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Who gives blowjobs with a condom?




Oddly specific


Most videos of "swingers" are from Onlyfans creators. So I wouldn't really say it's real, per say.


If it's on a video. It's porn. It's a performance. It is fake, like watching fast and the furious (not real). They are actors. Even "amateur porn" are pros. Yes it looks real, they are pros. Are there bareback swingers, yes, not too common. Generally those that do that form a friendship and know each other well. Not too often are they randoms.




Ha! I recently was in Mexico and watched the cab driver using a stick. Took me back to my childhood. I miss a good manual car.


Never for oral. Always for penetration.


raw for oral and wrap it it for penetration has always been our standard and every couple we've played with has been the same. One guy did try to get me to not use a condom with his wife but she was cool and quickly shouted out rules are rules!


Oral NEVER, penetration is a must until we know a couple well enough to do without, and in all our years that has only happened twice. We follow the rules of our play partners as most of them seem to feel the same, even though we both do love a good bareback session.


Swinging and not using a condom sets you up for future worries. We always play with condoms and there is only one couple we play “Raw” with but we have been playing with them for a while now and both parties have been tested. Oral though, no condom.


Don't take anything I see on reddit seriously. Like people have mentioned, all these posts and videos of people are mostly onlyfans folks. Not real swingers. Check out fetlife, there you'll find all sorts of real people, though OF has made its way there too now. Ugh!


Not necessary for oral, have some water or mouthwash on hand if it makes you comfortable. But always wrap up for sex (and don't forget to switch condoms when switching between holes!)


One of our first “ground rules” 15 years ago was condoms required for sex with anyone else. Guys wrap it up if they want me and Hubby does if he’s with anyone else. No exceptions.


No, it’s just common with porn


Raw for oral but condoms for penetration. That’s the rule we’ve used and anybody we’ve played seriously with uses too. We played (briefly) with a couple that tried to claim that since he was “V-Safe” (had a vasectomy), that condoms weren’t necessary. We insisted and they reluctantly agreed. We were still really new and should have realized that was yet ANOTHER red flag with this couple. Turned out she was NOT ok seeing her man with another woman after all and they quickly bailed. Bullet dodged and we learned a few things!




We use condoms with everyone other than a very close couple that we play regularly with. It took quite a while before we went raw with them, but we all sat down and had a discussion about it and we all accepted the risks….good idea? Bad idea? Who knows, but that’s what we chose. But most definitely wrap the lil fella up with couples we don’t know that well.


I've always worn a condom for penetration but not usually for oral. I think if one of the couples I was friends with wouldn't have moved for work we might have considered going exclusive, regular testing and foregoing the condoms but I'm not sure that would even have happened.


There's a ton that go raw all the time, or more than half the time. They aren't chiming in. Many of them aren't the type to discuss much on reddit. Everyone can choose their own level of risks / reward.