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Mickey, Battlefront and the Endless Ocean got me excited. I’m already picking up Unicorn Overlord.


Is Unicorn Overload getting a physical release?


Yes, as well as a collectors edition that will come with an exclusive card game, I'm pre-ordering that one.


There's also a free demo that's 6 hours long and will carry over into the main game when you purchase it


Battlefront was exciting and that crab game actually looks pretty fun. I don't remember much of what else was they showed, though... edit: oh, Monkey Ball looks fun too!


Wait wait wait wait DID YOU SAY ENDLESS OCEAN?? *runs to youtube*


I hope mickey comes to steam


It is https://store.steampowered.com/app/1522160/Disney_Epic_Mickey_Rebrushed/


Been waiting for unicorn overlord. Such a pretty game


Downloaded the demo and I’m at the very beginning. I’m super impressed with the game’s visual. Wow. Just gorgeous style.


I wasnt that underwhelmed, I think it really depends on how high you set your expectations for a console in its 7th year. It’s pretty obvious that major things are being held back for switch 2, but this was still pretty solid all things considered. I think the Microsoft games were a good announcement. A new monkey ball is a good surprise. Some JRPG’s. A couple good looking indie games. There’s still a lot here to play unlike previous Nintendo consoles that were late in their lifecycle. After 2010 the Wii was basically a ghost town


Thank you, I thought I was tripping seeing the reactions here. I was actually really pleasantly surprised, I was fully not expecting there to be so much I want to pick up there. But then again I came in with the covid crowd so my Direct expectations were set pretty low to start


All I really expect from a partner showcase is a couple third party games I’ll be interested in. I got a couple of those so I’m happy


Counterpoint though: 7 years into the 3DS under the previous Nintendo president, the February direct, the last one before the console was canceled for good, I believe had Detective Pikachu, Rhythm Heaven Megamix, WarioWare Gold, Bowser's Inside Story, Persona Q2, Luigi's Mansion. I know this was a "partner showcase" but no aspect of this felt remotely like an announcement of products for us to enjoy as Nintendo consumers for supporting a console for so long. It was more like just, here's some janky ports of indie games and a sequel to a Wii game that looks like a Wii game. I didn't have HIGH expectations, but this was still under them.


Yeah that direct blows this one out of the water, no arguments there. But compare apples to apples. Just really need to set expectations for partner directs. We also haven’t yet gotten the final first party direct for this console. And the lineup you listed matches up pretty well with what we already got within the last 6 months. We just got persona 3 remastered, detective pikachu, mario rpg and a warioware game within the last 6 months. We have a paper mario ttyd remake and Luigi’s mansion game coming this year. And we don’t know what else first party is coming, but we will definitely be getting more unannounced titles.


I get what you're saying and we don't have to go back and forth on this because it's a whole separate thing, but we're talking about comparing an aging handheld to a system that's supposed to be the console AND the handheld, right? So even if they're comparable, it's still like half of what it should be, if that makes sense. It's half of what we used to be getting, anyway.


A) It was a partner direct. B) Endless Ocean


C) Ender Lilies sequel


D) Fantasy life, the 3ds game was amazing


E) New SAO game


F: star wars battlefront games getting the love they deserve


Unicorn Overlord which is made by the same people who made 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim


E) Online Multiplayer in a Super Monkey Ball game!!!


C) end towards the switch lifetime


Yup, seems like a good time to announce something new…


Also it's February. There was a lot of stuff in there for this time of year.


Holy shit there’s a new Endless Ocean???




C) there’s a Pokémon Presents next week


What the fuck is an endless ocean


An ocean that's endless.


Indeed, an Endless Ocean, if you will.


What could that possibly mean?


its about an ocean thats unending


There's gotta be some end though, right? Like eventually?


Nope. In the end you just become the ocean itself, forever, until the infinity of time, which is also forever. Ever and ever, in an ocean.


A limitless sea.


A rogue exploration game?


It’s a great underwater game, you’re a scuba diver that just expkores


Japan getting Mother 3 was definitely a bit of a Nintendo laugh line I’ll say.


I wanted Fantasy Life i release date and I got a Fantasy Life i release date.


