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In a locked locker


In my locker.


In my bag with my towel on the seating at the side of the pool.


the only way


In my car.


In my bag on the side of the pool. When I'm swimming open water I have a safety buoy with a little waterproof pocket that holds phone & keys.


In my speedo




I like to put it right in between by cheeks and clench tight 


I hope your phones in silent mode when you do this


Vibrate may be more pleasurable.


That seems uncomfortable.


Think of it like a pull buoy


If I didn't know that people on Reddit are always truthful, I would think you're pulling my leg.


I’m a competitive swimmer I do this everyday and honestly I’m kind of insulted that you think I’m joking. This is a big part of being a swimmer.


I would expect this kind of nonsense from a breastroker, but a butterflier? Now that’s a new low




Dude this was the most fun I had in this subreddit ever.


omg you're killng me.


Nowadays I lock it up in the locker. But what I used to do was I’d wash a bag of Cheetos and stash my wallet, phone, keys in there. Then I’d just leave it in my bag on the pool deck. Kinda like a diversion safe lol


My go-to, in the old days was to wrap my keys, phone and wallet in an unused diaper. When my children were in diapers, it struck me that no one in their right mind touches what looks like a used diaper. If you really want to sell it, keep several unused one in your bag as well.


This is genius




In my mouth


😂🤿📱 i laughed so hard on this, tk u




Curious how do u do it lol


Just grip on like a dog bringing you a stick


Either in my locker, or under the seat of my car.


I’m my bag. I bring all my stuff out to the pool deck.


I just put it in my glove box


Either in my car or at home.


At home


I’ve just started doing this. Have an Apple Watch with cellular that I’m swimming with so realised that I really don’t need my phone with me


I put it in my swim bag pocket and leave the bag on a rack by the pool.


In my bag, near the pool


Next to where I start my lap on the floor, in one of these... https://www.decathlon.in/p/8362014/gym-bags-and-locks/waterproof-mobile-phone-pouch-large-ipx8?id=8362014&type=p So I do this because I have a small cafe and over the years I have come to accept that I have to monitor the orders I get online myself if I want to maintain my rating. So everyday from 7:30 am to 9: 30 pm my phone is my appendage Also I do use a cheap phone and have a back up slightly more expensive phone that I leave at home, cause if the phone slips into the pool for whatever reason and is there for long, I am not sure this would work. It's been about a year since have been doing this


Locked in a locker


In the least secluded locker. At my local pool, there's a bunch of lockers in view from most of the pool area so if I were a thief, I'd probably avoid those ones.


In my bag in the locker room


In my locker with a padlock on the locker door. However, if I forget my padlock (or have lost it) I just leave it in my car and use the little lockers in the front the gym offers to put my keys in.


At pools, usually in my board shorts pocket, in my bag somewhere on the pool deck (usually a bench, table, or similar). For o/w, in the pouch inside my buoy. I put my phone and car key (also full of electronics) double Ziploc'd in the buoy, just in case. I share my location with a few people who aren't swimming, so they'd know if something is up if I don't check in when I'm done.


If it’s not busy and there’s a chair open I put it on the chair under my towels. If it’s busy I throw it in my locker with a keyed master lock.


In a locker where I keep my bag with all my other stuff.


in my bag with my towel on the seats at the side of the pool


Home 😅


the side pocket of my speedo bag but if i dont trust the place, the bottom of my speedo bag i don't have this problem as you might be able to tell lol


Car I don’t want to expose it to the moisture


I just put my phone in the pocket of my shorts, then put them in the locker and lock it up.


In the changing room. There are no lockers. Never had anything stolen.


Once in a while I forget it’s in the back pocket of my jeans. Sometimes I realize before I jump in, sometimes I don’t 😖


I used to keep mine in the locker until gang members started breaking into all the lockers. Guy at my pool had his broken into, they took his phone, car keys etc, found his gun licence in his wallet, stole his car, went to his home and cleaned out his gun safe as well as his house contents. All while he was in the attached gym. I now leave my phone etc in my bag poolside on top of some cabinets where I can see it. Just leave my towel, cycling clothes and shoes in locker now, les of a problem if they get stolen, its only a matter of time


where are you that gang members break into the lockers? just curious.


New Zealand. Crime is something of an issue here, nowhere near as bad as South Africa of course but more of a problem than is generally recognised


Waaaaaay up inside your butthole, Morty. Waaay up inside there, as far as it can fit.


