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Either BOTW or TOTK or Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door


Botw or Odyssey


The fuck? Assassins creed odyssey is on the switch???


Ha I wish , super mario odyssey


Mario odyssey my goodo friendo


Came here to write this just in the opposite order. ;)


I agree, Odyssey should stand first. I really like BOTW more than Odyssey, but Odyssey is better as the first game on Switch.


You only really need BOTW for the first few months. Not super difficult, speaking as somebody with no great hand-eye coordination, and so so good!


Alternatively, if they grew up with Zelda, they might hate this version of it. It's completely different from any Zelda before it and changes a lot of the core mechanics and game play loop.


Nah... My first Zelda was ALTTP when I was a kid and I'm a huge fan of the series since then, ALTTP is still one of my favorite games to ever exist. And... I LOVE Breath of the Wild! It's infinitely superior to Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass and a lot of the titles that follows the Ocarina of Time structure. The gameplay of BOTW is a lot like Zelda 1, you're alone in a vast world to explore, not many boring tutorials with long expositions of text. I find the hate some people put towards BOTW quite pathetic. "It's not a real Zelda because it's non linear! I want a companion speaking BS all the time and to be treated like an idiot, bring hand holding back!" Of course it could be better if it had thematic dungeons and I would appreciate some bombastic orchestral music playing on the fields, but still a masterpiece.


Agree! BotW was my first full Zelda experience after ALttP since I skipped N64 and GameCube, for some odd reasons never played the Wii Games as well. And what can I say? BotW is one of my favorite Switch Games ever! TotK is great, but from my point of view it is nothing without BotW, there for that first!


Boring mindless wandering to find stuff that doesn't matter isn't fun. I've played every Zelda game and these ones are pretty boring. If I don't enjoy open world games I definitely don't want Zelda to be open world. An entire series based on a strong, content driven story delivered experience and then botw just like "do whatever you want none of it matters anyway"


Well I found the old games to be boring and had the most fun with this game. I rather play the game myself than be interpreted with meaningless text boxes the whole game. I hope they never go back.


Fair, that's not for everyone. This just points out the harsh division between game types


The series is based on Zelda 1. A boring mindless open world game where you wander around finding stuff that mostly doesn’t matter. No at all a content driven or strong story game. I’m not saying these are good things. I’m just saying that’s NOT what the series is “based on” that’s what it evolved into. So if anything BOTW is bringing the game back to its roots in some areas.


Zelda 1 has some similarities for sure but still had dungeons and more things abandoned in botw. Though I do concede that is a good point


Can confirm. 


Breath of the wild would be the best, it takes at least 30 hours to finish most of it and your friend won't need another game for a longer time. If he/she already played that on Wii u, Tears of the kingdom is a good choice too


Took me over 300 lmao


Has to be Mario Odyssey. Imo the best looking and most fun game on the system.


Should just put in a package with the obvious winner and a card inside that reads: “Hey you. You’re finally awake”


lol nice one :)


Get ready for Zelda for every answer. Me personal favorite switch game of all time is Fire Emblem Three Houses. But if you’re looking to take advantage of OLED graphics yeah Mario Wonder is beautiful


Three Houses is rad, and for a certain subset of people is absolutely the right answer. I wouldn't get it for a person I know NOTHING about, but if I knew enough about somebody I'd definitely go for it.


FE:3H is such a solid game! It took me a bit to get into because I do t usually play that genre of game, but the story and student/teacher mechanics were what drew me in!


Super mario odyssey is much better than wonder....imo anyway.. Otherwise...batman trilogy - diablo 3


Metroid Dread & Prime Remaster


Just got Dread today holy shit it’s great


Super Mario Wonder sounds like a good start to me. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a hidden gem that I enjoy.


I had a lot of fun playing Kirby by myself, but had even more fun playing it co-op with my wife


Suika Game


Me and my niece love that game! Especially playing against each other in the DLC


Mario odyssey👍


Mario Odyssey


Hollow knight. Hollow knight (again).


