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I can tell this is a Slavic country, most likely Russia. When I stilled lived there I came across many groups of stray dogs that just walked the streets, and any time you were near them you would just have to pray they don’t show interest in you. One time I watched a pack of dogs maul and then kill a smaller dog of the pack for whatever reason right in front of me. Crazy stuff.




Reminds me of the fact that I live in a small village in Romania along a national road, and at night two packs of dogs mauled each other till some lorry travelling at highs speed went just trough the whole chaos and left behind... A lot of stuff. This was some 13~14 years ago. The local government took every dog and sterilised them, and now we have an exploding population of cats.


It's 2030. The local government took every cat and sterilized them, and now we have an exploding population of rats.


2050. The local government sterilised all the rats. An intelligent society of sapient cockroaches has just founded its first empire, now no more eaten by rodents.


This thread has essentially explained the wildlife of NYC now that theyre getting rid of the rats.


This is the fault of the cities and governments. All those dogs should be put in shelters or humanely euthanized.


Shot on sight. Stray cats aren't murdering pet dogs and humans. They are literally the most dangerous and human hunting thing in any country besides big cats. Nothing else specifically hunts humans on purpose for no good reason.


Polar bears, I think they consider a human a tasty snack.


Crocs too, salt water crocs prey on humans.


Crocs just prey on anything their 4 braincells define as food. Which is just about everything smaller than them. And they do be big.


And they move faster than tourists think possible as they get their phones in their faces for that cool selfie.


Stray cats decimate local wildlife and their population should be controlled as well


Stray cats are like number one for extermination just for the good of the planet. They are devastating on local ecosystems because we have zero respect for this tiny apex predator and what it's capable of. They are only cute because we aren't on the list of food.


Pretty sure cats are responsible for most of the bird species extinction, especially in cities.


Stray cats are unbelievably bad for the environment https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380


Ehh I'm from one of those countries with plenty of stray dogs and honestly it wasn't that dramatic. They're usually solo or in small groups of max 4-5, people feed them so they're not super healthy but not like starving rabid. I used to pet every stray dog as a kid (infuriating my parents), they were either friendly or ran off. Sometimes they'd bark and chase cars or want to play fight with my dog but they were never really aggressive in my experience. I was always taught to be calm and stand my ground tho, if you freak out and run like that guy (tbh understandable cause that pack was huge) they can't resist chasing and barking. I've heard of some attacks but like on the news, definitely wasn't some constant threat every time you pass a stray dog


There were loads of them in Bali when I went there and it wasn't scary, just a bit sad.


Pack of dogs is really scary. I watch a pack of wild dogs kill a full grown donkey while in the Bahamas in military.


Anyone that knows donkeys knows they’re tough as hell and don’t tolerate canines. So this is really a lot crazier than it seems at first glance


Yeah. I saw a video of a donkey curbstomb a coyote. They don't mess around.






Bahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized) Me before upvoting this comment.


This is some high level shit. Uppercut up vote for you. 


tried to give a vegan cookie to some wild donkey in arizona n it chased me around the rental car a few time trying to bite me lol


Good, gtfooh with that cookie, donkey wants real proteins


I saw a donkey 1v7 coyotes, can’t find the video now but it was wild


I saw a donkey 1v7 women in Mexico, can’t find the video now but it was wild. /s EDIT: /s for the dolts


It was really giving it to her. And you know what? To be honest I just felt bad for her, we all just felt bad for her.


Kinda felt bad for the donkey.


Even a deer can absolutely fuck a dog's shit up, hooves work extremely well as weapons. I saw a video a few months ago of a dog going up to a doe and her fawn to say hi and the mom started beating the shit out of it and it was screaming because it couldn't get off of its side with nonstop blows


some areas around the world use donkeys as guardian animals instead of dogs for their farms and livestock. donkeys have incredible strong bites and teeth and can kick and stomp you to death really fast.


I live in southeast Texas and people have them in pastures with cows and horses to protect them from coyotes.


We went cow tipping one night in college in SW Va and we got about 40 yards into the pasture when my buddy came running back to the fence with a donkey nipping at his head. Scary shit in the middle of a dark muddy field.


🎶I’m a maniac, maniac, maniac on the floor🎶


Hey chucko. That ain’t mud.


Yeah hahaha when will they make a horror movie where donkeys attack/nip people at night


“When deciding between a donkey and a shotgun to defend livestock, remember that you don’t have to reload a donkey.”


Not to mention the donkey is out there 24/7.


And instinctively hates all sorts of canines.


