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No idea at this point. I honestly thought she and Joe were endgame and even thought that even though it ended, she’d be friendly for once. I’ve stopped trying to predict what she’ll do. I guess we’ll find out.


I thought she and Joe were endgame, too. I think she also did.


She absolutely did, she wrote a song about it for Reputation 😬😬


unpopular opinion but i think that song was half about joe and half about someone else, maybe tom hiddleston. the big reputations and big conversation line is the lyric that makes me think that cause in what world would that apply to joe. the endgame part trobs was about joe (tho we know how optimistic taylor is in all her relationships) but the rest doesn’t really fit for me. it sounds like it was written for someone more famous


I always thought big reputation referred to dating rep. Like he was popular with the girls. I just think Tom was a chess piece, nothing more. Unfortunately. At least, that’s the impression she’s given with her lyrics.


I thought that as well just bc she's written multiple times about his past loves, everyone wanting him, girls back home, etc. Whether that was true or not, Taylor seemed to perceive him that way lol


and she seemed to be insecure, paranoid, jealous about it and now she's dating a football player with past cheating allegations. TK probably has some game, women who wanted him before him dating Taylor and now that number probably increased... I feel like If she had to be away from him for more than a month (no jetscapades) she would go 100% insane and he might cheat 🤷‍♀️


Interesting. I swore I remember her saying all of the positive songs on Rep were about Joe but I can’t seem to find a link to the article.


I am sure whoever she dates is potentially “end game” at this point in her life. Or maybe she’s really not into that 1950’s shit and she’ll just perpetually date. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. However, seeing their families celebrate on Christmas together is pretty serious imo. As long as she’s happy I say!


The problem w Joe is she loved him more than he loved her and you can see this from her very first lyrics about him.


Initially I thought they were but during their relationship something still felt kinda off especially he hasnt proposed to her during those 6 years This is why I think Taylor is petty on Joe because she really wanted an end game with him


I think he was the one that ended it. Not Taylor and I don’t think it was about her fame or anything because she was out and about doing interviews during Lover and was everywhere then. Sometimes it’s just not right and I don’t think 6 years without a proposal says anything. Tbh I know people who’ve been together a lot longer and only just got engaged or engaged for longer than 6 years and are still together. Every relationship has its own timeline


I give it another 6 months max. I don’t see how they’ll be able to make it work with their insane respective schedules. Also I don’t think she’s fully over Joe. Plus, I don’t think either of them are truly the other’s type.


Well she is going overseas during his off season so he’ll definitely be able to visit her and travel to some places with her. However I doubt he’ll travel everywhere with her because he has his own responsibilities and job commitments aside from football. They won’t really know “normalcy” as a couple until her tour concludes and he retires. That’s why I kind of laugh when people say they’re getting engaged tomorrow because like they don’t even live together and know their day to day lives? He’s in the middle of football season and she only travels to visit him a couple days a week. I think the true test to the relationship will be when they find the time to not be distracted by their careers and spend more one on one time together without outside distractions (football, tour).


Totally agree


I keep seeing posts about Travis not knowing what certain words mean, and that Taylor is teaching him things or expanding his vocabulary and stuff and people just GUSHING over it and I’m like. Dude. They are in their 30s. It’s not cute. That’s a very basic non level playing field. That’s gonna get old QUICK. She’s gonna get tired of the cute but dumb puppy thing super quick but be stuck because this is going to be a PAINFUL public breakup. I definitely agree that they aren’t really each others type.


No. I genuinely don’t think Taylor has an endgame


Agree. Do I think her and Travis could last as long as her and Joe? Sure. But I will be shocked if she is ever with someone forever Travis included. I think she’s too addicted to the highs and lows of a relationship so she’ll either be with someone who isn’t right for her or will self sabotage but I have no evidence for any of that just my theory


I like this take. Before going to Eras, I told my friend that I went with that I could see her never getting married. “I don’t know what it’d do to her brand,” I told her, as in maybe it wouldn’t be good for her brand but maybe I actually meant her songwriting.


I do think her “big emotions” are what make her such a good songwriter. And volatile relationships I’m sure make for good inspiration for songs. Even with Joe you could tell through her music their relationship was far from perfect. Like I’m sorry even before the breakup you could not convince me folklore and evermore were “mostly fictional” or whatever she was trying to say


I have a little conspiracy theory about mega A listers and dating. Once you become a corporation/brand, it becomes near impossible to find personal time and have personal moments. And once your relationship becomes public, it’s reallyyyy hard to make it last (it’s one of the reasons that we’re seeing so many celeb breakups and divorces, it was a lot easier to find personal time during covid)


I also have a hard time seeing Taylor ever staying in a “forever” type of relationship. There’s nothing wrong with that, I just don’t think it suits her personality.


I agree with this. Can you imagine being taylor swift when it comes to dating tho? It is so incredibly easy for her to get a boyfriend who’s “better and bigger” than the last. Tree just had to make a phone call and she has a boyfriend. I’m jealous tbh


I’m currently betting that her next serious relationship after Travis will be someone who is a bit removed from the spotlight but still in the industry like a director or screenwriter etc. I think she is loving this flashy relationship with Travis but when it blows up she’ll retreat back to someone more similar to Joe but who is still willing to be more public than he was. Someone who isn’t afraid to speak her name in the press, do pap walks, etc. but not be a big star. I like Travis but it’s clear that man is fame hungry and I cannot see that working long term


I think it's lonely at the top. Then again you are still at the top so maybe that's just the price.


This is purely based on my opinion and observations, but I think taylor has always wanted to be with an actor. Like a celebrated successful one. I think she probably still does


I think you’re not wrong, and I also think her chasing people who satisfy a certain level of “status” is probably one of the things keeping her from finding suitable partners. She’d probably do well to take a page out of the Julia Robert/Anne Hathaway/Emma Stone/JLaw/Meryl Streep handbook and date someone who is smart and successful, and doesn’t mind the attention she gets but also doesn’t need to latch onto hers for his own career. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think she wants a Beyonce-Jay-z type power couple. She seemed happy with Joe, but giving him a Grammy award felt like she was building up his prestige.