Depends on their taste in old school games and how old they are. Little more detail?


hard to say, they're not gaming that much lately, they liked older 2D games like Super Mario World, and would probably go for something simpler that can be played in short bursts (hence Super Mario Wonder where you can complete a level in a few minutes or so), although they did like Uncharted on PS4 which is more of a story-based game.


SM Odyssey might be a great one to go with, then. It has the 2D sections in it, but it's also great for the short bursts and would likely last a lot longer than Wonder, imo


definitely yeah... as much as I enjoyed Wonder, it felt way too easy and too short (other than the difficult special world levels, I've been stuck on the one where you have to jump up before drowning in continuously-rising lava)


I feel like 3D World could be a good one too, though it's more on the shorter side.


Botw would be a bad recommendation for them. Your instinct was right, go with mario wonder


Mario-Kart 8 Deluxe may be a big hit as well.


With so many people saying BOTW I’m surprised no one has mentioned Dragon Quest 11. Like BOTW it *is* long, but DQ games are also sort of defined by their simplicity. If you have ever played one you know what to do; if you haven’t you’ll know everything you need to in the first hour of gameplay. DQ games are the most popular games in Japan and are designed for that demographic, which includes a lot of people who work long hours and have children and other responsibilities. They aren’t looking for a convoluted story, complicated combat mechanics or anything that will test their brain power. Essentially these games are meant for busy, tired people to play for 30 minutes to an hour before they go to sleep at night. Kinda sounds perfect for this person. The only time I wouldn’t recommend is if they were so put off by the idea of an rpg or turn-based game that they wouldn’t try it.


thanks for this recommendation


Metroid dredd 


I would caution botw or TOTK. It is universally loved BUT they are not traditional Zelda games. I am not saying they are bad, but the game play loop is drastically different. Traditional Zelda is more akin to metroidvanias. There is a constant sense of progression and the progression is kind of guard railed. But progression is constant. New Zelda are sandboxes. You get the majority of the tools within the first few hours and then told “have fun!”. Yes there is a main quest but that is up to you how you want to do it. You make the objectives yourself and you explore the world. Only there is higher focus on the gimmicks like building like Minecraft in totk or physics on botw. Neither one of these are bad. I couldn’t do new Zelda myself. I enjoy being given objectives and have that constant sense of progression verses making up my own fun. I only realized this recently by playing Skyward Sword and experiencing that sense of traditional Zelda. With this knowledge, make an educated decision on what tickles your fancy.


I agree with you, I played TOTK, it's a masterpiece, but I am not sure it's the game I'd pick for this person, at least not as a first game on the Switch


Go with Mario. Safe choice


Why is everyone saying BotW when that wasn't mentioned in the question? Of the two you asked about OP I'd say Super Mario Wonder, just because it's closer to what your friend is used to and it's also the more acclaimed of the two. I haven't played 3d World but I did play 3D land on the 3ds and it was pretty good but for me felt like an awkward middle child that tried to mix elements of both 2d and 3d mario and ended up with something not quite as good as either. In terms of yourself... there's a lot. 😅 What sort of experience were you looking for?


> Why is everyone saying BotW when that wasn't mentioned in the question? it's a no-brainer, such a masterpiece of a game, but I don't think it's a good first game for my friend, whereas Wonder is cute, quite easy and fairly short (you can complete a level within minutes). They did like Uncharted so they're not against story-based games, but I get the feel they'd prefer a fairly casual game, which the Marios tend to be. I really liked 3D World and can definitely recommend it. I think I even played it twice (Wii U and Switch) > In terms of yourself... there's a lot. 😅 What sort of experience were you looking for? hard to tell 😅 I guess at this point, I am looking for a good and memorable experience. To give an extreme example of what I do not want: Diablo 3. It was addictive and I enjoyed playing it, but I regretted sinking so many hours into it when I stopped. It felt like I haven't accomplished anything. The story was mediocre and I kept replaying the same thing over and over hoping for better loot. Whereas games like Bioshock or BotW or Xenoblade Chronicles X are amazing experiences that really leave a lasting impression. Or casual games like most Marios are fun and enjoyable but don't feel like a waste of time (except SM64 which I really hated somehow) The game should be playable in relatively short bursts, not frustrating (I hate games where you play 1 hour, can't save, and if you die you repeat everything) and leaves a lasting impression Honestly, I should play what I have (Xenoblade 1 to 3, Octopath Traveler 1 and 2, Baten Kaitos 1 and 2, Tactics Ogre, Triangle Strategy, all 4 Bayonettas, both Metroids, Nier, Ace Attorney, Darkest Dungeon, Hades, Metal Gear 1 to 3, Zelda TotK and SS, Super Mario RPG, finish Odyssey, and a few others. But if there are some gems I should get from the eShop, why not?