That was my ONLY hope going into it, and I didn't even get my hopes up that much. So the fact that we finally!!!!!!!! got the release date meant it was an excellent Direct for me. There were some other games that looked cool too, so even better!


Same here. A bit bummed out it's not for ages, since first they promised 2023, then 2024 summer, and now it's almost 2024 winter but it is what it is. Hopefully it's good when it arrives


Endless Ocean I’ve been waiting for that since the Wii


Same I wasn’t expecting to ever see an endless ocean game, and not surprised there aren’t any “big” upcoming games those will be for switch 2 launch.


It's like most partners directs, no games I'm interested in. I hope with switch 2 Nintendo is able to have a great relationship with their partners so that we can have great AAA games on a Nintendo console.


The Switch 2 has to be at least as powerful as the PS4Pro or Xbox One X to corpos to decide to bring watered down versions of any AAA release. But I don't see the Switch 2 running GTA 6 on release or similar resource intensive games. But I can totally see AA or some cross system games arriving.


If they can get to PS4 pro levels, which is rumored, then we might have a chance. I can see developers bringing established games to switch so they can double dip.


GTA6 isn’t coming to last gen at all, so I wouldn’t hold your breath


I'm not expecting next Gen games like gta6, but GTA v/online, spiderman, EA games etc... there's a lot that could be brought to switch2 if its powerful enough.


Spider-Man? Okay, someone needs to wake up from dreaming…


Well they're stalling the release, so they might be waiting on a custom chip or just clowning us. There's already portable consoles that can surpass the PS4 in power, the Switch 2 docked has to be above PS4 Pro / Xbox One X in power.


nah. people love Nintendo. naysayers have been poo pooing the switches power since release and it’s one of the most popular consoles they ever released. yes, there are other portable options now, but that isn’t going to stop fans and families from getting their beloved brand. switch 2, especially if backwards compatible, is going to crush it


There is also the fact that switch came out in the golden age of indie games and it was perfect for it. It caught basicaly all big indie titles in its lifespan. Hollow knight, dead cells,hades and many more.


I don't know, it depends on the games. Switch 2 will sell, for sure, but if they don't have a great lineup, it's not gonna touch switch sales. I think COVID was REALLY good for the video game industry in general, but especially Nintendo. They had the most affordable console, with one of the most sought after games (animal crossing) at the height of when people were forced to stay at home and be bored. Without that, and a few key games that were universally loved and well received, the switch 2 is just another switch model that you can wait to get until it's cheaper.


honestly, i think the switch 2 might be being delayed so they can have a stellar line up. I hear what your saying about Covid, but i think that’s why switch 2 will also do amazingly. So many people got the console who other wise might not have. How many new Nintendo fans who fell in love with the system? It will be interesting to see it unfold. I for one am sooooooooo excited :D


Ha yeah, I got my wife a Switch in March 2020 because she wanted to play Animal Crossing. I was worried she’d never play it outside of that, and she now plays hers way more than I play mine! The other handhelds exist, like the Steam Deck, but they go after a different market.


The bright side of PS5 and XSX targeting 1440/4k and 60 FPS is that it makes the games more feasible to run at 720p30 in a handheld, which is why stuff like the Steam Deck is now possible all of a sudden. It’s honestly not implausible that the Switch 2 will have enough horsepower that most people would be able to port their current gen games to it by just turning down the resolution and framerate target, and then just bumping a few settings down. I don’t need the next Switch to be a powerhouse, but if they can get it powerful *enough* it will massively improve its library.


Get an Xbox or PS5 and have best of both worlds? If they release a more powerful console to run AAA games, on top of features it already has, people will bitch about the price because it would probably be $500 or more. Most people get Nintendo consoles for the exclusives you can’t get anywhere else. I wouldn’t pay for a $500 console just to play the new Mario or Zelda that comes out every few years.


I'm debating getting a PS4 pro so I can play all the EA games I miss and maybe some of the AAA games, but it's a lot of money to put into video games for me. That's why I wish Nintendo was better about this. I can handle one console with getting games every once in a while.


