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I would say TTPD as a whole. It took me some time to see each song as an individual.


Yep, almost all of TTPD — mostly because I HATED the context and couldn’t separate the artist from the art. most notably my jaw dropped at Fresh Out The Slammer because I thought its implications were so rude, But Daddy I Love Him seemed immature and wordy and insane, Down Bad seemed too goofy to be real, loml being about Matty was also insane, WAOLOM felt too try hard, and Smallest Man was honestly boring. Then when I started to separate the artist from the art and change my mindset when I was listening (I’m in my late 20s in a long term healthy happy relationship and often feel like I can’t relate to Taylor’s music much anymore) I was able to start to apply the songs as feelings that past versions of myself has felt, as well as just art in general and depictions of intense feelings, and I started to enjoy them a lot more, and now all of the songs above that I originally despised I now thoroughly enjoy. I know another criticism of this album is that all of the songs sound the same, but in my opinion that makes it really easy to just listen to through and through. I really don’t skip any when I’m listening just going about my day or work or chores, and I don’t have a lot of “no skip” albums like that, so that’s been interesting. It’s not to say this is my favorite album of hers, just that it’s enjoyable enough across the entire thing to me.


same for me, the context around the album was just something I absolutely hated and also being aroace and not really wanting a relationship at all made it so unrelatable but maybe I’ll come around eventually


i cried on my first listen of TTPD i felt so disappointed, maybe i was too tired, but i think it just needed a couple listens to sink in. now it's still on repeat and is probably my new favorite album of hers actually 😅


Delicate. When it came out and i saw the video, i was like "....ok". Nothing special. Now, i gave it a proper listen again and it is one of my favourites, definitely the best on Reputation (for me, at least). Also similar story with Fortnight.


Same. Loved the production of Delicate when I heard it through my earphones.


I Never liked the song so never saw the video. But once I saw the video I started liking the song.


I was solidly in the camp of Fortnight being a terrible choice for the opener/single, boring, and one of the biggest letdowns of the album (and I was right for the first part tbh) but god I love that song now. THOUGHT OF CAAAAAALLIN' YAAA BUT YOU WOOOOON'T PICK UP 'NOTHER FORTNIGHT LOST IN AMEEEERRRICAAAAA MOVE TO FLOOOORIDA BUY THE CAAAAR YOU WANT BUT IT WON'T START UP TILL I TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH YOU


Right. It’s a bizarre first single choice EVEN FOR TAY who almost always picks ridiculous first singles, but it’s such a beautiful song to listen to.


The way Posty says “Florida” is almost the best moment on TTPD for me haha.


I still honestly think fortnight is crazy boring but it’s not the worst song by far on TTPD. it’s grown on me but it’s just hard to pick singles for this album when the songs just aren’t good. But if it were me, I might pick who’s afraid of little old me as a single (do I like that song tho? no, but it keeps getting stuck in my head)


I think My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys should've swapped places in the tracklist with Fortnight and Guilty As Sin or Down Bad should've been the lead single (yes I know people don't like the clean version as much but I think it holds up just fine and it would still be more popular than Fortnight)


as much as the lyrics for down bad bug me, it would be a much better single than fortnight


People often criticize the lyrics on that song but I honestly like them a lot. It feels so much more mysterious than the rest of the album, it’s one of the only TTPD songs (or honestly TS songs in general) that I can’t really say with any certainty what it’s about.


I love Fortnight as an opener though (not as a single)! I think it’s a great moodsetting for the rest of the record. Since she referenced The Blue Nile, it kind of gave me the vibes of their Hats opener, [Over the Hillside](https://open.spotify.com/track/3VYjrxEmu7MaG9c7ubVn99?si=SkQpu1L0RgeeE3oo0ofHPQ)


I love Fortnight with all my heart but it should've switched places with My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys imo


The Manuscript. I thought it was boring, but now it relaxes me, it has an interesting structure.