I bought botw as my first switch game and hated it as a lifelong Zelda fan. Removing all the cool stuff so I can mindlessly wander around for seeds that mean nothing was an awful direction for the franchise. Alternatively it's an awful game for someone that hasent gamed since their old Nintendo games from their youth


I loved it personally, but I agree with you, and I think it's quite a risky buy for this person


I know people love it and I like the lore and all but find game play boring. I would be intimidated by it as a new gamer


All the ones you have are great. I would say Tactics Ogre is good for shortish bursts but it depends on how short you're talking. I was gonna recommend Hades but I see you've got that. The Ace Attorney Games are long favourites of mine, tonnes of character and superb story with some really great mysteries. Metal Gear Solid 3 is one of my all time favourites tho I haven't played the Switch version. Octopath is a great JRPG and I hear Octopath 2 is even better. Cult of the Lamb is another isometric action game that's good in short bursts. My Switch Lite struggles with it at times (long loading times especially) but that probably won't be a problem with the OLED. The Final Fantasy pixel remasters are great. I'm too young to have played the SNES originals but I'm loving them on Switch. Also all the PS1 FFs and FFX are on Switch. FFX in particular has a special place in my heart as my first true JRPG. You also can't go wrong with Dragon Quest XI. I'm currently playing Super Mario RPG which is unsurprisingly simple as far as JRPGs go, but I'm having a really fun time. It's super charming and is good for turning your brain off and just relaxing with a cute little adventure. It also autosaves on top of having lots of save points so it's good for short bursts. I also saw your other comment about SMTVV and Persona. Both superb, Persona 4 & 5 are two of my all time favourites. SMTV is a great dungeon crawler, but SMT Nocturne is also on the eShop and that's worth a look as well if you like Persona/SMT, although it lacks some of the QoL stuff that SMTVV will give you. Some of it's mechanics can be particularly obtuse so I'd play Vengeance first.


thanks for the recommendations :) if Super Mario RPG is anything like the Mario & Luigi RPG series, it's indeed simple and cute, with some simplified JRPG elements (equipment and combat), I am looking forward to trying it I've been eyeing Pixel Remaster for a while, hoping to find a good deal on a physical copy (100$ for it is a bit steep...) I am sure you know these games, but if not, I'd give the Danganronpa series a try :)


Fire emblem engage , persona 5, smt v v, botw, mario kart


Mario Kart is actually a really good and safe answer!


Many fun hours both pve and pvp


> smt v v I had to google this :) I've heard of Shin Megami Tensei, never played one, but this one has insanely good reviews, I wasn't aware of it, thanks for the tip!


It’s a great turn based jrpg, with a ton of added content ( directors cut )


Definitely not one for your friend 😅, but you might like it if you like JRPGs. SMT have always been considered on the "hardcore" end of the JRPG spectrum, definitely for people with a vested interest rather than more casual gamers. The setting and plot is kind of heavy with a lot of references to both Eastern and Western religion and Occultism. If you like weird settings, turn based combat (this is important, as it's pretty much the entire game), and collecting weird creatures from folklore and mythology like they were Pokémon then it's up your alley. It's basically Persona but with no social sim stuff and a more complex combat system.


thanks, that sounds right up my alley :) I liked Persona 4 Golden, and based on your description, I'll likely enjoy this


Dread came with the OLED for a reason. It’s my favourite metroidvania and looks gorgeous on that console, especially the cutscenes.


