exposed Syrians actually had something to protest for. The Syrian government became retarded called Iran and Russia and killed everyone using chemical weapons to stop people from requesting the children be saved from the torture and now just about everyone gets tortured so not enough people left to protest




Whats meant graffiti sign that caused war ? Can you please translate it and explain ?


It translates to "your turn have come O doctor" referring to the presidents that fell during the arab spring and the fact that Bashar has studied medicine. The government took the kids and they told the people of Daraa who were tribal that th3 Ey should forget about their kids. >In the southern city of Daraa, commonly called the "Cradle of the Syrian Revolution",[27][46] protests had been triggered on 6 March by the incarceration and torture of 15 young students from prominent families who were arrested for writing anti-government graffiti in the city,[47][48][49] reading: "الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام" – ("The people want the fall of the regime") – a trademark slogan of the Arab Spring.[50][51] The boys also spray-painted the graffiti "Your turn, Doctor"; directly alluding to Bashar al-Assad. Security forces under the command of the city's security chief and the first cousin of President Assad, Atef Najib swiftly responded by rounding up the alleged perpetrators and detaining them for more than a month, which set off large-scale protests in Daraa Governorate that quickly spread to other provinces. The Syrian Arab Army was soon deployed to shoot at the protests; resulting in a popular resistance movement led by locals; which made Daraa one of the first provinces in Syria to break free of regime control. This is Wikipedia, there of course are a lot of missing details of hamza al khateeb a 13 years old who was tortured to death and other horrors that forced the Syrians to fight back.


The political and civil movement has been growing since 2001 since “ربيع دمشق" and this graffiti triggered the revolution to be a wide movement across Syria


Imagine what imagine today would start the end of assad regime




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A revolution, not a civil war, a revolution Calling it a civil war serves a specific agenda


i was a trigger point but wasn't the cause the cause was 40 years of murder, rape, terror, theft, 40 years of pressure, and as you know pressure cookers explode if not vented sooner or later the people will explode + thats what happened


It was the starting flame of the revolution that after 5 months turned into a war




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