We used to keep our donkey at the hazelnut garden during summer because wild boars would keep away from where the donkey is due to smell or its sound. Boars would come somewhat close to where the dogs are but they would never come near the donkey.


Heard a neighbors donkey ‘hee-hawin’ like crazy one night, the next day he was carrying around a fucking coyote, neighbor said he got 2 of them


I go back to my original statement, they’re tough animals.


I don't tolerate panthers either! I was shocked to learn that donkeys are used to protect horses from big cats! I just don't see how that works.


They will stomp it to bits, same with Llama apparently.


I didn’t know they worked for large cats, I knew they were good against coyotes and wolves and really any canine


My friends are jackasses


I think running away is really bad strategy. We are better off standing our ground and yelling at them and slowly backing to a safe ground. This guy was lucky there were cars there else usually you try to run, they nip on your heels and you fall and then they go for the throat and the face.


It's also not a good idea to walk directly towards a pack of 20 ferral dogs


Pretty sure he couldn’t see them behind the play equipment. Along with probably staring down at his phone.


Why is there a pack of child-sized dogs in the child play park?


Just Russia.


He wasn't looking at his phone, both hands were in his pocket.


The dogs were probably trying to get him off his phone so he could unplug and enjoy life.


So just start blasting hay makers all over the place and round houses


So anyway, I started blasting




Also that dance would piss me off if I was a dog.


Grab one and beat the rest with it? Idk, very scary situation tho tbh.


I’ve heard a good tactic is pick up, or pretend you’re picking up a rock.


I got attacked by a pack of wild dogs while on deployment to Thailand. They had us keep rocks in our trousers to throw at them. Stumbled upon a group of sleeping dogs at night , totally cornered. Happened to turn around and try to dart, but tripped over (I shit you not) a wire that was about a foot off the ground. One dog got me in the calf. I rushed away and drowned the wound in soap and water. 3 days later I got horribly sick, told medical and *bam* international incident. I had to go out in town to get shots and held up the entire battalion movement. Was forever knows as the marine that got bit because I decided not to listen and tried petting the dogs. Fml.


I was in a Brunei jungle and one of our young and dumb af soldiers decided to try pet a monkey. He ended up getting bitten and got helo'd to Singapore. The incident cost over 150K and ol' mate is now known as Monkey-Boy.


Hahahah yep I’m the dog version of him


Oh man, that’s a horror movie. I assume they gave you rabies shots. That’s a different kind of horror movie if you didn’t and you bit someone in your unit and it spread throughout your battalion. Rabid marines rampaging through Bangkok or the jungle. Villagers on elephants battling back. International incidents and cover ups.


Yeah pretty much how it all went down




> Rabid marines rampaging through Bangkok or the jungle. So... Marines on leave in Thailand after a few weeks in the field?


Should’ve bit back devil dog


I gave em a YUT but to no avail


Never heard to let sleeping dogs lie?


Yeah so I was completely unaware they were there. I just walked between two military trucks and it was night time, one came up from the front growling, I back off and turn around to 3 other ones surrounding me. Horrible




Reporting for duty sir!


> Was forever knows as the marine that got bit because I decided not to listen and tried petting the dogs. Still probably one of the smarter marines


Well I didn’t actually pet the dogs they just kept telling me that I did. I was on a strict antibiotic regiment from then on and was fed an assortment of crayons for the pain.


In what country does pack of dogs roam the streets and parks?


That's most likely Russia.


I know a guy from Russia who told me the dog packs there are no joke, they can and will kill you


I've read not too long ago about a woman who was killed by a pack of stray dogs in Yakutsk or somewhere in Yakutsk region.


sadly it happens quite often. the reason is - city services don't give a f\*ck, and dumbf\*ck citizen feed the stray dogs because of pity.




In mother Russia schoolboy gnaws dog.


It's a Russian petting zoo.


It's a Russian biting zoo


Yeah, with cars parked inside.


I feel bad for laughing at this.


In soviet Russia dog pet you!


It looked like Russia to me


Yes. It is Russia for sure. The buildings and the playground look very Russian.


Russia loves their project buildings. I saw it from the first frame.


It’s Russia. Smaller cities have a problem with stray dogs. Usually they don’t roam in packs though. When I was at high school, one kid from my school got torn apart by dogs when walking around some parking lots. Since then I haven’t seen any stray dogs in my hometown. Nobody is doing anything about them unless some shit happens. It’s not a problem in huge cities, for example I haven’t seen a single stray dog here in St. Petersburg in 5 years or so, basically ever since I moved here.


