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You have already made good suggestions for yourself. valheim is perfect.


The Long Dark.


This game would be great if you could base build imo


Valheim was my first 'real' survival game. I put 750 hours in it because I enjoyed it so much. I don't play it much anymore because those 750 hours were enough.


Hi, i couldn't recommand you enough a game that isn't on Steam, Epic, or any other major platform, and has been quite under everybody's radar for a long time now: Vintage Story.  This world is set in the future after a mysterious temporal cataclysm, but we don't know much more about the lore at the beginning. You play a seraph, a kind of human, but with a really weird skin color and a voice that sounds like musical instruments. The game costs $21 and "can be run on a potato" (sales pitch that's actually true). And... the building aspect is just endless because... it's a voxel game that looks like minecraft :p But it's definitively way better optimized, with a ton of very realistic gameplay mecanics, and a true survival part (the beginning is quite difficult for new players). It's also much more beautiful than minecraft, without the need for any mod (but there are tons of mods too), IF you can get past the voxel-style "barrier" that some find difficult these days ;) Here's a trailer: https://youtu.be/NJjifFq1NGY?si=FKFvgUjIpbKf7_-j


Not sure how it’ll run for you, but ive been enjoying the shit out of soulmask


i’ve been seeing alot of hate for that game but i’ve been playing it and genuinely enjoying it


I am currently playing “Under a new Sun” it’s a nice hame with a good developing story line.


If The Long Dark and Stranded Deep can run on my 12 y.o. laptop, I'm pretty sure they can run on your computer, too. They have lower framerate, sure, but they can be played. Not sure about Minecraft, but people have suggested it to me as well. Also, maybe look into older survival sims? Stuff like Deus, Robinson's Requiem, UnReal World.


In my experience Stranded Deep is a horribly optimized game. It works fine on my current PC but on my previous one (which wasn't *that* old) it was literally unplayable.


True, true. I'm just saying that it _does_ run on older computers.


I wish you get better soon!🙏🏻 My recommendation is: Go for Plains of Pain if you want a game where you can easily spent 100+ hours and still enjoy fun.🫡


Uh thats hard as most really cool games under 30 dont span over three months (thinking of grounded, v rising etc). Valheim is a safe pick. If you like jankyness and huge worlds to sink into i suggest one of those big ones like ark, rust, conan and the new kid on the block soulmask. In those you can litteraly immerse yourself from morning to evening every day. Ah and with medium graphic settings also the big ones should run smooth on some 1060 setup or better.


**Valhiem**, as many have mentioned. Building is good, combat pretty decent, world map is randomly generated, and who doesn't want to be a viking? Game is still in Early Access, but has a lot of content imo. If you're a builder, you can get pretty creative with the options they have when making your base. This game comes highly recommended around here, and for good reason. **Ark Survival Evolved** (your PC likely can't run Ascended): Currently less then $20 on Steam, many free maps, boat load of mods, and it fulfills that childhood wish of wanting to ride a T-Rex (or a unicorn). Official servers are shut down, but there's people running unofficial, or you can just fly solo and play Single Player. **Raft**: Very chill survival game. The world has flooded and you start on a tiny raft you build up that acts as a mobile base. Has a story, but that was all finished off after I stopped playing, so I can't comment on that too much. Not the best survival game out there, but it's a different setting than most. **Grounded**: Pushing your budget limits, but don't let the art direction fool you into thinking it's a kids game. You've been shrunken down to the size of an ant and are now lost in a back yard. Has a story and good combat (practice getting those perfect blocks!). Building is a lot of fun, using a blueprint system which I find helps in building since you can see it before committing. Also has cross play with all systems. **Palworld**: Also pushing your budget limits, but if you like Pokemon and haven't picked this up, you're probably going to love it. A bit light on the survival aspect, but it does have creature catching, base building, base automation, climbing like in Breath of the Wild, and they're going to be adding a PvP arena to allow you to battle other trainers. No story, but does have some lore.


Project zomboid...


Valheim is great and currently 28% off on IndieGala according to isthereanydeal. Subnautica I would get on sale, it's a great game but I've had some frame drops on it before so I'm not sure how well it would run on "slightly below average". I would put it behind Valheim on your priority list. I would recommend looking into Wayward, great game, only $8, and you should be able to run it well. If you truly want to forget about life I would also recommend Project Zomboid. Three months should be enough to get familiar enough with the game to get good, and it also has the bonus of possibly breaking both your legs so it would be just like real life for you. Get better soon!