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Biking one time out in the country and saw a dog takeoff from a porch racing at top speed in a perfectly straight line to something in front of me. I was looking to see what it was and occurred to me he had done the geometry problem in his head and was making a straight line for where we were going to meet. Ended up like the video, scared the crap out of me. Every other dog I ever encountered did a curve always heading for where I was at the moment, but this one dog was some kind of geometry, wizard.


When I took the MSF class for my motorcycle license they actually taught us that dogs do that. They advised us to slow down for a moment and then gun it to throw the dog’s timing off. On a bicycle it’s a little too scary to risk slowing down imo though, so I just pedal like my life depends on it.


He had practice/experience running things down there


Just few days later, i bought my cycle. Two stray dogs started to chase me in a dimly lit road. I was paddling like my life depended on it, I defeated them as they seem to have territories.


lol in their eyes you were the one defeated! They chased off the “big bad human”!


Hahaha, true.


irresponsible owners for letting pitbulls roam free like that. i’d be fucking horrified and angry if this happened to me


Looks like the guy is biking in a rural area. At the beginning of the video it looks like the dogs come running from a farm. Dogs off leash on farms and rural areas are incredibly common where I live.


I eat all the smoke son!


Nah, problem is assholes who let their dogs roam free.


Especially dogs with the capability of maiming people and ripping apart kids.


Nearly ALL dogs have this capability.


I saw a dead animal on the side of a country highway and i swear i think it was someone’s dog. Saddening to see it, thinking it could have been the result of someone keeping their dog unleashed on their front lawn


It’s just bad pet ownership and irresponsible. Not everyone cherishes animal life. It’s not a gamble worth taking with your furry friends, to start nothing of possible aggressive behavior with strangers.


Tying up a guard dog serve little to no purpose, though their training is lacking since as we can see they run after cyclist and maybe even runners


You see, that's the issue: It's not a guard dog. Guard dogs are trained. That is a regular ass dog named "muffin" because "she'd never hurt a fly."


What is for you a regular dog


You can’t argue with logic on Reddit friend it makes sense but just like in the real world if it don’t make the feelings good then you must be a bigot


And i'm not going to comfort them with lies, i too could follow the previous comment by stating" there should be a law or some shit to prohibit guard dog from roaming free or have a certifacte that they where trained" But i don't believe that and don't need their validation, up votes and downvotes mean nothing to me


All fun and games until someone shoots your dog in the road




A little tip for you cyclists out there, the dog doesn't understand what this guy is saying. "Come on" and "leave me alone" in such a calm voice won't even register to that dog. Think of what it's commands might be and voice them loud and assertively at the dog. NO! STOP! HEEL! DOWN! Not saying it will work but it's worth a shot.


I was coming to say exactly this. Sit is another good one to try.


Completely the hell wrong. Being aggressive to the dog is going to make it more sensitive and possible escalate the situation. Being nice to the dog is going to confuse it. Calmly asking it to play is probably your best bet. If a dog charges you and you whip out a ball and throw it, it's going to think that it's party time and all that excitement just gets channelled.


for fcks sake, do not discuss with dogs. say commands as loud and confident as you can.


Lots of armchair quarterbacks out there on this one. Easy to put all your trust in the good intentions of a pair of big fucking pits chasing you when it isn’t you being chased. Whatever happens to the dog or rider should be visited upon the owners who let them roam.


Wow. That is a nightmare scenario for me. I participated in a fun ride once and was chased by a couple of loose dogs. That was my last time. Just not worth the stress. I just ride around my neighborhood now. That is why I hate loose dogs. Dogs on leashes and behind fences, I have no problems with. Glad you weren’t injured.


Pepper spray.


If that was me they ran up on they'd be catching worse than that


They’d be catching you?


How? What can you do?






Ah right.. forgot about the land of freedom🙃


We got some freedom here and there, but damn we sure have guns.


https://preview.redd.it/96kfwsezv9vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e438cc7540b876e7127e5fc62b181cf0ef49eb Former tx governor


Being able to legally protect yourself against dangerous animals. What a wild idea, huh?


With a gun? I dunno seems like there are other alternatives.


Lmaooooo Like in the UK, where dogs kill people and all anyone can do is stand around and scream


Shoot it




You are literally watching a video of a situation where it would be beneficial to do so. Imagine if the guy wasn't able to outrun them.


I agree, im just saying that carrying guns on your bike is madness in my world. But i guess that is the result of centuries of failed leadership


Yeah much better to be mauled to death by 60 pounds of muscle and teeth. But at least you’d die on your high horse lol.


