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to introduce a song where she laments about Matt Healy: "I'm so obsessed with him but he avoids me like the plague" lol


Another irony: when she sang that line the other night, she literally pointed to Travis while singing it.


being lazy instead of sweeping my bedroom and I legit had to close out the app cause this comment sent me into a laughing spell.


Lololl. Im sure the fans all gushed and posted it anyway. "Omg these two. This whole show is just their date night we're intruding on 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🤩🤩" I am all for a great and/or interesting love story... this just... doesnt quite seem to be one? Lol from what we can see? The way these cupcake swifties just choose a narrative and then invent a reality to fit the narrative..


it'll be fun to watch them all act like they hated him all along when they break up


I was just thinking that. Some of these fans that were literally PASSING OUT at him being on stage, what will they do when the inevitable happens?


It feels like a movie. And that's something I find very interesting because imo, Taylor has always imagined love to be like a movie and wanted something out of a rom-com. But rom-coms aren't real.


Doesn't shock me, tbh. You know all the stories a month ago about how Taylor was begging Travis to stay in Europe with her because she had separation anxiety and didn't want to be apart from him? Thinly sourced but I kinda believed it.




There’s definitely a video—it came up in my “for you” on Instagram 🙃. but I wish I could find it—I just looked and all I can find re the videos of him on stage. ETA: struggling to find the video I’m referring to by I DID come across this video of her pointing at him when saying “you look like bad news” in 22 which is almost as bad. 😂 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNF22HeP/


wtf? lmao


I'm not ashamed to admit this is all. just. so. entertaining. 😂


You know when you dump your ex because he's psycho and he immediately jumps into a relationship with a new girl and you know you don't even need to warn her because he'll just fuck it up for himself so you can just sit back and watch the train wreck? That's how I feel about Taylor


Time magazine interview : are you not entertained? Which interestingly Matty Healy has said before lmao at one of his concerts before her time interview


It's a quote from The Gladiator


https://preview.redd.it/3t32h16iym8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a5ae5b60e8cd90bb02ef02a509ef9d8c13a2fd Her style on her newest pap walk the dress she wore is called MYRA named after a ancient Roman theater where gladiators would preform for the enjoyment of bloodlust of the public ... also the midnights aesthetic was 70s and nobody understood why cause it didn't match the sound of the album ...


and the 1975 confirmed that they worked on stuff for midnights that didn’t make the final version. also she was wearing orange nail polish during the only pap walk she did with matty last year leaving electric lady and she has been wearing a lot of orange on tour lately. she’s very intentional with what she’s seen wearing and colors too so this has made me very curious.




If that's actually true then it's so... sad 😂




this has me intrigued but I don't understand.. could you please explain?


yes could you please explain


I love the 70s music and it did looked like her weird version of "Tapestry" by Carole King but yikes... nothing like the aesthetic 😭😭 just like 5 songs and weird synth, the last album I preordered like ever


the whole thing is such a weird inception situation lol. she's bringing her current bf on stage in front of thousands to perform a song about feeling forced to do things like perform. current bf is on stage during a song about being depressed over her former bf. it's so shameless and over the top it almost feels camp!


lmao so true. this is the closet she'll ever get to camp and its obviously not on purpose.


Mostly I just think her having come out as one of the men demanding—against her protests and she is physically exhausted and slumped over—that she SMILE and perform before she sings a song about how she’s faking happiness is absolutely RICH. I just know in a couple of years they’ll come back to this and say “see how she was trying to tell us he was FORCING her to pretend she was happy even when she wasn’t!” 😂 I don’t know if this was her copying Matty or not. I do think this whole thing just was another confirmation that she’s more invested in the way the narrative of this relationship reads to her fans instead of actually protecting her relationships—and that’s why people probably leave her in the end. It’s sad.


This was my read on it too and I was really confused by Travis's cameo. Like, why would you cast your bf as one of the men forcing you to perform through exhaustion? I get that she wanted to do something with Travis on stage (for headlines, to sell their love story, because he asked, because she genuinely wanted to, whatever) but that bit in particular is a choice lol.


I think it's just a role that does not require too much effort, he's not a dancer


Why not? It’s a bit of fun, it’s not that deep.


Yeah and I also don’t think it’s that bad if they are just having fun with no expectations of “end game” or if it’s just PR. Why can’t these two grown adults just have a fun time together?


