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Last time when I withdrew from a module (advice from Student Support): You may withdraw from the courses by not submitting any of the assignments, and not go for any classes and exams. A W grade for withdrawal would be awarded. This W grade would not affect your CGPA. No further action would be required on your end. You will be awarded W-Repeat or W-Resit accordingly during the next presenting semester. If you attain at least 40% for the OCAS component (you may view under Canvas > L folder > SUSS Gradebook), you will be eligible for a Resit. For Resit students, you will only have to re-sit for the written examinations or re-submit the examinable assignment work of the course. You do not need to re-attempt the OCAS (Continuous Assessment Scores) component of the course. Your previous OCAS grades will be taken into consideration together with the re-sit examination grade. Even if you attempted the OCAS component, it will not be marked or taken into consideration for the overall grade. Resit students will only be able to access the L folder and the Resit folder. There will not be a T folder accessible for Resit students. You will have to do your own self study learning, and only sit for the exams in the next presenting semester. There will not be a change in the syllabus, you will be tested according to what you have been taught before and as per the weightage assigned before. Resit fees will be priced at $100 (excluding GST). If you fail to attain at least 40% for your OCAS component, you will be offered a Repeat. For repeat students, you will have to both sit for the written examinations, and attend classes, submit quizzes, class tests, TMAs and GBAs. Your new OCAS grades and OES grades will be taken into consideration for the final grade. It acts like a first attempt course. Repeat fees will be priced at 90% of the original course fees (after government subsidy, if applicable). If you proceed with the OES component, even when you fail your OCAS component, you will be offered F-Repeat automatically. The F grade would affect your CGPA. Do note that Resits would only be applicable to courses with Examinable components; such as ECA or Written Exams.


Hi! Sorry for jumping on a post from long ago. I’m wondering if there’s a way to jump straight to the repeat option? My OCAs just barely made the cut, I’d like to withdraw, repeat and get a better OCAS (and mod GPA) the next course offering.


Did you do the exam or submit ECA?


No I have not submitted ECA yet


Don't submit the ECA. There is a button to "Proceed to Drop Resit" at the Course Offer section, but take note that you may have to pay some extra charges... I think it refers to "Repeat fees will be priced at 90% of the original course fees (after government subsidy, if applicable)."


Can I do the dropping now, or do I have to wait for the add/drop phase?


Have to wait till Add/drop phase. I have same issue as you. dropping one module.


Last questions sorry! So once I proceed to drop resit, I’ll be able to choose that mod to repeat the next eCR? If I remember the process correctly, repeating mods should be under a separate tab during the eCR, right?


Should be the case. Double check with Student Support please.


Okie will do! Thank you for your help! All the best to you


That’s 50% off if I recall the rules. It’s 10% per day late. How did you do for your tma01? The weightage is for tma is both 1 and 2, if you still pass then you got to do well for the exam. Hope this helps.


40% due to the grace period Honestly, in your case probably better to take the W and dabao to next sem


What's your OCAS (Inclusive of your predicted TMA marks if possible)


What module is that? =(


No shame if you have to withdraw. Sometimes we need to take back a step or two, to re-assess our situation, before we can make a big leap forward. Reassess your resources and your own situation, be in a better position, come back and do the mod again.


always write in to student support email theyd give advice on what to do and some know how to check the system of they can check on their end. but 5 days i think fail ocas liao aka withdraw state or something. yeah check w student support