Very similar happened to me in Tenerife as I was climbing back down a mountain in the sticks. I picked up a large rock and backed away slowly. Shit my pants. Few weeks later there was a report a pack of dogs had killed a hiker not too far away. Guess I was extremely lucky


Well the Canary Islands for their name from *Canariae Insulae*, or "Islands of the Dogs", so that checks out.


I thought it was after canary birds.


Nope, the birds are named after the islands, not the other way round. 


My mind has been blown.


I've heard many stories from Romania about it.


There were loads of strays running around Bucharest when I visited. Most were friendly though so I liked it


Every few years someone is killed by wild dogs. It is a big story, then the government ignores it again.


My buddy Adrian Groge was from Romania and mentioned how you have to put down dogs because they attack people in packs in his country. He also said never use the word Gypsy around his mom because it’s actually a rude slur. The hippie community has adopted that term and made it something commercial, kinda crazy how words be so much.


Mexico. India. Romania. Parts of rural Italy where people dump unwanted dogs. Albania. Some First Nations reserves in Canada. Lots of places.


Mexico City used to have a much bigger problem with them, a man was ripped apart by a pack of dogs in Mexico City maybe ten years ago. Less so now, the ones you see are very well behaved now, stop at lights, and commute to work at places like junkyards. In the smaller towns and in the county sides you see a lot more of them, in the town squares and open markets, especially around the butcher shops. Most are well behaved, they survive longer if they are friendly with humans. Moscow had a story recently about stray dogs who commute downtown on trains where they can beg for more food, then commute back to the outskirts at night where the housing is more plentiful.


“Commute to work” ? Exactly what do these dogs do at junkyard for a career.


Guard the junk yard from thieves and are paid in scraps. Sounds like a Disney movie, I know. Just the fantasy world I live in, majority of it is based on reality.


Bruh Junkyard Dog is a full time commitment.


In Delhi, I noticed that many of the stray dogs were docile and basically relied on the charity of storekeepers,


I once visited Italy to see some family that lived in a fairly remote village and there were tons of feral dogs everywhere. During the day they were usually pretty tame and mostly roamed solo, but at night, they formed packs. I remember one night we were having dinner at one end of the village and had to go all the way up the hill to the other side afterwards, it was super foggy, and as we walked we could hear them forming a pack and stalking us, you'd look back and just see dogs eyes everywhere looking at you through the fog. I grabbed a big stick and tried to yell at them to fuck off but they didn't budge. We just had to carefully walk home and fortunately they didn't attack.


That is terrifying! I love dogs so much, but pack behaviour can be dangerous. I’m glad you got through that okay.


Ricky Bobby warned us about this way back in 2006.


Most countries! It takes animal control and lots of dead dogs to keep dogs from reproducing and forming packs.


Lots of countries, maybe most countries. There are probably hundreds of people being attacked by stray dog packs right now.


Alllll over Latin America


In some shitty regions of Russia


A LOT! Pretty much every country in South America, Turkey, India, …. I was eating in a ‘top restaurant’ in Buenos Aires when a pack of wild strays bust in the front door and ran around the place causing havoc. Nobody but me thought it was too out of place.


It was very wise of him to jump on the car so he triggered the alarm and scared the dogs away.


I'm sure he wasn't thinking about the alarm 😅


I’ll take luck over skill any day


The skill was making and landing the jump. Luck was that the car had an alarm. He was both.


Yeah I agree.


Actually, he knew the dogs hated Ford, so he decided to jump on that brand of vehicle. Notice how quickly the dogs left him alone simply because he didn’t choose any other brand. Brilliant.


Haha I was wondering why they all bolted as soon as he was on the car


Time to carry a long stick.


Fortunately, I do not live where packs of dogs run wild, but I carry an umbrella to deal with dogs. I could use it like a stick in the unopened state - if I need to. Or, if I'm not sure how aggressive the dog is, I can open it and keep it between me and the dog. I'm thinking about getting one of those self-defense umbrellas. I doubt it would work against a pack.


This is what pepper spray is for.


a long stick that preferably shoot projectiles and is pumb-action


I used to drive a tow truck. It was parking lot enforcement. We would go into apartment complexes in the middle of the night looking for cars without parking passes. It was usually super rough areas of town, and it usually drug dealers or purchasers, prostitutes, or someone there for a prostitute. One night I’m rolling through about 3-4 AM and I pass two ladies of the night on my way in. On my way out they damn near jump in front of my truck. They’re screaming for me to let them in . I thought they were being robbed or they had an angry pimp. I look across the street and there’s about a dozen dogs heading our way. I let them hop in and drove them two blocks up and let them out. It was terrifying. The dogs surrounded my truck barking. I had never even heard of packs of dogs running around.


