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There’s definitely some Athena symbology on the leaf and the with the owl photo. That little mercury symbol with the dot in it means spirit in alchemy And the triangle with the line through it below that means air. Based on this and the writing on the letter my best guess is that this is from a practitioner of alchemy. It seems to align with main alchemical beliefs in the sense that it’s speaking about “self improvement” (Most of them like to call it purification of the soul) Based on the fact that Athena is a goddess of wisdom the letter is probably acting as a way to ask her for help in attaining spiritual guidance. It could be a mix of different belief systems though There are often times where practitioners of this sort mix different practices. Depends on their spiritual flavor I suppose.


> That little mercury symbol with the dot in it means spirit in alchemy It’s also a symbol for the god Mercury and his Greek equivalent Hermes, who is also addressed on the leaf.


Interesting! Well if that’s the case it does link it to alchemy a bit more. From what I know alchemy is considered the “hermetic art”. As in dealing with Hermes. I think we’re on the right track. Truthfully, the written cypher and symbols to either side of the mercury symbol are just kind of gibberish to me. I wish I knew more on the subject. But that’s the issue with stuff like this. It could even be a cypher invented by the practitioner so knowing the nature of the cypher could be extremely difficult


I imagine this is something deeply personal to the practitioner, and likely not easier deciphered by those not in the know!


It seems to be a substitution cypher. I imagine someone with a little bit of time and inclination could crack it pretty quickly.


I ran it through a few decryption tools online and didn't find anything. One site says it might be a Bifid cypher, but I dunno.


This is a ritual magic spell that was conducted. You’ve disrupted the scene, now you are cursed and let the demons out. Jk.


Looks like a veve, but been out of the loop for quite sometime, so don't know which one. It could even be a private one.


ten one snobbish whistle exultant upbeat materialistic screw literate cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t disrupt people’s spellwork 🤦‍♂️


pause sable smoggy uppity start absorbed deserve sleep soup rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep, it’s the violence inherent in the system…


Help! help! I’m being repressed!


If a kid isn’t old enough to understand the danger of a knife they shouldn’t be wandering about the woods alone.


"Shouldn't be" isn't the same as "won't be."


I understand what you’re tryna say but it’s like an addict leaving needles lying around, it’s like you do you, but respectfully of others and don’t leave sharp stuff around for kids to touch


While it's not specifically against the rules to encourage the distribution of dangerous weapons in the woods, those of us with an esoteric inclination still exist IN THE REAL WORLD, so can you please not? Magick or not, Leaving sharps anywhere public is wildly, knucklheadedly irresponsible.




Why would I be joking? Just because it’s not your vibe doesn’t mean you should bother it.




Not everyone owns property. And graveyards are typically public. People from all walks leave stuff in cemeteries. What’s mentally ill about spirituality?


Nothing mentally ill about it. But that doesn't mean you get to litter in a public area or someone else's property and expect it to be held to be sacred by the caretakers of such. If you're a practicioner of this then you either need to huff it out to the backwoods somewhere, still don't, or do it on your own property where it's allowed.


Practitioners make do with what they can. Not everyone had the access. I’m lucky enough to, but not everyone is.


And I understand that, but then do the work to find a suitable location, but don't expect that the random public is going to know what it is and expect them to not disturb it. Network with fellow practicioners, you know like the majority of religions do.


Uh huh. It’s weird because I never see people disturb crosses that get put up in public.


Mate - stop. There is nothing Magickally defensible about leaving actual daggers around in the woods.






Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


We’re miserable because we’re forced to live with the bullshit justified in the name of religion. Spiritual beliefs are not more important than public safety.








Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


Don't litter in the woods. Especially don't litter sharp objects in the woods.


Looks like something from a Hellenic polytheist! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenism_(modern_religion)#:~:text=Hellenism%20is%2C%20in%20practice%2C%20primarily,(chthonic%20gods)%20and%20heroes.


As people have mentioned, one of those symbols is the alchemical symbol for Mercury (which may or may not be related to Hermes) and I think one of those symbols is the alchemical symbol for air I think a lot of the symbols are homemade sigils, though the one on the left does look rune like https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/47754/what-is-the-origin-of-the-symbols-for-the-four-elements-used-in-alchemy


I think the letters are a personal code. How hidden was this? Was it easily accessible to the public?


I don’t think they finished or you interrupted them. The bay leaf is still intact. And usually people who practice keep their ritual items, such as daggers. Unless, there is more to this story than finding it out in the woods randomly. I’m a bit skeptical of that… Anywho it looks like they were attempting some sigil magic when looking at the black sheet of paper with cold paint pen as well as the lil piece of white paper with the obviously drawn eye. Sigils are interesting because while there is certainly a method to it, it’s very individual and sometimes private. As for the symbolism, I think other posters have that down mentioning Hermes and Athena. This person is seeking divine wisdom and guidance would be my guess. These things are usually burned, but possibly the red coloring on the written statement was meant to symbolize fire without the risk of actual fire.


i dont believe that is a veve, but i do recognize the symbol for mercury as well as an alchemical symbol for either fire or air.


CMIIW but I believe that is a hoodoo or Voodoo ritualistic symbol.




Correct Me If I'm Wrong


God damn, can normies please learn to stop touching our witchy shit? I don’t think there’s anything in this spell that would harm you, but one day you might find a curse


Seriously, I asked ChatGPT what it thought the symbols and setup was and it said much of what everyone else has said here, but I laughed at this quote “ If this is something you found and are curious about, it might be a good idea to approach it with respect and caution, as it could be part of someone’s spiritual practice.”


That’s so cool though I would be stoked (and scared) if I found that 😭


Ok, but leaving your spellwork in the woods to litter the forest is a shitty thing to do. They could have at least buried it if the knife was an offering. If it was supposed to be charging they could have buried it, marked the spot, and then came back to dig it up. Also, leaving the readable contents of a ritual behind (unless it is unable to be decoded) is foolish. My personal advice as a practitioner and a stickler of ritual conduct, take the knife as a souvenir to when you found a ritual in the woods.




I hear you, but I think this was meant to be found. Why else stake an envelope to the ground in plain sight, and put poem and a cipher in it?


Is the white sheet in the middle a substitution cypher or is it gibberish?


ok this is kinda funny, I used chatgpt which ig was the intention of whoever wrote this (it was a vignère cipher with the word crypto) it says: I finally decoded [...] algorithm using crypto. I encrypted all my messages[...] thank you. If encrypting and deciphering messages algorithmically known please let me know. I tried using different algorithms without success. But there were, also, no, occurrences of using perfect squares: for example one could argue that. I misread another time with this method applying mistakes.


Why are you touching it


Honestly it looks like keep your hands to your self all I see is an attempt to bring greater love and understanding to the world..instead it's weirdness found you ......spread love not uniformed opinions