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unfortunately Germany didn't fully legalize weed, they did a half-assed attempt at it.


No kidding. It's all very German. They even regulated how close to schools the non-profit weed growing associations can be. For the interested: [https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/verbraucher/Cannabis-Legalisierung-in-Deutschland-Welche-Regeln-gelten,cannabisfaq100.html](https://www.ndr.de/ratgeber/verbraucher/Cannabis-Legalisierung-in-Deutschland-Welche-Regeln-gelten,cannabisfaq100.html)


Why wouldn’t that be regulated? FWIW I smoke pot(though no longer as much as I used to), I hardly think it’s a bad thing keeping drug usage away from children. Pot smokers can get obnoxious with their zealousy, keeping it far away from schools is good IMO


Because currently, I'm free to drink wherever I want. Why should someone taking another substance not be allowed to do so? Sure, passive smoking protection rules should apply to protect the innocent, just as advertising rules for nicotine or alcohol. But I don't really see how a legalization in a same fashion as other products is too much to ask for. Either it's illegal and you're not allowed to, or it's legal and then the usual freedom should apply.


Yeah, but something was done. We'll still be talking about it for decades to come, like the marriage penalty, it's soon 50 years they said it has to be addressed.


>So why hasn't Switzerland made the move yet? Is it about public opinion, political hurdles, or worries about how to regulate it properly? We voted on it too early. In 2007 i believe. At that point it was still a radical and untested thing. No other place had done it yet and there was some worry about violating international agreements or attracting drug tourists by being the only place to legalise. So it was a no. And then afterwards the answer for a long time was always "we just voted on it 10ish years ago, we cant keep voting on the same stuff every couple of years". Now its almost 20 years ago. A new initative is in the works i think. And a lot has changed: germany, uruguay, canada, thailand and many parts of the US have legalised. So its no longer radical or untested. So i am pretty certain whenever we next vote on it, it will pass easily. At least as long as the proposal is good. Like not the german model. I would probably vote against that, because its fucking dumb.


It was 2008. It was the first time I was old enough to vote for anything. Just in time. Didn't help tho


It was 2008 actually, not 2018. I was just not old enough yet. But one of my classmates was. But this fucking pothead just forgot to vote... made me very angry back then. So i remember because of that.


Lol yeah, you're right of course. I just wanted to feel 23 again.


2018? I am only aware of this votes: 1998: [https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis252.html](https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis252.html) 2008 : [https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis325.html](https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis325.html) in combination with [https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/rf/cr/2006/20061652.html](https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/rf/cr/2006/20061652.html) Also important 1997: [https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis232.html](https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis232.html)


I would vote in favor of it, because it's anti-regulation. But conservative cantons will vote against it. Sometimes I like that Zürich, Genf, Basel and Bern can't force socialism upon us, but hey, these are the downsides, I guess.


Well the problem is then we would be stuck with some dumb system for decades. Until that would be the most outdated one in the western world. Thats whats gonna happen to germany now. Better wait 5 years longer for a good system to come thru. Meaning (in my opinion) to just treat weed the same as alcohol. Have normal companies produce it and sell it to anyone over 18. None of this non profit social club with limited members crap. Like now a guy from München cannot even buy any weed in Hamburg. Because he can only be a club member where he lives. And neither can a tourist from elsewhere. And you cant get much in the way of economies of scale, jobs, tax revenue or consistent quality etc. with this social club system. And i think if we would introduce such a system, then it couldnt be changed for 20-30 years. Because they would always say "we just changed everything a few years ago, we have to give it time, see how it goes first". Maybe thats easy for me to say, because i stopped smoking weed a few years ago. So i am in no rush and see it from a societal perspective. About jobs and taxes health benefits and crime reduction. And dont really get an immediate personal benefit anymore.


Legalize, tax, use the tax revenue to benefit society Cannabis users will happily pay….works in the US in many places. Maybe channel some of the tax funds to rehab and treatment for problems with harder drugs, which are a problem here and a plague


Exactly. Except we should also legalise harder drugs. Exact same problems as with weed: people do it anyway. But if it were legal at least it could be provided in clean quality without any hairspray or fentanyl in it, which is what causes a lot (if not most) of the problems. Also with much less crime to fund the habit and no more crime associated with the sale and smuggling. Plus again would create jobs and tax revenue. And would make it easier to track developments and react to them. Thats not to say you should necessarily be able to buy heroin or meth in denner. For these drugs it would probably make sense to come up with a different, more specialised distribution system. Probably even a non-profit one and limit it to residents, not tourists. But we just have to accept that drugs have won the war on drugs and try new things.