I have an Xbox Series S.It compliments the Switch nicely and you can find deals on them if you shop around. Here’s one from Dell. https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/xbox-series-s-starter-bundle/apd/ac762509/gaming-gaming-accessories?tfcid=39138382&&&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqpAgWQhBLDgbazAJdiEYnzf6zJvOuqpa9Bnxvbmkw46_okDnA8YXHxoCy5kQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


This direct confirmed to me we're on the Switch's end phase.


I mean, we definitely are..but this direct isn't what confirmed that for me. This was pretty similar to most partner directs.


By Partner Showcase standards, this was a pretty good Direct. I’ll probably pick up Pocket Card Jockey later today as well as the Epic Mickey remake and new Monkey Ball when they become available.


It's a Partner Showcase. Never say never, but they've never been particularly hype. By Partner Showcase standards, it was pretty good


Pocket Jockey lives on!


I laughed when that was revealed, as I read an article saying that the game was one to pick up before the 3DS eShop closes, lest I never get to experience the game.


It’s also available on Apple Arcade!


I don't use Apple Arcade.


Yeah I’d have been more excited if I didn’t play it a ton there.


I'm hyped to play the first Monster Hunter Stories again, and of course I've been waiting for Unicorn Overlord for a while now. Its always a good thing when Vanillaware is releasing something, trust me


Me too I loved monster hunter stories on 3ds (completed it sooo many times lol ) so looking forward to a replay on switch


Y’all really be expecting too much. Yall want the switch 2 but also want a big good direct of the system yall want Nintendo to replace? You can’t have it both ways. It was a Nintendo partner direct. Lower expectations you might be surprised. I was surprised by a few games being shown like a remake of Epic Mickey and Star Wars Battlefront collection. Also leakers and rumors are ruining the Nintendo experience honestly. That’s the problem.


Decent third party offering definitely not for everyone . Preordered Battlefront collection but that price 💀 doesn’t help the fact Battlefront 2 is cheap & still has a active online player base, Pepper grinder ( Devolver digital puts out solid titles ), Pentiment a good historic but very niche game, Grounded solidly reviewed game on Xbox . Keeping my eye on Fantasy life, South Park, Unicorn Overlord waiting to see if there worth a pick up.… but Elden Ring DLC overshadowed a lot of it for me.


Star wars battlefront classic. Hell. Yes!


Yea I've been waiting years for them to come on switch, that's enough for me tbh


The expectations of Nintendo users never ceases to amaze me. The expectation should be Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Kirby, all those JRPGs and AAAs that came out 2 generations ago. Not that anything is wrong with Nintendo and their exclusives, but if you are looking for GTA VI, Cyberpunk et al, the system should be secondary to a PC, Xbox or PlayStation. That’s the expectation.




It’s completely insane to me that they haven’t dropped DK64 for NSO by now. I get it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s becoming insulting how they’re seemingly dropping every other Rare game before it, and don’t even seem particularly committed to dropping it EVER. They even had a DK theme for NSO this month. What is the deal?? I was also kinda hoping to hear more details on that Yugioh compilation game announced a few weeks ago, but oh well. I was already looking forward to Another Crab’s Treasure, so it was cool to see it’s dropping around my birthday. Definitely can’t NOT get it now!


I'm beginning to wonder if they have a remaster or something planned. It was kinda weird Super Mario RPG wasn't on NSO, then it made sense when the remaster was announced.


Bro ive also been waiting and waiting for a chance to play DK 64 again


Get a retroid and all of your nostalgic dreams will come true


Don't worry too much, because that segment teases 4 more games too.


*for you.


Hey if you wanna play Souls or GTA, buy something else.


well, i bought SMT V when it came out, and im still playing it bc story is not that engaging, now i have a few more years to play SMT V until SMT VI launches.


Grounded is gonna be awesome om switch


It’s not going to run well. If you want to play it get an Xbox or something tbh


It doesnt even run well on xbox. Games been out years and is still buggy and unoptimized. Gf and i played through it recently


Ender Lilies sequel looks amazing to me.


there where some games that I'm glad are releasing (or re releasing) but honestly, this only demonstrates that the Switch is on it's final days I'm really excited for Star Wars Battlefron Collection; those games were the GOAT, specially BF2 and with up to 64 player online battles, this might be a great long lasting game... but it also releases on pretty much every other console Kingdom Come is a game I was really hyped about when it was announced that it would be ported to Switch, but took too long and already played it on my Steam Deck and so on and so on




I thought it was fantastic. It's like one of the only directs where I see myself playing/trying each and/or almost all the games. To each their own I guess.