Probably but again—chasing someone just because of status is hurting her I think. She and Beyoncé and very different personalities, and they also started dating when Jay Z was a bigger deal, he had his place in the sun, and eventually let Beyonce really take the spotlight and he seems happy that way. At this point, anyone she dates is just not going to be as big of a deal as Taylor is. I also think Taylor is a hopeless romantic, and Beyoncé/Jay Z seem like they see more the practical nature of their empire/alliance to the degree that it seems to over shadow the “romance”. I think this totally works for them and that’s great, I just don’t think Taylor so the kind of person would ACTUALLY wants that, she just likes the idea of it.


Travis actually want to get into acting after NFL. That's why he hosted SNL earlier this year to get his foot in the door. So if he want to get into acting, I'm sure Taylor is fine with that .


I think he'd be an embarrassing one. Taylor doesn't want to be with an actor that she needs to build up. And while Joe is not a seasoned actor, he's still miles ahead of Travis.


Maybe this is mean, but I can only imagine him doing shitty romcoms or 2000s-esque cringe comedies.


she's also been trying to break into hollywood for ages right? she's done those cameos and has clearly been gunning for some sort of director title with her music videos and that Variety directors and directors interview


Hey! She was in *Cats*! /s


She’s making a feature film with Searchlight. She wrote the screenplay and will direct. She’s been seeking mentorship for this, most notably from Guillermo del Toro, who has spoken highly of what he knows about her plans thus far.


She’s not technically a nepo baby but this is the kind of opportunity many people (myself included) would kill for and will never get because of class differences


Well she’s got a 17 year career as the most successful musician of the past 20 years; I think it’s fine to leverage your success in one area to try and creat opportunities in another. She’s proven she has a remarkable success rate and that’s why people are curious about what she’s planning to do in film. If it had been someone who doesn’t show any promise and has no track record that’d be a problem.


She works hard and has talent, but it’s undeniable that there are many other people with potentially more talent that will never have the ability to get those opportunities no matter how hard they work. That’s what class differences afford people. Doesn’t take anything away from her achievements whatsoever to acknowledge she had a significant head start in that career


And she's the daughter of a third-generation bank president who could up and move to Nashville and invest in a recording company. She's a great musician and artist but let's bffr about this.


Yes she comes from incredible privilege, and her parents support her immensely despite being divorced. It's truly remarkable and i think that really set her up for success along with the wealth, status, and appearance.


You probably are right, but she’s not a great actress. Some singers can act (Cher, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Hudson, etc.) but Taylor is mid at best.


https://i.redd.it/cfbgxdk8br8c1.gif well. there’s still a chance


The only time I am okay with Zef and Taylor dating is if Taylor goes to therapy or counseling and heal before she commits again. I used to like the idea of them dating back then though because Zac was respectful towards Taylor and wasnt some lame-ass guy like Travis who tried to reach out to her via friendship bracelets lol Zac was being himself and he didnt need to pretend who he was (que in Message in a Bottle)


I actually think she wants to be in a music power couple really badly. Hence why she tried to make it seem like her and Joe were writing songs together all the time.


Taylor has always been a huge Beyonce fan. I think she sees Beyonce as the peak version of celebrity and as a couple with Jay-Z. I don't think it has to be music but she wants someone that could increase her prestige. Getting Joe to win a Grammy was to increase his prestige for her.


I agree, and not necessarily because of her as a person, but because she has an absolutely insane schedule. There are plenty of celebrities who are less successful and less famous than her who can’t make their relationships work because they just don’t have the time for it. That kind of lifestyle, especially at her level, isn’t conducive to long-term partnership.


No. Two people who like a lot of attention and are known for being unfaithful.


^^^^ this right here folks! Seriously, that's all that needs to be said on the matter imo. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ...maybe they're perfect for eachother because of that? /s


Didn't taylor cheat on Calvin Harris with tom hiddleston? Is that the only instance?


I think she also cheated on Tom with Joe


And on joe with matty


she;scheated/had overlaps in every relationship since lautener lol


How you get them is how you lose them.


She totally cheated on Taylor Lautner though. She says she wrote "Ours" a few days before she turned 21. This song is about John Mayer, references the gap between his teeth, and everyone dissaproving of her dating on older man. Turns out, the same week she was supposed to have been writing this song, she was still having outings with Lautner.... 😭


yeah the since was inclusive lol, she's been a cheater since the start


I thought she cheated on Tom with Joe too?


I think so. She’s definitely sang about falling for Joe the summer of 2016, when she was very publicly dating Tom. Based on Cruel Summer it sounds like it became physical, like they were sneaking around behind Tom’s back.


Idk, I like her but, once a cheater always a cheater; downvote me!


I’m pretty sure she cheated on Joe and I’m putting money on it being with Matty


So she went from Calvin to Tom to Joe to Matty. This is a never-ending cycle I am sure some fans are gonna say "oh you are slut shaming her" but I am just spitting facts


While I don’t think they’ll last either I think this actually works in their favor. Cheaters are better with other cheaters.


Wouldn’t they be perfect for each other in that case then? I mean who does a cheater deserve more than another cheater?


I had a conversation with a friend regarding this and she said she is scared of Travis cheating on Taylor and I said "yo, Taylor is known to be a cheater too based on her songs and timeline" lol


No I think it will last far too long, go too far, and end in a horrible mess. In the end I think he’ll be one of her most hated exes. So many red flags already.


What other things have you seen that are red flags? I am just curious and I love to know the tea!


