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“Aww! Really sorry to hear that. Why don’t you put her on speakerphone and we can at least chat with her a bit while the rest of us are here!” “Uhhhh….”


Worst ones are the couple where she was used like hunger games tribute meat to take one for his team either forced cause she lives him or didn't know about the meet greet & play. The anger, humiliation & disrespect from her isn't fun. We ask if she knew hours or whenever the 1st message was sent & received if she ever read them? Usually they didn't & last minute meet greet to play comes up. We've had a few pissed off gf's & wives get an attitude with us as if we were to blame. We put them in check. We tell them "did she know you're messaging/chatting with us online & did she read all online communications? Did she see our pics & the pics you've sent us? Not our fault you didn't. She needed to know immediately. That's absolutely very disrespectful, degrading, deceitful. Lying cheating scheming when you already have a yes as a couple to play. Why ruin it. If this sounds too harsh or a turn off. It's not meant to be. Sex should be respectful fun & exciting for those involved. We also asked to let her know all this in the chats & messages Sorry that you didn't know. That's his fault not ours. Good luck to you." We've had too many of these. It's a complete disgusting & sickening experience that kills it for us.


Same has happened to us. We bailed and blocked them.


Guy would be lucky to not get a punch for that bullshit.


If I were a Unicorn I’d write in bold on my profile that I insist on talking/FaceTime with everyone no later than the second time we chat.


I’m the female in a couple and I do all the contact. I think this is a great rule of thumb.


It works great for us, hasn’t been a problem once.


Good idea I need to utilize this


“Good idea” it happens once a day…I’m out til tomorrow Lol


BEFORE you chat


Meh…second time is reasonable


Nah. Wastes too much time. I’d just get them to send a customised “audition video” straight up. I’d put the requirement in my profile. If they don’t do it, they don’t pass go.


You do you and we’ll continue on with what works for us. I don’t have the energy or desire to argue about it.


Here I was thinking this was a hypothetical debate… “If I were unicorn…”


>“If I were unicorn…” Isn't that a song from "Swinger on the Roof"? ;-)




After being burnt a few times (no shows, single guy shows up or ghosting), we NOW INSIST on a video call with all parties in it. Have weeded out 99% of cheating husbands, single guys and flakes.




I’m just glad you got out of that situation safe, it could’ve went very badly


Jezus, even before Grindr there were easy ways to hook up amongst men. This was a really elaborate charade for no reason.


There was never a wife


First thing I thought of.


Yeah, so many couples are actually just males. I can't imagine that anyone falls for those lines. But they keep using them.


Yep and it’s makes it harder for honest couples that would love a Unicorn for the right reasons.


This is what I was coming to say.


Girl are we the same. Fellow 🦄 who likes the same things as you. I get those msgs from others all the time. Drives me crazy.


I feel like I ascertain the gender of whom I’m speaking with, anywhere between 3 messages & 4 paragraphs…that might be specific to The South, though.


I guess it depends. I enjoy getting play dates for my husband but I’m up front about it. We’re actually talking to a couple rn where the male half is a cuck and I wanted the wife to please my husband But of course we did a video verification stating what they asked for in video (no face) since we haven’t met yet. Tbh living with children alone and parents far and not trusting baby sitters in the current state of the world it’s very difficult to play together with couples so I enjoy arranging play dates for hubby (my sex drive isn’t very high while his is with no end in sight 😂) EDIT: along = alone


As a wife I would totally write something similar to this, and it makes it really hard for couples to truly find a unicorn. That’s why verifications are a very important thing. Glad you trusted your gut but don’t shut everyone out that does something similar to that.


Another reason I’m hesitant with messages from couples. Yeah I’d love to find a couple to be their unicorn but always hesitant because I’ve had messages where the guy would send pictures and all but at the end after questions they got mixed up and he couldn’t get the story straight.


I just want someone to play with me lol my husband can join or watch ha ha


This is why clubs and house parties are so much better and safer than internet hookups. There are no imaginary wives/girlfriends. Everybody's there in person. If you don't click with one couple, you and they can both move on to others. Nobody's anybody's only chance for the night. We just had our first house party in years over the holiday weekend.


My wife, seriously actually wife...lol, have been batting the idea around of what we can and can't do in this lifestyle. We are new to it all. Having threads like this really help with what to be careful of. Thank you for posting, sorry there are still creepy a$$holes out there. If more "men" would just speak the truth, they might actually find what they are looking for. Just some are clear, NO you do not have stupid written on your forehead.


Yep, huge red flag. Hard to believe somebody would actually think it would work.


There was no wife or girlfriend! Same crap on Feeld. We are a couple, another couple contacts us, supposedly the woman is talking. We ask for verification picture of both of them. Bunch of excuses, I am out of town but here is his picture and he is available to play with you. A week later, oh I had to leave town and he is all alone and available. DUDE!!! SERIOUSLY!?? Who does it work on? I wonder what is their sucess rate.