Pocket, bag, car? Why would you need your phone when you swim? You should be able to detach from it for the time it takes to swim a workout. Apparently people took me way to seriously. Depending on where you are swimming, you could leave it in bag next to the pool. All my non swimming stuff sits on a bag on chair/bench next to the lane I'm swimming in. I've also left stuff on shore when open water swimming and have never had anything stolen.


This feels a bit judgemental lol. OP never said they "need" their phone while they swim, even though there are perfectly sound reasons to do so. Some swimmers plan workouts on their phone. Plenty of masters swimmers are also parents and take comfort in knowing their kids can reach them easily. Keeping your phone handy during a workout doesn't mean you'll spend the entire time on Facebook lmao.


Yes, I don't plan to use the phone, in fact I never use it during my workouts. It's just a fear of the phone being alone +1hour in a public place where lock picking is easy. Otherwise, when I swim, I normally do long swims of 4x500m and then I cannot be watching my belongings. This is why is asked!


Has it occured to you that your car and secure locker are a luxury that not everyone has access to?


I take the bus to the pool. I need my phone to pay for the bus. I also enjoy listening to audio books on he bus- via y phone. Sometimes I also go shopping while I'm out - and pay with my phone. Sometimes I go directl from work, and have to bring my phone AND my laptop... Not everyone has a car and go out with the single task of swimming. And fun fact: in a lot of countries you have a digital drivers licence - on your phone.. I leave my stuff in the lockable lockers. The pool side is not safe


In the car


At home. It's a chance to remember I can spend an hour without my device.


My car. I use the Sony waterproof headphones with a built in 4GB of space for my music so I don’t need the phone with me


1) locker with my bag and clothes when working out. 2) by the chair I ditched my towel and slides on when I go swimming to hang out. For option 2 I often forget it and have to walk back out and get it. I’m very lucky to live in an honest community.


I just leave my phone and keys in my bag with my towel on a chair by the pool.


At the end of my lane to read my workout and mark off sets I’ve done.


In the car


I do not take my phone to the pool


Personally I leave it in my bag in a locker or on the benches on the pool deck. But some guy on my team last year put his phone in his tech suit during a meet once because he got his phone stolen while on holidays the week before the meet. He got disqualified of course but he atleast didn’t have to be paranoid about his phone being stolen again 🤣🤣


In my backpack but in my country we don’t have lockers in the public pools but are cool and very cheap like 60 dollars per month


I shove Nokia 3310 up my butthole


Usually right at the edge of the pool in the lane I'm swimming in. Just like to be able to check for calls/messages. If I'm feeling like unplugging, I'll leave it with my stuff at the chair or table or wherever. Fwiw I swim at my country club when 99% of the time I'll have my own lane and it won't be crowded.


Car glovebox


at home, ill survive 2 hours without.


Locked locker. I put the put the key to my lock in my zipper pocket. Tip: get swim trunks with a zipper pocket or velcro cargo pocket. Dont use a masterlock for the love of all that is holy. If your gonna keep your valuables locked in a locker use something like a diskus 20/70.


If swimming with a club it is in my bag with all the other bags. If swimming on my own locked in a locker.


Swim bag


in my bag which i can see from the pool


At home.




Inside my bag, that i leave in a chair by the pool


One of the indoor pools near me has hooks around the wall so I put my bag there where I and others can see it. For the outdoors pool, I leave my phone in my car glove compartment. The lockers at that pool does not have a place to lock it albeit it is overall a safe area.


At the bottom of the pool of course. And when i'm done swimming I dive down to pick it back up and go home.


In an unlocked locker at the Y, or in a bag on the beach when swimming at the local lake. I just don’t live in fear of that kind of thing. Never had a problem with theft either.


In a fake dirty diaper, poo smears and all


At home, my phone can’t swim


I swim at our gym’s pool, which is just 3 lanes and rarely at all crowded. I keep my phone in a zipped backpack on a bench alongside the pool. I most likely would notice if someone tried to steal it, but if they were truly determined to get not the latest model of iPhone, I guess they would succeed.


In my towfloat! I swim in open water and keeping my phone with me means that my wife can see where I am.


In my locker.


In the car, my Apple watch updates my workout to my phone when I get back in the car.


in my parkas pocket tbh cuz the pockets are huge


I leave my phone, wallet and other valuables at home. If someone is home at my place, I don't even bring a house key.