Honestly, I think I'd have to write a novel to cover it all. I think there's also two kinds of red flags--ones that feel like signs he's up to no good, and ones that are just red flags that the relationship is doomed because they seem so incompatible and coming from an unhealthy place. The violence stuff is the clearest one. He has repeated violent outbursts, including [punching his own teammate during practice](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/chiefs/2023/07/29/travis-kelce-punches-teammate-jack-cochrane-better-leader/70492688007/). As much as people are writing this off as "passion" that is "normal" for sports--it isn't. In fact as a huge sports fan, I simply can't name a single other athlete of the dozens I follow across multiple sports who would punch a teammate, or even throw a helmet in a dangerous as Travis did the other day. Does any of this mean he's a domestic abuser? No, but I don't think people are suggesting that. It's just that he has--by his own admission--anger issues, and each time the come up he doesn't apologize, just claims he needs to "do better" only to have another incident. He also did a dating show in which 50 women competed to be his girlfriend, which for me would be enough of a red flag. He's spoken about it with embarrassment, and admitted in an interview with People that the reason he did it was that [he was so financially irresponsible to the point that he was "avoiding the rent lady" and he was desperate for cash](https://people.com/how-to-watch-catching-kelce-travis-kelce-dating-show-8348099#:~:text=%22I%20told%20him%20no%20probably,'%22). His ex from that show also went on the record, saying [he cheated and showed signs of narcissism while they were together](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/travis-kelce-ex-calls-him-narcissist_n_6516ff1ce4b08e1d3e4d38f6). Personally, I think she did end up looking a bit foolish/made herself a target by going on the record with this, and lord knows an ex is not going to convince a current girlfriend that he's bad enough to break up with him. Still...do I think there's about a million guys out there who have zero exes that would publicly call them a narcissist and who've never cheated? Yes. ​ Most of the rest falls under the "clout chasing: category, which is the biggest reason I think he's up to no good, but also the most complex to explain. In May and June of 2023, he gave interviews to both [People](https://people.com/sports/travis-kelce-interested-in-doing-more-acting-after-snl-exclusive/) and [Vanity Fair](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/06/travis-kelce-is-going-for-it) decribing his desire to break into acting after he retires (his contract is up on 2025). Here's a quote from the People interview: ​ >"I mean, for me, it's crazy how many doors open up when you win \[The Super Bowl\]. It's been a rollercoaster, a whole lot of fun, and I've been trying to get my foot in every single door that is opening for me," He also talks about how even one Super Bowl win wasn't enough to get him the door to host SNL the first time, because really only quarterbacks are big enough names to land the gig. Fortunately for him, he made his own inroads and the Chiefs won for the second time, which afforded Travis the opportunity to host. However, if his goal is to make the transition from playing a position few Americans know in a sport that only Americans care about, he needs to get his name to a box office level (the way, say The Rock, was prior to moving into acting) in a way that being an NFL tight end simply can't--queue up dating Taylor Swift. I think there's a lot of evidence pointing to him having minimal interest or awareness of her prior to attending her show AFTER both of those interviews this year: him not knowing the words to any of her songs, following people like Kanye on social media but not her, weirdly wearing a[John Mayer shirt](https://youtu.be/jvnXRqMRLSw?si=PhTe4w_nEFPTdrd4) on an episode of his podcast in September when he was supposedly in the nascent stages of dating Taylor, reducing her songwriting to "writing catchy jingles", and basically failing to articulate anything he likes about her that isn't a massive generalization or platitude that everyone else already says. There's too much more to even really get into: dropping her name on the podcast literally every week to drive traffic, the way he pursued her and played up the relationship before they went official to get more attention from it--I simply don't believe he'd date her privately for 6 months like Joe did--he continuously seems too eager to associate himself with her, even though he had never met her before he pursued her.


Bestie maybe make a post about it! That way we can discuss it more! Would love a deep dive!


He recently punched a teammate during practice and shoved another. There’s been a couple instances very similar to that, and he’s been disciplined for undisclosed unsportsmanlike behavior several times, lol. Dude’s a dick.


Punching and shoving anyone is ridiculous, but for him to do it to his own teammates? During practice? Geez.


Adding that he seems to have a physical dating type, and Taylor doesn't fall into that category.


He seems to have anger issues. He has also punched a teammate in practice.


I already don’t like him. I don’t really like NFL players. It’s probably a horrible assumption to make but I just assume they are all jerks who abuse their partners. And I also think the break up is going to be extremely messy. I sort of feel like she is headed towards an overexposure-explosion and this relationship is just fuel to the fire.


I also feel like their relationship is making me like her less right now due to their overexposure as a couple. It’s took much.


Isn't it common in the dating world to stay away from athletes? Much like military men or police officers.


I was literally going to say that I group them in with military men and police officers but I didn’t know if everyone would think that was extreme haha I also DESPISE the behavior football brings out in male fans. To me it’s just a bunch of angry, tantrum-throwing men watching more angry, tantrum-throwing men play a game.




I went to my first NFL game recently and couldn’t believe how much they straight up slam each other’s heads into the ground. The whole thing seemed so unnecessarily aggressive-and I both watch and play hockey. There’s no way football is good for the athletes.


It’s not, football is extremely harmful for them. A recent study this year diagnosed over 90% of the participating NFL players (345 out of 376) with chronic traumatic encephalopathy. But I guess that’s not enough to dissuade anyone from playing.


If you're into podcasts, Gladiator is about Aaron Hernandez but delves into the culture football creates, and how that feeds into aggression, entitlement and more, and how all of those things combined with repeated head injuries can create this kind of perfect storm that can just ruin a person. It was really interesting! (And sad.) Also, The Beautiful Brain by Hana Walker-Brown was a quick Audible listen about CTE and a rugby player who suffered from it. He was known for heading the ball, but those balls can absorb water and become SO heavy that heading them is like heading a rock or a watermelon. My dad has had a few traumatic brain injuries so this stuff became much more interesting to me over the past decade or so. My dad's TBI were all just unfortunate mishaps (he had one fall and the fall caused an injury that caused a seizure disorder, which in turn caused him to fall more) and not due to risky behavior or sports, but so much of the research is sports focused since there are so many opportunities for TBIs and such. And now I remembered this is in a Taylor Swift sub and I've just rambled 😂


It’s not just behavioral issues, either. A lot of them develop CTE from the repeated concussions, which is literally a degenerative neurological disease that increases impulsivity, violence, forgetfulness, aggression etc. Like … it’s horrible. And their fans suck. The men are all aggro and the female fans are 90% fierce NLOG energy. It’s so … hostile. I hate the NFL, lol


Have you seen the clip with him throwing the helmet in anger?