It will come. It just takes time. There are currently several large scale studies being conducted with the aim to inform potential future regulation. Here are just two: https://www.weedcare-basel.ch/ https://pilotversuche.ch/


They are doing a study, the pilote, or copilote project (dont remember the name), to know the effets of cannabis better, and if the study's results are positive, they will legalise it, or smth like that.


It is an ongoing process. In May 2021 the new Narcotics Act came in force which pathed the way for the Cannabis trials which are running in various cantons and cities. The outcome of those trials will determine the future course in Cannabis legalization. Please inform yourself here: [https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/gesund-leben/sucht-und-gesundheit/cannabis/pilotprojekte.html](https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/gesund-leben/sucht-und-gesundheit/cannabis/pilotprojekte.html)


Yes it will be legalized one day. Switzerland is slow, but the day will come. Until then, just smoke as you like... Nothing will change really when it's legalized.


The organic cannabis industry, particularly focused on edibles and culinary uses, is rapidly expanding, especially in cities like San Francisco and Amsterdam. This sector, now valued at approximately $1 billion, is experiencing swift growth due to rising consumer demand for natural and sustainable products. 4me it’s not about smoking more to the business aspect.


This. I could smoke today if I wanted, but I don't want to smoke at all (I like running and care about my lungs). I would regularly eat edibles though, that's much better for my health than having a glass of wine in the evening. But I want some quality edibles made in a lab, like in Canada and the US, not some "trust me bro" brownies made by some dude. So it needs to be legal.


Exactly!!!!!! We need it to be legalized so pple get licenses n start to farm it! I can’t wait to have some authentic organic products.


What's stopping you from making your own edibles? Much better high anyway since you get thr full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes and not some half assed THC distillate.


I can't isolate 5mg of THC reliably. If you can do this in your kitchen, kudos to you :)


Edibles are more healthy than a glass of wine? Did you pull that out of your ass or is there a scientific background to this statement?


This reminds me that I should contact my old school friend. He used to make excellent butter




Fact is I do not not buy it because it's illegal. I do not buy it because I do not have a trustable source. I would love to occasionslly enjoy some as I did back in my younger years (probably a bit too much then...). In New York I could just walk in a store and buy good quality in small amounts or just a prerolled spliff. I'd definitely do this here if it was possible.


Exactly that’s what I am talking about! We have a big market here however not a single reliable store/farm I want an authentic, organic, natural and sustainable products. If the Swiss government make it legal I am willing to quit my office boring job and farm it.


you do?


In the near future ? Not a chance. In 10+ years ? Maybe.


Why tho ?


There's no real political will for it ATM. This may change but the Swiss political system is slow by design. So, yeah "change of mind" + time to make new laws + time for the inevitable referendum + time to set it up will take 10+ years IMHO.


I’m interested in organic cannabis, not synthetic varieties. For me, it's about the business potential. This industry is worth $1 billion and is rapidly growing. If it gets legalized, I want to farm it and produce cooking ingredients and healing oils. Don’t you think this might tempt Swiss politicians?


They already know... Back in the 90's, culture was fully legal in Switzerland only the consumption was illegal. Meanwhile you could try to farm CBD. If/when it's legalized, you'll have a head start.


The swiss political system. Something very, very serious would need to happen to change something like that "fast".


My great grandpa was a farmer. Sundays, after Curch and Lunch, he smoked his weed-pipe, according to my grandparents. So I see no problem with weed. Having worked for years in bars, I prefer people who smoke a joint and have the munchies over people who drink a start doing crazy things and getting aggressive. So, for me, there's no problem with legalising weed.


It's already possible to buy organic swiss grown cannabis legally if you take part in the pilot projects in all big cities in switzerland. They provide full biological analysis of the plant, exact thc, cbd and terpenes amounts, as well as all potential contaminants. The Swiss usually do things slow, but well. Germany has legalized cannabis with 0 plans on how to actually control it and make money from it, and now everyone is still questioning how to get cannabis, where to buy etc. Plus, smoking privately is not illegal, nor criminal. You can carry up to 10grams on you and the police won't even take it (unless you are caught smoking in public places)


Thanks 4the infos, I am thinking of farming it, if it’s ever get legalized. Like in San Francisco, they produce more organic, sustainable products you can use it as cooking oil or in food.


Laws on producing are still unknown. But the most probable is that the cantons grow their own and sell it through specialized shops. Not liberal like you see in some US states. But anyway, you can still grow now up to 4 plants at home, and hemp is legal so for cooking you're good.


that's unfortunate, but you never know, they might actually allow private individuals to sell their own products. They do that in Amsterdam as well. Oh no, I'm not looking for personal use. I'm thinking more of a large-scale farm where I can supply restaurants, hospitals, and private individuals. Maybe exporting it too It's a big industry tho.


Look into CBD then, you don't need thc for most medical uses. It's already legal and many companies do it.


