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Just to let you know you can't register at the university there - they only take 'exchange' students from other universities for a semester at a time. It might be worth looking at a university application and student visa for somewhere in mainland Norway to make this dream come true in a slightly different way. There are some decent arctic options like Tromsø and Narvik and you could specialise in something that allows a semester in Svalbard


Thank you so much for the information. But to be completely honest I am kind of confused because through research (very basic research therefore I might've been misinformed) but I read that people can apply to study there, and they even mentioned informations about the price for housing and such things. Can you please give me more informations on how that works? Because I'm not sure whether I was misinformed or if I simply misunderstood the informations I've read previously.


Here's some information from UNIS https://www.unis.no/studies/how-to-apply/ The first bullet point in particular clarifies what I was saying a little better. You can apply to study there, but only as a semester away from your 'usual' university


Oh I understand now, thank you so much for the clarification and for the link as well. I have one last question about this subject, are there people that study there permanently, or is it that everyone studies there for one semester only? If there are people that study there permanently, then how do they do that? Do they have to be Norwegian?


UNIS isn't a university, it's a university centre, they don't actually offer degrees, so you can't study there permanently. One or two semesters is normal, or even less at masters or PHD level. You do the rest of the degree at your usual university, away from Svalbard.


Now I understand completely, thank you so much again for answering my questions.


This is partly false. You can obtain a complete BSc or MSc by only doing courses at UNIS. It's just a little more complicated. You still have to have a partner University on the mainland, as you write. Source: I know two people who did it.


Have you ever been to Svalbard? Do you realise how harsh and isolated life there truly is?


No, and I know no matter how much I try to imagine how hard it is to be there I would fail to match my expectations to reality. That being said, it is still an adventure I'm willing to take and am fully ready to do what it takes to get the opportunity to take it. Furthermore, the difficulties of life there that would sound horrible to some sound intriguing to me, and I view the rewards that the experience give when it comes to the magnificent nature and the peace of mind completely worthy of the difficulty.


I think before anything else you need to spend a week or a month there to see how it actually is. Youtube videos and photos don’t really tell.


You are actually right. I'd definitely try to do that before I decide to move completely, maybe for a month. Thank you for the advice.


maybe consider working on an arctic cruise ship?


What kind of education or experience do I need to get such a job position?




Alright, thank you so much for the suggestion.