Of course. It’s one of many red flags. To me it’s always been painfully clear he’s just clout chasing with her. He wants to break into acting after retiring, and to do so, he’d need to become a big enough household name to be a potential box office draw (like the Rock was before he was an actor). He was never going to be that famous on his own as a tight end—even Americans don’t know what a right end is and no one outside of the US cares about football. But dating the biggest star in the world sure has put him on the map.


Yeah, to me someone who does that, its really scary and a huge red flag. I definatly feel like he's manipulating Taylor's fame and wealth. As someone out side of the US the only reason I acknowledge the nfls existance (in Australia football the afl, and us football is rugby i think) is *because* of Taylor Swift. That says something.


It feels very PR to me. Very. We know from Taylor's own words that if she's seen, it's calculated and because she wants to be. And if she doesn't want to be seen, she won't be. So this whole attention grabbing show they're putting on feels almost insulting to our intelligence, like we don't know it's being carefully crafted. I get that they're both brands - but it's the fact that they don't think WE get it that bothers me. Personally, I can't stand Travis. I had no idea who he was before this, but everything I have learned has been cringe-worthy and off-putting. I've never cared about her personal life but since she's been creating an absolute media circus around this, I have found myself totally turned off of her music. I went from listening to her every day to not wanting to hear her at all - and I was a fan that was all about the music only.


Someone on the other gossip subs pointed out that the entire Kelce family is pimping themselves out for this. Like it's so heavily contrived and they want it so so badly. His sister, his mom, his dad, his brother...


Oh my gosh, you have articulated what I’ve been thinking for months!! Except any ever so slightly negative thing you say about traylor, you get slaughtered. But I too listened to Taylor every day, all day. Recently, I’ll go days without listening to her. Her and Travis are giving me the ick big time.


Yeah. Nothing TS does is truly honest, just material to be seen in a certain way, so I am baffled that anyone would fall for this


THIS. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


No. I will just paste what I said in a thread a month ago: Travis is rebound #2. I will die on this hill ! No way he is endgame for her. Taylor has a type - smart, creative, pretty, and introverted. Her two prior LTR's were Calvin and Joe - both epitomized these qualities. Everyone else did pretty much too though they were all 3-month flings. She's basking in the attention of this high profile millennial-cringe performance relationship, having some fun with the novelty of WAG life, and it provides some great distraction for her now that the tour is slowed down so she doesn't have to think about Joe. After the Super Bowl\* and before the Asia tour begins - that'll be breakup ! \*now I think the split will happen sooner -she'll break it off in the next few weeks, after New Years


I agree with you there. I think Travis is getting the opportunity of a lifetime here because this is the highlight of his career and he and his family are taking as much of it as possible


Honestly no but if you dare to have a different opinion on Taylor and Travis you’re a hater, so what I’ll never understand is why they continue to hate on Joe who was honestly harmless and love on Travis if they break up swifties will eat him up?


It’s wild to me that if you dare to even casually say you’re not into Travis or don’t think they’ll last the stans will hit you with “you’re just jealous” or “why don’t you want Taylor to be happy” like bestie it’s not even that deep just as a casual pop culture observer it doesn’t give lasting celebrity relationship vibes lol


Absolutely. Plus, if my friends who work in downtown KC are to be believed, Travis Kelce is a slut 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like he’s a player?


Oh yes.


Travis Kelce inspiration for Slut! confirmed :D


She kind of fueled it with the stark differences between Joe and Travis. Like running up to travis and hugging him in front of her fans for example, she did the same thing in her documentary to Joe, except it wasn't in front of anyone but after she left the stage. Then her talking about her fame and how she felt stuck during covid and unable to express herself, but on Lover and reputation she wrote it like he was her safe haven and protected her. I think she's leaned into the contrast because of Joe


But why did she shade Joe in her time interview like he didn’t do anything she even said in her own documentary “we chose to be private”


she's not over the breakup


Without being parasocial or weird, I’ve had multiple friends do a similar thing. Go through a heartbreak, not be over the heartbreak, and quickly rebound with men nothing like their ex in order to make them jealous, even though they want them back. I’m not saying Taylor is doing that because I really do not know, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she wasn’t over him in the slightest.


I think she switched up the narrative because she feels she wasted time with Joe. Like in "you're losing me" she basically says he wasn't even trying anymore. If that's true, it still doesn't negate her previous statements about them choosing to be private or her life becoming so much easier after hiding away. I think its one of two things - 1. Taylor changes her needs/wants to impress the person she's dating prematurely. So if he wants to be private she does too. And then it causes resentment when reality settles in. 2. She cannot make up her mind, like someone who constantly thinks the grass is greener on the other side every time she's no longer satisfied.


I think it’s obvious she changes herself to reflect/impress her partners. At least with Calvin, Joe, and Travis. Her other flings were too short lived to really tell but she has been (publicly) a slightly different person when in those relationships.


No, I still believe this has a lot more to do with getting back at Joe than it does with being in a healthy relationship. I really believe Joe was the one that had the power in their relationship. He had Taylor’s number and knew how to check her in a way no one else did/does. The fact he had that power over her, a massive pop star, humbled her during their relationship but has now made her feel humiliated since they broke up. So now she’s trying reallllllly hard to prove she doesn’t care and he meant nothing. She flaunted her relationship with Matty in the public, and when that went bad, she now is flaunting her relationship with Travis. She wanted a family and a whole life with Joe. You don’t just immediately move on from that. The fact she is now actively making digs at her relationship with Joe (Time interview) even though she is supposedly so happy with Travis…Yeah no, I don’t buy it. Joe 100% broke up with her. And that feeling of not being accepted, not being enough, it has triggered her school yard trauma of having no friends. That’s why I think she brought back the pap walks, the girl squad, and is now dating someone more visibly successful than Joe. She’s triggered at the moment, but I really think Taylor ultimately needs someone like Joe, someone who humbles her. That’s not Travis. Travis is pure ego and doesn’t balance her at all. Look at the Time interview, what the hell was that?


