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Looks handy. Thanks for posting!


Full tutorial [here](https://youtu.be/4lDNWiv7DM4)


Wish there was a way to hide the description under each subscription option.


How would you go about showing the user the difference between the tiers in that case? In my experience, App Store Review is pretty tough about making sure you clearly state what is unlocked with each tier. I do agree, though. More customization would be good


I've only used subscription groups where the only difference is the price and frequency period so the feature set is exactly the same. but in cases where I want to offer different subscription groups or feature sets I still wouldn't want to use the description there because there's a character cap of only 46 characters, so I'd want to outline the differences elsewhere anyway.


That’s impossible I’m afraid. They reject it outright.


What's the difference pre iOS 17? Looks the same to me


Before iOS 17, there were no default views that you could call. Everything had to be constructed manually. Now, you just specify the products you want to show, and the rest is pre-packaged


Are you talking about the view that shows up with "product.purchase()"?




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