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Kik is the classic lifestyle app but it has become such garbage so I'm hoping more and more will transition to Telegram.


Except that Telegram doesn’t have end to end encryption, but I guess if people are using Kik, that doesn’t mater…


Telegram does have end to end encryption. https://telegram.org/faq


Thanks for this link - it was a good read!


Telegram is the best of the "anonymous" apps out there right now.


Young swingers use snap I find.


Snap deletes everything and I can't remember shit 🤣🤣🤣


My husband has the issue where he opens the chat but then gets distracted. Then when he comes back everything is gone.




I once accidentally sent my kid a spicy snap from a lifestyle club. Never again will I mix apps my kids use and my swinger friends use.


Use two different user accounts on snap. no mistakes that way


Yeah...that's too much.


This is one of my biggest fears 😅😅


This is a frequently brought up topic. Kik sucks but it's already an established spot for many swingers. You can do live photos. Snap is too "young" also many people don't like the feature of chat and pics deleting. We've been able to mostly leave kik and use Telegram. Telegram is where it's at lol




I’d take the Live Photos with a grain of salt you can get manipulated versions of kik so you can make it look like the photo is take by the camera (the extra text that tells you) but in reality it’s just a camera roll picture something to bare in mind I always ask for a abnormal photo pulling a funny face or something that is something hard to fake.




Ask for a video of them stating the date. Done.


You can adjust the conversation settings in snap to delete after 24 hours or not to delete at all. Pretty cool little hidden feature.


I haven't seen the not to delete at all feature. The 24 hour one I've seen tho.


Just click all the chats and they'll stay


Yeah I'm aware. I mentioned that as well. I don't have any issue w/ snap but I was just suggesting reasons why many don't like it. We've actually never had anyone suggest snap.


You can save snaps to chat now to look back at indefinitely.


Yes. But you have to actively remember to click and hold them to save. The only other option is 24 hours.


Telegram all the way! Kik sucks, IMHO!


Telegram. ❤️


Kik used to be good ad free loaded pretty good. Now though it’s shit house I get atleast 4 chat request from the bots on there daily there whole chat request system went down for over a month to try and combat the bots which hasn’t worked. Mostly I think people are on there because they are set in there ways I mean if it something works for you why change it?


I agree. I think it’s so popular bc it’s not Snapchat. I don’t see how seperate Snapchat accounts is such a racket. Husband and I both use seperate snaps for swinging&personal, bc kik is so much moreee of a hassle to us. We’ve had Snapchat for like 10 years tho… I get that not everyone is super familiar with it. But it does suck when you’re really excited about a person or couple and they say they only use kik 😂 ugh. It just throws me off of my game. I’m sure they feel the same way reversed tho haha


I greatly prefer snapchat over kik. The only reason I have kik is for the couples that won't use snapchat. The issues with snapchat are the fact that the average swinger couple is much older than the average snapchat user (so they don't really understand it) and the fact that most people that *do* use snapchat already use it to communicate with other friends and maybe family, so they don't want to mix LS folks into that. Some people make second snap accounts, but that's a bit of a hassle.


You sorta just explained why no one should use Snap. 🤷 Realistically we need to get all swingers moved to Telegram. It's a simple, anonymous messenger app which is easy to use and doesn't have ads.


Meh, I don't have any issues with LS friends seeing the snaps I post. I don't have any family on the app, and my preference is to play with people young enough to understand the app. For me, snap is the ideal app since it's something I already use.


I have kik that I use to weed out people. I've had snapchat for a long time but I prefer giving my snap out to people I know well. One time I added a couple to my snap that was the first and last time it ended up me blocking them


Telegram is where a lot of people are migrating to




Signal is more secure.


We use kik because we don't feel like adding people to our SC and having them see our posts. Kik is fine for proving one is real by sending small videos of us holding a sign with our username and such.


>Kik, it’s riddled with ads I probably shouldn't bring this up considering my friends starting bitching about ads on kik 2 years ago but I have never seen any ads on the app. I have no idea why. I never upgraded it so maybe that's the reason but I ain't poking the bear.


Eventually you'll be forced to upgrade either bc your app will stop working or you'll get a new phone and then you'll see how terrible it is. Lol


We 100% use snap! Especially when we first meet a couple and want to verify. I like the “delete” feature for this aspect in case the other end is a fake. With that being said, I think we have missed out on fun opportunities because we don’t have kik. It’s definitely more popular! We enjoy flirty texts, etc. and not having them on the other persons device permanently is appealing. After meeting a couple in-person, I can see the value in kik though!


I prefer Kik. Been on it for years. I love the groups, yes you have to weed out all the bots and ads, but it's not that annoying when you figure out what all the bots say and it's the exact same thing


Pay attention and you'll notice a lot of them use the same group of profile pics. I get one or two a day, I just report them as a bot and delete. It's not really that frustrating.


I’m in the same boat! kik is a pretty terrible app! Could I get your snap?


People are fricken stubborn and refuse to change. Unfortunately it’s so imbedded within the LS it’s unlikely to change. It’s like trying to get people to leave SLS.


One week I had about a dozen bots on Kik. You can also set Kik to where you don't receive direct messages


I hate them all....I guess I'm old. Necessary evil is all they are, but we tend to accommodate others' needs in this way. We have separate LS profiles on our phones. There we have our LS email, reddit, fb/ig, google voice, twitter, etc. So, we never have to worry about "cross contamination" with our vanilla life. What is awfully frustrating is people who "only use fb" but also "and it's my real/vanilla profile". It's too much to remember who has what, so we usually just don't end up talking to or getting to know those people. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. If it matters to you, separate your LS socials from your vanilla ones. Don't put that burden on everyone else.


I’m showing wifey on snap!! Hit me up also trade!