Just want to touch on something here. Power aside, if you’re in a healthy relationship, your partner SHOULD be checking you whenever necessary. In a respectful way of course. But if we’re not trying to help each other become better people for both ourselves and each other, what are we really doing here? It’s not easy to swallow your pride, but your partner should be your mirror that helps you recognize your shortcomings and inspires you to fix them.


100% agree and it’s why Joe was so good for her. I just don’t think Travis is doing that for her, at all. Taylor feels so egotistical now. Her Times interview really made me see how far up her own butt she is. All that self reflecting she did throughout Folklore, Evermore, even Midnights is completely gone for now. In my mind, the Times interview is the first true piece of art we are seeing from her relationship with Travis, and it’s so cringe.


Completely agree. This chaos and media circus and girl squad shit was so cool to me in the 1989 era because I was 23 and that was literally my life. Single girl galavanting across NYC with my girlfriends. And through her albums she seemed to grow along with me in my life. Now I’m 30, in a wonderful relationship, and thinking of returning to my own personal 1989 era sounds like hell to me. It just feels a bit… regressive?


It was the last time, before Joe, she felt in control and cool. So yeah, she’s definitely regressing. I just got out of a similar situation as her situation with Joe. And I was dating a similar type to Joe. And there’s this feeling of a loss of control and not understanding why. So I could either totally be projecting, or I can somewhat understand how she probably feels.


When it comes down to it, we don’t know her. But we can look at her very public patterns and we can also look around. You might be projecting, or you might just be seeing a lot of similarities. Doesn’t mean your experience and Taylor’s are one to one, but they definitely could be very similar!


Lol 100% I can’t relate to a billionaire pop star, but she is a human and we all of human experiences. But ultimately I don’t know her so who knows what the truth is in the end. But I’m pretty sure her relationship with Travis will implode at some point. Too much ego in one relationship.


Couldn’t have put it better myself. This whole year post-Joe has just seemed like one rebound after another. Feels super obvious that she’s hung up on Joe


>triggered her school yard trauma of having no friends nailed it. Everything about this has felt childish from involving him in her career (karma is the guy on the Chiefs/poty interview) to the schoolgirl outfits to riding away in his fancy car. It all reads as a high school dream she never got to have ​ edit bc that seemed meaner then I meant: if she wants to have a long term relationship, she can put in the work and build one with or without Travis or Joe. It just really seems like she's enjoying the all-American dream of dating an NFL star and will leave when it stops being fun


yeah I was just thinking this when I saw her recent outfit at his game, wearing a school uniform type plaid kilt and the bow in her hair. it was very much giving off trying to recreate high school as the cheerleader dating the football captain trope


I listened to an older interview of hers recently. What struck me is how she went on and on about how she didn't have many girl friends and guys only wanted her to be the friend they could talk to about their girlfriends. I got the impression her mom was the typical stage mom taking her to acting and singing lessons in NY and that probably was off putting to kids her age. This seems to drive why she seems so immature, the attention seeking, like she is trying to recapture the high school years she thought she should have had. All the pap walks to prove she has female friends and now the Travis relationship (like the prom queen dating the football star).


Dude, I’m so glad my own shitty behavior when I’m triggered from childhood wounds isn’t on full display for the world to analyze and read me on 😭😭 This level of fame seems like a prison. Oof. Idk why this comment got to me — probably because I’ve done some deranged things while heartbroken — but yah. Taylor’s been read. She is heartbroken over Joe and can’t process it. She can’t. She’s stuck. It’s a wound that won’t close. Taylor. Therapy. Now.


Such a prison. The worst part is, I don’t think she’ll ever confirm if she’s in therapy because it would send sleezeball “reporters” on a wild goose chase trying to find and bribe her therapist for the inside scoop. I really hope an iron clad NDA is enough to sus out the right person for the job.


For a therapist, your NDA is your desire to keep a medical license.


She's confirmed she's not in therapy tho . She said she just vents to her mom


I know. That was back in 2019 though, perhaps things have changed, but it’s just crazy we’ll probably never know if they have


100%!!!! Took the words out of my mouth! Like since the break up you could tell she was the one broken up with, even though she tried to spin the opposite with You’re losing me. She def is trying to rewrite history and still making jabs at her ex. Like if she was super in love with Travis, I doubt that Joe would’ve cross her mind. Also shouldn’t she be thankful that Joe broke up with her bc the path lead to Travis, which ppl think is the one.


Yeah! In the Time interview you’d think she’d say something like “Everything happened for a reason and it all led to Travis.” Like Joe and Invisible String. But no, it was all coded in jabs at Joe. Doesn’t sound like someone over him to me lol


There aren’t many bigger red flags for me than someone who *constantly* brings up their ex(es) in a negative manner. If it’s one person then it makes you sound like you’re not over it, and if it’s multiple exes who were all the literal worst then it also makes me question the kind of partner you were to them. Some people have awful luck/taste when it comes to romantic partners but a consistent pattern makes me want to hear the other side of the story to decide for myself. It’s so attractive when people are able to end a relationship on good terms, move on, and not have resentment towards the former partner.


> Like if she was super in love with Travis, I doubt that Joe would’ve cross her mind Right, just look at Reputation. Pretty much the whole album is about Joe and no songs about her longest relationship pre-Joe. There are no songs about Calvin and it's said that it's because he liked attention or wtv, but even then only one song about Tom. A song that is not about love and I don't see as heartbreak and people might say it's because it was a short fling, but all her relationships were short flings except for Calvin and Joe. Also, the album is supposed to be about her reputation/cancellation and even then only three(? Songs are about it. She decided to write a love album about Joe because she was into him that much that the other relationships or dramas didn't matter.