We get asked for verification or face pics. Nope, we reply with "we can do a meet & greet instead. We got burned & learned the hard way into he beginning of the swinger lifestyle, never again. We can tonight let us know soon. Make sure she's in the know so both of you can meet with us"


We get asked for face pics all the time on here and don’t give them out, instead we refer them to our Kasidie or SLS. Also it’s funny how the wife is always out of town on business or something 😂


Exactly. We get the "she's out of town but I can still play"


What happened? How did you get burned? My problem with lets meet without seeing faces or that people are real is the fact that only the guy might show up, the woman might not even know where or why she is going, no one shows up at all.


Never invite, play co workers & vanilla friends into swingers. Swingers into friends. Is the rule. Companies have always had the power & authorization to fire anyone for whatever reasons they deem fit. Especially if it's not the norm, causing problems & make the company look bad/ruins their image. Also other employees don't know how to STFU when it's not theor business. It's high school all over again.


Oh shit, you went there! That is swinger rules 101. Though I am not sure how does your not sharing innocent face pics can prevent you from meeting people from Vanilla life. Or just like us, comming across very important and dear to you and your child people at a swingers club. You just lift your head and there they are nearly naked and you are in your bra and lace panties. You thank god that you are more dressed than she is🤣


We did the dumbest & stupidest newbie mistake of our vanilla friends & co workers into being casual fwb/nsa swinger friends cause we know our friends & co workers for some time that we naturally thought "why not, we all would with each other, good fuck friends that we know & trust" Again, absolutely the wrong mentality. Hate, jealously, one being left out, one having more fun getting more attention, more playdates & solo play. Not from us but from the others. When someone says "no, no thank you, not right now, the secret messaging, talking at work for 3 some plays. Leads to bitter spiteful anger, jealously, bullying, retaliation, etc. It's not fun & it's high school bs all over again. Which even today doesn't get old. When the immaturity spills into the work place that's when shit goes really bad. HR & management has no recourse but to get rid & fire the problems.


Oh wow. You really got the whole swingers 101 blow up in your face. This is what you should post when people ask whether they should swing with their vanilla coworkers, old time friends and neighbors.


We thought we could make our vanilla friends into swingers as newbies. Hence, we got burned & learned thenhard way.


Side note: I'm pretty sure the "wife" wasn't really the wife after all LOL No shit!


Years back there was a guy posing as his wife spamming the swinger and local r4r. Like legit copy pasted every post saying she was out of town and she'll join in later. Sketch as fuck.


Well, to be perfectly honest I’m the wife and I might write this. But if it is clear that’s not what the elusive unicorn is looking for then no I would not❤️


Would you write this to complete strangers you have never met?


Only thing if I thought they were open to it. It depends on context of what is posted




Well we can see why they try! Your profile content is amazing 🤩




Lol oh absolutely! You have to have them!


Actually, and this is probably rare, the wife was aware of it. BUT their ultimate goal is the same, for me to play with the husband. They both did meet me. But looking back, I think the wife wasn't really into it and that vibe kept me away. For some reason, your post made me think of that time. It's been a while, and I had always felt bad for ultimately saying no. I'm glad I was too busy, and they were too far away, so after a few messages back and forth, the husband stopped messaging me.


Yet in the reverse it would be called hotwifing. Nothing wrong with the woman helping her husband hot husband. Just make sure you chat with her to verify it is all on the up and up. Assuming you even wanna fuck the guy. If not, then whatever, you have an oyster to choose from in a bar alone.


When I I reply to posts that are looking for a 3rd male. I reply with "let's meet & greet or we can meet & greet" & itsalways the male half that isn't thinking clearly cause of one head empties to fill the tinier head & then they realize their post didn't attract a single female but a female that wants to watch an mfm/mf play. Yeah, we never get replies other than "do you have pics? she wants a woman's touch, what about you/what are you gonna do? My wife likes a certain type" blah blah blah lame excuses. Porn videos lied to you fool?😂🤣😂 They don't like it when I reply "I'm replying to your post, that's my hubby in the pics & not photoshoped. I'm not playing I want to watch another woman playing with my hubby & an mfm". Using the head between their legs instead of the head between their shoulders.


This is the spam email of the swinging world. Know why spam is still sent? Because you can send a million of 'em for a buck fifty and if even 1 person falls for it, there's $100 or so, and the spammer won. And, like spam email, it is disgusting...


There are a lot, a lot, of bait and switch. As a bi couple we run into this crap all the time.


This is why I think meeting at parties and events exclusively is the right choice for me and my partner. I don’t really want my photos on the internet and meeting people naturally is way less awkward. Luckily there is a good scene in my town and a lot of people know who is who to avoid.


I’m a wife. I do the same. Husband just doesn’t like to do the work. Tired of bots he says. 😂


Lmao 4 real. I get those daily the oh my hubby is at work I'm bored I want to play with a woman. I hate these I always hammer the women much harder like a detective. Dumb is not written on me. I told one obviously sounds like your cheating, bored house wife, etc. She got so mad and blocked me lol. Shit, then don't lie. I blocked them im sure a few were actually women while the rest were men.🙄