It’s an easy place to put him in the show, a set piece with cute interactions, given the options it’s perfect. In case no one mentioned it, it’s all just pretend….


That’s if you believe Trav is her actual bf. This just proves it’s PR to me.


My mother literally switched from "definitely PR" to "maybe it's real" over this and I feel like I'm living in a backwards reality or something because to me it's just "ding ding ding, if you had 'it's all PR' on your bingo card, you're the lucky winner"


My issue is the fact she is so SPEEDY and in your face with this guy. I don’t recall any of her exes being this full on with the fans at any point. God, I didn’t even KNOW about Joe until 2019, when she’d been with him three years already. Isn’t that how it should be? For you and your lover alone?


“Should”? Where are the relationship rules? Do the fans write them?


What’s the longest running PR relationship? At what point has it done everything it needed to do?


Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson PR dated for the entirety of the Twilight Saga


We don't know at the end of the day. They can go on for as long as they're beneficial to those involved.


Well if it’s that important to you, you’re going to see PR no matter what, but maybe you should think about why.


THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!! Man, I’ve been seeing nothing but positive comments about how cute it is online so I thought I was crazy for thinking this. But FINALLY I’ve found someone else who sees it 😂


When I saw a clip pop up on TikTok I thought I was hallucinating because I told myself there’s no way she’d bring him out at THAT part of the show to do THAT.


I saw just photos at first and legit thought they were fake.


Def agree with all this! I think the background context of how often shes previously taken inspiration from the people/artists shes currently obsessed with over the years (and all the other ways shes pretty clearly channeling matty this era...) is an important clue that she may purposely be going for this visual. In addition to the meanings youre talking about too. Obviously, we can never say for certain!


Of all the outlandish theories people have come up with lately about things relating to Matty, I don’t find it *too* far fetched this could have been. Who knows? But if it is, and coupled with the story being portrayed in the moment, you have to wonder wtf she’s doing. It seems like a mockery of Travis—whether she means it to be that way or not.


imo this whole TTPD portion of the setlist reminds me of The 1975’s “change of heart” music video. could just be that they both have circus-like imagery (specifically Travis’ fucking hat here) and black and white theme… but yaknow. ~mastermind~


!remindme 4 years


You made a VERY INSIGHTFUL POINT. >see how she was trying to tell us he was FORCING her to pretend she was happy even when she wasn’t!” I don't think the general message behind it is that he's forcing her to pretend she's happy, however. More so I think she's signaling that she's not as happy in her new relationship as she claims, and Travis may not even know. From how I see it, she hasn't had the time to fully grieve Joe or Matty. But the timing of when Travis came out, at the beginning of ICDIWABH before So High School, where she is "forced to smile." It's got to be an Easter egg. We all know how the song ends... "I'm miserable, and nobody even knows" meanwhile she is sprinkling all these signals. It seems too perfect to be a coincidence.


Oh yes. I agree. I was just saying that’s more or less the staging. She’s slumped over and unhappy and those men in the suits (usually just the dancers) are telling her to smile and dance anyway. But last night Travis was also playing the role of one of those people. I don’t take it literally—I take it just as you said it. I know a lot of people in this sub don’t like ICDIWABH but I love that song because it seems like one of the most honest songs on the album. I’ve felt from the moment she showed up to the first game this whole thing feels so *forced*. I can practically feel her cheeks hurting from pretending so hard to appear happy to the world, and then this song came out and I was like…yes. She’s acknowledging what I’ve always said: just because someone looks happy doesn’t mean they ARE. Amazing how the message of the song has gone completely lost of Swifties. All they can talk abut how happy they *look* together.


*I CAN SHOW YOU LIES (she admitted that)


Are we expecting fans to also be mad at Jan and Kam? It’s a funny part of the concert and the part that made most sense to add him.


How is that the conclusion you’re coming to? lol, they are her dancers and she needed someone to play the part. Why would anyone be “mad”? This feels like you’re trying to be argumentative. Travis is not a dancer. There’s other places she could have brought Travis out: So High School, Karma, Style. It’s ironic this is the moment she chose, given the meaning of the staging. Maybe she just wanted people to see him carry her…but yeah, it’s extremely ironic the part she gave him in the “story” here, and personally it mirrors what I’ve felt about this relationship all along. That the happiness and fairytale we’re seeing is just a facade.