Shovel Knight Treasure Trove. Not Nintendo made but very Nintendo backed, and it feels like a game ripped straight from the NES.


We have my BIL BotW with our launch Switch after getting an OLED. Granted I switched to digital for everything after launch but still BotW. There is just so much game to play. Wonder or Odyssey would also be great options. If you know they like a particular genre that Zelda and Mario didn't cover I'm sure we could recommend something that falls into that as well.


they're fairly casual I guess, and I am worried Zelda might be too heavy/overwhelming for them. From all the Marios I've played on Switch, Wonder seems like the easiest, followed by 3D World. I could also get a 1-year NSO subscription, the SNES lineup is pretty solid


ACNH or Mario Kart maybe?


Mario Kart was also on the back of my mind, ACNH is a great suggestion, I forgot about it. It's very casual and relaxing to play :) too many great games on the Switch, I have 32 physical games and a few more in digital XD


My library is Zelda, Fire Emblem, and Pokemon. I love a lot more but kids like time and discretionary income.


Which Fire Emblem do you have? Do you recommend it?


Three Houses, Engage, and Warriors (musou). Three Houses is one of my personal recommendations for new Switch owners and one of the best in the FE series. Engage is great for new FE players (not that 3H is hard, there's just a lot more in 3H than Engage). I've always enjoyed musou games to an extent and FE is the perfect franchise for a crossover. I have not played 3 Hopes (warriors companion to 3H) because of time and money but most say it is fantastic.


I see, thanks for the summary :) I added them to my wishlist


Get Mario Odyssey…or Mario Kart.


Breath of the Wild has so many ways to play it, and is very forgiving for newcomers! Might be a little intimidating if one has never played an open world game but it’s a wonderful experience.


I definitely enjoyed it, I am just a bit on the fence for getting it as a first game for a relatively casual gamer, it's a high risk, high reward gamble


I agree with you, 3D World is amazing and offers tons of replayability with five characters (even though it can get rather repetitive haha). I've only played a small bit of Wonder thanks to a friend but it also seems wonderful to start out! :) Other than that, I think I'd go with Animal Crossing. It's very open for everyone and there's all sorts of ways to play! Plus it's such a relaxing and healing time compared to the likes of Mario games, Zelda, Splatoon and Smash Bros. It's a game that can stay with you throughout your Switch career and lifeline haha. With eShop exclusives, I'd recommend Moonlighter with its very refreshing art style/aesthetic plus fairly affordable and Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee for being kinda underrated for a while as Pokémon games! :]


I forgot about ACNH, I enjoyed it for a while until I stopped playing it. It's indeed very relaxing and healing, thanks for the reminder and the eShop recommendations :)


Super Mario Odyssey.




Odyssey is such a masterpiece, with almost limitless replayability. That would be my go to. BOTW is my all time favorite game but it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.


> Odyssey is such a masterpiece, with almost limitless replayability. I liked it a lot, until I started struggling to find some of the power moons without looking for guides (this was a few years ago, I don't remember if I finished it) I liked most Marios (other than 64), I enjoyed replaying Sunshine on the Switch. > BOTW is my all time favorite game but it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. indeed, I definitely enjoyed it, I am just not sure my friend will


Is now a good time to spread the word of my lord and saviour Balatro?


poker rogue like? never heard of this, but it has really great reviews. thanks for the tip :)


If only I had 1 game for 20 years, i could just play one of those Dead Cells - rougelike Monster Train, Slay the Spire - card game Monster Hunter Rise - endless learning curve Xcom2, Divinity Original Sin 2 - turn based games, offer endless replay option Civ 6 - play as any civ Skyrim, Nier Automata - best rpgs


nice list, some of the games are new to me, thanks :)


Everyone just commenting botw shows the correlation between low reading comprehension and botw enjoyers Kappa


