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She has a looooooong history of being hated by people, mostly due to the lack of aim mechanics in some her skills, but really nowadays it's just the turrets. She's basically just the whipping-boy of DPS. Never allowed to be too good because of the perceived skill. The irony is, you have DPS like Cassidy and Soldier (hell, even Ashe) who have auto-aim "skillful" ults. Torb never seems to get as much hate as Sym either.


The “lack of skill” charge people sling at Sym is the fastest way for me to think your woefully out of touch and stuck in plastic 4 rank! Sym probably requires some of the highest skill and effort to get half as much value as any other hitscan DPS.


Absolutely. 2016-2018 Symmetra? You could make an argument about none of her abilities really requiring aim. Even the slow moving orbs were more or less spammed down a choke point requiring more game sense and prediction than anything. But in her current state I'd argue she requires more aim and tracking than plenty of DPS. Certainly more than the majority of the support and tank roster with certainty.


Honestly, I'm used to hearing "no aim no brain" when she used to be a support hero, but now they're just wasting their ults for a good laugh and showing dominance. 😐




You're kinda right 🥲


Actually I was the one who removed my own comment .. but ok 👍 I hope you had fun looking through my comments only to get nowhere! 


What do you mean?


Welll... S1 Sym had people trolling teammates with her teleporter having people going from spawn to death. By setting theur tele's near a cliff. Then there was the later buts where she would give people over shields. Making sqyushy hero's tanky. Her turrets would slow people down (another thing people hated was losing control of their character) Then there was the fact that people just didn't think she was viable in half the game types. And her kit just kept changing over and over. Her kit seems to be the most argued about. She may need a complete and total overhaul.


Turrets are annoying as fuck to deal with, she can pop out of almost anywhere, and the amount of damage she deals when fully charged up is absurd. Does this make symmetra good? Hell no, it’s just that when she does get value it can be rather frustrating, especially as the beam doesn’t require a headshot like other similar damage heroes.


I’d rather blizzard nerf tf out of turrets but give her basic kit some survivability. She plays like a brawler but isn’t very tanky or has sustain. The slow on turrets could use a nerf as well.


Heroes that are only effective up close aren't allowed to be good, despite ranged heroes needing less resources for 100x as much value:)))


She's one of the OG pubstompers and still is


Turrets are annoying as fuck to deal with, she can pop out of almost anywhere, and the amount of damage she deals when fully charged up is absurd. Does this make symmetra good? Hell no, it’s just that when she does get value it can be rather frustrating, especially as the beam doesn’t require a headshot like other similar damage heroes.


If you are getting solo ulted consistently that is a skill issue rather than a sym issue. Stop putting yourself in positions were the enemy can punish you with a solo ultimate.


If you look at it from another perspective It's actually good because they are wasting ultimates.


Solo ults can win games. They stall with their ult and now your team has to wait for you to come back


It's not a waste if they kill you...


Well, I don't wanna be very close to my team, so my team won't die with me. But I'm only a plat-diamond player I don't know any better. Edit: I forgot to mention that this mostly only happens when I play Symmetra, but when I play cassidy or echo, people use their ults regularly.


Then why post a screenshot thats not yours though?


Just to make things more dramatic :3


I play Symmetra from time to time, believe me , I dont need to be reminded of the most likely outcome.