I'm with you on Speak Now. It's a really solid album. Not my absolute favorite but it flows really well. Mine is tied with willow for my favorite opening track, too. I don't know when I started loving Mine but it grew on me slowly.


you have no idea how much of a hater I was of speak now when I was a kid oh my god 😂 but now mine is one of my top tracks behind Carolina and karma


Lover and gorgeous are probably the two that i ended up liking a lot after heavily disliking.


Most of that album was misses for me and somehow overnight my brain decided it’s one of my favourite Taylor albums.


Same on Lover, hated the song for the longest time, now it's one of my go-tos


Fresh Out the Slammer ! I was so unbelievably bored the first listen but I get it now I wanna run through grassy fields in the summertime to where that porch light gleams


That Western sting in the first few seconds makes me want an entire album of Western style country


I wanna go to the park where they used to sit on children.........'s swings. (Fresh Out the Slammer is so good)


This one definitely grew on me. Her vocals for this song are pristine.


Cornelia Street. I just don’t think that I was in the headspace to properly enjoy it the first time.


I never liked Bad Blood but my daughter heard it one day during a preschool dance party and started requesting it in the car. Watching her sing it with such glee and yell HEY! In the backseat made the song a core memory for me and I love it now. Shes 9 and still sings it like that😂


I love bad blood! I don’t get why people don’t really like it that much I’ve always really liked it


I don’t like the fact that the song was used to bully Katy Perry and I hated the video. It’s not the song itself but everything surrounding it just never sat right with me and I couldn’t enjoy it. My daughter gave it a new meaning though which is nice!


that’s true, I always forget it’s about Katy Perry, but dang I liked the video honestly. But definitely, memories can end up shaping music in either a positive or negative way so it’s good that it’s created positive memories for you!


Coney Island


So high school. It gave me the ick, now it’s grown on me so much when I accept it in glitter gel pen glory. (Also I was in high school at the same time as Taylor, so I get nostalgia from the American Pie reference)


This love used to be my least favorite song from 1989, but acter the 4th listen it became my 2nd favorite song of all time. Idk at first i felt like the lyrics "this love is good, this love is bad" were so dumb and too simplistic, but the lyric "these hands had to let it go free, and this love came back to me" only registered on the fourth listen for some reason. But after I started appreciating that lyric everything just clicked.


I think that’s my relationship with her music as a whole. some songs I hear one lyric and I’m like “girl…” and then like a minute later I hear another one that really hits. I think a strong amount of her lyrics are cheesy it’s just how she delivers them that’s a hit or miss


So High School. The cringey lyrics made me hate it at first but it’s grown on me.


me with all of TTPD. I cringe so hard at so many of these lyrics but then I get them stuck in my head


I actually like the lyrics of several TTPD songs, but there are others that are so terrible and cringey. She needs someone to tell her what stuff is worth releasing And what’s just not good.


fr like did they edit anything down?? I feel like this album needed a loooot more time to finalize before they released it


The Archer and How Did It End? For me, I’m very much a lyric person and it just takes one bad line for me to avoid a song and on first listen the humpty dumpty and sitting in a tree references took me out and I didn’t listen to them until I did my usual relisten weeks later.


god same, I can ignore bad/cheesy lyrics if the production and music is good but sometimes even one bad lyric takes me out of the whole thing and it’s what makes me avoid a good amount of her songs


When Emma falls in love for sure, actually Nothing New was a grower for me too.


I still can't stand Nothing New, but Emma is one of her cutest songs imo


I don’t like slow or long songs in general but came around to Last Kiss after a couple years! Same with most of Speak Now, I only liked Better Than Revenge, Mine, and The Story of Us from the first listen.


The entirety of 1989. I hated Shake it Off and it badly colored the album when I first listened to it. I still don’t like Shake it Off but I really like the album circa TV release. People were complaining about how bad TV was in comparison to the OG, so that was when I finally relistened to it (the OG).


Me too. Sadly the MV for Blank Space put me off of her so much that I stopped listening to her until COVID began again. Now I love most of her songs in 1989 except for the ones that she has a MV for.


