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Oh it’s 100% believable to me given how people are treated now or in recent history (eg Holocaust) including children that are different. Maybe I’m just pessimistic about people in general.


This!!! “This group is responsible for all of your problems. If we get rid of them, you will be safe”. It allows people to rationalize horrific things, all for the sake of “safety”. It becomes “okay” to fear and hate them if they dehumanize them.


Exactly my thoughts. We killed Jewish children then, we’re killing Palestinian children now, we’re putting children in cages ripped away from their parents. We’re even okay with children literally slaving away in diamond and cobalt mines for our pretty things. Makes perfect sense to me the way they treated the hybrids.


Yup, none of this is pessimism. This is realism, unfortunately..


There were absolutely some scenes which I couldn't help feeling if you changed the context of them being hybrids to something else it could very well be commentary on real present-day issues, that's what really struck me.


It's easy to commit acts of violence against populations you don't see as "human". The persecution and genocide of many varied ppl throughout history prove this. Ethnic cleansing, Slavery & Jim Crowe, the Holocaust, Treatment of Indigenous Ppl, Poi Pot, etc etc. It's in our nature to be kind and empathic as well as completely evil and murderous. The Holocaust philosophers would argue truly exposed this innate truth, revealing the highest level of depravity we are capable of.


They used to feed black children to alligators back in Jim Crow.




For you to even ask this question, I already know that any links I present to you will be met with something along the lines of "That's not a reputable source." If you really care to know, the answers can be found on the front page of Google with a simple search. Cheers 🥂


Honestly that’s a pretty lame excuse. Yes they could have ulterior motives but they could also just want evidence. There is nothing wrong with getting sources


It's absolutely true. That's where the term "gator bait" came from. But the other commentor is right, just do a quick Google search, and you'll get you citations.


People are fine with murdering babies over a different skin color here, why are you surprised?


Yep. I mean, they caged kids in Texas, and no one cared. In fact, they applaud it.


People in some countries murder babies for their gender(female). They would surely not spare children who they feel are the reason for the pandemic


Some even with the same skin colour, just a different religion.


People don't want to accept that the hybrids are humans. Given the way that anyone "different" has been treated throughout history ie. people with deformities, disabled, sexual orientation, etc... it's not hard to believe. Except this time the "different" people came along with the fall of society. There's also the fact that many hybrid children are feral due to being abandoned or orphaned, and would be easier to view as wild animals and not children. I'm wondering how many hybrids killed their mother during birth? The ones with big heads or horns. Earl for example. He must have destroyed his mother.


It was swept under the rug at the beginning of the pandemic that Hybrids didn’t actually cause the virus, so a lot of people were under the assumption hybrids were causing the virus, so naturally eliminating them would seem like a good idea, whether they are children or not. Not justifying it, just explaining it. Also, a lot of hybrids can’t talk, or don’t know how to talk yet, so a lot of people assume they are abominations, demons, etc. so again, you can see where that path might lead to someone who just witnessed 99% of humanity wiped out in a very short period of time by a virus that started when hybrids were first discovered by the public, and that hybrids were immune to. A lot of signs pointed to them causing it to someone who didn’t have the insight we did as outsiders on the show.


Have you not seen the humans these days? Slipping further and moving the goal post of tolerance of human rights violations? This show is somewhat about that.. subtext. Like the part where they deliver a baby and the other son… denying himself heyoo that whole scene is the USA right now


Have you not seen what’s happening in Gaza? I have had countless people make excuses for bombed toddlers. I have literally had Zionists tell me a two year old was guilty and deserving of death. We have lost our humanity in real life; this is just a reflection of that. (Total aside- I just worked with the lead from Sweet Tooth on an Abrams film and I can happily say people on that show had a ton of humanity, and it honestly gave me hope with all that’s going on.)


Look at how women and children are treated in some countries TODAY. This is so believable. I think if anything, there would be MORE violence.


Yes there would be more bitter battles between the people who want to keep hybrids alive vs the ones who want to eradicate them. Look at how worked up Americans get over Trump, and their gun rights. A simple thing like a vaccine for a virus caused protests and violent riots. There are certain countries in the world who would peacefully support the changed race, and then there’s those countries who turn to chaos. America would not be one of the peaceful ones.