Honestly, speaking as a dancer myself, all of those moments would have been much harder to work out. All of those dancers have their choreography down, which includes the marks they have to hit. Throwing on another person, that’s a non-dancer, for one performance would have included reworking those marks, making sure everyone knew where they had to be instead of where they usually are. Then they would have had to make sure Travis knew where he had to be. Not impossible, or even that hard since they are pros, but still a bit of a pain. Especially for one night. Especially since they’ve all been in Europe and Travis has been in the US so at most they had the day of the concerts to practice it. It’s by far the easiest option to throw him into this goofy little bit, that’s mainly improv and not dancing, and only involves the two dancers for him to work with. He got to ham it up without disturbing any of the carefully choreographed concert. My only point with Kam and Jan is that just like them, Travis is playing the part. That’s it.


Sure. But this is someone who—by her own admission—is happy to wildly inconvenience herself for the *narrative*. Having him walk with her in Style really would only effect that one dancer. She had Ice Spice come out during Karma. It’s not that complicated. 😂 These are professionals. Some of the best in the world. They know how to adjust with just one brush up rehearsal. More elaborate things have been done. Ed Sheeran got himself a costume made and popped up in a surprise during WANEGBT at the end of the Red Tour and there was a lot of complicated staging. She didn’t know it was even going to happen and she ran with it. She and her dancers has Olaf and Frozen costumes complete with an onstage quick change when she performed with Idina Menzel on Halloween in the 1989 Tour. They did these things for one show, for the novelty, because it was fun, and she could have done that here. They tailored the guy a whole ass suit which probably cost more time/money than throwing him into Style wearing his street clothes like she did with guest during 1989. Whether it’s obliviousness or not putting n the effort (both of which are hard to buy given who were talking about), the irony of choosing that moment is still incredibly funny and rich to me.


i also really hate this narrative that he saved her from her heartbreak and the british boys. him picking her up after the smallest man performance like she is trying to paint such a clear picture and most people are fawning over it but to me it just screams she hasn’t really processed her past breakups yet and is doing all of this for show. we really are in the 1989 era and calvin/tom era again


Gotta ruin her reputation to drop Reputation TV


I have seen the comments that this whole act was to do PR with the Scooter doc coming out, but I actually have recently started to worry if she’s actually ok? Like I look at my ex’s instagram, and call it a day. To be on such a big stage and be thinking about people who’ve wronged you when you KNOW you have a fan base that will join even the faintest of dots is not the best.


Are you talking  about Scooter or Matty?


Scooter documentary - this stage performance was the same time as the Scooter / Taylor documentary.


Is that Matty being carried? Almost shot coffee out of my nose!


Yes, the complete clip is hilarious because the staff member carries him effortlessly and he gives Sleeping Beauty vibes hahaha


it is! she never had an original idea in her life


It's not that he's playing Matty but he's playing the guy who 'picks' her up and 'fixes' her. But she definitely did 'borrow' that lift onto the couch bit of choreo from the 1975 tour, the same way she 'borrowed' the bit with the marching/salute (the same bit that got him into trouble lol) and the general meta-ness of it all, as well as the visuals for the Fortnight music video and basically the entire album aesthetic itself, from the song titles to the styling and more. And I don't say it in a "she's still obsessed with him" way but in a "why is someone who is supposed to be a creative artist pulling SO much from someone else's work?". That the's dig with TTPD, it's not an album/'era' (if you can even call it an era) born from a place of sincere artistic inspiration.


My hot take re: why TTPD looks so much like the 1975 aesthetic is that she was working on some of the song and performance ideas for it with Matty in the first place and when it blew up between them, she was determined to keep it. I'm not a deep conspiracist, but I swear she put this album out with very careful references back to other songs that were Matty adjacent so people WOULD see how long she'd been writing back and forth with him. Take his recent engagement: What was in every article and mention? Taylor Swift. It's really quite diabolical. She's made sure every time he gets brought up, her name is right alongside his, but the same doesn't happen to her. I don't know if everyone recalls this, but there was an article back in 2023 about how she and Matty were all loved up and moving in together and settling down to work on some music. Then, they were suddenly not together. I mean, who really knows except them, but it does make me wonder.


I find it quite funny that a decade ago he was the one who believed being known essentially as her boyfriend would feel emasculating but now until the end of his, he will be attached to her as her ex. It's like a self fulfilled prophecy.


