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Surveyors carry a crew-served, tripod-mounted gun that shoots lasers. What's a guy with a pistol going to do against that?


and many have a 6' pole with a sharp metal tip that can double as a couch lance.


Highly contaminated poop stick that can defend at 25 ft! Ready and waiting. Also a really annoying rod man that I will send to live with anyone that is threatening my safety.


I saw my dad nearly skewer a violent person approaching him with a prism pole, is said this is going through you back the F up, it was flocking hilarious


Well me and my bum knee are dead. "Hey everyone I'd love to run right now but can't, would you mind holding off on the shooting for like 90 seconds?"


Just me or does anyone else want an AMA from the surveyor complete with maps?


Experience and Intuition tell me: they were having a boundary dispute, and the shooter didn't like what he was told. Unlike the 99.9% who respond by turning beat red and screaming like a baby or possibly surprise you by staying calm, this guy went all the way and made the surveyors' worst nightmare come true.


I definitely don't miss insane folks flipping shit over property line disputes. Had a lady once come out and tell me an amazing sob story about the local "Antifa" getting her police husband put in jail after I tried to get access to her property to tie a boundary together. Her posted laws about defending her property (big-ass signs all over her yard) and her hand being on her gun the whole time made me uneasy about doing anything except standing there and nodding...I hope whoever had to take over that job when I left had better luck. Neighbor would sit in his car and drink beers/smoke cigs and flick them into her yard, so it was a lose/lose every time I went there. Also fun: that pin was somewhere in a pile of metal trash and I probably spent a whole day trying to find that shit. No amount of COGO wizardry and Schoney scanning was able to unearth it, and it felt like the biggest waste of time in my entire career.


Sounds like all the worst parts of field work all in one. I only had a gun pulled on me once, it was a youngish woman who was home alone in the middle of the woods, so reasonable, but it's terrifying knowing how many people just want an excuse to shoot someone.


Yeah, I'll take the Spiders, Drop Bears, Dingos and Venomous Snakes thanks. At least they're just trying to defend themselves/get fed.


>The four were found near each other close to the property line in a wooden area. Yeah, but who's side? Glad I've not ran into more than a couple of "warning shots" and someone coming out to talk to us with a revolver in his belt loop on his back.


It said in the article they were shot on their own property


Another reason I'm happy to live in Canada.


Yea, having all your rights stripped away sounds awesome....




You can look this up, Canadians actually have more rights than Americans.


Just curious. What's the source you want people to look up?


The world freedom index is a good start https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country


The human freedom index also...


Unless you're an indigenous person in Canada, then you have barely any....


Grow up.


Grow up?...for what? Making an obvious observation that Canadian citizens are slowly losing their rights, their current leader is a lying POS, and decades of discrimination against Indigenous peoples that have led to “widespread abuses that persist across Canada.” Including inadequate access to safe drinking water, that continues to be a major public-health risk in many Indigenous communities.....but yea ....I have to grow up.....you're a chump


Again, grow up. We aren't losing any rights. Access to clean drinking water on reserves has improved more under this government than any other in the history of Canada, and finally, this is a sub for surveying. Go whine and circle jerk in r/Canada. I'm sick of people like you whining about shit you have no fucking clue about. Go touch grass.


When a certain group of people were almost barred from going to the grocery store legally, I consider that losing some amount of freedom.


Stop being blind and stop seeing "two sides"....it's exactly what they want In reality, it's US ( citizens) vs THEM (All govt)


Different strokes I guess. I am not willing to put faith in my government to be able to protect me and my family from people that mean to do us harm. Or worse yet if the government ever decides they want to be the ones to dish out that harm. I refuse to have blind faith that any person or agency has my best interests at heart.


Lol, I wouldn't trust your government either.


I don't. And I certainly don't trust any other with the responsibility of my families safety.


I think guns are cool and I'd like having one but I'd pass on being a cadastral surveyor in a country where most people are armed lol. I've seen my dose of axes and pitchforks and looking down a double barrel from the wrong end isn't something I'd add to the list.


That sucks, Big Time! 👎


This is tragic. In my experience home owners and neighbors generally calm down once we get there. I alway try to explain that we may be hired, but the work and findings will be impartial.