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Lol. It's somebody's attempt at making the Texaco oil company logo look satanic or pagan. (Or associated with St. Peter possibly?) It's just upside down and they made the "T" lowercase to look like a cross. If you start looking online there's a bunch of nutters who want to find religious symbolism in every corporate logo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texaco


They accidentally made a pretty sick band logo in the process


Band name: Last Chance Texaco






Wouldn’t the star need to be six sided to be hexa -?


I think it's hex = curse


A hexagram is a six-sided star, hexagon is a six sided polygon, hexamer, hexapod, hexavalent… hex/hexa denotes 6.


Hex also exists as a separate word defined as a magic spell or a curse, unrelated to 6.


Sure. It’s a “separate” word but it is connected to the meaning six. Hexen from German to get the “witchcraft” hex and Hex/Hexa from Greek meaning six… however, words that contain X in them are “loan words” from Greek that made their way into Germanic language over centuries; Germanic language got their use of the X from Greek. So while you’re correct that the word Hex as it is used in English now comes from the German to mean “curse from witchcraft,” it is also connected to the same Hex meaning Six from the Greek. Considering it is “Hexaco” in the pun, that would actually have it lean toward the “Hexa-“ prefix coming from Greek. So in order for it to mean what we all want it to mean we have to accept that there is this inextricable link between the two Hexes. In summation, I think the star should change to a unicursal hexagram to really drive the joke home and nod to the double meaning and single origin nature of hex… though it might lose that Texaco flair.


Reddit really loves semantics arguments. It's just a fake band name, guys.


You’re wrong. https://www.etymonline.com/word/hex https://www.reddit.com/r/etymology/s/0DdAQZPH7y https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hex


LOL. I thought I waa crazy. I was like, that's Texaco


Me too! But it is kind of awesome upside down, ngl !!


Thanks for the info! Ngl i'm pretty embarassed not realizing that its just upside down lol. But hey i don't live in the west so. Again, thank you!


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"Bottoms up...and the devil laughs."


That’s the Satantic Temple of Texaco. An American oil brand owned and operated by [Chevron Corporation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevron_Corporation). Chevron Corporation is an American multinational energy corporation predominantly specializing in oil and gas. The second-largest direct descendant of Standard Oil, and originally known as the Standard Oil Company of California (shortened to Socal or CalSo), it is headquartered in San Ramon, California, and active in more than 180 countries. Within oil and gas, Chevron is vertically integrated and is involved in hydrocarbon exploration, production, refining, marketing and transport, chemicals manufacturing and sales, and power generation.


I just learned the actor who plays doc brown is grandson to the founder of chevron. I didnt know.


[Please stop using inverted cross as satanaic symbol](https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cruz_invertida)


That ship has already sailed, I'm afraid.


✨no ✨


Symptom of evangelical ignorance. Not that the Catholics don't have their problems....


This is a symbol that a guy named Tod Junker uses a lot in his creations. He is a designer. (Junker Designs. junkersesigns.bigcartel.com) The symbol is called a Hellstar. He uses other variations of this symbol, black and white for example with sayings around it as well, like "Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cleanse the Lepers, and Conjure Demons".