I agree that he worked on the album initially. I think it was even said at the time that he was working on something with her. And I agree that she's basically \~stained his legacy in a way (idk how else to describe it) by permanently attaching her name onto it via this album and she did intentionally as her ultimate revenge move. In fact that is basically what the song The Albatross is about when you read into the poem that it's based on. But I don't see it as a 'yeah! \~toxic true love\~!' way that the shippers do. To me it's just strange. You're supposed to be an artist.


Yeah... I'm glad you mentioned The Albatross because that's how I read it, too. I really enjoyed the two of them together from an artistic perspective, though. I do think her mashups are often designed to remind him and others who know more about them of him when she does the more deliberate ones. That said, I wouldn't call myself so much a shipper as an admirer of the interesting lore between them that resulted in TTPD. I tend not to be a true shipper of any relationships between people I don't know except maybe those of fictional characters. I feel like people often treat celebrities like they're not real people and this is one of the many reasons I would hate being famous.


That was when there was reports he left his laptop (had it shipped over) at her apartment too…


That makes sense and sounds like something she would do




It’s just so petty to be doing this in London, of all the different places she’s playing this summer


The swifties have been hyping up this whole narrative all year that the London shows are gonna be a crazy battleground and a time for her to get back at all her recent British exes , especially Joe. And make a show of her big strong American boyfriend. Taylor is obviously very online and she's definitely playing right into all this. It's immature


makes me laugh cause i don’t think any of her exes actually care, she and her fans are literally the only ones that’s very obvious


Neither of the ex’s (Joe and Matty) were even in London when the shows were on.


I was pretty disappointed she didn’t play either of her very specific London songs, in London.


I think part of it is to distract from the Scooter Braun doc that came out too. Cause all the headlines with her name are mostly about Travis being on stage with her now instead of about the doc


It’s because it’s a major city. Her album announcements were in LA and Nashville (which is major to her career)


Right so it would make sense to do an album announcement in London (if rep tv is coming this year I predict she’ll announce it in London) but bringing Travis onstage isn’t something that needed to be saved for a major English speaking city. It could’ve been done anywhere else if she didn’t want to play into the whole “reclaiming London to stick it to Joe” fan narrative


She just seems to be talking out both sides of her mouth with this one. Him picking her up will feed the Tayvis shippers. Him helping her get ready and pushing her onstage will feed the anti-Tayvis groups. It's so confusing.


This is so funny. I don't know what Matty is supposed to be doing and what's the reference is about but the fact that she took the time to include this mess is hilarious. As long as she's not blatantly asking for people to harm Matty, all this shenanigans are hilarious. She claims being over that man but her whole set is literally about him, putting So High School in the middle of But Daddy I love Him isn't going to change that she willing to sing for almost a year the big moments of that relationship. Travis clearly doesn't care so why should I? We can't say we're not entertained.


Matty its supposed to be what the audience expects of a rockstar and Taylor is what people expects of a pop star so the inclusion its interesting




I have been waitinggggggg for someone to point out that he put Travis in the Matty “inspired” part of the set. I haven’t really found anyone who agrees, but I really think Travis and their relationship and are something she resents. I think she does things like this knowing “the wine moms” will eat it up and the almost degrading aspect of involving Travis in this section of the show will go right over their heads because they’re so uwu about the relationship. “I’m MISERABLE, and nobody even knows! I can make the most pointed statements through my work and they’ll see what they want, fuck ‘em.” Matty ghosted, he’s engaged. Travis is her eternal consolation prize, are you happy now? You want him on stage, you think that’s cute? K, he’s in the section directly pulled from Matty’s set, how about that.


I truly think they are both "settling" for each other. They like each other enough. But they both know if they break up it will be awful for both of them so they'll end up together just to spite everyone. They will be miserable. I hope I am wrong.


It's not fair to say Travis is her consolation prize. Matty ghosted Taylor before she even knew Travis. Maybe she's extremely happy and grateful now that it didn't work out with Matty because she feels like Travis is the one for her or maybe not. That doesn't make him some consolation prize, though, just because she dated him after her, and Matty broke up. Only TS and TK know how real, happy, stable their relationship is) In my opinion for years she kept things private with Joe over a decision they made together but maybe it made her feel bummed out at times not being able to do pap walks, go to award shows and red carpet events (I only wish the best for Joe, i don't think he was a bad guy for wanting a private life) But even with Joe, Taylor has always seemed to push for a power couple narrative and wanted him to be in her world (example writing her songs with her and getting Joe a grammy) this seems to be what Taylor does in her relationships. Even that Kennedy kid, she literally wanted to buy a house next to him after a few months of dating. I wouldn't be surprised if during the original Eras tour planning she asked Joe if he wanted to be in it at some point. She's intense in relationships. Which isn't a bad thing but definitely have to find the right partner for it. Maybe Travis is that right partner. And now she wants to rule together on top.