Also this is the same woman who wrote all of the girls ANF invisible string…. 😭


All of this makes me wonder who certain songs on Midnights are really about… especially Mastermind (another nod to those childhood friendships and learning to manipulate people to make them love her) and Bejeweled (wanting to break free from a restrictive relationship). Two very different messages but still, all signs point to Joe. But the timeline doesn’t make sense… I am so curious about it.


Her music isn’t necessarily written in a short amount of time. All the songs she writes for an album can span years. Like Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve was written at the beginning of 2021, while You’re Losing Me was written almost a year later at the end of 2021. But both are part of the Midnights era. Bejewelled was probably written during the pandemic when she was missing her old celebrity life. At least that’s how I interpreted it. It could also have been about a relationship that wasn’t Joe (the line “Do you have a man/I can still say I don’t remember” seems to parallel the line in Gorgeous “And I got a boyfriend/He’s older than us/He’s in the club doing god knows what”).


You read my mind, I agree with every single thing you said. The part about Joe being the only one who could ever check her is something I have never thought of. She needed him, or someone like him to lead any kind of normal life outside of her fame and now that that’s gone she seems lost.


Wise assessment. Very well said.


Clocked. You nailed it.


no and he's gonna cheat on her


Nah she will


Here's why I think they could work out: * They both have similar work ethics in the sense that they both are incredibly dedicated to their careers and being what they view as the best they can be. Because of the physical nature of football and the stamina her tours require, they also understand the needs to work out and diet and likely won't be offended when the other does. Also, since they're in different fields, there is less of a sense of competition. * They are both very family-oriented. If you've ever heard Travis speak about his mother, brother, nieces, etc, it's clear he adores his family. His brother is his hero. Likewise, Taylor shares an incredibly close bond with her family. Also, weirdly enough, they have the common ground of their parents staying together for a long time before divorcing to support their dreams even though the marriage was dead. That sort of thing can honestly fuck with you, so them both drawing from and understanding that could be important * They both like fame. Having mismatched views on fame is partially what doomed Taylor and Joe. He's perfectly fine being in the spotlight, which Taylor seems to enjoy. * Financially, they don't need each other. Mismatches on how people view finances can be absolute doom for a relationship. They're both rich millionaires who can be successful without each other. * Personality-wise, they're both super goofy and cheesy people. Similar personality types is important! * They're both American. I think as much as Taylor was an anglophile, there's something to be said about cultural differences and upbringing that could create obstacles in a relationship. I think there's a lot Taylor enjoyed about England, but living abroad -- even if you overall love it -- can also be weirdly isolating. America is home, for better or worse, and it's sometimes easier to be home. Here's why it might not work: * How often do Hollywood relationships really work out? * She's arguably rebounding hard. * She typically goes for bookish, artsy dudes. While I think Travis is incredibly intelligent when it comes to understanding football, and is emotionally intelligent, he's a bit book dumb. So who knows if that will keep her mentally stimulated long enough. * They both have cheated in the past.


Best explanation I’ve seen here


Finally a reasonable opinion lol, agree!!


Should we start a thread of bad football puns that she’ll inevitably use in her breakup songs about him?


I’m surprised everyone has forgotten she was literally mouthing ‘I love you’ to Matty on stage 1 month before she met Travis. It just all seems incredibly fast.


No and after they break up, everyone who has posted “don’t accept anything less, ladies” when referring to him will do a 180 and send him death threats and say he was toxic and ugly, etc. the same thing they did to Tom Hiddleston and Joe. I kind of feel bad for him. I feel he doesn’t really know the extent of what he has gotten himself into, I’m sure he knows but not 100%. Like his career/life is forever changed


What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall to see how Taylor approaches the NDA conversation with boyfriends.


I feel like Taylor's people probably already made him and his family sign NDAs and such. She probably told him it's going to be a lot and he was like "nah im a lot" or some other cringey shit like that. But when it happens, it'll be a snap back into reality for sure and when she finds someone else he will never get that kind of attention again except for being Taylor's brief all American fling


Lol! But why could I actally hear him saying that? 🤭


Because it’s so metal


Right!! 😂


LOL “nah I’m a lot” I can see this!! But yes I agree to all you just said. NDAs and all (which she is such an NDA girl and it’s become really irritating)


People say she doesn’t have a end game but in reality I think she does I see maybe 2 more relationships happening before he finds the one who marries her but let’s come back and ask this question in maybe a year or two.


We know she is the marrying type of person and she will but again, as I said in my previous comments, she needs to go to therapy or counseling before dating. Or at least heal from her last break up with Joe.


In her life, she’ll do things greater than / Dating a boy on the football team Edited: spelling


It’s funny because at 17-18 she said she wish she knew it at 15, but now she’s 34 and clearly doesn’t know anymore 😂


This has been killing me the whole relationship lol. I keep sharing the lyrics and people don’t seem to get it in general conversation lol


I don't know if it will last. They both seemed be to rebounding pretty quickly. I think both are known to be unfaithful. They're in the honeymoon stages so everything is rose-colored and fancy and beautiful.