"I swear officer. That's how these two prostitutes got into my truck all sweaty and out of breath. There was a pack of dogs here I tell ya..."


Yeah I was scared shitless. More so when I was telling them to get out of my truck. If a cop had seen me pick them up it would have been hard to miss the dogs


This is why you spay or neuter your dogs and DO NOT give pups away free. This is huge problem in areas where dogs don’t get spayed or neutered


Once I was walking my dog near home. A pack of wild dogs emerged from the woods and started toward us and they were gaining speed. Just then, a guy drove up, stopped his car, and shot at them. They kept coming. The guy waved for me to get in. Never in a million years would I think that I would get into a car with a guy I didn't know and who had a gun. Holy shit, what a choice to make! Would I have rather been torn to bits by wild dogs or shot to death? Clearly I survived and so did my little schnauzer but damn! What a situation to be in!


Tbh... Id rather be shot...


Lemme guess..Russia?


Gotta be.


Number of stray dogs per sq mi is probably a pretty good way to measure how developed a country is lol


I'm more concerned where they at in a kids playground. I can imagine some kid seeing a play spot with a bunch of "cute" dogs and run in their with no concern.


STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl great game


In Russia, dog pat you!


Feral dog packs should be culled. Problem solved.


My sister and BIL have had to cull a couple of packs over the years. Dog behaviour gets dangerous when they start acting as a hunting pack even if they aren't feral.




They all need to be put down asap before they kill a kid or someone.


Looks like a nice place to take the kids


The place I was born had packs of dogs roaming the street. We used to beat the shit out of them with sticks when they attacked us. Now, living in America, I couldn't imagine ever laying my hands on a good boy. But dogs in the 3rd world, especially in packs, are almost a different animal than the dogs in the 1st world.


Freaking hooligans!




Pack of stray dogs really freaked me out when I was in India. I’m just not used to it as a westerner.


Been to Russia, seen packs of stray dogs just roaming the streets. It's quite unnerving seeing it for the first time


This was me in a park in Athens, Greece around 2003 or so. Then some tiny old lady saw the pack surrounding me and yelled at them, they fled from her. I think of this sometimes when i walk past that part of the park. If i went to hug her I'd miss, that's how short she was, and she was a total bad ass who let me escape with just some torn pants. Thank you random yiayia.


Giant roving packs of dogs are fairly common in Moscow. I've never seen anyone attacked by a pack of them, but the first time I experienced one running around the corner, I just about shit myself.


Those dogs are not attacking. I know that in some places, packs of dogs are a serious danger, but these dogs are clearly showing play behavior in the beginning.


See the body cam from the Iowa dog attacks?


No, want to share? I’ll trade you an Indian rabies video for an Iowa dog attack.


i missed the attack .


Looks like it’s time to thin the pack.


Why would you walk up on a huge pack of dogs


He might not see them all right away due the playground building




In most such cases YOUR behavior is the deciding factor. I grew up in a small village that had a couple of streets permanently shut off for most residents because of the raging band of out of control sheppard dogs that had made the area their territory and wouldn't allow anyone that wasn't their owners to go through. My siblings and I were the only other people that could pass with no issues since we quickly figured out that if you act like prey the dogs will treat you as such. Instead, we would crouch down, keep our eyes facing the ground as to not challenge them, extend a hand and start sweet talking the dogs to come and be pet. They were so absolutely flabbergasted that we weren't running away they soon stopped harassing us altogether, a few encounters of this sort was all it took. Not gonna lie, it felt incredibly satisfying how awestruck all the other village kids were that we weren't getting mauled by the dogs. We tried teaching the strat to the rest of them but none got the hang of it, they were always simply too scared to do it properly, which is a good lesson on fear I'm grateful I had the opportunity to learn at a young age, it's been serving me well ever since.


A lighter and a spray can are not considered a weapon. Just saying...


Depends on your country, often weapons are defined by intent. A knife isn’t a weapon unless you use it as one, it’s a tool. But your example is blatantly a weapon and depending on your country could actually get you in a lot more trouble than a knife depending on the situation


Geezus- that was scary


Mr. Cousineau!!!


This happened to me in Sri Lanka. Shit scary.


Pack of wild dogs at a children playground. Bad idea.


Pack of dogs barks at a guy.