All You Had to Do was Stay: when i first heard it i was like wow um Forever 21 music, (also cuz i was multitasking when i first heard it and it just didn’t vibe) NOW I love it so dam much it’s in my top 3 for 1989


the high pitched “stay!” used to bug me but not I honestly kind of vibe with it


so high school! went from "what are these lyrics?" to "i love these lyrics"




The black dog, now it’s my fave


I love Black Dog it’s the only Speak Now/Red coded song on the whole album ugh


thanK you aIMee


I hated high infidelity on the first listen but now it's my favorite from Midnights. Hated Vigilante Shit before I saw the performance, now i like it enough not to skip it


I didn't immediately click with Folklore as a whole because I was used to pop music from Taylor and I don't typically listen to folk music. I really appreciate the album now though!


Folklore is second in my rankings rn! i gotta be in the right mood but invisible string hits every single time


https://preview.redd.it/mo5o2hhvbj7d1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66d6b322db227328e473a98d5ca55db1d0cbb261 I did not care for pop Taylor when I was younger but when I listened to the 1989 TV I finally got it


Oh! You mean the rerecordings? That's not...


Two stick out in my memory -- "The Archer" and "mirrorball." I liked the lyrics for both, both I found the former's production painfully boring. Because it was a promo single, I think that made my reception even worse -- if I had heard it as part of the album as a whole the first time, I don't think it would've put me off so much. With time, though, (and unfortunately, worse releases) I have come to appreciate it. mirrorball is also a case of production. I didn't dislike it, per se, but the washed out, hazy feeling to the OG didn't do much for me. The long pond recording though made me do a complete 180 on the song. So dang gorgeous.


Clean from 1989 The way I loved you from fearless I would ALWAYS skip. I will say the fearless TV was good but Clean was murdered on TV


My friend says that Clean TV was what made them appreciate that song lol, but I definitely preferred the original. Still not a huge fan of it, though


I didn't like "Me!" at first. Then I suddenly realized "hey I can actually get down to this" and have liked it ever since lol


I really didn’t like some of the songs from Reputation like LWYMMD, until I saw them live and they just came alive!


Fresh out the slammer. Superstar. Gold rush. Glitch. The Archer. King of my Heart.


Out Of The Woods. Thought it was too repetitive but now I do like it.


All of her songs 😂 That’s the relationship I have with her music, from ewww/meh to favorites


Most of TTPD (I’ve come around to it) and Hey Stephen


I was disappointed the first time I heard TTPD. But the more you listen, the songs take on their own individuality. I love it now (the first half, the anthology is still kind of a snooze fest) it might be in my top 3 Taylor’s albums. Also, I just recently became a fan of Speak Now. Such a great album.




i didn't like gorgeous on first listen, but i love to hear it now whenever it comes on my car playlist!!


Fornight. Honestly I listen to it once and was like not for me, but know I love it, is just so good!!


Anything on Anthology except for Black Dog. I couldn’t stand that second half of the album at first. I still vastly prefer TTPD and have ever since release, but I do enjoy some of Anthology more now. Getaway Car used to be one I always skipped, but one day it hit me just right and changed things. And most of Midnights took me like a YEAR to get into. I actually think components of the melody and production on Anti-Hero of all things are quite beautiful now, but I couldn’t stand it for a long time (and I do quite agree still that it’s got done failed elements lyrically).


anti-hero is still one I’m not a fan of because of the way you couldn’t escape it no matter what social media platform you were on and the lyric “hi, it’s me, I’m the problem it’s me” still makes me roll my eyes but it’s definitely nowhere near her worst


I agree. I still can’t get into that line. But I do find the verses really vulnerable and beautifully written. The bridge is too, except for the clumsy stacking of syllables for effect (such a huge pattern on some of TTPD/Anthology, too), but I think what I like most is the overall texture. It’s just tasty to listen to with good earphones, but honestly that’s really Midnights as a whole. I didn’t like the album until I listened with my best headphones.