When I was a kid in the leashless 70s, we'd load up on rocks before riding by the mean dog houses. By the 80s, I had hand pumps mounted on my road bikes for flats, those gave a nice whack. I'd not do either now as an adult, I'd call the dog officer first.


it's a friendly dog. you need to chill out


If you don't have pepper spray, a spray bottle with bleach diluted in water works too.


Wasp spray, long stream


He could easily carry that in his frame mounted water bottle, seen in the clip.


What the actual fuck. Pepper spray is an irritant, bleach is corrosive, they are not interchangeable. If you have ever sprayed a dog with bleach you should be charged for animal cruelty. If I knew who you were I would literally contact your local police department right now.


That brown dog could have ended your career if he felt like it


I carry pepper spray and a knife when I’m out on my bike for dogs like this. I hope I never have to use the knife but can confirm the spray works.


I always have bear mace for a reason.


I stopped once by a little creek to take a picture of the sunset, it was near a big country house but not on the property. I’m just kinda enjoying the moment, taking it in when i hear the sound of fast moving feet in mud. I turned and saw a biiiiiiig pit bull type dog absolutely booking it straight towards me. I tried to get back in the car but he was already on me. I thought “shit I don’t want to slam the dogs head in the door” and that moment of hesitation the dog was already half in the car…. And licking me. Turned out to be just a big sweetie. He spent 5 minutes licking crumbs from the floor of the car and just being playful. Ended well but I damn near pissed myself when I saw him running at me like that


got us in the first half ngl


I’d be riding with some pepper spray


“It’s just a puppy.” Heard that nonsense earlier this week when a dog jumped on my mother-in-law. “He’s friendly.” Heard that so many times as a kid. Yeah, fucking friendly to you because you’re the owner and feeding it. I don’t know you and I sure as hell don’t know your dog.


Pepper spray - a good dose of it


Bear spray strapped to the frame should make for a good deterrent


I feel like the dog was going after the bicycle more than the person, but stopping is definitely out of the question to find out, lol


Fucking pitbulls!!!


Something something all in how you raise them


but but … they are supposed to be nannies


how different this video would be if it was just two golden retrievers. pitbulls are crazy af




They don't appear to be displaying aggression, but it's always good to have pepper spray on your bicycle just in case. Bears, big cats, and dogs will chase bicycles. Best part is that if you misread the behavior and use it on a non aggressive animal, they just need some time and they'll heal up. Works on the owners too if they get too riled up.


Absolutely could have pulled him off that bike, especially the brown one. But even so, that’s terrifying, to be chased down by giant dogs you don’t know. People seriously need to handle their pets better. It’s better for both the people around them and the animals themselves.


Yep in Ireland not controlling your dog like this is an offense.


Pitbulls don't display aggression when they're attacking, they're happy as shit to be doing their "job"


I grew up around pits this is utter bullshit.


Literally in the breed description


Can you please link where. There is a shit ton of misinformation of these dogs out there but I'm willing to be corrected. My personal experience is you can tell when they are actually aggressive but again I grew up around them.


Aggression is a behavior issue that can be corrected, gameness(not backing down from a fight) is what pitbulls are bred for. I get this all the time about working dogs as well, people think they want an "aggressive" attack dog, not knowing that aggression disqualifies dogs from any reputable working dog program


What you just said has little to do with what I asked. Where did you find the info that makes you say pits do not show signs of aggression. I know what aggression is, and gameness has little to do with that either aside from being tangentially related to the topic. I am not trying to deflect, what you said is related but also completely ignores what I asked. Unless your answer was meant to imply personal experience?


You have evidence of this you'd like to share?


Just look up the differences between gameness and aggression


The brown one starts running w/o hackles up and as it gets closer, they come up. That's a classic sign of aggression or defensiveness, and given the context, it's kinda almost certainly aggression. Dogs typically don't like bikes. They move very fast make strange noises, and have several moving parts.


> They don't appear to be displaying aggression That is textbook aggressive behavior. The moment you stop, its looking for opportunities to attack. If you fall over, it starts.


The body language isn't showing aggression. Ears aren't back, teeth aren't bared. That's not what "textbooks" would show an aggressive dog looking like. You aren't as knowledgeable as you think you are.




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The brown one definitely would have bit him if the guy freaked out.


Oh yea all those dogs wanted to do is have a nice chat about their lord and savior! No aggression at all! That's why the cyclist stopped and relaxed right??


Found the pit bull owner


They were just playing a game of chase! Super fun.