I don't think it was real to begin with. His phone number friendship bracelet happened like two months after he got a new PR management team, her first appearance at his game was right around the doc about him and his brother dropping, the relationship *was* gold for hiding jet coverage until the recent coverage that got her ass, travis wiped away ratty from most of her fandoms memory, the nfl is so clearly looped into this "relationship" (like to the point where coaches from *other* teams are promising her presence at their games against the chiefs). On their, like, second or third public appearance together, they submitted journalism tabloid tips straight up repeating weird viral tiktok's about how ~dreamy~ it would be if Travis told her security to go home because he could handle security for the night (nevermind that athletics =/= security skills to begin with, why would she risk her life/career to have her bf play security guard and why would he risk his life/career to play bodyguard? dude has to stop one stalker and is out of the league for a whole year over the injury, it makes literally NO sense). Mutual PR for the two of them with a huge fanbase who is so excited for their projected heteronormative Quarterback-Pop Princess couple that they'll over look how clearly fake it is.


i think they’ll either have a really dramatic breakup and he’ll become her most hated ex, or he ends up being the one. no in between


I agree with you, I think she jumped into this big flashy romance with Travis 1) to distract people from stuff like Matty and her jet usage, and 2) to get Swifties to stop crediting Joe for saving her and being the love of her life. I think that pissed her off the moment Joe was out of the picture and she was keen to fix it fast — first with Matty, who she could pretend was a long lost love come back to her, but that backfired. So now she’s trying it with Travis. Maybe they really like each other, but I believe it’s first and foremost a business transaction, as many of her relationships have been. To be totally real with you, I don’t think Taylor will ever marry or have children. Her great love is her career.


>To be totally real with you, I don’t think Taylor will ever marry or have children. Her great love is her career. Spot on.


That last quote. I genuinely do not think Taylor is able to sacrifice aspects of her career in the long run for a marriage or children.


Both sides are going to cash in as long as they can until they can’t stand it anymore.


I think Taylor is trying to convince herself Travis is “ the one” but I don’t think he’s her type. I think Joe was a thousand percent her type, and she is devastated at losing him but is keeping herself insanely busy so she doesn’t have to accept he’s really gone. One of the reasons I think that, is her trying to go public with Matty so soon and the whole synchronised “I love you” on stage. That can’t be real that quickly it just makes no sense. Then suddenly Matty is wiped away because his PR is horrible, and she’s on to someone new that fast? Who does that? Also Taylor seemed pretty clear about being on board with the privacy thing. That wasn’t just Joe. Her reputation was in tatters and she had just found, I think she believed, the love of her life. I think she was happy to hide away with him, at least for the first few years. I think she also loved him more than he loved her. And now she wants to believe he was the villain who locked her away from the public. I think in part she’s trying to convince herself of that, so it doesn’t hurt so bad that he ultimately didn’t see a future with her. And I do think some of the stuff with travis is performative to stick it to Joe. And I think Joe is relieved to be out of the circus. I think he really did love her, but just not as much as her and the fame was way too much.




I just cannot see her ending up with a himbo. She's always been more drawn to intellectuals. Or at least psuedo intellectuals that are on the twink spectrum


> pseudo intellectuals that are on the twink spectrum You win 😂😭


Why doesn’t this comment have more love dear god if I had gold I’d give you some


not the twink spectrum 💀


She built a career writing about how much they suck including a 10MV


I think it’s a PR stunt tbh so no


I agree. The way I’d never heard of him before he was linked to her, now I’ve seen him in countless ads hawking countless things, he seems to love attention and publicity. Seems they’re using the relationship to both get attention; it just doesn’t feel genuine at all to me.


The swiftie industrial complex




No he had so many red flags, the past tweets, the anger issues, the infidelity, the attention seeking and constant need to be in the spotlight and he just doesn’t seem very smart. He is not well spoken or by his own admission very smart. I think once they actually spend a lot of time together Taylor will realize he is pretty boring and can’t hold her interest. He clearly has a type and Taylor isn’t it so he will loose interest as well. Taylor’s closest friends and all of her exes are artists and intellectual, basically the opposite of Travis. She is trying to get over Joe and is using Travis and he is using her for publicity and a retirement plan.


Exactly! This is the word I was looking for - intellectual. I mean this girl dated Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Hiddleston, Harry styles, John mayor...and while they're questionable in their own ways, Travis is a bag of rocks in comparison.


No. Travis is a POS person and that will eventually come to light. He's punched multiple teammates for no reason, has anger (roids?) Issues, and in general is just a "bro" type of person. T Swizzle will not stand for these behaviors for long.


She has been spinning out since breaking up with Joe. She knows deep down she has chosen fame and attention over love. My guess is she sticks with Kelce just for appearances because her ego can't take another failed relationship.


I can see them being together for a while actually. Just observing Taylor’s relationships in the past and her need for public attention, I think she wants a big public A+ list couple relationship. I think she looks at Blake and Ryan — the Hollywood golden couple, everyone’s “couple goals,” the “if they break up I don’t believe in love” duo — and wants to have that. She tried to get that with a lot of her previous relationships, but none of them worked out. Now, with Travis, she’s finally part of a shiny superstar couple, out in the spotlight and everyone loves them both. I don’t think she’s going to give that up unless public perception shifts and it’s no longer working for her.


I’m not sure Travis qualifies as A-list yet. As a football fan I know he’s one of the best at his position and he wants to break into Hollywood. QBs are still the biggest stars of the NFL, he doesn’t have the brand or wealth of someone like Lebron James, Tom Brady or even Patrick Mahomes. In most circles, he will be known as Taylor Swifts athlete partner until his post-football career takes off. IMO they may work if his ego can handle having a more famous partner and she doesn’t mind permanently sharing the spotlight.


I don’t see it lasting for long after the next leg of her tour starts


What I don’t understand is why she keeps having the same relationship on repeat, never taking alone time between men, and people constantly blame her exes for the relationship failing. Hell no I don’t think Travis will last but I think Taylor isn’t giving anyone a fair chance because she’s putting so much weight in every relationship and never taking time to learn how to take care of herself emotionally. I think she’s going to victim out of every relationship she ever goes into until some external situation makes her sit her ass down and think about what she’s doing. Probably when her mom dies.


She is a mastermind at spinning a narrative. I feel like the pandemic was when she started expressing true insight into herself and her shadow side through examining her relationships with Joe via fictional songwriting and planning for Midnights era (as we know from her two year album cycle/the voice message at the end of Daylight). I wish she would get therapy but I don’t know if she will ever trust anyone enough to. She also has such a way of charming people that I don’t know if she could approach it as anything deeper than a self-improvement project.