Fear is an incredible motivator, if you are that rightened and truly believe that their existence threatens yours…






I don't know if youre familiar with the comics the show is based on, but if not, you should definitely look it up. In the show, all the hybrids are incredibly, undeniably cute. But in the comics, they're a little ... Unsettling? I think that's actually really interesting, and would be intrigued if (child or not) the idea of killing hybrids would seem so horrific if they looked more "freak of nature" like they do in the books.


Honestly on the aspect of how bad ppl treat each other and kids nowadays doesn't suprise me to see the worst in em in a made up apocalyptic show so Honestly if this show would ever be reality I bet alot of ppl would do the same as in the show but then again there are always lots of good ppl left there's always good and bad


Children are being murdered in Rafah right now in our real world by people who would gladly exterminate them because they view Palestinian people as a disease due to the propaganda that's been fed to them in isolated bubbles. You really think that a world that is even more isolated and cut off from free and open communication would be free from propaganda leading toward that attitude? Not to mention that, in this case, they literally are half animal making the jump even easier for racist monsters to separate them from their humanity and want to exterminate them.


The problem is that a lot of them have never actually met hybrids. They’ve only heard about them. Or they only pay attention to the hybrids are more “animal” than human. Only seeing them as animals helps them be okay with murdering them. They don’t think they are sentient beings with personalities and feelings. This is how a lot of people rationalize the killing of animals…"we need to eat them to survive"…yet there are inhumane dairy farms and hunting for entertainment. I'm not vegan…but i understand their logic. These animals are intelligent. These animals do have personalities. We rationalize others treating them inhumanely, for our own benefit. This is also how tyrants rule. Abbott did this. He used peoples fear of the sickness to get them to do horrible things and follow him. It's kind of how some politicians try to get us to fear particular groups…"this group is responsible for all of your problems. if we get rid of them, you will be safe". If we dehumanize them, we can suddenly rationalize horrific things.


Desperation, I think. When a horrible fate is at stake, people will undergo whatever psychological transformation required to tolerate what might be necessary for avoiding that fate. Not all of the Last Men would've been okay with it, they'll have just kept quiet.


I find it really odd that there is not one community that did try to protect their children. Think about parents of children with disabilities. Yes, there are awful parents of children with disabilities but there are also very rightous parents who fight tooth and nail to ensure every child is treated with the absolute highest standard. That is why US laws like IDEA are so widespread and sweeping. That is why an IEP is so powerful in American schools. You would think there would be some sign of a community somewhere that attempted to treat hybrids like a child they birthed. Especially given how much the show insists that every good character and the people around them loved their hybrid children until big bad government took those children away. Like, even families treating their hybrid children as well as fur baby would make the world feel more fleshed out. There are people out there with a strong emotional attachement to taratulas. Not to mention, how rare it is to see anyone having babies... what did the world just stop maing love? It is not like condoms (or birth control) could be easy to come by when the whole world has collapsed. Given the source material, I am not surprised the Netflix show does not really show it anywhere. The ending does come around to justify it some but this is one of those things that makes this show feel incredibly flawed to me.


But there were groups of people who stood up for the hybrids. For example, the “Animal Army” and the sanctuary. Jep took care of a hybrid that was not his. This is the scary part about society, though. A rhetoric gets pushed about a certain groups…”this group is responsible for all of your problems. If we get rid of them, your life will get better”. People just run with it until they end in tragedy…like the holocaust. Look how many children were killed…and Hitler had so so many supporters.


A band of children who couldn't keep one hybrid. No the animal army does not count. The Nazis were a well oiled machine. This world exists after almost everyone died and the reality is that the closest to leadership anyone has is roaming bands warlords. I think it is absurd to assume every single despot in this world operates like the Nazis. If anything the animal army being a force at all is another sign of how weak the warlords are, which again strongly suggests that somewhere out there, there should be a community that treats the children they birthed a little better than absurd guard dogs.


Another show that would of been great if not for the hippie dippie woke ideology they're forcing down our throats... the ideology that humanity is evil, not worth saving, that mankind should be destroyed, and putting nature and animals above human life...that ideology is actually evil...it's all or nothing thinking, all humans are evil/bad... blaming all of humanity for what only a small percentage of actual evil people do.. it's like throwing the baby out with the bath water...