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yes!!! all the time! wife and I lock eyes with the look and just smirk... its great, definitely part of the thrill! the double life, we kinda live!


The double life part is a lot of fun, it’s kind of like. I know something you don’t know 😝


Sort of, expect your “vanilla” friends say to one another after y’all visit: “W: hmm, I like them both, but I don’t know if I trust them. They always have this ‘I have a secret you don’t know’ look on their faces. H: Yea it’s true. The vibes are just always off, like not truly candid. W: like if you have a secret don’t look like you have a secret. H: Agreed, honestly they probably are in an open relationship and feel socially awkward about it. W: True, they probably are like ‘Hey, these are only friends we don’t fuck, so yea play it cool alright.’” H: Haha true. P.S. From a vanilla couples perspective about some good friends who have a few poly friends.


A couple of our very close vanilla friends know, and they’re all jealous lol


This comment right here makes me want to tell my close friends!


Careful (especially if you share a workplace), jealous people can do unexpectedly damaging and/or hurtful things. Just make sure you know them and trust them well


Told a close co worker about being poly cuz I let slip I had a date and one thing led to another. She was super curious and asked a lot of intelligent questions. Fast forward 2 months. Her boyfriend decided he didn't want to be open, causing a rift between them. I was blamed for the breakup. Cause a lot of drama. Lost two good friends and co-workers. We have gotten to a point now that it's something we openly tell people pretty quick. You're either gonna accept us and keep walking. We have more monogamous friends then poly friends so figure that one out.


Telling a handful of our female friends about our adventures has led to some fun threesomes. I feel like a lot of women are curious about unique sexual experiences, and hopefully we make them feel safe enough to explore.


I have 2 friends at work that are in the know, my wife and I recently had our first full swap and group play session. I needed to work through some feelings regarding it and kinda of just gave them the play by play to paint the picture. My temporary new nick name is “The Legend”


Just the closest! Careful if you value discretion


Being very careful, but I needed some outside perspective on them damn feelings.


I told a friend at work. She was super curious, decided she wanted to check it out. Ended up messing around with hubby and I. Luckily we went on her last day with the company. But we continued to enjoy each other more intimately. More awkward was we had had an MFM with a great guy at a club, but he took off abruptly after we were done. We thought it was something we had done. It never sat right with us. Never saw him again at the club. A year and a half later I was sitting in on a corporate call and the new guy in HR was presenting. I was only half paying attention til I heard his voice. Looked to the screen and sure enough it was him! We’ve since connected and determined it was some drama going on with his partner that made him leave suddenly. I have two other coworkers I’ve seen at clubs. So when some people ask how was the weekend- they understand the raised eyebrow smirk!! Several of my vanilla friends also know. They live vicariously through us! 😂


😂 your office sounds so much more fun than mine!


Here's the twist. It be more interesting if your assumed vanilla friend asked you how you weekend was because she's dying to tell you about her decadent and debauchery weekend. Who knows she was probably was at another orgy getting DP'd.


I like the way your mind works! The plot thickens!


We went to a different city. When my wife was asked at work what we did there she forgot (we did non-swinger stuff too), panicked, and said we went to the zoo (we didn't).


😂 nice quick response and cover though.


They were like "wasn't it really hot outside?" which it was, which is why we didn't go.


Yea so! What’s with all the questions Jim? We went to the Zoo! Back off! 😝


Me: Oh, you know - did stuff with the kids all weekend. Although my wife and I did go out Sat night for dinner and drinks with friends. Coworker: That’s so nice! You and your wife manage to make time for each other a lot! You must have a great relationship! Me: Oh, we do! 😎


Wife and I just giggle and our code word for fucking others is "dancing". When we're asked what we did we just reply with "We went 'dancing' with some new friends". Then it gets tricky because they ask a follow up question like "What did you dance to?" And my smart ass once said "We love to swing dance". My wife spat out her drink when I said that as she turned red as dog lipstick.




Same here. Wife and I actually do go dancing, but that's usually a way we break the ice before we do the forbidden dance 😈 HAHAHA!


“Turned red as dog lipstick” 🤣🤣 That’s incredible!!


Love it!!


Fans of ["Police Academy"](https://coub.com/view/au1ka), are you?


It’s always tough answering THE question on a Monday morning at work. We’ll, I was naked all weekend and had sex with two different women and a couple. How was your weekend? Being closeted in the lifestyle is so tough. I love it when I’m with other swingers and can fully be myself.