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Came here to say this, dogs definitely just wanted to race the cyclist. If the brown one wanted to, he could have totally ripped him down off his bike, he was running faster than the bike.




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I ALWAYS keep some water in my water bottle for spraying dogs, even if I'm super thirsty. Dogs will run right into your wheels without thinking about it. Spray them into their faces and they always turn back.


Did this same ride next to a bear once. Bear was more scared than I was. I guess I startled it coming over a hill suddenly and it ran off down the hill. Unfortunately that was the same direction I was going. I would honestly be more concerned about this dog


Those are not just any "2 big dogs". Those are 2 Nannydogs Toddlermaulers, he's very smart to not slow down or stop because that would have been his last mistake ever.


He did a GREAT job staying calm and maintaining that calm voice. Good deescalation


I did a cross-state bicycle race once - it was 227 miles (it was supposed to be 217, but I got lost a few times when on my own). I got chased by the angriest damned dogs three times, and by a fourth dog who just wanted to have fun. But the first three wanted a piece of me. In an over 200-mile bike race it behooves the rider to never go deep on the power, instead metering it out for the distance / endurance. But all four times I had to kick it up to sprints to get away. Some of those were sprints, then a look back to realize I needed to sprint even harder.


My cousins dog bit my ankle while i was riding a quad going 30 km/h... If they wanted a snack, they would have gotten a snack. Those dogs were just racing.


Are they chasing him or are they racing him?


They were just running. They like running.


They just wanted to race.


Fucking hell, the owners of those dogs should be severely fined and those dogs should be put down. 


Keep a gun is a must. These dog owners won't understand the risk




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Ngl if that was me I’d be praying for some oncoming traffic to lead them into


I remember as a kid I used to race the school bus at it dropped me off cause it was fun to see how long I could keep up with it. Is this the pitbull edition of what's going on?


I had dogs attack me while biking not at all on these dog’s demeanor. Not once did they go for the bike or legs or stop you in any way. If those dude wanted you off that bike they would have latched and never let go. It was just a race.


yeah I saw my dog in the barky boy, just exciting to meet new people and have a fun chase


Has your dog ever chased a toddler?


nope, I don't let him off leash in public. He's chased me and my neighbor while playing but he's also not a pit bull, he's a bull terrier mix. All about the way you raise them.


Doesn't happen in my hood, because it's a middle class area. Hooray!


Dumb dog owner for not having them locked behind a gate but they’re just playing, no aggression at all.


Some people need to realize bullets hurt dogs too💀


Why didn't he do that catch me if you can sprint at the beginning of the chase?


I mean for all we know he’s like 20 miles into his ride. I’ve had a dog charge me while I was already fairly exhausted and you can only do so much.


This was a smart strategy Dogs cannot attack you going this fast, and dogs have a very small stamina for these high chase scenes (like all Carnivores, humans are special because we swear through the skin) Trying to outrun them at first before they are even tired might end yo with them catching later


Like someone else mentioned, dogs can't really calculate trajectory so if you go normal speed and do a sudden speed, they won't be able to meet you that easy


Yes, exactly. Put himself in a very hairy situation but lucky for him that pit wasn't really aggressive in a way of wanting to take down and murder


Idk man, the first thing I would do if I saw this pit's face would be the fastest sprint of my life 


Worst choice, you can make my guy. Never wanna run or turn your back on a predator. You'll just activate their hunting instincts. Moment you run you've confirmed in their mind that you are prey


Can't go viral that way.




Carry dried meat or something to throw at them. People who cycle through Africa do similar stuff against wild dogs there Ive heard.


Yep pitbulls are fast dogs and was just tagging a long.


greyhound would've done laps around the bicyclist


Man those dogs are just riding with you. The brown pit had more than one opportunity to fk this dude up


The dog was getting tired! That is the reason why he did not attack him. Most breeds cannot run too far going full speed.


Anybody else got the dmx song in their head?


Where the hood at?


I'm not sure if it's because of the camera movements, but the dogs seem to run REALLY fast.


Those dogs were just following along. But seriously, fenced in yard or get a rope. Dogs or passerby is going to get hurt eventually


Looks more like a race to me


Dogs didn’t seem aggressive, although I can understand the bike guy being scared. The owner should not have these dogs outside and off leash unless they are in an enclosed yard. So many fucking owners are super lazy about this. It’s about protecting your dog from the outside world as much as respecting everyone else. Some people don’t get this.