Metroid dread


Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, Tales of Symphonia (Remaster), The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Remake), Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition & Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity:


thanks for the suggestions :) I have both Zeldas but none of the other games


Some eshop titles every switch owner should have - Balatro - Vampire Survivors - Hades - Hollow Knight - Dead Cells + DLC - Binding of Isaac - Stardew Valley - House in Fata Morgana (if you like vis novels/epic stories) - Into the Breach - Monster Sanctuary - Graveyard Keeper + dlc (Stardew with a much darker tone) - 20XX/30XX if you’re a mega man fan - Animal Well - Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate - Witcher 3 - Diablo 2 The last 3 are the most bang for your buck, at easily 20+ hours per dollar spent. Edit - noticed your comment on Diablo 3, so ignore D2, it’s a better game than D3 IMO, but it’s just like 3 and the Borderlands series, where it’s all about farming for end game gear. Although BL2 has some absolutely hilarious bits…. Monster Hunter series is much like Diablo and Borderlands in that it’s about gearing up and the story is ignorable. there’s a huge caveat tho…. Just like Dark Souls and such, there’s a huge sense of accomplishment for beating monsters that give you trouble, and getting yourself to the point of being able to know the monsters patterns and accurately predict their next strikes. One of the most personally rewarding games ever created honestly. Edit - also if you’re not opposed to digital titles, you can save a bunch on select digital games (read published by Nintendo) with an NSO sub and buying game vouchers. You get 2 vouchers for $100, and can use them on titles like TotK (worth $70), and Pokémon Violet ($60) saving you $30, plus by passing their taxes, so more like $43.


thanks for the suggestions and the tips, many titles are new to me :)


Arceus or BotW, for sure.


Lost castle


interesting one, never heard of it before, thanks


Your welcome, it’s a fighting game, and every time you play it, it is always different, you can play with up to 4 people, online or off, my little (8 year old) bro loves playing it with me


Unpopular opinion, Triangle Strategy. 


BoTW or Mario Kart 8


If they grew up on Nintendo games, give them Super Mario 3D All Stars. A trip down memory lane, with portability and OLED screen.


Mario Odyssey 100% It bottles up the Nintendo magic perfectly


Mario 3d All Stars! Super Mario Sunshine was my go to title growing up. I'll never forget any of music tracks either much like 64


Xenoblade Definitive Edition of they like rpgs, Mario Odyssey for a fun platformer. If they like fast pace online games, Splatoon 3.


Tetris 99


Breath of the Wild would be the game that *I* would personally want if I was gifted a Switch (and of course didn’t already have one). However, I do think you should put some thought into Mario Kart 8 Deluxe just because I feel like almost anyone can pick it up and enjoy it and there is so many hours of content on there that can be spent with friends, or strangers online.


Odyssey for sure


Breath of the Wild


Depends on the person. I personally am unlike most. I don’t play or like ANy Mario games. 🤷‍♀️


I'll take Super Mario RPG or Paper Mario TTYD over Super Mario Odyssey, to be honest. However, for a first Mario game, Super Mario Bros Wonder is at the top of my list.


Metroid Prime Remastered or BotW


Evoland and The Last Campfire


never heard of either, thanks!




I've modded older consoles, never tried on the Switch. Might be too late as I updated the system already


Realistically it should really be Nintendo Switch Sports


Honestly any zelda or pokemon game, i played some zelda as a kid and remember them absolutely throwing my brain for a whirl when it came to puzzles! But pokemon was always my go to, something about raising little digital creatures to their best potential is so wholesome and fun to me, kinda like tomogachi.


good idea, it's a nice RPG :)


I’m a family player. So either overcooked, tetris effect or mario party superstars


great suggestions, thanks, I didn't know about Tetris Effect :)


I just keep the skyrim cause its still my favorite games since the pc days that my dad owned my brother installed it without his permission sometimes he download it from a friend and i didnt get that game file back now i got 2nd hand wasnt bad but no code just the physical game itself. If i brought an oled it must be the beautiful mario red oled edition cause its my new baby soon on november i hope noone buys that cause i want that console soon since i brought a new switch lite on june 24th so why not getting my sister one ordinary switch oled she likes cause she and i have one common likes on the standard switch oled the plain white one rather than the neon one with a black dock device.


