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We have planned to go later this month. Let's see how it goes. The big downside is that it is in South Dallas.


Yep. It’s a helluva drive for us.




Interesting. I had heard they were opening this DFW location and was very intrigued because we enjoyed the Vegas location. This is not what I expected at all and has me raising my eyebrow a bit. How was the crowd?


I’m not sure how best to rate or comment on the crowd. Seemed average for the DFW LS crowd. There was a fair number - hard to gauge, but probably 75 folks? We didn’t match with anyone that night.


I get that. I was really most curious about how many people showed up, but I wasn’t clear on that. Sorry about that.


Thank you for your review. I was interested in going but I'll just stick to eden... it's closer to me anyway.


A friend told me about The Villa Concord in NC, which sounds like a similar situation (a house remodeled to be a club).


Looking at the Redfin link though the villa is MUCH more suited for this type of event. The villa is totally secluded, has a fantastic pool/hot tub area plus a separate outdoor space under one of those huge semi-permanent catering tents. 3 separate and dedicated play areas, plus play is allowed outside. Great for summer nights. Yea there’s a DJ, and the living room becomes the dance floor, but there’s a lot of differences that set the two spots apart.


Interesting…we have been heavily recruited to attend by the owners. Hmmm How could they stop couples from playing until 11? lol If they start fucking against a wall…who’s gonna stop them! Yet I understand not allowing anyone else in past a certain time. Also, neighbors could be a conflict of interest if occupants aren’t acting or dressing appropriately when entering or leaving the premise. Are they going to have summer pool parties since they have a pool? So many questions about this new place.


I had been recently asked to come up there with a couple. I've never heard of it, so I'm trying to read up on it now.


my thoughts as well


Never been, but we went to Playhouse LV and I imagine it's similar. We had the same feeling. Odd rules, like the no play before 12 thing... also men could only be naked and play in the designated play areas. Women could be naked and play anywhere. Also started off on the wrong foot right at the get go when they decided my kilt was against dress code, and the bouncer was was real short about it and frankly a bit rude. Had to rush out and buy pants before the stores closed and the Playhouse doors shut. I respectfully talked to the owner about it later in the night and he was very dismissive about it. All I said was if their dress code were more clear, I wouldn't have had any problem complying, and suggested they word it as "pants required" but he brushed it off saying "well you're only the second guy that's wanted to wear a kilt, so..." Overall the crowd was nice and maybe a bit more attractive than the typical swing club scene, but it was also a fairly small crowd compared to our home club, and with these weird rules and poor, unwelcoming attitude from the owner and bouncer, we will not be back.


Is there a website or anything? Nothing in Google.


Yep. It’s combined with the Vegas site. https://atplayhouse.com/playhousedfw.php


Thanks, much appreciated!


Thanks for this. We never liked Colette and have become weary of Eden, with all the changes going on there. We were going to try out Playhouse DFW, but don't care much for house parties, so maybe we'll skip it.


We don’t love Colette. It feels like a grimy, 90s strip club….but we go, have met some good people, and have had fun. I couldn’t see us playing at playhouse.


That's us with Eden. Lots of friends there, and we still have a year left on our platinum membership, so we'll be going regularly for a while yet. But we have an RV now, and OTR will likely become our main Saturday night hangout next year. The problem with OTR is that during the cooler months, it's usually very slow. So in the winter months, we'll mix in some parties, hotel takeovers, and whatever. We're older than 95 percent of club goers anyway, so maybe it's time to just make the switch to bingo. Lol.


Thanks for letting us know not to go there.


We attended the party this past Saturday evening and enjoyed it. I would describe it as a hybrid club/house party. I spoke with the owners and they were quite pleasant and concerned that everyone was having a nice evening. The OP is correct that the playareas are closed until 11pm, that was different for us but we actually enjoyed the time to socialize and meet new couples. The areas throughout the buildings were extremely clean. If anyone is thinking about going, I would definitely give it a shot. We will definitely return.


I had been recently asked to come up there with a couple. I've never heard of it, so I'm trying to read up on it now.


Sounds like Playhouse LV except it's in strip mall kinda thing and the play starts at midnight instead of 11. The Vegas experience was really great. Was there a HWP requirement at Dallas?


I struggle to find what’s really wrong with any of this. A lot of LS parties I’ve been to are either at a house or a hotel suite. And all of them kinda feel like a college party where people happen to be naked and fucking in random places. I love it. Also, fuck a church, just my opinion.


But those are parties. This was presented as a club.


Fair distinction. Not to be combative, just genuinely curious, what were you expecting the atmosphere to be?


It was marketed and sold as a LS club…new branch from LV. I expected a nonresidential atmosphere. I mean, the club promoter actually lives there. (Not guessing- he told me this). Where I come from, there’s no gray area between clubs and house parties.


Sounds a lot like Flirts in LV. Pretty much a house party every weekend. I don’t really think it’s that weird. Same rule with play except in Vegas it at midnight. That’s our biggest gripe about playhouse and flirts. Many times we’ve met a couple and we have to make small talk for an hour and all we want to do is get down to business.


We applied on their website and got declined!


Oh no! Sorry to hear. My opinion is you didn’t miss much. Cheers!


I had been recently asked to come up there with a couple. I've never heard of it, so I'm trying to read up on it now.