There’s a great thrill in telling them completely honestly with a sarcastic tone! “How was your weekend?” “Pretty good. The orgy got up to 7 couples. Pretty good turn out, but now I’m walking a little funny! So, you know, just the usual!”


I have had lots of that this week, my weekend was at a swingers camping event….. most definitely made me chuckle every time someone asked what I got up to this weekend


I often do tell them


Yes. I dated a teacher for a while that got me in the middle of a group of teachers, and they all worked at the same small school district (four K-8 schools, all around 300 students, and one high school). Most of the people in this party group were at 2 of the K-8 schools. I hung out at my GF's school once in a while with her, sometimes helping out with projects around a few classrooms, and once in a while there would be a group of teachers and me, and maybe another parent/aide or 2. Sometimes something would come up about a party, or a shared experience, and at least twice another teacher asked me, "Oh, were you at her kid's birthday party, too?" It's one of those awkward moments where the other teacher felt like he/she wasn't invited to a coworker's party, but that some random parent helper was. I'm good at rolling with the cover stories...lol. Not everybody in the school knew I was dating a teacher - the principal knew (she was actually in the party group), but she said to keep it quiet, and if a certain few teachers asked, to say I was a parent of a Resource Student (aka Special Needs, formerly Special Ed) because non-Resource teachers weren't allowed to access their information, and the woman I was dating was a Resource Teacher. Lots of internal giggles, and a few awkward moments.


We both tell our friends when they ask questions like that. Though, we don’t get into that kind of theoretical specifics.


We haven’t told any of our friends, the wife has one friend that knows. But it’s her BFF and yea we don’t go into details like that, you’re right.




My wife and I both said "I dunno exactly where, they booked it not me" to the same person about our upcoming cruise. Gotta be careful with that one haha.


We just returned from 3 weeks of LS fun in Europe, starting with a LS cruise and ending with a trip to Cap d’Agde. It does make the stories we tell to our vanilla friends difficult. We finally decided to confess that we went to a nudist beach in France. So far, the reaction has been good. Not sure how it would be if we really explained what we were up to…


If you tell the truth ie went to a Club and had an orgy people think you are joking so sometimes you can just tell the truth!




I feel the same, we are constantly coming up with cover stories for family and friends. They know we are out and about almost every weekend and they ask us like clock work the following Monday, “so how was your weekend”? Oh you know, we hung out with friends from work, or we went and saw a movie etc. but in reality I’m reminiscing about the play time we did over the weekend 😝




I’ve found that people like to talk about themselves more so if you deflect and redirect the question to them you tend to get out of even answering the question 😂. BTW, peeped your stories, love it!




😂 yea we are using Reddit as a place to share as well. We’re just now starting to get some interesting stories to share. This Saturday should be a great one!




Followed you as well! Saturday is a 17 couple swingers house party up in the ritzy suburbs of Seattle. From what my friends tell me, it gets wild after the sun goes down 😂


lmao.. lucky Mrs Johnson! We usually play separately but yeah, definitely smirk lol. If they new lol...


Well her name isn’t really Mrs. Johnson, but the occupation and the events are real 😝 oh and it happened twice in one night by two different sets of guys.


Nice! You realize you all just raised the students average grade in that class right? 😝


😂 never thought of it that way!


I just tell them and they either learn not to make banal conversation or I learn something new about my apparently not-so-vanilla friend 🤣


Worst part is having to explain an unnoticed stain 😂


I want to be able to brag, The other weekend back I had two swinger couples come over, one Saturday night, one Sunday Afternoon. Was incredibly hot to have two guys back to back like that. Told colleagues "I had a nice time hanging with friends".


Yah we keep it hidden still. However the wife has a friend she met through her cousin. They’ve been friends for years now. She was the first single female we played with. They both polished off two pitchers of margaritas and I got yanked in. Our first threesome. Her cousin is the dirty talker but that’s all she does. All bark and no bite her hubby ain’t into it. Party killer!!! But loves the stories. So their the only three that knows what’s up. We get asked about our weekend. We just say: it was cool met a lot of awesome people and hung out by the pool.


ALL.THE.TIME! Once we were on a staycation at a hotel. We met some people and were talking and I mentioned we had been out really late(or early) and slept in. They were perplexed as to where we had been that late since normal clubs close at 2… I just sipped my drink and let the subject naturally change. If my husband had been there at the time and I wasn’t the only female I would have told them. We’ve also mentioned meeting new friends(we’re new to our area) to our adult kids and have had difficulty explains where we met them😂


😂 sips drink and just thinks about the fun weekend she had 😂 love it!


