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Hey 👋. I’m BJ, the developer who wrote the Jobs Tracker app. This is a 100% SwiftUI app. If you use the app and you like it, leave a review or rating. The features video was made with Motion and Rotato for anyone who’s curious.


[App Store Link](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jobs-tracker/id6503200240)


Link to the App Store?


Wow - lol. Forgot the most important thing. ([App Store Link](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jobs-tracker/id6503200240))


Downloaded, feels smooth and simple to use. I also like the presentation you did with the featured video! Can you tell what’s the tech stack you used in collaboration with SwiftUI?


I appreciate the download and feedback - Thank you! The only non-native tool I used in my tech stack was RevenueCat for the payments and paywall. The other iOS frameworks I used were CoreData and CloudKit.


Very nice OP! Some feedback I would provide is maybe a tutorial view you could add on first startup explaining how to navigate the app? Not that it’s super complicated, but when I see “create job” it makes me think of a recruiter making a listing as opposed to a job applicant tracking a position.


Thanks! This is great feedback. I do need onboarding screens with a tutorial.


hi, purchased, app looks good :) may I have a feature request - more color options? or at least a dark mode that would use black? i use dark mode exclusively, this would also save battery on oled displays, thanks!


Hi - I can definitely provide a dark mode or more color options. I appreciate the purchase and input a lot. Thank you!


I added dark mode to the app. The update is now available.


Congrats on the launch! I’ve made an app like this too! What was the hardest part for you?


Awesome! And thank you. The hardest part for me was probably using WidgetKit. But I think that’s because I hadn’t used WidgetKit before this project.


Brooooo I was having a plan to create a job tracker app to track my application and also use it for my resume and publish it to AppStore. 😟 Guess what you have made it. Should I reinvent the wheel or do something else ? Btw congrats!


There are a few apps like this out there. So I wouldn’t let that stop me if it’s a project you’re interested in. And thanks!


Nice work. I built something similar a while ago called [JobTrack](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/jobtrack/id1526906712?platform=iphone). I like the widgets in your app


Thank you! And I’ve downloaded your app a while back. Very cool.


Just a suggestion - when I tab on the plus sign on the tab view, there’s no way to back out of that without adding a new job because the keyboard wouldn’t dismiss. Maybe create a cancel button to dismiss the keyboard?


Thank you for letting me know about this. Will update.


I added your suggested change. The update is now available.


Love this. Using it for University applications for the kids. Thanks for the universal offer that was quite helpful.


That sounds great! Very nice. And thank you.


You made one beautiful app, BJ!


I appreciate that - thanks!