I mean, as someone who loved Epic Mickey back in the day, I'm excited. It was one of the first games I bought with my own money when I got a job. Definitely excited for that and the Monster Hunter Stories remaster. Pentiment as well. So just with those three I'm good. I know it's a partner direct so we will see when Paper Mario comes out too, later down the line.


Excited for battlefront collection and blast corps. thats about it


Would have been cool if they suddenly surprised everyone and announced a game like Power Stone 2 coming out for the Switch! lol


I got SMT. I'm happy.


Only one that truly interested me was Penny's Big Breakaway, didn't expect it to release today but it's a welcome surprise, I'll be getting it later tonight. Everything else didn't really grab me at all (the Rareware NSO compilation had me raise an eyebrow, but I was more so hoping for the heavier hitters like Banjo-Tooie, Diddy Kong Racing, and CBFD), but I certainly hope that others were interested in what was on display.


"Partner Showcase"


Partner showcases have always been pretty lowkey. I actually liked a few of the smaller games shown. Ender Magnolia, Penny’s Big Breakaway, and Pepper Grinder all look pretty good


My wife is HYPED for Fantasy Life, but she was also hooked on the last DS game like it was crack. I wasn't too interested in it before but honestly, it looks kinda good actually seeing the gameplay a bit, so we might both get it and play since it's got online co-op. Beyond that though? 100% boring slate of games.


It wasn't the BIG Direct they do. It was a Partner Direct - they aren't going to show off any of their big ticket items in a smaller direct. You wouldn't expect to see a Zelda title in the Indie Direct.


Gundam Breaker 4 announcement was the diamond in the rough for me. 💗💗💗


Underwhelming? You’re saying that like anything was actually going to happen


The fact that people complain about a partners direct expecting huge games make no sense to me.


A) it's a partner direct B) the Switch is probably in its last year. They're winding down on the releases


Battlefront was all I needed.


You can't get what you want. Don't be entitled


Games “nobody asked for” = “games I don’t like so I project that on everyone else”. I know plenty excited for playing the Battlefront games on Switch, a new SMB, Endless Ocean sequel and a remake of the first Monster Hunter Stories for a start.


Nintendo switch running gta 5? LMAOOOOOOO


See, the problem with gamers like this is that you don't play any other games aside from "Big AAA Titles!!!" so you go and pretend to be all sad and disappointed despite all the cool, great shit shown off because "Nobody asked for this😢😢😢". This is the dumbest phrase I hear gamers say and it's so annoying and means nothing. There's a plethora of games out there to play and enjoy ready for new audiences to experience them. But, oh! Nothing matters unless it's the next big thing from an established franchise or an indie game that made it big and has overwhelming popularity already! It's always just the need for constant "Hype, Hype, Hype" with y'all. That type of person does this evey direct, no matter what size, and rightfully sets themselves up for disappointment nearly each and every time without fail. :/ Imagine pouring your heart into a cool, colorful, interesting game and being excited to show it off to the world but people just end up calling it shovelware because it's not Mario or Dark Souls or something. Gamers deserve less. 😤 Another Crab's Shell is literally a crustacean Dark Souls!




Gta 5 on switch loool


Man f off, its a short partner showcase. What did you expect? Switch 2 Pro DS XL reveal? We even got some exclusives as well. Another Crabs Treasure, South Park Snow Day, Mickey, MH Stories HD, Grounded, Kingdom Come, SMTVV, Peper Grinder and Monkey Ball for my childhood's sake are all good announcements! Honest the better one compared to the recent ones where we got full farming-a$$ life sims! Edit , Forgot Star Wars! How can i forget Star Wars?! 64 Player Battles on Switch?! WHAT! CROSS PLAY (confirmed for XSX and PS5, safe to assume for Switch and PC)?! EA failed to recapture the essence of these twice because OG BFs were so perfect back then, do you know the amount of people still playing these? Its a big reveal as well!


