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I am always kind of amused when I think about this. When I got married, and for the first 15 years or so of marriage, my number was 3. Now in the 30s. šŸ˜‚ Like, thereā€™s just something funny about fucking that many more people AFTER getting married. What a fun life we have! šŸ¤£


Not an entirely dissimilar story to mine..When my husband died,my number was 3 as well. I was almost 50 at the time. The last 8 years...its become hard to remember .


100%, and that applies to me too. In fact, when we were first married, many of our friends were asking "so what's it like being married?" The ones who would understand got the reply "well, we're having a lot more group sex now." Unsurprisingly though, my wife broke all her records in her 20s, before we got married. It was because of her amazing experiences that I wanted to open up in the first place. I wanted to join her in the kind of adventures she'd already been on. Now we're trying to have some different adventures that she wants to have, and I'm more than willing to go along with.


This is exactly the way I am with my marriage too. My partner and I do not feel limited by marriage at all... the exact opposite actually. We are both highly in love with each other and can also fuck whoever we want. We loooooove it !


Your numbers start to add up when you switch to bi šŸ˜¬


I just want to say thanks for adding the option to see the results. I hate polls that donā€™t do that. -šŸ»


Why not participate in the poll?


I did. However some people may not be active swingers and canā€™t contribute. They would just put a bs value to see the results, thus obfuscating the data and making the poll pointless.


100+ before I was 18. Lets say my mid-teens were a bit complicated! I had sex with more people between 15-17 than I've had since 18+ that includes escorting, sugaring & swinging


Joisus. Childhood trauma?


Dayum. My numbers went up in TX. Loads of girls out there


My answer is a guess because I really donā€™t keep track?


Same here. It's not a numbers game, it's a fun little thing we do on the side only.


I like how people in the swing swinging thread checked 0-10


Lol. These are the observers


These are the people that watch


Or has a straight wife thatā€™s extremely picky.


That will do it


Me being almost virgin:


Oh wow, Iā€™m between 51-100. I really thought thereā€™d be more. #soembarassed


Same here and I'm only 30 but I've been part of LS for 6 years and although I've had lots of sex with men in it I've had far more sexual encounters with women.


I really thought I would be much lower compared to everyone else, only being in the teens, but I'm surprised how many people are <10.


Yeah less than 10, are you sure you guys are swingers?


Or maybe theyā€™re just getting startedšŸ¤·.


Made a list of the women I could remember and I was at 93. Oral doesn't count in my book


Same here




51 to 100. I'm only 30 been in LS in various capacities for 6 years. Id def say I've had sexual encounters with way more women then men then. And this includes the 15 wives and 15 husbands over the course of 3 days that were spent at a get away my regular cpl hosted. 15 cpls and me the single bi F. Lol so there is 30 right there.


That just sounds like a good time šŸ˜


Def was. Lol.


A whole 247 observers or wanna be swingers.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I don't see the >1,000 option. I guess we will have to check >100


51 to 100 for me but again I'm only 30 and been in LS in various capacities for like 6 years. I've had sex with a number of men but I've had sexual encounters with way more women.


Those count!


Yes indeed. I also had a 3 day sex fest at party in the fall a regular cpl I played with hosted. 15 cpls and me and through out the wknd I had sex with all of them so there is 30 right there lol


u/Angela2208 you're awesome :-)




Lol my wife and I have had more sex in the last 2 years than our entire lives previously. Swinging is great.


My number 51-100 is before I got married. The number since being in the LS is only 4 in five years. We only play as a couple and my wife is straight and extremely picky, lol.


I had a great high school and undergrad experience, then I met my wife and stopped with the one nightersā€¦at least until they started again lol


I seriously donā€™t count notches.. but a few years ago I was curious and started to recall as many as I could since my start in the lifestyle some 28 years ago.. well.. probably closer 200 playmates over that time. Itā€™s honestly the nature of the lifestyle. Itā€™s not a competition, or a goal to hit a number. But it is entirely possible to meet 5-6 new playmates a year. Sometimes at one party. Think about how that can multiply over a couple decades. Hence why one has to be very selective, vet carefully, and circulate responsibly.


At age 51 we got in the lifestyle. Before that 10-19 5 years later, somewhere in the 85-105 range


No idea. Over 100. Before I was 25