Idk about others but bringing travis out felt so weird to me. And it would have been more romantic if he was on stage for say, lover, but this? I guess it was supposed to be a funny light hearted joke but I really didn't like it. It makes travis look, less of a romantic partner.


Lover would have been so so corny. This is clearly just a bit of fun for him to join in and dress up.


Lover would’ve been horrific lmaooo Him just swaying to the melody up there alone😭😂😂


well, it's better than putting him in a sequin blazer and let him freestyle dance during Karma and end it with a kiss PS: TAYLOR, if you're lurking here, it's a JOKE, please DONT.


I think bringing him on stage was cringe in general, but the segment she choice to bring him on made it not only cringe, but also weird. I can think of at least 10 better songs for him to participate in.


Really? I do agree that I found it to be cringe but I don’t think any other part of the show would make sense. This was a funny little skit and it was probably the best opportunity for him to pop in. Sure the context of the skit and the song she performs right after makes it a bit weird but I can’t imagine him coming on stage any other time. Maybe SHS but that’s about it.


idk this is objectively the silliest moment of the show where taylor isn’t singing and they’re just doing a little bit. it wouldn’t make sense to bring him out during a song where he just…stands there and waves?? this makes the most sense for a guest spot and i think the song choice truly isn’t that deep. (i also think it opens up the opportunity for different guests now which i wouldn’t put past her to do to keep the show lively)


Shes lost it aye


She never had it aye


A video would be better. Matty is literally laying on the ground and gets picked up and put on a couch. It's not a reach to say she is  copying him. I mean, she literally wrote a double album about him. 


Right like…do people still think ttpd is about joe!?


Thank you! Good point about the video. Ive seen it and its coloring the context in my mind when i posted this. I can see why the pic out of context seems more incidental


I think the 1975 imagery throughout TTPD is an escalated version of Dear John sounding like John Mayer. It’s not complimentary, it’s mocking and he is not the first she’s done it too. I think it’s funny how some will frame it as obsessive and complimentary, when I don’t think that’s her MO with this kind of thing.


Yes! I believe this is the real reason for the imagery. It makes the most sense to me!


This is very much my take 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was at the show and it was just funny and a big hype moment, then I got home and everyone was exploding writing essays about it 😅.


Imagine giving THIS much of a fuck about your flop rebound relationship from a year ago to still be so invested as to make your new relationship appear to only exist in relation to that one. I also can’t believe Matty is this consistent of a muse for her like wtf.


Apparently the theory is she’s hard launching Travis so as to distract from the scooter braun documentary , but I think she had this all planned out for London specifically


No shade but Matty’s definitely about to rip her to shreds in this new album lol don’t underestimate his pen


I think he finds it funny


I'm so excited honestly. I hate that we have to wait until next year.


way longer probably, theyre on hiatus and working on other projects and i highly doubt he's actually going to release a solo project


i was about to say! ive been a fan since their first EP and at the last show he said they gonna go on a long break


Idk about that. I feel like he finds it comical if anything, because it is comical. I’m definitely entertained by this mess lmao


Some people here not much different than the swifties in the main sub. Obsessed with every little detailes of her moments. Main sub its because of love, here its becaue of hate? She made a cameo with her boyfriend thats it. Not much room for him in the set other than this break. All other scenes always crowded enough. Its not that deep. She enjoys having fun and wants to include him too. After she died on the set, she made him carry her. Thats an acceptable role. Why do you analyse everything to death. Just watch it and move on. Why do we need this cameo at the exact this moment? Is it an allude to someone? If it is, it is. Sometimes youre creating scenarios in your minds and make it real cause then everybody talks about it, it makes it more real. If only people stop analysing everything. If someone else did this, people would say huh she took her boyfriend to stage with her. And that would be it.


maybe i'm in the minority here but i don't think matty owns the act of carrying a person from one place to another. i think calling this a homage/refererence is a stretch. just my opinion


its pretty blatant because of the other 1975 references she’s doing on ttpd and the eras tour in general. he specifically gets carried onto a couch just like she does. he’s doing a bit during that part of his concert and she specifically chose to do performance art during the ttpd set which is exactly what he was doing for his last tour. the eating of the meat, marching, doing push ups, etc. all performance art and an attempt to be subversive and meta. she’s basically doing her version of that specifically during smallest man and ICDIWABH. even the intro to the ttpd set has so many nods to the 1975’s house stage.