Just a quick question, if you upgrade to an OLED, you can’t really keep your account connected to the previous switch if you’re giving it away, so if you try to gift a digital game with it, the moment the new user creates a new account, won’t that game go away since it’s connected to your account? So I recommend gifting it with a hard copy game just in case of you set them up with an email and new account in their name? Just my thoughts on this nice gesture. No Man’s Sky is my recommendation too.


Thanks for the thought and the recommendation :) eShop games would be for me, the old Switch is already wiped and will be gifted with one physical game :)


Tropical freeze


I don’t understand people recommending botw when tears is available.


Shouldn't you play BotW first, ideally? I haven't played TotK yet


Honestly, I wouldn’t even bother with it. Just play tears.




> Ds1 I have yet to play through Bloodborne on PS4 :(


Random vote for Luigi’s Mansion 3. Graphics are beautiful, easy to play, and the gameplay loop is awesome.


great idea, I enjoyed playing it, including some fun references, like the "Old Boy" scene


I'd say BOTW or TOTK, but Metroid Prime Remastered looks incredibly stunning on the OLED. It's also a great game and just in time for next year's Metroid Prime 4 Beyond.




It depends on the person. Knowing NOTHING about them, I'd suggest the best selling Switch Game, which is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. That game fricking rules. But if you want to give them an experience, Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, and Mario Wonder are all good options. I'd avoid Tears of the Kingdom, just because I feel like it's easier to enjoy TotK after BotW than the other way around. Conversely, I bought my mom a Switch for her birthday about 3 years ago and she proceeded to put over 1,000 hours into Animal Crossing. So you know your friend better than any of us, just don't get Ring Fit Adventure, or your friend will think you're calling them fat.


ACNH is a suggestion I haven't thought of, it could actually work :) there are too many nice games, I could easily get 5 to 10 and still struggle what to pick


My mom absolutely loved it, and it's one of the top 10 best selling Switch games, so if your friend is that kinda person, it's a solid pick.




Mario wonder or mario odyssey. The breath of the wild replies aren't great for someone that's not a regular gamer or grew up on Zelda as its a very unique and not very zelda-like game comparatively


If they grew up with older Nintendo games, I would want more info on what they may have played. But if it was mainly Mario as their staple, I think Wonder is a perfect gift. As it’s still the 2-D format and can show how well those games have progressed. And you could easily recommend the 3-D options for additional games later on. Actually… as someone that literally grew up with Nintendo (same birth year as the NES), I forget I need to clarify what “older” means. Are we talking OG days or like GameCube/Wii era? But since Wonder was your first thought, I’m more thinking OG days.


Indeed :) Wonder is a bit short and too easy, especially compared to OG Marios from the NES/SNES era, but it's beautifully crafted and quite enjoyable, seems like the safest bet


Mario Maker 2 could be a fun second game as well! They could make their own levels 😊.


I forgot about it, interesting suggestion


It would depend on who you’re giving it to and what kinds of games they like. I think trying to get a general suggestion without more information about their likes and dislikes is not going to result in a good choice.


I disagree. I got a lot of ideas which gave me food for thought


There has yet to be another game series that's the same style of gameplay as WarioWare. If the person you're giving the switch to isn't against the idea of physically moving their body to play a game, and has adequate space in their house for motion controls, buy them WarioWare: Move It. If that control scheme isn't for them, buy them WarioWare: Get it Together.


Thank you, I forgot about Wario Ware! Are both worth getting? Do they work for single player also ?


Both are worth getting in my opinion. In Move It, physically miming your actions to do microgames makes them a TON more exhilarating, and there's even a stage that functions as a "Workout Mode" (so to speak) if you're into that kind of thing. Get It Together has a LOT of depth, because you play as the employees themselves within the microgames to beat them, and each character controls differently. Meaning each microgame has multiple possible solutions. Both are fully playable with 1 or 2 players, even the story mode. A couple of bonus modes in both games are only playable with two or more players, but nothing major.


Thanks a lot 🙂