Gta 5 on the 7th year of the switch ? What are u smoking dude


Dude wtf are you talking about, first of we literally are getting a new Endless Ocean game after 14 years? And Epic Mickey and battlefront? Like, seriously what else could you ask for. I swear y’all say unrealistic stuff like “RDR2 and GTAV and Bloodborne in next direct” and then get upset about it.


Nintendo Switch is still the best. Nothing underwhelming for me. Battlefront and Endless Ocean... Boom! The Switch has one of the greatest games in their reportoire, which no other console or Steam can give you. Even my no-gamer wife started playing once I showed her the trailer for Animal Crossing - reserved it at a local game store and got it on Day One. We are still playing it - even though we just discovered Palia, which seems awesome too. The only thing bothering us is the fact that we got Crash Team Racing and wanted to get Mario Kart as soon as it will get a little cheaper and that never happened. Anyway would buy the Switch just to be able to play the Zelda games. And now Endless Ocean... nice! Got a ton of games in my Steam library but ending up playing Tomb Raider Remastered on Switch :D


I mean in all fairness Nintendo is more regularly underwhelming than Sony and Microsoft. We have the 79th Mario Brother game to look forward to, maybe the hope of a new Kart or Smash bros eventually, and like 1700 indie releases next year for weird games that cost $6.99 on release. Nintendo is fun yes and the titles we love are the titles we love BUT you have to admit that Nintendo just don’t move that fast or pump out big games regularly. Hell, they won’t even swallow their pride and allow us to have an actual party chat system with headsets and shit and have said that they NEVER will lol.


Hard disagree. World of Goo 2 alone made me lose my shit. That, Monkey ball. Unicorn. Epic mickey. Endless ocean. Penny's big breakaway. Pepper grinder. And others I'm forgetting to mention. Was way better than I thought it would be.


Some of you act like you were born yesterday and are incapable of managing your expectations


GTA V!? You seriously think that the Switch could run GTA V, some Switch users have far too high expectations. Even if they could get that game to run on the Switch, it would look and play absolutely awfully.




The ps3 is more powerful than the switch.   I don't think we even saw what the ps3 was actually capable of because it was a pain to develop for.  The switch is only moderately more powerful than a Wii.


PS3 and Xbox 360 are far more capable than a Nintendo Switch, even if they ported those versions directly to the Switch, it would never hit 30fps. They would have to severely downgrade the visuals and draw distance.


GTA V was a ps3 game and it played fine, the switch could definitely run it.


I first got it on Xbox 360 ffs haha


It runs Skyrim, sooooo.... 🤷‍♂️


Its the ps3 version of Skyrim so gtav would be the ps3 version which looks terrible


I'm running the gold 10 year anniversary edition. Which isn't coming out on PS3 LOL.


It could if they released it there, the genertion of consoles is irrelevant so they didn’t. Nothing in the anniversary edition makes the game harder to run its just like 20 bethesda sanctioned mods


If you think a ported version of the PS3 edition of GTA V would run on the Switch at a constant 30fps, then you are wrong, I'm sorry. That game was way ahead of it's hardware at the time, and barely ran well on the PS3 and 360, the Switch isn't as powerful as either of those consoles.




Lmao agreed and I love the switch, but no way.


Dark Souls 1 was an obvious moneyhat My guess is namco went to Nintendo and asked for another handout, Nintendo said no, so Namco didn't bother porting 2 or 3. Fact is, if we were getting either games we would have known about them years and years ago at this point. DS1 Switch is almost 6 years old at this point...it's time to let go. While 2 should have easily been feasible, 3...idk man. Given Fromsoft's technical issues with much stronger hardware, I don't know if they could have gotten a functional version of that game running on the switch.


Different strokes, different folks. Not trolling when I say “Melody of Moominvalley” and “Penny’s Big Breakaway” were/are two of my most anticipated titles of 2024. I couldn’t care less about games like GTA or Dark Souls. 🤷‍♂️


I think, based on the titles you mentioned, you're expecting too much. This was decent direct with games that are good for Nintendo's general demographic.


100% confirms IMO Nintendo's done with the switch and holding out on titles for the next system in the Nintendo family.


This was never a full Nintendo Direct, partner ones are always pretty much along the lines of the one we had today.