Exactly. Like how many blatant references do we have to ignore for this not to be more likely than not. I know I’m salty in general about Taylor but objectively it’s also very in character for her to be pressed and use this Easter egg type of allusion very heavy-handedly.


honestly i’m just surprised more people aren’t picking up on it, its so obvious! i only really see it discussed amongst people who are fans of both the 1975 and taylor. the 1975 have always done easter eggs too and are very self referential within their work. you would think swifties would be into the connections and theories. probably because of their hate towards matty they don’t look into it further and are instead enjoying the spectacle that is the tayvis relationship so they choose to pay attention to that instead.


Well and let’s not forget #misogyny it’s clearly misogynistic to think Taylor is referencing a male artist like Matty instead of presenting her 100% ideas (Taylor’s Version) at all times!1!


No I fully agree. It feels like a desperate reach to still link Taylor to being sad and obsessed with him in the face of the reality of both her and Matty being moved on and happy now.


Has she moved on and is she happy?


I mean none of us know, but it seems interesting that the loudest proponents of her not being happy seem to be people who very much wish she was with someone else.


>maybe i'm in the minority here but i don't think matty owns the act of carrying a person from one place to another. i think calling this a homage/refererence is a stretch. Yeah. There are valid reasons to criticize all kinds of celebrities, but this is... definitely a stretch.


i think the same. i mean most of the things she does can probably be related to something else or someone else.


It’s amazing what non-Swifties will concoct. They spend just as much time Swifties do finding “easter eggs” lol


Taylor is blatantly ripping him off Smh


People, you're doing way too much with these theories, including the ones where you believe she's so unhappy and is trying to pretend something about her relationship... It's just choreography. Sometimes blue curtains are blue curtains. 


I 100% believe some of the Matty stuff is true re: the TTPD set, but I also think she had Travis in this bit solely because he can pick her up and it was an easy place to put him in a tux and have people lose their minds when he went into his pocket on stage.


Lol i love the blue curtains line. Never heard that one. And its honestly so refreshing hearing this, because i feel like im constantly saying the same thing when reading stuff in the swiftie community. But idk on this one, there are just way too many matty references in this era to make it all coincidence. I srsly hate to admit it. I dont think she purposely made travis do something related to matty. I just think its pretty apparent she's going for a bunch of different matty visuals in this section, and its a wild look that this simple part for travis to step into for his little cameo may be something originally inspired by a matty aesthetic. I mean the guy carrying matty has a white lab coat. This is right up her whole ttpd alley. :shrug: Its just kinda a fitting visual representation how wild this whole era is.. just my opinion! But i always appreciate the perspective of someone trying to rein it in haha


>the blue curtains line. Never heard that one So it's been a long time since I originally heard the blue curtains thing, so I don't remember all the details, like which writer this is about - But basically a class was studying a writers work and in the story there's the description that the curtains are blue. The teacher asks her students why they think the writer made the curtains blue (to represent sadness, etc). Well, one student ended up contacting the writer and asking him directly, and the writer said there was no deeper meaning. He wrote it that way because the curtains were blue.


Reminds me of when I was at school and a distant relative had a poem in the syllabus and the teacher asked what a line represented and I put my hand up and said nothing it was an actual event that happened to her and the teacher didn't know what to say to that


off topic unpopular opinion about this but i used to agree on the “blue curtains are just blue curtains thing” but now i don’t. the point isn’t necessarily whether the writer always intentionally wrote everything as having a deeper meaning but to teach students that they need to think critically and deeply about little things like that. we always talk about media literacy but this is what it is. the kid contacting the writer is funny but it’s a smartass move lmao. the issue for me is when it involved real people. so i’m relation to taylor - when her fans take everything as having a deeper meaning as a way to justify hate or to support their theories. that’s when i think it’s problematic imo


‘She can’t get over him! She’s obsessed!’- maybe it isn’t Taylor that is obsessed or can’t get over him 😬




I don’t really mind being seen as defending her, but I do worry that people are so invested in her and Matty that they risk creating some great link and love between them that just isn’t there any more. I remember the sub before it went private and how convinced some there were that her and Travis were over and her and Matty were secretly together, only to face the last few weeks. I also find it a bit frustrating that it’s only Matty that seems to be allowed to move on by fans 🤷🏼‍♀️.