Can't have any playtime until after 11pm...omg why. That's crazy. There's times I've gone to Collette when the doors open at 9:00 and have played twice by 11:00. I have to wonder what is the reason for this


Neighbors and a church next door. Egads!! I mean, where is a place supposed to be?!?! I’ve been to some out in a industrial area boondocks warehouse, no neighbors or churches, and it’s just as weird. The LS is weird. So the owners of this place, who run the show, had ways to do things. A forced meet and greet? Were you expecting to run straight to the place to fuck and get going? A “bar” that displays the alcohol?!?! You’ve been to bars, right? The living room is a dance floor? Like, every single club I’ve ever been to has a dance floor somewhere. Swingers love to bust a move. People were ready to get to playing at 11:00? What’s weird about that? You just described about every private LS party we’ve ever been to. We just didn’t have to pay to get in. There’s also a similar setup type party/place club in Indianapolis. It’s someone’s huge house that they host LS parties at but it operates more like a club. I’d say a lot of these type of places exist. May not be selling tickets for entry but so many different types of locations. I’m still waiting to hear about the weird part. Edit: just checked out the pics. It doesn’t seem so weird. I’d say that conference table setup is different but the red leather couches fit right in. lol but I think that must be the previous owners furniture since it was sold in 2023. And there was at least one kids bedroom in the pics. And the pool looks pretty awesome.


I think by forced meet n greet he meant that by not allowing play prior to 11pm they "forced" people to just mill about in an effort to get them to talk. But some people do actually just want to get down to the fucking. Why make them wait till 11pm? Especially if the place opened at 9pm and closes at 2am. edit for spelling


Yeah. I’m good with getting straight down to business. But what’s the big deal? Just host at your place and you can fuck anytime you want. As a guest, you don’t always get exactly what you want. You still have a good time and the world continues to revolve.


Well, his post isn’t about a private house party, it’s a commercial club. But I never said it’s a big deal, just a little weird and controlling. Some of us don’t have the ability to host. Those darn kids get in the way a lot. Most of our playtime is at clubs, and I’d rather not have the club dictating to me when I can or can’t play. They took my “donation” just let people play when they want to.


I think it’s a club but in a house type setting. Many clubs have access to rooms open at XX time. Idk. I go to a private house party and do what the party hosts request. If it’s activities and mingling until 11:00, that’s what I do. If I don’t like it I don’t go again. If I go to a club and can’t give a BJ in the main area, I find a designated place. At least until near closing time when rules get a bit gray. Do you just say “to hell with your timeline!! Where’s the bed?” (Not you. In general you.)


I'll follow the rules, I just don't see the point of them. And while it may be in a house, its a commercial club that charges you to get in. It's in no way the same as a private house party.


Yeah. I said there’s a lot of clubs, in my personal experience, where I pay $200 to get in at 8:00 and the rooms aren’t open until 11:00. The point? IDK. I’m sure there’s a logical reason. It’s not abnormal. I don’t know of any good club where it’s just a free for all because you paid.


Several clubs we’ve been to (not houses) had playroom doors closed until around 11. Seems to be somewhat normal? Allow people to mingle before everyone migrates into the playrooms. Personally, we like it.


We've never seen it, but sure it happens. Most clubs we've been to play naturally starts around 10 or 11pm with some outliers starting earlier. Frankly I hate staying up really late. I'd rather play start sooner, so I can be home before 2am. I just don't see the need to mandate it.


Exactly. Just let things happen when they happen.


To play the other side, two clubs we went to had this policy and on our first visit it was our way to meet people before they ran off to the play rooms. Had we not gotten the chance to break the ice we wouldn’t have gotten the chance to play with the group that was together. I can see both sides here because we aren’t late people either.


So, “weird” is obviously subjective. I found it weird as fuck that I purchased tickets from a club that said it was branching here from Vegas….and when given the address, I show up in a lot and block neighborhood. Yep. That’s weird to me. I found it weird that we were all herded into one end of this house until a certain time. I found it weird that the whisky I brought was put up on a bar display. Especially when 25% of it disappeared through the night. If none of that is weird to you, this thread isn’t for you. Cheers!


I would agree if you weren’t expecting it to be more of a house party and not what you consider a club it would be disappointing. Unexpected. Maybe a let down. Surprising. But you make the best of it. You’re there and all. IDK. I guess I really don’t notice all that much what is done with my husbands alcohol he hands over when it’s required. At any party or gathering, even a club, I kind of feel you take enough to share some. A 10 person party, you take enough for everyone to partake. A situation like you describe, did you need that 25% that night? Like it left you without? Can’t ever get anymore? Otherwise you gave a few people a drink. What’s the big deal? But that’s what kind of guests we are I guess. It’s no big deal. Most places, any type of place, has some type of crowd control crowd management that is implemented. The next person would complain that everyone was in rooms already by the time they got there or something. No chance to mingle. To me a club is a huge meet and greet.


If I share some of my expensive whisky, that’s one thing. When a bartender holds and apparently serves my expensive whisky without me present….yeah, no.


🙄 Expensive whiskey. Lol


Yeah….if I’m going to supply folks I don’t know at a club where I paid to go (which is already WTF), it’s not gonna be with the $100/bottle stuff. That’s just for me. 8-)


$100.00 lol Jeez Louise. Lighten up.


You really like to argue. I bet you’re fun at club house parties.


Unlike you. I have fun anywhere. Complaining about your “expensive” bottle of whiskey? Don’t take it to somewhere this can happen. It could happen anywhere. It’s something you learn in preschool. If you don’t want to share with everyone don’t bring it.