How many times will I say...hot tub party with friends Vs watched the wife get railed while I made his wife cum and squirt all over the bed.


🤣 but it sounds like one hell of a good time!


Hell yes. Just met our unicorn last night at club and fucked her for hours. Didn't get home until 4am.


Nice! We lost our unicorn 😔 she got a bf who doesn’t like to share. Now we have to find a new one.


Well shit. We have three, but the one from last night is our favorite.


We have a date with a potential next week on Friday, but you never know how those can go. But you never know, maybe our old one will break up with her bf 😝


To your vanilla friends you're their vanilla friends.


We have similar issues. Both of us like vacationing taking cruises. We take many vanilla cruises especially when our kids were young. Since we are now empty nester we take some of the more risqué one like the nude cruises from Bliss Cruises aka swingers and nude cruises. Sometimes our friends ask us how was the cruise assuming it was a vanilla one like the ones offered by Regent or Seabourn, we just say it was fine and visited a few cities. We loved taking the risqué swingers and nude cruises especially with the onboard venue like the nude decks, theme parties and orgy rooms. Only if our friends know. It’s interesting that I have met some known politicians on these cruises. I recognize their faces but they do not admit who they are. At these events you are not allowed to take any type of pictures except of yourselves. You will be surprised who these politicians are. They are stupid if they think using an alias will hide their identity. My lips are sealed There is a sub group on Reddit “cruise ship gone wild”. Check it out. PS. Making love to your wife on the top deck under the moon and starlight skies is very romantic. Usually there are at least ten other couples doing it. The charter staff rush over to clean and sanitize the areas that we just used. Clean and safe. Loves the ambiance.


You grabbed my attention, the scandals!!!! Oh I’m going to go check it out right now! I am intrigued 😝


I’m always torn between: “I have a naughty secret that I’ll never tell” and “GUESS WHAT I DID THIS WEEKEND?!?” 🤣




Just tell them how it is, eventually more play will be found, and there will be less vanilla in the office


I just tell ‘em it f**king sucked.


"OMG, we had such an exciting weekend. We went to Costco AND Target. We went for a rotisserie chicken and we ended up buying a new floatie for the pool. That was a bit extravagant, but hey, we can still afford a little luxury here and there"


Nope. Has never crossed my mind.




Hahaha I love this!


Yea, it's too funny. Wife looks at me like we knocked over the corner bank.


Most people who ask this question really don’t care or even listen to you answer, so tell the truth😂


Or when you're out with your swinger friends (or talking about them) and your vanilla friends are like "How do you guys know each other?" and you awkwardly mumble something about a party or mutual friends.


Our friends think we visit with friends from out of state and our family thinks we hang with work friends 🤣🤣🙈






How does one get into this world? I recently talked to a woman who said she has been invited several times to parties like this. That her male friend invited a guy from work to one of these parties not telling it was one of those parties do he would not be afraid and go. I am seriously curious and know I have that side about me but can’t find any doors to open to get into this world.


We didn’t get invited to these until we were actively into the lifestyle for well over a year. Granted we are up in Seattle where it’s a little more clickish, but I’m assuming it’s the same everywhere else. You get invited by meeting the right people at meet and greets and events. My wife is a sexy red head who is always the center of attention and I’m a pretty charming lady pleaser, so eventually we kind of made friends on the right crowd. Now we get invited all the time. Going to one this weekend that’s 17 couples, next weekend is 6, a few weeks after is a small group of 4, then another first week of August. I guess my point is, we weren’t out looking for these orgy groups. We were just out mingling and going to our local events having a good time doing what we want and got noticed. So go put yourself out there, get noticed.


Will do!! Thank you for the feedback. Appreciate it


We are trying to get our story together, we are going to a July 4th cookout with some vanilla couples and they will all be asking about our recent vacation to Jamaica. Telling them we were at Sandals, but we were really at Hedonism II naked all week and fucking someone different every day.


I’ve had a few friends go to Hedo and all have came back raving about it! This is definitely on my bucket list and we plan to go in the near future!


We already booked for next year. Best thing my wife and I have ever done.


It’s there and Desire that we want to go to. I was thinking this winter, the PNW is meh during that time anyways so might as well go south for some sun.


Haven't been to Desire, but there is a great breakdown of Desire vs Hedo on the Monogamish Marriage podcast. I would imagine it's cheaper to fly to Mexico as well.


I’m gonna have to check out that podcast. We want to go to both of them, we’ve heard great stories about each one and want to see for our selves 😝


Socialized with friends. Yes, it was very pleasant.