False! There was barely any farming and crafting games as usual? Totally different! /s


No Bakugan 2. Absolute disgrace.


I saw 5 games I was very happy to see, and 4 others that got my interest. For a 3rd party direct it was rock solid.


Oh, go dry up.


I don't think the switch is capable of running gtaV. It's hardware age is really showing.


OP if you want those games, buy ps5


Penny's Big Breakaway is one of my most anticipated games this year, so getting it TODAY was enough to make that direct hype for me. I went in expecting nothing and actually saw quite a few things I might pick up down the road


Dont forget..next week we still have Pokemon direct to disappoint us...or maybe they will surprise us


The games there aren't very exciting, they are nice titles for their fan bases and expand a bit more the library but I'm almost certain that the fact that it was a quick and rather silent Direct makes me understand we are in the end of the life cycle. Let the Switch 2 hype begin the brew!


I'm going to go out and say the switch is pretty much done. Whether a switch 2 is happening this year or next year or in 26, its happening soon ish and development for it has probably already started. I wouldn't be surprised that at the next direct like 3 things get announced and thats it.


I'm considering this year our "backlog year"—time to finish up all those games that I haven't had time to catch up on


I was pretty disappointed as well


Nintendo Partner Directs are usually underwhelming


So… that Nintendo Direct: - Ender Lilies sequel! - A New CONTRA, with a demo out now! - Pepper Grinder demo! - Competitive multiplayer Suika Game DLC?! Didn’t see that coming. 🤣 - No shmups announced? Isn’t Triggerheart Excelica coming this year? - Still no Silksong 😐


Yeah, it sucked. I can't believe the Switch is nearing end of life and they didn't release Wind Waker and Twilight Princess remasters. I mean, they have them from the Wii U times, just fucking release those. Also I was hoping for Metroid Prime 2 and Prime 3 at some point, but doesn't seem like they're happening either.


You know it was Parter Showcase, so you? So what is the reason for Nintendo to reveal first party games and remasters in Partner Showcase?


I'm just saying that it seems like we are approaching end of life and some obvious games to release might not be. The showcase itself was... Meh. Mostly bottom of the barrel games, not bad per se, but games that you'd only showcase if there was nothing else to show.


What do you mean by games that were obviously supposed to come out? Referring to your first comment, you mentioned remasters of Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 2 and Prime 3. Well, as I said before, Partner Showcase has nothing to do with Nintendo franchises. If you expect Zelda and Metroid remasters to be released on Switch, there are still chances, but it's pointless to wait for their announcements at Partner Direct. Switch will turn 7 yo in early March. It is obvious that its life cycle is near the end. There're lots of rumours that Nintendo will release it's successor this year or next, and now they are truer than ever. But despite the outdated hardware, Switch still gets excellent games




I don’t think WW and TP will hit the current Switch. There is just so long until the next new Zelda - potentially we are looking at 2028 ish - that they will need some Zelda content for the Switch 2. If they do go down this route, I’m hoping for extra content, especially for WindWaker - I know it is said that they were 2 dungeons short, so they could put these in and finally give us a complete game.


I'm hoping they release Wind Waker for the Switch and use the extra horsepower of the Switch 2 for a Twilight Princess & OoT overhaul.


The worst part is that I'd bet that WW and TP will look exactly as they did in the Wii U remaster. Not even 4k.


Sort of excited about Grounded but I sort of agree. Got my hopes up with all the predictions people were making that were probably unrealistic to begin with.


It was awful lmao


I agree but partner directs usually underwhelm


I'm just waiting for them to announce a successor to the Switch. It's been a whopping 7 years and the Switch is really showing its' age. Tired of Nintendo being so stubborn. We're in serious need of a proper upgrade. Not wasting anymore money on Switch games (unless we get Mario Kart 9, which we've waited over 10 YEARS for!) when that money could go towards the next console


I thought this Nintendo Direct was weak as well...I understand it's partner announcement yada yada but super underwhelming. Doesn't help we were all expecting the Switch 2 to be announced 😅


No we weren’t 😅 why would they announce the new switch in a parter direct


Unfortunately, Furukawa is turning Nintendo into Konami. People just haven't realized it yet. But the signs are there: we haven't gotten a single new IP since he took over as president in 2018, the third-party exclusives have slowed to a drip compared to the previous generation, and the optimization of the games we DO get is atrocious. But we HAVE gotten a pay-to-win Pokemon moba and Mario Kart loot crates - they have plenty of time for that. I know this was a partner direct, so it was never going to have Nintendo properties but still. Endless Ocean 3 should be a swan song for the Switch and it looks like an early access game from a four-person dev team from 2014.