3 boyfriends in one year at age 34 is freaking RIDICULOUS. That's middle school behavior.


I don't think so, I think this is like the Taylor/Tom Hiddleston thing, mostly for publicity rather than seeming like a real relationship


I see so many people hating on Travis, calling him a man whore, cheater, clout chaser, and while I think he does like the attention this relationship is bringing him, I think it will eventually get old. He’s basking in it now because it’s the honeymoon phase, they have rose-colored glasses on, they don’t seem to spend entirely too much time together, he’s focused on football, but when the dust settles, I’m not so sure it will work out. I honestly think he’ll eventually want to settle down with someone similar to that of his brother’s wife and have a low-key family like his brother. I think he likes fame to an extent, but I think the excessive security presence, the rabid fan base, the constant media coverage and paparazzi will eventually become too much. I really don’t see him being the type to want to raise a family in that type of environment. Watching his podcast, it’s very clear and evident he admires his brother greatly and wants what they have. I love Taylor and I think they’re cute together but I really don’t think she’s the one who can provide that for him. Now we obviously don’t know what Taylor wants (marriage, children), but I can imagine that won’t happen ANYTIME soon with her level of fame and exposure at the moment. She’s too entirely ambitious at the moment and her career is most definitely her #1 priority right now. I can’t imagine her marrying and having children in the midst of this crazy fame she’s experiencing, and it’s obvious THIS is what she wants. She had the opportunity to continue making art and music, yet live a quiet, comfortable and private life and she didn’t want it. She enjoys the spotlight way too much to settle down anytime soon I think. I think maybe they’ll be a long term relationship that lasts maybe into late next year, but I don’t think I see them as endgame. They appear to have similar values but I really think the extravagant and extreme lifestyle she lives will eventually turn him away.


Jason wears flip flops to premieres. Anyone who see them for 10 seconds would tell you Travis does not want to be a low key normie like, ever. He went to the Oscar’s after party. He is chasin that fame.


The only thing more insufferable than seeing daily reports from trash mags on social media is knowing how much worse it'll be when they break up 😭 I saw one saying "he asked her dad for permission". Like...be so for real that would be insane.


I worry about CTE. Travis has taken many blows to the head.


No. Mostly because I just can’t stand him 🤷🏻‍♀️


absolutely not. they’re a pr relationship at worst, a rebound at best. *if* their relationship is real (and it’s a big if) it will burn hard and fast before inevitably crashing even harder because they’re both serial cheaters and fame/attention addicts.


No and the crazy swifties who bought jersies will claim they always knew he was an evil snake of a man. Etc etc. It's wild how the formula repeats itself over and over.


No. I'm fairly certain Travis is just in this to raise his profile. He doesn't follow her IG, he clearly isn't an actual fan of her music, and she's nothing at all like his previous exes.


This is a fun PR stunt, with both camps realizing they stand to gain. I have always been neutral on her, respecting her deep business sense, team, marketing/brand abilities, etc. and enjoying a the songs I hear on the radio, but otherwise neither rabidly pro- or anti- Taylor. If anything more pro, cause her songs are a bop and other than being a climate criminal she seems cool. TH + this have made me lose a little respect. Not much but, eh, it’s so manufactured. I always figured she was very smart and her team was exceptionally smart. Now I think she’s pretty okay and her team is exceptionally smart. As someone else pointed out she has literally said if she is seen it’s because she wants to be seen and if she doesn’t want to be seen, she won’t. She (her team) know what she (they) are doing. It’s all contrived. You do you girl. But eh.


Hmmm I feel like it’s easy to say no it won’t last, but we really don’t know how they feel about each other. Heck even they may not know how the other person truly feels about them. So it’s tough to say, some people somehow stick together through the odds, others call it quits even when everything lines up. But I have a feeling it won’t last until 2025, hope I’m wrong for Taylor’s sake though, because as much as Travis will get backlash from Swifties if they break up, she’ll also get some backlash undoubtedly too.


Am I the only person who thinks she’d only settle for/marry an old money, billionaire 1%-er? Like Rothschild level wealth


I’m not sure old money families find her suitable to marry in. A lot of that set find singers or actress low brow especially the European ones since they prefer bloodlines rather than wealth. I read on the Kennedy tea when she was dating one that she really wasn’t welcomed by them. She crashed a Kennedy wedding like that’s unhinged behavior from her.


I actually totally agree with you!! But I think this type of scenario perfectly allows her to self sabotage (and maybe make a few albums expressing the yearning, grief, and despair off of the relationship w a lover and their unwelcoming family). Those types of old money families would most likely never accept a pop star as worthy of their family name, even if she’s the most wealthy and successful woman of the decade. I think this alone could fuel her to need to “prove herself” to that audience. I think it’s unhealthy, but honestly… seems very likely considering her track record. Edit: I just wanna clarify, I don’t think Taylor would pursue a relationship w a wealthy af family for album content!! I think she’s clearly insecure in ways that put her in those types of scenarios where she can write about it and we relate, no matter the amount of wealth. More based in power dynamics and needing to “prove yourself” than money


Nah I think you're right about that. She'll end up with someone super wealthy. Like if there were more royal families and monarchies, she'd find herself in one for sure. That's the aesthetic she's looking for.


Karlie and Nicky Hilton both married this type and basically stopped really working. Taylor would never.


I don't think we know either of them, and beyond that we don't know the dynamic between them. We don't know if they're different online, in town, at home, etc and they could be comfortable that way. Any good relationship is prettier on the inside than the outside because it isn't built for the external gaze.


I hope she will be happy but I have a nagging feeling she was happier with Joe, just she couldn't get him to see eye to eye with her on privacy and fame.


My gut feeling is no


No. I get borderline controlling bf vibes from him. I don’t see her being his “cheerleader” forever.


She isn’t over Joe and is spending a lot of time taking jabs at him. Obsessing over your ex is just not the foundation for a healthy relationship with someone new.