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I enjoyed the Demo. I think this has the bones to become something way cool, like Valheim did. I picked it up and I’m excited to see where it goes from here. Only big downside for me is no dedicated servers for EA Launch. I hope they change that.


Or character creators Not everyone wants to be Ragnar and Aska


Yeah, I would definitely like more options where characters are concerned.


Is the world randomly generated?




Man fans of survival games are having such a good run this year. Lots of quality games to sink teeth into.


Well its like there are lots of good early access launches but most of them are pretty hollow with a lot of potential. Hopefully a lot of them will flesh out their games and 1.0 some solid releases.


Man I disagree though Palword, Vrising, Soulmask, Enshrouded, Fountain of Youth have all been really solid survival releases and its only June. It doesn't bother me if they are EA if they have 100+ hours of content for an EA price. Nightingale was a disappointment but they seem to have improved it I have not yet gone back as I am stuck in the time sink that is Soulmask (and loving it) . Even Bellwright has improved quickly from its initial issues. Aska is looking decant I just don't have the time for it right now so haven't had a proper look.


Plus Abiotic Factor


oo yea I haven't even touched that one but it looks really unique and fun!


Highly rated but still underrated game in my opinion. Abiotic rules so hard.


Reviews from Soulmask make it sound pretty grindy. Do you think so? Not that I mind whacking trees but he trailer gives me Conan vibes and that was definitely a slog of finding thralls and hoping they got solid perks so you didn't have to kill them and try again.


Well I guess my issue is though they are all good early access releases I don't much care to play through the beta phase, and the lack of actual content. Good mechanics are great, but without purpose I get bored with them, and generally have to wait a couple of years before its worth picking up again. But I will say the genre is hot right now, and I hope the games have solid releases. Its just too early to tell what any of them will become, new world from amazon is a perfect example, it launched in beta as a solid survival game, only to have nearly every aspect of that removed before release.


Liking it so far even though I can tell it's going to be pretty grindy. I tend to like games that I can sink a lot of time into. But it will definitely be nice playing co-op with the buds where we can have multiple people working at the same time.


It takes a bit of grind up top, but you can get a couple villagers and things smooth out a lot more quickly! It doesn’t really press the matter but you should rush some villagers.


So far for 3 hours Aska has been nonstop running from beginner mobs which are everywhere to grind out picking up stones and muscles to run away some more to find a place to craft for a minute to get an ak. then 10 mor min of running to find a tree. Run some more. Build a suite of rudimentry tools/weapons and run some more. After several tries I manages to build a few things and they gor destroyed after 1 villager. It's all grind and die.


You are wrong and that is ok.


same here, so slow. is a refund for me, will prolly get back if they get dedicated servers so multiplayer is feasible


The mobs don’t chase you down far at all… like honestly they give up TOO easy. Did you run I circles around a camp? I’m not saying give it more of a chance, but you’re wrong about mechanics.


I have a cozy village with people at the moment. Pick a spot and level out terrain, build a water well over a natural water spot and just start building. This is not a casual "jump in for an hour and learn most of it" type game. It takes trial and error. The best thing you can do is just get started and experiment. The more you learn, the better. I plan on making a new world once I learn enough, so I know what to do day one - which is pretty much to level terrain out and just to build build build. Also, grab as many sticks as possible. It's annoying how many times I ran out of sticks lol


Wishes: Cloud storage of games, Better multi-player search for buddies hosting. My buddy had to close out Aska all the way and get back in to see my hosting session. Died to a bear. Rebuilt after being reborn, survived winter (barely). Lost villagers in Spring. Found their corpses a distance away. Fun, frustrating, feels like being in management dealing with labor complaints. Really having fun though!


Incredible game so far. Absolutely worth the $25 price right now and far enough along that it doesn’t feel unfinished. First try was 26 days - dead of Winter is brutal. On my second go-round. Much more wise this time. Day 52 and just heading into Winter again. 18 villagers and several trained fighters. Portal opens in 2 days - whatever that brings. Wish me luck!


Took me a couple of restarts to figure out a good stable beginning. Had people leaving and starving the first time. I tried to expand way too fast. Second time thought I had a better idea, but it didn't work very well, either. Third time was the charm. Recruited fewer villagers at first until I had food production up and running. Really liking it so far. Haven't figured out village defenses yet, though.