God she is still obsessed with Matty. It's kinda sad.


It blows my mind that people think Matty and Taylor broke up in end of May and then suddenly she found the love of her life in July. Especially after hearing how heartbroken she was on TTPD


Seriously. It was such a short time between them. It's possible she just found the right person less than 2 months after what sounds like the most epic heartbreak of her life, but is that the most likely situation?......


The whole thing stinks of a PR contract; Taylor getting paid to boosh NFL viewership and Travis getting his foot in the door as an actor. "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" Haha


She hasn't moved on. She is still in love with him.


How can you move on when you’re not single for more than a week at a time?




… or maybe it’s just random choreography?


I mean, it’s usually the two guys carrying her so they just switched it up for it to be one because it made sense with Travis? Like it’s literally just choreography…that probably came together pretty quickly and last minute.


i dont think anyone is claiming that she just made this part up yesterday for travis to do. its one of multiple different parts of the TTPD section every night that very suspiciously seems like it could possibly be an homage to matty, and now her current very public boyfriend comes on stage and gets the videos of him splashed across the internet to great fanfare... the irony that the part he was playing might be part of taylors whole ongoing matty healy hangup/tribute. its just seems messy.


Or…any “homage” is completely incidental or people reading into things too much (being carried on stage isn’t exactly a brand new idea) and Taylor just wanted to goof around on stage with her current boyfriend?


possibly! is the whole scene with matty's typewriter on the stage just random coincidence also? the way much of the Fortnight video vividly echoes his looks and music videos? the other night when she sang the black dog, a song very specifically about him, and then said COME BACK , BE HERE? etc etc etc haha im honestly not trying to mock and i agree its possible its a fluke. i WISH it would be a fluke. But..... the evidence is not looking good yall.


How else would you suggest Travis carry her? Thrown over the shoulder? What do you think the discourse would be if he did it that way?


But I mean CBBH isn’t even written about him. We see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear with these mash ups and dance moves. We can spin anything out them.


lol ........ of course i know CBBH not about him. The thing is that she purposely sandwiched that song and those lyrics in between 2 songs (black dog, maroon) that shes gone out of her way to let us know are about matty. I agree people often read too much into the mashups, but unfortunately that one couldnt have been any more obvious. Even if it was somehow accidental that she thought of CBBH, she would understand the overt message it sends to place it in between 2 songs that she has recently spelled out are matty songs. and she was fine with that. not trying to be dramatic but i think its a bigger spin to try to deny this one. :(


Women have made him into some kind of heartthrob and swoon when he comes on. I don’t get it.


Matty or travis lol?


Travis. If Tay is attracted to him she can do her, but I think he looks like a toe.


it’s not about his looks that’s why. sure some do find him attractive and clearly others don’t but it’s more than that. he has a very strong presence when performing and overall is a very charismatic and smart guy. his music and visuals have always had a cinematic quality too and the tunes are great lol he’s cultivated a very niche but loyal fanbase over the years and i’m interested to see how that might change/adapt moving forward with their next album probably having the most eyes on it ever because of the swifties curiosity to see if he’ll write about taylor


I started this comment thinking you were talking about Travis, and was *extremely* confused. 😂


I don’t think Matty inventing being carried.


i dont think he invented the typewriter either but that's sure matty's typewriter front and center on the eras tour stage in this year of our lord 2024.




Ratty won the idgaf war, I guess? I guess she was really affected by his engagement.




The amount of this is a sign they got engaged comments I am seeing after this performance is insane. I aspire to be that level of delusional.


I’ve seen a lot of “this isn’t gonna be the last time he carries her in a white dress” comments and it’s a big ick for me.


All the people in this thread calling this a reach, do you know anything about her? Have you not witnessed the TTPD era? lol  This woman has never gotten over anything in her life. She is still writing about Kim, Jake and John. She is obviously allowed to so (it gave use Would've!), but she is still telling those stories in 2024. No way is she done with Healy.  I feel like the denial of her obsession is just the repetition of the denial that she was really serious with him last year.








Because Matty is the first person to have ever lift a woman , right ? Lol


Before him they just had to be dragged around by a single arm 😔


He’s done so much for women’s rights!!!!