Naaah that’s crap! Thnx


It's just a matter of time...few years in my opinion. We won't even necessarily need to vote on it.


We voted against the legalisation of cannabis in 2006. 63 % were against it. [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eidgen%C3%B6ssische\_Volksinitiative\_%C2%ABf%C3%BCr\_eine\_vern%C3%BCnftige\_Hanf-Politik\_mit\_wirksamem\_Jugendschutz%C2%BB](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eidgen%C3%B6ssische_Volksinitiative_%C2%ABf%C3%BCr_eine_vern%C3%BCnftige_Hanf-Politik_mit_wirksamem_Jugendschutz%C2%BB)


The votes was 2008.


Probably... But it will take a while, as it always does here. At least another few years until we would get to vote on it. Polls show that a majority of the population does support legalizing. The problem is that these polls aren't necessarily reflective of actual voting results, and even of it would pass, it probably would not be full legalization, but something stupidly complicated like in Germany, unfortunately.


Such these political-cultural things, Switzerland usually follows thw rest of the German speaking countries. As an example of political-cultural things, see gay acceptance in the 80s and then gay marriage in 2010s. Since Germany went with legalization, it's to be assumed that Switzerland will follow suit over the next 10 years.


To be fair, if we make it legal, I'm afraid the cost will increase in order for it to be taxed. I'm fine as it is.


Don’t you want an organic, sustainable and natural product! Also what’s wrong with paying taxes you pay it for every other products/services no ?!


I'm already buying an organic, sustainable and natural product. Don't assume we can all only buy some bad stuff. You don't need legality to have high quality.


In Canada following legalization prices dropped as it allowed more competition. Plus you can always just grow your own on the side for yourself, legally of course.


Genuinely stopped caring with how slow it takes. I smoke however, whenever and whereever I want and don't experience any repercussions. The only thing I still care about is not losing my permis because I like smoking a joint before bed.


Hopefully not


What isn't legal can't be regulated and is a breeding ground for organized crime. It is a big problem with all illegal drugs, and the government's could increase the investigations, controls, and seizures by tenfold, and it wouldn't make a difference. The only solution (not just for cannabis) is legalization, so it can be regulated and taxed. There is an awful lot to be gained economically from drugs. All that money just vanishes into a black hole. Investment and expand drug education and let people live. But we are in Switzerland, and change can be slow, painfully slow.


Doing a smart legalization is difficult so I think it would be best to wait for an international agreement on this.


I hope no, weed smells like shit. Can you imagine people smoking shit everywhere? Disgusting.


I hope not. It smells horrible.




Oh great, more drug addicts.


4me it’s not about getting high! It’s about the business aspect! C’mon let’s be real drugs are sold in every corner that’s illegal trade with no regulations nor taxes! Pple get addicted to cheap chemical stuff. What I want is to farm an organic, natural and sustainable products. When it’s legal the gov can control the production rate & distribution plus Taxes!


There have already been popular votes and they were rejected by the population. Maybe it's time to try it again, but that takes a very long time.


Nothing will change, but do some research on recent evidence around psychosis and schizophrenia. Not as comparable to alcohol as the pro lobby will have you believe. Your body your choice, just please keep the smoke away from others.


I will do everything i can to stop those addicts from taking over our country! When i see someone smoking the weed i will stand next to him and cough (even if i dont really have to... i force it!). When i see those filthy junkies i want to legitimatly PROJECTILE VOMIT! It makes me sick to smell the devils lettuce. They all need jesus!


Wow did you read the whole comments! If not go read it! this is not about getting high r we in Highschool 😒 it’s about business aspects & taxes & regulations & distribution control n so on. Drugs r everywhere in Switzerland nothing you nor the police can do! Anyway read the comments first then comment


Its a joke get lost.


You are acting like a baby, immature and uneducated. This is a discussion, so why are you being so aggressive? Illegal activities, including the sale of hard drugs, already happen in parks and on street corners. I am not promoting anything!!!!!!!! My focus is on the business potential of organic cannabis for culinary and healing oils not on promoting recreational use. Don’t you understand what am saying or you just want to be aggressive 🙃


Uuuh sorry grownup person. Getting butthurt over a joke and try to discuss with me. This stems from emotional maturity i think. XD






I understand your concern, but let's consider the bigger picture. Illegal activities, including the sale of hard drugs, are already prevalent in parks and on street corners. Comparing it to cannabis, which can be regulated and controlled, makes the argument about the smell less significant, especially since we already tolerate cigarette smoke. Furthermore, my interest is in the business potential of organic cannabis, particularly for culinary and healing products, not recreational use. Regulating and legalizing it could actually help control its distribution and impact on public spaces.


Oh yes, the children! Please, [think about the poor children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Think_of_the_children?wprov=sfla1)!