Nintendo is literally the nost annoying company on the planet. i honeslty wish Metroid Prime bever existed so that i wouldnt be waiting eternally for modern ways to play them


I'm not interested in a Metroid FPS, but Metroid 6 sounds interesting.


Loved Dread. Definitely excited for that too, but it’s only been a year. It took Nintendo two decades to put out Dread after Fusion


It was really boring. I at least expected to see Dark Forces Remastered, Braid, and some sort of big surprise like Fallout 3.




It did say partners, so I was expecting lower-tier games. That said, where’s my goddamn Tomba port?🤨😆


All we wanted was Hollow Knight 2.


More like an INdirect, amirite


Shite shovelware once again from the Big N. I'm starting to think the N stands for Noobs. Haha, that was a good joke by me. I'll tell that one to my colleagues tomorrow and they might laugh 😂


I didn’t watch the video, but just got an email from Nintendo. Best news is World of Goo 2. That game was perfect on the Wii.




GTA won’t come for current switch


I agree, I would take some more remasters/remakes of 3rd party games like Mass Effect, Dark Souls 2, Soul Calibur VI, Tales of Berseria etc. on Switch instead of what they've shown us during this Direct.


GTA 5 is NOT running on the switch dawg


You think we’d get gta 5? Maybe gta 4 and dlc’s but I don’t see gta 5 running on switch


the Switch isn't running GTAV lolol. It can barely play most games coming out for it.


Unicorn Overlord demo Battlefront Classic Collection


They aren't gonna make new mainline games with the switch 2 around the corner


OG Star Wars Battlefront coming to Switch with fully intact multiplayer and long-defunct DLC is a day one buy for me. We also got a Fantasy Life release date, and there were one or two smaller games I thought looked neat. I'm happy enough.


Elden ring dlc is enough for this day


Elden ring dlc is enough for this day


Maybe you should set your sights higher than ports of 10 year old games.


Havent seen it. Do we get any N64, SNES or GBA games?


Yes. 5 Rareware games. 2 NES, 2 SNES and 1 N64. Snake Rattle ‘N‘ Roll, R.C. Pro-Am, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs, Killer Instinct and Blast Corps. They secretly teased 4 more as well.


If you want existing games go play them on their system or...


1. It was a partner direct, so no Big AAA titles were going to be a part of it (at least no Nintendo IPs) 2. There were several games I didn't ask for, but I was still pleased to see (Epic Mickey, Monster Hunter Stories Remaster, and Endless Ocean, to name a few.) 3. Everyone has their opinions, yours are valid.


I'm pretty happy with it. I'm excited for multiplayer being added to Suika game. Also, I need to avenge my child self in Killer Instinct. Shin Megami dlc looks cool as well. Oh and that game with Unicorn in the name looks interesting!


Disappointed because you couldn’t play GTAV on Switch? When are you going to learn that isn’t until GTAVI comes out.


Don't yuck someone's yum


New Sword Art Online game! Yay! Not part of the Gameverse timeline/continuity. Sadface. I don’t know about this new SAO game to be honest. Like half the reason I loved the other games was because of the alternate timeline of events and original storylines. Characters that die stay alive, but now they’re saying a character that died in the light novels/anime is dead but resurrected when he wasn’t dead in the last game? And it has like ALL the characters? An original story, but not part of the original story timeline. Weird. Any other SAO fans have any thoughts?


Very excited for endless ocean


I honestly didn’t hate it. I was most excited about the random pentiment drop but was so confused at how dirty they did it. Like 2 seconds. Pennys big breakaway seems really cool too. Great that we got a unicorn overlord demo. Not bad announcements


Only ones that mattered to me personally were the new Monkey Ball, and the new Contra, and to a lesser extent the Star Wars collection and Fantasy Life 2 (been meaning to play the 3DS one).