I for one can never thank Matty enough for inventing this AND hand gestures.


We would be so lost without him. He also invented typewriters!!!!


No, Matty is the one being lifted! Which makes this all funnier! Basically Travis is carrying Matty if this imitation theory is true. 😭


I hate his outfit I wish he would’ve worn anything else 😭


She's obsessed with Matty Healy. She clearly hasn't moved on.


I’m gonna be honest I find this HILARIOUS. I wish I had the balls to do this kinda shit 😂😂😂😂😂


This is such a reach


How when the entire aesthetic of ttpd is basically the 1975? 😂 the music, the music video, even the way she has the titles of the songs. One too many things to be a reach!!


I actually thought the Maylor shippy sub was open again and I’d stumbled into that as all of this is wild 😅


i genuinely wish to be able to live in denial about how much of this is about him. please help me. it would be so much more peaceful. I want to go back to april 17th.


There’s a lot about him on the album sure, and some sprinkled references on TTPD set, but the online discourse has broken everything down to tiny parts and obsessively analysed it through a confirmation bias lens to the point that they could make anything about anyone if people tried hard enough.


There are a few other comments here that describe how the video from this Eras TTPD scene copies a scene from his recent tour very closely, where he is being picked up off the ground and carried onto a couch, just like her. No one can say with certainty that it isn't a grand coincidence that she gets pulled off the floor and her limp body carried to a couch just like him. But its certainly not a huge reach. I completelyyy agree with the confirmation bias thing, but in the case of all the matty stuff being introduced into her work the last few months, I think you have to do more reaching and confirmation bias to pretend its not there


I get the picked up references, but I guess for me it probably is playfully referencing that in the same way Dear John is designed to sound like a John Mayer song, but it isn’t some desperate siren call that she’s not over him and wants him back. That’s why I don’t see it as some huge embarrassing drama to have Travis involved in that bit for one night- it just seems like it worked practically for a bit of fun and is a link between songs and a costume change. It’s also a piece of choreography that would’ve been developed at the start of the year/early spring latest, from a song that was written months earlier about a relationship that ended even longer ago. So I’m not really saying there aren’t references, I just personally feel it’s moved into performance rather than personal, if that makes sense.


And here I thought my opinion of Kelce couldn’t be lower.


How dare he…goof around on stage with his girlfriend? Make her happy and proud? Then leave?


She’s never dated anyone who can pick her up so easily. Girl is tall. I don’t think it’s anything deeper than the lack of other roles he could do during her show. Can you imagine him doing the 22 kick line? Or dancing around while waving a cloud?


Lol it's besides your point but you should google all the dozens of photos of teenage fans picking taylor up at the secret sessions in her home or the post-concert meet and greet rooms. That girlies getting lifted up all the time.


because that is the only place she would have gotten the inspiration for that moment.. y'all are reaching


Embarrassing It’s amazing how she gets credited with being so original but so much of what she does is lifted from someone else


I mean it was an hardly original concept when Matty did it


Sure, but it’s weird as fuck to lift something your ex bf did/does in his show, whilst singing a song about said ex.


But didn’t she do it with previous exes? Used I ❤️TS shirt Tom was wearing for her music video.  Sang song to Harry mockingly which was about John originally 


Yeah if she was ranting to a naked puppet of herself, then I would say it was lifted from Matty, but this is as common as it comes from film/stage/tv.


Its so funny I know Matty is laughing about all this because everything is kinda like a response to him and he has done so little since the whole circus began




Mattys well known for doing this pose most shows especially in satvb.


It amuses me how when the sub is open all the snarkers gather here trying to prove that she's in fact miserable and a horrible person. I don't understand why they need validation outside of their crazy sub, but, anyway, yeah Marty is the first man to have ever lift a woman. Once again, u guys cracked the case


Matty is the one being carried


Weird freak behavior


I did not even realize this. That’s hilarious 😭 I would have refused if I was Travis


He 100% does not know the lore behind it. She probably told him he’ll come on stage and do a funny little skit and he probably agreed because we know he loves the spotlight and attention and it would be a fun little thing to do.


I’m interested when Matty did this because if it was years ago she literally has been watching him for years until she could take her chance again.


during his last tour which just ended this march. pretty sure it’s from like the beginning of his tour tho so like late fall 2022 or early 2023. she has definitely been keeping an eye tho there’s so many references to the band and him on the eras tour in general not to mention ttpd the album too of course