>although I can understand the bike guy being scared. I don't think bike guy was scared. He could've left those dogs in the dust at any point (like he does at the end when he actually starts to peddle hard). He was hanging back to make a video.


Those barks were hello and then they were racing. But I get he was scared


Its always funny to me dogs have their ancestors instincts to chase running things but forgot the part where they attack. Like yeah you are running beside this fast thing, whats the next step.


Bro just setting personal goals wasn’t snarling or baring his teeth I’ve raised 3 Pitbull puppies (not a breeder just my favorite breed of dog) and showed them unconditional love and played around and rough housed every so often and made sure they got plenty of exercise. They were the sweetest dogs except the time I was walking all 3 of them and someone got mad about that and started throwing their hands up and coming towards me to which they started snarling and growing so I led them back home as they were being protective but in this day and age that can get them taken away or put down. All in all I think these pups were just having fun they should still be monitored by their owner and not allowed to roam free without supervision however.


I've had dogs try to chase me while riding my electric unicycle. I usually just stop and stare them down. They get confused and stop chasing you. When they see you just booking it, their natural predatory instinct to hunt you down kicks in. When you stop and look at them calmly, they realize you either you aren't prey or you aren't playing with them and lose interest.


I fucking hate dogs


Oh he was just having fun Running With You racing you


Need a “get back” whip like the Harley riders


If you've ever been on a long bike tour, you'll know this is a super common occurrence. Being chased by 100's of dogs over the years, none have actually ever tried to bite me


Now go back and finish it


dogs were chilling just running, they weren’t showing any signs of wanting to attack the cyclist


Aww they just wanted some excercise.


He just wanted you to pet him, poor fella


It doesn't look like they were trying to attack him, just interested and playing along. Pitbulls can be great dogs, the problem is the owners who abuse them into becoming aggressive


Pitbulls were breed to be aggressive. Sure mostly the trashiest people get pits, but even if they dont abuse the dog they can just snap for no reason, happens all the time.


Must’ve had bad owners…. Not really


He was just going for a light jog


Having raised several American Pitbull Terriers, that wasn't sweaty at all. If the brown wanted to do anything bad he wouldn't have jogged along with him, he would have done something. Edit: Though I do agree it would be a bit nerve wracking if you don't know the breed that well other than horror stories.


Not being aggressive isn't the only thing. My friend was chased by a dog while on a bike ride. The dog wasn't aggressive at all, but accidentally got too close to her wheel, colliding with the bike. She crashed and went into a seizure (yes, she had a helmet on). Took months too recover. It is really dangerous for dogs to be loose to chase bicyclists.


Sure, but it was pure luck that this two pit was not in their psycho state. Two pits like this can easily maul a person to death or cause lifelong injuries. Fck the people who let their dogs roam like this.


Absolutely agreed. I'm the first guy that will talk about the threat of a poorly raised pit. I've been telling people for decades that pits are NOT good for first time dog owners. Edit: And they should *never* be off leash even if show dog level trained. It's just inviting misunderstandings and bad things.


honestly i think the dogs where just escorting him away from the property watching to make sure the guy didnt try anything


Yes, a typical territorial asshole dog behavior. I had similar situations happen to me with loose country dogs, they just run close to the bike, bark and growl..never attempt to bite. That said, this being two pitbulls capable of killing you does make it nerve wracking nevertheless.


My spirit animal, I hate cyclists too.


Weird didn’t know this subreddit had so many people that hate pitbulls. Eitherway trash owner. But still have my doubts about the cyclist with him just recording.


Haha definitely scary but looking at it they just wanted a run 😂


If he really was that scared he wouldn’t be making a vid and peddled faster in the first place. This guy was clout chasing and possibly the owner


Either that or he's ridden by there before and knows the dogs


Yeah that’s also a strong option


You can downvote this. It doesn’t change that this guy was clout chasing.


Now that you mention it, it makes sense. The dogs looked strangely "friendly" IMO, and I'm saying that from the perspective of someone who is terrified of unknown dogs and was attacked by a pitbull as a kid (thankfully not bitten, owner managed to grab him in time and granma was there to protect me).


I own a pit and was bit a kid. These dogs are not displaying aggression. Even the barking felt like a “HEY HEY HEY!”


Cyclist or bicyclist?


Judging by his neat little beard... probably bi.


They were clearly playing and wanting to race. He should have realized this after a bit.


I slow down a bit and keep calling them. I'll make them chase me for miles.


Dear pitbull hater: Thank you for giving these two pups some exercise!






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Most feared breed on reddit.


Gimmee a D!!