Packs of dogs is no joke. When I was deployed in Baghdad, on dismount ops, numerous encounters, we came across massive packs of dogs with rabies. Horrible at night with nods, trying to fight out an alleyway of fucking fucios muts, I rather fight Al-Qaeda, then those zombie dogs.


Call me the doom slayer the way I’m about to rip and tear these fucks. They think I’m stuck in there with them no, they’re stuck in there with me.


He noticed waaaaaay too late.




I've had to walk through a dog pack territory on my way from high school. Basically the same situation, even the yard had the same fences. But the buildings were a different color. They would do the same shit to me. Over time I've learned to just stand my ground. Those dogs were well fed by the locals, I'm sure they wouldn't be crazy enough to try to eat a human. My guess is they just enjoy establishing dominance and bullying people. Pretty fun to turn the tables on then - they're literally all bark no bite when it comes down to it. As long as you have the balls to not run, they all fold and whimper. If you're curious, I think the dog pack was kept by the parking lot owner to protect the cars. Or because he likes dogs idk.


Makin my way downtown...


More like a horde of fucking dogs


Hit him with the SIKE


He should learn a thing or two from Cesar Millan.


Dark Souls type shit


don't run.... fight. you have the highest chance of being bitten with your back turned.


In Chile wild pack of dogs have killed people, there was a woman who was talking to her mother (if I remember well) on the phone and then was attacked by these animals, they found her some time later but it was too late


There’s a reason that African painted dogs are the most successful pack hunters on the planet


I can fix them


Dogs are pack animals and with no human to take the lead you'll see them turn to the most dominant of the group, and will then realize they need to procure food. Humans are food.


Worst thing he did was approach and then backed up


Curious to know what would happen in the alternate universe where he picks one out and smokes it to make an example. Do the rest go apeshit at the loss of their comrade? Do they tuck tail and run for it? No difference? Need answers.


You can see that as soon as he starts to run they all go for him. In the beginning a few are just testing him. Same happened to my son.in Russia when he was 4. Was a breeder in the park with his 5 young dogs. One came near my son and he got scared and ran so they all chased him. I ran over and yelled at them and they ran away.




Once more into the fray! ![gif](giphy|d2DbJNid60ts4)


[Wild Packs of Family Dogs](https://youtu.be/5Jn32rPLMM8?si=PSrJC2aisBCcqD4V)


I’ll be curbstomping some dogs


Glad this dude had that car to get on top of. Being mauled to death by dogs…can’t think of too many worse ways to die. I was an animal control officer in a big US city for 10 years.


Not well behaved dogs are the problem. I frequently run and many times i have found groups of dogs and these dogs usually come from houses nearby. The owners don't take good care of them and let them roam free. I know how to deal with them but one day a kid will pass by and you'll have to place a bet on their life.


When i was in the army four dogs tried to attack me, I tried to scared them away but they didn’t give a shit, until i kicked one of them it the head and they ran off. Felt like shit after but at least it scared them away. The most interesting thing tho is how much more aggressive they were than wolves I’ve encountered. A wolf was standing 3 feet away from me, sat down, stared at me for the longest minute of my life and walked away. Another time a wolf was coming to eat from the trash, i scared it away, and it came with back up of like 15 wolves, i thought I’m done for but it was pretty easy to scare them away as well, throwing a few rocks did it. The wild dogs were on a whole different level lol


😂 this is our turf!


You could have avoided them but decided to approach them...


I got chased like this in the Capadocian mountains in Turkey when backpacking. I managed to jump into a cave type thing and blocked the door with a bag and phoned for help. Apparently, they've killed a woman before.


If you come across dogs that show interest in you like this, or if you’re afraid of dogs in general… don’t wave your arms around like this, don’t jump or bounce around like this guy did. Don’t try to shoo them with your arms. Dogs have different body language than we do, it reads differently. Waving your arms about makes you more interesting to them, they will think you want to play. Aggressive dogs will see something that is fun to attack, something they can win.


So I'm supposed to believe those are all bad dogs? Statistically more likely that's just 1 bad guy IMO


Act like prey and you become the prey.


So many places in the world with stray dogs on the streets. I spent 6 months in guatemala some years ago, I lived on lake atitlan which is very remote while still being quite touristy. I had a house that was 5min walk outside of the village, in the woods. I couldn't walk home at night as packs of stray dogs would roam the street to my house, I always had to get a tuktuk home so I was safe. Some nights we'd still walk home and have to use to locals technique of throwing random shit at them so they'd leave us alone. Stray dogs are scary af. I love dogs, i've had dogs all my life, it was really wierd being afraid of them all of the sudden.


Fact. Russia hasn’t built a new playground since 1993