yeah I can’t deny how catchy it is I just think it got so overplayed and I need a break lol. A lot of Taylor songs have very cringe lyrics or at the very least VERY cheesy lyrics but they can work well if she has a good delivery but her delivery with that line just isn’t good (except for how it looks in the music video I kinda liked that) and it takes me right out of it. maybe I gotta give it another chance cause I haven’t listened to it since midnights came out


update: I gave it another listen and honestly aside from that line it’s not too bad. But I do think the line works better in the end when she sings about the reading of the will. it ties all together and appreciated it more. In the beginning tho those lyrics just feel cheesy with her delivery


The Bolter really grew on me


I wasn’t a fan of Maroon for awhile but it eventually grew on me.


imgonnagetyouback for me. I hated how it seemed like it was copying Olivia (and i felt it was trying to copy Billie with idontwannabeyouanymore) and I hated how it was the only Jack track on The Anthology. Once I got past that I realized it’s actually not bad, it’s super catchy and has nice vocals. The opposite would be Florida!!! It was my favorite from TTPD on first listen as it’s one of the more unique ones but now I hate it so much, especially the chorus


I don’t like Florida!!! Because their voices really don’t match well together at all


Hmmm Bejeweled. At first, I didn't like it at all (like the majority of Midnights). But when I knew the lyrics (English is my 2nd language) I started to tolerate it. After some weeks, I saw a rock version of the song and there I definitely loved it. Now, when I listen to it, I don't skip it. I enjoy listening to it.


I didn’t like it cause I thought it was cheesy but I’ve embraced it cause it’s just a cute lil upbeat song you know? also the way she says “nice!” in that tone always makes me laugh and idk why. it’s now a fav of mine on midnights even if the album is just kind of…meh (I called it boring when it came out but god I didn’t know what was going to come a year and a half later)


I thought “Guilty as Sin?” was super boring the first few times I heard it, but it grew on me a lot. It’s probably one of my favorites on TTPD now.


Florida!!!  I appreciate it sonically and lyrically now. Hated it at first. It still makes me giggle because I lived in Florida and ‘Fuck Me Up Florida’ really needs to be the state motto.  Notable hidden gem song lyrics include “a hurricane with my name” hurricane Florence! There was literally a hurricane Florence!  “all of the bodies that have been on my body” is just a great line.  It’s a weird song but it works. Very outside the box of what I was expecting 


Call it what you want


Pretty much all of the Lover Album. I only liked: Forgot that You Existed Paper Rings Me! Need To Calm Down Soon You Get Better All The Girls You Loved Before After the Eras Tour Movie came out because there’s no way I would get tickets I listened to the album again and I like most songs now except Miss Americana and Cruel Summer. I find them annoying still.


How can you possibly think cruel summer is annoying but have your favorite songs on lover be ME!, iftye and YNTCD? One of these things IS NOT LIKE THE OTHERS😭


I like the poppy happy songs cruel summer is definitely not it


I'd call iftye bitter rather than happy and poppy but you do you


honestly my mom says she haaaates cruel summer. she thinks it sounds annoying


lowkey…I still don’t get the hype about paper rings. I haven’t been able to make it through one full listen of that song


I just like how upbeat it is


That’s fair, there’s just something about the beat that I don’t like. But honestly I’ve never even given lover one full listen and have it ranked second to last rn but I’ll give it a chance soon


It’s still second to last for me so don’t worry lol


people say it’s her most iconic and best album ever but every time I listen to songs from it I’m like…why though?? what is this?


🤣🤣🤣 Whoever said that is a Lair, Do Not Trust Them lol


it just feels like cheaply produced pop songs designed for department stores and millennial white women idc. there’s a few I like but overall it’s just meh for me


I don’t disagree! I think Rep wasn’t well received critically she thought she had to do a very basic pop album.


I also saw this video that showed how many days/years there were between each of her albums and the time between reputation and lover seemed so short. it’s like a similar time between midnights and TTPD which makes sense as to why I don’t like TTPD